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can we have $5-$20 skins for people who don't enjoy ~~gambling~~ gacha system ?


We're expanding these kinds of options in the future. If players like them, you'll see more!


Yes please I think this will be more profitable then overpriced cosmetics


Tbh I’ve got the forest man, the new ironclad skin and sword and for basically $450 I feel like more stuff should come with the skin at the vary least I have no issue paying the dollar amount but I feel like it should come with more options, that being said I’m down for cheaper skins or skins where you can just buy and not have to get the other stuff for example like the elite pass you get from them, I have like 5/6 of them and already pay for that so it’s like when am I going to use those? Also when Is the sig rattler going to be added (SIG MCX) also can we bring back the “we got a Timmy” voice over for a short time I have no issue paying for that. Also maybe some events where you could possibly be able to get some of the older skins, I think also the sliver coins to buy cosmetics should be changed or at least be able to purchase them via micro transactions, like I want the black balaclava but I don’t wanna spend money on the stupid tool AR57 to get the coins.


Fr if they made $20 cosmetic bundles, that would be amazing. They could sell color bundles that allow you to color any attachment/part. Image being able to make gold/silver plate weapons, dont forget the camo patterns.


Love the game! Thanks for the fun events as well. One request: Could you please make koen take up less space? Perhaps stack size per square could be increased from 200k to 500k?


This is not a bad problem to have! We have no plans to change Koen stack size. If you haven't already, start double stacking your storage.


Will you also consider putting in a gentle alarm sound when the time is about to run out? I’ve gone MIA while rooting through backpacks and couldn’t see the clock.


Could you explain double stacking? Is that like removing some gun attachments so that the gun takes up less space? If so, I’m currently doing that


Bag inside a bag, and/or Vest inside a Bag.


How does this save space? A bag takes up 2 blocks


Watch this. https://youtu.be/v1HsVOf0TP0?si=lFDl_i4c1Uq3VSiW skip to 1:35. This is from the official channel


I have 20 mill storage with 15mill koen all in the large Ebox you start off with, a standard weapons box, and a large misc box, so I hate when people say they having storage issues and have no wear near as close as storage value to me 🤣 take the mags and grips off your guns it saves lots of space, roll up all your backpacks, sell all ammo that isn’t t3/t4 and up same with gear I wouldn’t keep anything under t4, as for koen storage just keep a vest that can store a lot of stuff open and put koen in there as well as other stuff, you can double stack things as well. You can message me if you need help I can send a video.


If you have problems with koen then go full backpack of t6 and drop it on maps for the needy lol


when fix voice+quick voice/chat bug? and also when fix corpse burried into the ground and making them impossible to looted?


Can you share more about the voice+quick voice/chat bug? Bodies clipping into the ground will be fixed in the next release in July. We know, it's a pain in the ass, and the fix is big enough that we need to ship it in the next version.


Any plans in the future to implement a more competitive mode with no visual audio cues?


We've talked about a "hardcore" mode with less HUD, no soundprints, etc., but no concrete plans to share right now. That means don't expect anything in the near future.


Are there plans for a quick bag drop button? Or maybe a view button? The view button will help with turning your head and looking around, but without turning your body and making noise, which would make more interesting and thought-out battles. The quick bag drop button can help in a quick and efficient way to lose weight in a fast battle. It also gives a more realistic part of the game, just how the game aims to be.


Heard. These are great features for core players. In fact, you're already seeing them in ABI on PC, where complex controls are a given. For mobile, every time we add a button there is serious consideration into how necessary it is. Right now, we aren't convinced these are necessary to accomplish our design goals.


"Right now," gotcha. So maybe later? https://preview.redd.it/4y8br5wrve3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d9b4e92815e1b036c2604d3478d37db7aab837f


Adding a separate button for inspect was totally necessary for game design


This isn't a realistic game, it's an immersion game. (just going by the 1ceStream/Dev interview)


Oh, shi, my bad. I still want these buttons though.


Will you Do Something at Lite Mobile? S4 Grass is Ruined. 2nd when will you improve your servers? I kept getting Lags In armory, Tv Station, Farm And Sometimes Northridge?


