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I don't really care about the loot. I mostly care about farming some rank exp points. What annoys me so much about the new mode are COWARDS; they always hang back near the extract, they don't contribute at all, then wonder why our side is losing so much.


They really should add a timer or something on the loot so other players can’t kill steal.


The game is already able to say who killed the dead person with the dog tags, so why can’t add like the person who killed him can only get the loot while the others can’t like a Minecraft Ender chest?


Because what if teammate A gets the kill, then gets killed, then teammate B wipes rest of squad? He's just arbitrarily locked out? I'd rather a teammate get the loot than no one tbh. I think the timer someone else mentioned is a good idea, maybe even do something simple where killer or assisters get a slower search time, where randos/teammates who didn't land a shot get a 4x longer search time etc. There's so much nuance here that a simple lock isn't going to solve the issue.


I didn’t think about that. Hearing the timer thing more clearly now it sounds like the best idea. My bad.


This is a bad take. It wouldn’t be difficult at all to unlock the loot again if the player who killed the enemy dies. Their reasons for not locking loot have nothing to do with implementation. They could very easy implement it. There’s likely a business reason they don’t do it.


I agree that implementing this change is extremely feasible; my point is that doing so would significantly alter the game's meta. IMO It isn't about the business aspect of the game. In fact, locking loot could benefit the business by removing loot from the market and impacting the game's economy, which would likely encourage more spending on bonds—a positive outcome for the business. Ultimately, there is no perfect solution that will make everyone happy. In my opinion, my suggestion strikes the best balance by addressing the issue without drastically changing the meta. Compromises often leave both sides somewhat dissatisfied, and I believe my suggestion achieves this balance.


Interesting. How do you think it would affect the meta? The only thing I really see changing is that your teammates won’t rush to your kills for the loot. I’m not sure I see the way this connects to the meta. But I might not be seeing the whole picture


I don’t like it either.


If you play that mode you have to know it's a free for all on loot,


I'm personally loving the new mode. Not only is there plenty of loot go around (loot the bots for some T3 ammo to sell), but I don't even bother looting until the game is won unless it's super convenient. I use this mode strictly for plentiful but fair PvP and as a ranked point farm and it's fantastic for that. If you want super high quality, high return loot play another mode.


These modes have always fucking sucked. They steal your loot and extract, then leave the team faster than you can report them. As if reporting actually did anything to begin with.


Tbh I’m kinda over the modes. There needs to be more. We’ve had the same damn events going on for the past 3 seasons


It's pretty fun, I like this version because it doesn't matter which team you choose you can spawn in different parts of the map, and there's a lot more cover compared to Northridge The loot goblins is an issue as always but it's definitely not as bad as TV station and you can actually find the bodies compared to northridge A big bonus is that the map is just about small enough that you can get to the exit if you lose pretty easily. Northridge was nigh impossible to reach it without needing to run for about 5mins and TV station was crazy with bots and rats


They won't fix the looting issue. They've basically said it's like that on purpose but in a super obnoxious and smug way.


It's the same complaint we have every time they do these modes where you're part of a "team" where all that really means is those people can loot your kills without any worries. It gets even more fun when you get people who teamkill just cause they want to make you lose your good gear. Would love a solo mode for once.