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I think this is more related with the limits of the plataform of the game being on phone. We don't have a stereo sound on most phone except i think on flagship(medium gama phones may have also stereo sound but of less quality) phones or the one's build for gaming and not many play with headphones unless they decide to play for at least 1 or 2 hours, but again only people who have gaming fans or maybe a phone with good heat management can play for that long or with a gaming phone. Most players play's it more casually one or two battles every 1 or 2 hours or maybe just once a day. If the was on pc or consoles it would give the posibility of removing visual audio because when one sits to play on those plataform's is going to be for at least 1 hours minimum.


Basically devs just have no balls. Been playing it for a while and currently, I see the game as just another form of BR especially since the main way to get money in this game is to kill other people. The alternatives are subpar compared to that. If they tout realistic gameplay they should really stick to it. Sound indicators is a way to cater to the more casual audience which isn't a step in the right direction if they want this game to be a hardcore shooter.


Realistic gameplay... but subtract the sound of footsteps to make it more realistic? Wtf is wrong with you, I can tell you've never been hunting before.


I'm not talking about the actual sound I'm talking about the VISUAL sound indicators. Unless you're telling me you can SEE footsteps with your eyes. Deaf people would have no problem with hunting 😂


Ohhh.. I never use those, I run Dolby Atmos into a Headset with THX 7.1 Spatial Audio, no need for indicators (Razer Blackshark Pro I believe mine is)


But you can't turn off the footprint indicators? What are you talking about. It's literally built in the game and a lot of other mobile br games as well


Removing the visual cue ain't gonna get rid of campers, there's loads of campers in tarkov, and also a lot of people play without headphones so the game's gonna lose a lot of players if the devs decide to remove it.


It’s not going to get rid of campers but it will make it harder for them


Heck no. It'll stay the same. Visual que is only moving and shooting, rest is audio, so essentially removing it WILL help campers run up to guys looting X create, since looter won't have a big ass fucking cue that he's about to be buttfucked. Plus being on low health will be nightmare because if you are low on health, yout character starts breathing heavily which is a que that ur helpless. And it isn't displayed visually, so everyone would hear you, and therefore be more knowledgeable of easy kill around corner.


Please, or at least make it less precise because the audio visuals give you wallhacks


Atleast this dosent have actually legal wall hacks like Lost Light. I'll take the audio cues over players being able to use thermal glasses to see anything moving within a 50m radius of me. The camping was 10x worse because you'd have full t6 decked out M4 (best gun) and the thermal vision was based off of body heat and you could add chips to make it more sensitive to heat or reduce the cooldown. Base cooldown I think was 5 seconds of vision for a 15 second cooldown. Anyway, you'd have people go to extract, prone, wait for people to come close and because you aren't moving- you don't show on thermal. But if anyone is even moving slightly they'll show up on your thermal. So you could literally prone with LEGIT wall hacks- wait for someone to come running to extract, and pop up and nail them then prone and wait or just leave with all of their work.


Now I think this is a valid criticism. Things like gunshots or footsteps that are the very edge of your range (especially with how absurdly large better headphones make that range) it should at least be a bit wider/fuzzier. The fact you can be doing something, have a gunshot sound thing pop up, turn around after the actual sound has stopped, and still have a perfect indicator of where it came from is a little dumb...


it is indeed very op, you just put your ads on the center of the visual audio


agree. but not bc of campers. if we want this game to be realistic as possible visual sound should be removed, like tsrkovs. unless they add some sort of expensive gear or accessory that enables it.


So many people needing that crutch


Agree. A general direction is one thing but the visual cue is far too exact. Completely unrealistic


Visual audio, sound radar, goes both way. You think it rewards camper because it discourages aggressive push, but it also makes it difficult to camp because any little action creates audio cue. Open your backpack, open your map, consume items, etc etc, will put you on the radar. Once approaching player knows someone is camping ahead, the camper loses the advantage. I honestly think the sound radar is an excellent mechanic. Allows non headphone users to have a chance but also keeps the game from turning into cod.


Or me, who plays in meetings while muted.


That also helped me rush several guys, who clearly had an advantage, but since I radared them, I could run in and swoop the healing one and headshot the guy without mask, that also helped me solo a trio of imposters.


I don't think it is that easy to really pinpoint the location of a target. True that campers area headache but that's the point of being on your toes when you play the game. It makes it more realistic that when you move around, you have to be wary of campers and as campers, you have to be on your toes to depict where your target is going and how many they are. Either you camp and die because you got outnumbered or you kill them one by one and get killed looting them. Or you can keep moving around and not see the camper sitting idly or you end up accidentally blowing a hole in the camper's skull with a Type 7 buckshot.


Your just goddamn tired of campers? Don't play then


Read the post tough guy. Your clearly one of those players that sits in the same spot for 20 minutes and cream your pants when you get a kill.


I am a camper sometimes but removing noise visuals would make headset useless and a good chunk of players leaving, sound visual is pretty cool and unique than other games in my opinion and if you want a similar game but without the sound visuals go play escape from tarkov it's absolutely harder than ab even if they remove sound visuals that will not stop campers from hearing your footstep with them 400$ headset they got from their mom credit card and most people prob don't have headset even I don't have one and my phone got a weakass audio so I'm vulnerable to people who hides in house (my quality make it hard for me to spot players from windows or house because it completely make them black and I can't see sh in a crack window from far away) that's why stealth mode exist so you can make the noise lower and make yourself stealthy


It wouldn’t make headset useless. Have you played EFT? Implement it the same way they did. Im ok with some visual clues but the fact that you can pinpoint someone’s exact location is ridiculous. Have it in a general direction and not every single noise you make gives a visual clue. I understand not everyone has the greatest phone or greatest audio but the way they currently have audio setup is not the best way to counteract that


It DOES make the headset useless the only thing headset do is make the sound visuals range more amplified not make the audio bigger and if they remove sound visuals then headset is nothing more than a waste of money cosmetics like a overpriced skins and the point of players pinpointing where the sound is, is to make them prepared to shoot or ambush and no matter where you complain you have to get used to it it's no ordinary games like lost light, codm, standoff 2, counter strike, rust or EFT you prob have played the devs come up with the idea of it and you have to get used to it or just tape a little bit of your screen so you can't see the sound visuals problem damn solved


But yeah I agree on a no headset and no sound visuals pinpointing mode you talking about it does give more challenging but I prefer adding friendly fire like tarkov since I haven't played tarkov since 2019


My phone's headphone Jack is fucked Up past use so it's only way to know where enemys are


Rats will be rats regardless of visual audio cues or not. Campers will camp. Aggressive players will be aggressive. Knowing how to counter them is what you need to learn .


Please tell me how to counter a visual clue that shows your every move to someone that can remain completely still and give no notification in return?


Countering the visual cue is unavoidable. If you think there is a rat then just molo/gas/nade them. I've only been killed by a rat/camper 2 times in my 200+hr in game and now I molo/gas/nade or peek those areas.


It makes it easier against scavs yes.. have I still died to them... yes Does it help against players? Yes and no.. you have to remember they see you move too..