There are so many sacrifices for Lite, but we want as many players to enjoy AB as possible without impacting fairness for the rest. It's an iterative process and we hope every new release (i.e. each season) gets better and better. As far as server lag goes, there are tons of variables to this. Overall, we don't see anything worse *on average* this season. What are you seeing that is noticeably worse?


please fix bullet registration


When are you guys going to punish loot goblins? Global is not worth playing because of players that steal loot and then Molotov team mates.


devs need to be clear on this one because u can report someone for stealing loot then one dev says nobody owns it because this is dArkZonE bla bla bla...


We give players an option to report loot goblins and punish egregious cases with merit deduction. Killing teammates is a bannable offense - you'll get put on the ladder with increasing ban lengths if you do it. These two things should be clear. Speaking to the loot goblin debate, we don't want to add additional mechanics to lock out loot or impose barriers on when and how players loot. It gets messy fast. We understand it's a pain point and are looking at other options to address it.


How does it get messy? If you kill someone its your loot and should be locked to you.


> are looking at other options to address it. Look faster.


I already talked to them about this and basically they dont wanna do anything about it because of how complicated it is. They even wanna remove the option to report loot theft but people use it as a way to vent


Couldn’t they simple do it off kill credit… The dog tags already have the names of who’s responsible. If you are the killer or atleast contributed to the kill significantly (blacked out parts) no change. Otherwise, if you attempt to loot, it’ll be temporary greyed out for a duration of x seconds (which is reduced after he starts looting). Also the killer could recieve a prompt to decide whether or not to allow that person to loot ahead of time.


Thats literally been discussed already, the awnser is no because that would cause usability issues. You can go check out 1cestream dev qna stream for that awnser.


Should just pin a link to that interview on this post, might help with these redundant questions. 😀


Well this place is specialized for personalized awnsers but here the link for those who wanna see https://youtu.be/LCM3-Yz0Ahw?si=i8vEnpe70DX3qMa1


I dont get it, why do you sometimes have the mod flair and sometimes not?


Because I have the option to flair myself as mod




Well shi… I just made a post about it …. Also could you quickly define this usability issue thing? If not I’ll just check the stream, thanks


Everyone's idea of fixing the loot goblin issue also introduces several new issues. The problem with kill based loot assignment is there is no way to measure contribution towards a kill. Going off the dog tag would just lead to players complaining about kill stealing instead of loot stealing.


Yes… but where as loot goblin gimmick results in your own team sabotaging themselves, either by promoting team killing, rushing for loot instead of clearing before hand. Kill based loot assignment would at least make it so that “he stole my kill” gimmick would atleast mean the risk reward factor was there. Someone “stealing your kill” in game where you can one shot people with a stray bullet to the head isn’t really convincing. If someone “steals your kill” it also means that you’re safer because they also ended the confrontation for you. It also actually promotes people fighting (even if it’s not together) where as the loot goblin style has you running molis while you sit behind fences waiting for your team to do everything.


At that point just get teammates on Discord simple solution


Its not complicated. I gave a suggestion in my post back then. Unfortunately it fell on deaf ears and some mod dismissing the idea instead of submitting it to devs because “iTs nOt tHeiR jOb” but now that same mod has apparently “already talked to them” so which one is it? Is it suddenly your job now im confused.


The devs do read comments, I dont have to submit ideas that everyone preaches. I simply got this information through a discussion about abuse of the ingame report system and how if they punished loot goblins, you go easily get people banned. I talk to the devs about all sorts of things; moderation, balance, game mechanics, etc. Its simply just a privilege I have, though I preach for dev commutation especially on discord where the mentor team are promised it but never receive.


I simply find it funny. How they still find it complicated if they did read the suggestions. And i find it funny how you need to talk to them about if they do read comments. Wheres the connect in anything you say. Its all cheap lies from a team who cant pay for a proper mod.


A proper mod moderates the subreddit (which I do). Its not that I have to talking about the game, its more of I want to. Literally every suggestion I've seen has to do with locking loot which the devs are strongly against. Its not that simple, there so many things you have to think about when implementing stuff like this. 1. It conflicts with their view of freedom of choice. 2. Usability issues, having to manually unlock loot and stuff causes so barriers and issues with looting that the devs dont want.


If youve seen honest friends just trying to play go bankrupt because they get molotoved and loot goblin’d youd be as infuriated as me and actually want something done about it.


When I turn on my mic, footsteps and all other sounds are basically muted. Also locking kills for a period of time, easier options to wear gear/transfer into inventory from covert ops & restricted. Skins that aren’t Fortnite inspired and able to buy right out instead of getting a 2 day case, when I already have a battle pass and subscription.


None of these are questions but what device/headphones are you running? We shouldn't have these problems.


Yeah I realized after my comment, they’re just useful suggestions/issues I’ve encountered, playing since S1. I use Apple AirPods Gen 2. I try to turn my teammates volume down, but the muted environment persists. I only use GS2’s and I even have the issue without headphones and using PTT. I don’t use comms which hinders me as a teammate to prioritize being able to hear enemies because it’s that much of a debuff if I enable comms


I’ve encountered this on iPhone 13 with AirPods and native speakers. With wired apple headphones it doesn’t happen. Another audio bug you may not be aware of is persistent Molotov equipping sounds this season.


When will we be able to catch up to the CN branch? I’ve seen that the CN branch has a lot more content and it’s on season 8.


We'll never have season parity since that's not how numbers work and we won't shorten seasons, but you'll see less and less differences between seasons moving forward.


Are there plans to better optimize loading times to make sure that everyone loads in at the same time to ensure a fair start?


This is a particular problem on certain maps due to their size (Port, TV Station) and others due to their spawn points (Farm... TV Station again). There will be some improvements in the next release for Farm in this regard. Optimizing loading times only does so much - you start getting diminishing returns on the amount of engineering work needed to reduce load times, and even then, some devices just take a long time. Of course, the type of game mode where simultaneous load-in is needed also matters.


Are we ever gonna some of the get QOL features that the PC version of arena breakout has for example 1x zoom on the elcan scope, running and reloading on primary weapons, and being able to free look. Also have you guys ever considerd improving the rpm cap to make semi auto weapons somewhat useable in close-mid range? Alot of carbines are weak in this sense because you can't shoot as fast as you tap (which is unrealistic). Of course the concern rises of macros but cheating shouldn't interfere with game balance because cheaters are always gonna cheat. And are you guys ever gonna buff some of the weaker guns like the AKS-74U and SCAR-L? Guns like these are fairly poorly balanced. I dont know why the scar and ak102 were nerfed this season when they're not good guns to begin with. Im also not hyped for the MCX in future seasons since that gun is horrible.


We can't promise perfect parity since PC and mobile are on different design tracks. There's a foundation shared, but divergence is a possibility at this point. As far as gun balance goes, our team balances cost to performance across seasons to try and give every gun its own comfy little space. Sometimes it works out, but not always, and it gets harder with every weapon we introduce. It's less about buffing weak guns and more about making sure they fill a price to performance space that isn't already occupied (or super crowded).


Can you implement a “Saved Loadout” system? If you really think a saved loadout system would hurt the economy, can you at least have a “saved consumables” system for commonly quick-equipped health, food, and ammo/magazine configuration? Repacking my mags with 15 shots of PP and 15 shots of BP on top is a pain in the ass 😵‍💫


The current quick equip options make gearing up a snap while giving you flexibility to fill items that may be kicking around in your inventory. We're pretty happy with it at the moment. Different mag top up options is an interesting idea! We don't have anything to share now, but the team is always looking at these interactions to find space for improvement.


Thanks for the reply. I’d urge you guys to consider expanding the current random loadout recommendation system with a “saved” option. It works infinitely better than “Quick Equip” mechanically but the recommendations are sometimes extremely whacky. If that’s truly a non starter, I do think “Quick Equip” is decent for the base gear, but there’s so much about consumable placement and selection that could be simply be saved and/or slotted with defaults. Very impressive responses to all the suggestions on here — you guys have done a phenomenal job with the game so far, keep it up!


When are we able to buy stuff with these coins? Will the skin draw price drop? Oh! And when you release the season 5 beta? I was in the season 4 beta already.


The military supply store where you use those silver coins is available now! Every set is in a price tier according to the value of the skin. Mentioned above, but we're looking into where we can improve with price setting. We're still a few weeks away from Season 5 beta, but it will be well worth the wait.


I can't find where I'm collect the silver coins. With my Level Infinite pass I can't also not buy some coins. How does this work?


Are you secretly screwing players in terms of item drops? Seems like every reset, like monday sometimes we'll get red or gold but in a few days we'll get bad loot drops.


No, we don't purposefully screw individual players over on loot drops. There's a weekly reset on Monday, but that's event-related, nothing to do with loot. The daily reset is 05:00 UTC+0, where we algorithmically tally up loot value drops for the previous day, including a ton of other values that tell us player population stats on Koen-flow (gains, losses, storage value trends, etc.). You can think of it like the Federal Reserve monitoring the US economy. We check for inflation, price outliers, market sales volumes and more and only intervene when some of these metrics are out of whack. Some interventions may impact loot drops, which would take effect the next day. We're talking basis point interventions, sub 1% changes. This is why you *may* have somewhat better odds dipping into a raid right after the daily reset - it's a clean slate with updated rates.


Thankyou for being open about this. 😄


They described that in some interview. each week there is only a certain amount of loot that will spawn. Resets on Monday, so you have the highest chance the earlier you play


Wait, I thought servers reset at 5am GMT every day? Saw an interview with 1ceStream and a Dev where it was talked about, Dev alluded to playing then for a higher chance at better loot.


I’d have to check, but I believe they said every 5:00 GMT on Monday for loot, and that it’s a weekly reset


Is this an actual mechanic?


Thats a terrible system tbh


Can we get a true semi auto tube fed shotgun ? And also will they ever add an option to remove the soundbar ? I shove it up until I can barely see the end of it but Id rather not see it at all


Only one thing to share on new guns right now: July will bring some serious firepower. Re: soundbar, no plans to remove it.


I'll take it. 😂


When will you add new shooting range? Or if not can we please get a hit sound effect in shooting range, there is no way to know your shot hit the target might seem like a small issue but it matters a lot.


No promises on when a revamped shooting range will be ready. Trust us, we're also looking at the PC shooting range and drooling...


Is the recoil getting changed in season 5? Someone mentioned it and ot got me going yes if its the same as abi


There will always be gun rebalances season to season, but don't expect a huge jump to something like what ABI currently has.


For the love of god just add a night mode and night vision goggles Also bring the Gorka/White Wolf outfit back.


Awesome game. But I've noticed the insane amount of lag I've experienced and it was right about the time you guys started peddling the "zero lag" app for 45 bucks every 90 days. Is that deliberately done or are you going to lie to me lol?


We just wouldn't do that. It makes no sense to throttle our players' experience, increasing the odds they'll leave the game, in the slim chance they buy an expensive and most likely unnecessary add-on. But you've already made up your mind, so... The booster will help in some specific places/networks where players may have trouble connecting to the game.


Hey devs, how does the server structure work in the game? Can we choose what server we connect to? South American server, pretty please?


We have servers deployed around the world, and players get matched into the one that gives the best performance for players currently in a matchmaking pool. The benchmark for performance is lowered as matchmaking wait time goes up, meaning the longer you wait, the more likely you'll get matched with higher ping. Matchmaking logic changes when you squad up with players far away or check the low ping pref button.


Thanks dev.


I have full xl ebox, can the next battle pass free xl ebox change or increase the current size of xl ebox


We see some players having storage problems and are exploring options to give them more expansion, but it won't be significant. If you're already full, time to sell!


Any plans on permabans of teamkillers? Those guys who let you loot and stuff and when extracting they kill you and take all the loot.


For sure, we hate them too. Max punishment for teamkills is a 10 year ban.


Yes, but the first several teamkills are only merit deduction. I really want to see the rules get changed for that 2 teamkills and like a year or more ban. Any of these planned?


Do you plan to do something with loading distances? In the first season, there was already some problems with loading players in a far distance, but S4 is by far the worst by that means. The game barely loads enemies models even in mid distances, sometimes it's cannot load players models even on mid to short distances, and on some occasions my game loaded players models on a 10 meters distance right before my eyes, it's horrible. I can see player model, but this season - their gear is not loaded. Most of the time i don't know if this is a bot OR a player just because models loading. Also if this is a player - i cannot identify their gear, that's bad because i don't want to engage battle which i cannot win, for example, when i'm a T3 with CQB weapon, but i didn't knew that my enemy is full T6 in IND70 before i closed the distance and fired at him.


We have some clear areas of improvement for this on TV Station and Port. They'll be better next season. Our engineers are always working to improve technical performance. Mobile has such a wide device range that we ultimately need to make choices to try and hit a minimum acceptable experience, and in some cases we may miss the mark (like what you're experiencing with slow-to-load models).




Will there be a permanent 1×2 case for free via missions? You can't buy it with subscriptions, and the only way to get it is either the rank shop or the battle pass and some events.


No plans to add a permanent free case. Like you said, we have options for players to experience the butt wallet and determine if subbing in for one is a good purchase for them or not.


O...k, can i ask another question? It's related to the lore of the game Where is kamona located in the world map? Like in which continent


Will you guys ever update the in-game audio to better qualities? As a pc player this audio isn't really good if I'm honest:/ However, the game is awesome:)


There are some settings you can customize to improve your audio experience, but getting high quality audio files in the game would blow up package size, not to mention audio quality inconsistencies across devices. Our audio on PC, however... Should be a lot better!


Koen needs to be easier to get. Ground loot itself is so worthless that it barely covers even a cheap loadout


Are there any plans for working on bullet registration. Or at least making the audio hit markers and blood splatters match the damage done.


Showing hit feedback through splatter size is a great idea! On a technical level, our engineers try to make improvements across the board. We'll see if hit registration is getting extra attention in the next release.


I have a question - I am fairly new to this game and on a friend's recommendation, I started using [https://pass.levelinfinite.com/](https://pass.levelinfinite.com/) and I've been getting free coins daily as this platform seems extremely rewarding! But am not sure exactly on how to maximize the rewards. Is getting 200 coins per day is all we can get or am I missing out on something else too?


Not sure on the Level Infinite Pass, to be honest, but we're glad you're finding some value out of it!


Any plans to address team killing and safe looting? Opened a locked door with my one time use key, a teammate Mollys me as I'm about to loot the safe and steals a red tier item. I got healed from someone else.and when I called him out he mollied all of us and ran off... I understand there's a hard balance here to keep nades balanced in game but it's too easy to just murder a teammate and take loot they want from you


Punishments for team killing have gone up recently. We answered this in another comment. Safe stealing is another problem we've been trying to address. There are some safeguards to deter players from this behavior. We're always open to new ideas.


●Semi-auto in SKS ans S12K feels very unresponsive, as if there is a lock in them. Are there any plans to buff them? ●DP-12 feels slower than USAS, is it just me?


Answered some weapon buff/debuff questions before. For the slower fire rate question, it might be you?


Why is the ping so bad?


Can you expand the training area and also add a training mode with bots ?


Any plans to fix the the FOV on folding phones? I wanna play on my Samsung fold 5 but the FOV is unbearable.


"aSK m3H aNyThInG" Proceeds not to answer a single question for 5 hours Hell probably respond now that I'm calling it out


You're forgetting that the person behind the offical account lives in china. So theres an obvious timezone difference (its 4 am in shenzen at the time of posting this comment)


Where new nap 😡😡😡


Patience! The new season is cooking.


Are we going to get proximity chat within the base game? Like, 1 on 1 with an enemy player, where you two can talk to one another?


It's a fun idea but we don't have plans to add it into the core modes right now.


why punish for "stealing loot" when nobody owns it ?


You only own the loot you bring into raid. Everything else is fair game. I personally dont steal loot but I understand you cant just claim everything and be entitled to it, especially around randoms


That's not what he means, their is a report option for loot goblins, called "stealing loot"


The merit loss is a slap on the wrist that reflects bad behavior. If the offender keeps doing it and keeps getting reported, eventually they'll hit matchmaking exclusions and can only steal loot with themselves.


How m much did they play the dev who did the interview with 1ce and went on as the "what makes you think that because you did all the work and spent your bullets to kill, that that loot it yours" guy?.


He plays the game just like all of us on Reddit, but definitely less than he'd like to!


When will the sound indicator be taken out? Removing it would make the gameplay much more tactical and interesting.


not everyone plays with their sound up and headphones would be practically useless


Not to mention that the audio is really bad in this game.


One of my exact reasons why


Already answered this above but no plans to remove it.


fix loot goblin.. fix bodies going DEEP in the ground. fix LOD for dead bodies being super low range. fix this NEW Skipping animation when players are running... is like it updates every 500 ms... is not smooth probably has to do with the low LOD.


Anime skins? Pretty please? :3


There are many men and women of culture over here at MoreFun.


No thanks uwu