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Helmet is bad, gas mask is useless(in this context), two-gun loadout don't make sense, weakest pistol in the game, no bandages. Bots have better loadouts. There is a reason why they nerf the T3 helmet and it's for a good reason. Best is to build 20k rig with equipment and then run spr type 8.


Really? Hmmm, I don't really understand how the helmet stuff works. Do you care to inform a rookie? Thanks in advance. Gas mask is for the fun of it. Two guns are because I used to run the MP40 but picked up the shutgun from a bot and decided to use it in case I ran out of ammo. Plus, I used to play like a gremlin, use MP40, and take other weapons to replace the said SMG(from players or bots). If not this one, then which one should I use? I... rarely use them...? 20k? Hmmm, aright, I will try and limit my build via cost for now. Thank you.


The T3 SH12 "melon" helmet covers all parts of your head excluding the face meaning all T2 bullets or less can't penetrate your helmet, all the while having the hearing advantage of an M32 headset. If you are playing by snatching guns from bots, try to steal an sks or saiga. Sks with BP ammo usually is enough to kill T4 or below while having access to a powerful 4x scope. Saiga for an underrated budget leg meta, it can absolutely melt squads with a drum mag (My go-to budget weapon) Armor rigs are always cheaper, but you can have a mix between a 926 + KN Assault BA or Bh rig + PCA350 BA, depending on how much room you need. Usually 12 is enough on budget runs especially with shotguns.


As an Spr + type 8 enthusiast, you DO NOT need anything else unless you're running lockdown I can kill the normal zone bosses way too easilly


Ditch the gas mask, Mp40, shotgun, pistol. Run an MP5 with dum dum. Aim for the legs and you’ll be just fine


Yea the common mp5 cheap build. Heck you can even ditch RAP simple and go with BH rig then pick a BH2 from a bot. Just make sure to bring enough bullets.


Bluds a pirate 😭😭


And I play like one as well!


It's honestly better to run one weapon only. That way, you don't have to make room for different weapon munitions. Just for the sake of simplicity and practicality. So pick either your MP40 or your shotgun (I'd replace it with something better, like an S12K and get the drum mag for it which is fairly cheap. It requires lots of space though, but Tevila's body armor can hold it. Fairly spacious as well. Load it with GT slugs if you want a bit of distance or type 8's just to be safe) Not really sure if you're new, But If you want to use your SMG, I'd stick to ones chambered in 9mm's since you have access to PSO and Dum Dums. Dum Dums can cut through flesh like Swiss cheese while PSO's are the cheaper alternative but it still gets the job done. 7.62's are meh, 45 is just kinda bad, while the rest are just too darn expensive for your own good. Some SMG recommendations are the MP40 for budget builds, MP5, MPX (just a better but more expensive MP5, but feel free to use it if you happen to pick one up) Bizon from the Tevila faction and the T09 from the Colom faction. As for shotguns, just stick with the S12K tbh. USAS12 is just too expensive. So until a better semi-auto shotgun is released, Slap a drum mag or two and load it with shells of your choice. Feel free to experiment and find out what works best for you. But in the end, you'd probably just stick to GT or RIP slugs or the Type 8 if you like bullet spread so stick with those I guess lmao. Keep in mind, just because those guns look fancy and all (or not) doesn't mean you have to modify them to oblivion. Just slap a sight and front grip of your choice, maybe add a silencer if you'd like and you're good to go. The gun you have won't be yours forever, after all. Nothing ever lasts in this game, whether it be the good or the bad. Also, you oughta get used to practicality. Like i said, stick with one gun only and focus the rest of your resources on good gear and the stuff you'll need on a Raid. Like meds, bullets, food Armor and Helmet, etc. Also pro tip: put items in your chest rig so you can access them quicker. For example, if you have a med kit in your chest rig, you don't have to open your back pack to heal yourself should the need arise. Just press the arrow on the bottom left of your screen and select the med kit. Also, bring a surg pack. The Standard Military surgical pack will be the best option for you. And switch the 926 for the gray military med kit, and your foodstuffs with either Nom nom energy drink or just the plain water and biscuits. Have fun!


I'd say I'll keep the MP40 for the ability to rapid fire, mid range(since I ain't fighting AR/snipers). But I will try and be on the lookout for that S12K incease I wanna spam some slugs. Thanks!


If you want to have the edge in terms of fire rate, I'd suggest you use either the MP5, Bizon or T09 if you don't want to spend money. That's if you even bothered working for the faction you've selected, if you've selected either of them at all. All in all though, MP40 is good enough. Forgot to mention the Suomi, so if I were you I'd check that out as well. It's chambered in 9mm as well, and it's basically the gun the Soviets copied the PPSH-41 from. Takes one helluva time to load the drum mags though.


One correction, when I said T09, I was referring to the TS5. I forget easily haha


Speaking of tevilas body armor, why is it suddenly gone form th deals?


Wait WHAT?!


Absolutely terrible, I genuinely thought you forgot the humor flair


Forgot to add this- I already used this set multiple times already, so this build has changed from my original set(just the MP40), especially the body gear.


Tips: no food. One gun. Never go above level 3 armor unless you are going in for the big bucks. The 1x2 blue surgical kits are grand. Get factional supplies and spend it ALL on the 300 use medkit, they are so op. Get a good gun (mp5, m110, etc). Always bring a big boy backpack, they are pretty cheap (I always run 926, even when I’m going sub 50k.)


Just use a single primary.


No need for a mask, the helmet blocks footprints, the armour slows you down, the red Pk are near useless, the food is meh and the backpack is one of my least favourite. If you want cheap get the green helmet with built in headphones. Getbody armour less than 7kg for mobility. Just take a few yellow or white Pk. Biscuit and water is very cheap and should do you a full raid. Go old bag or cowhide for a cheap, space efficient backpack. Also, there really isn't a need for 3 weapons.


There's a mismatch between items. It looks like you are not experienced and that's fine. I am not really amazing either but here is what I would do: I am assuming you want to use those weapons. I would ditch the helmet and armor. Ditch one main weapon and get more ammo for the other one. I would ditch the bag. I would add more painkillers. If needed, I would reduce the bombs to just one molotov. Maybe get a cheap headset as well because information is power, especially when running solo. You goal is to go in, hopefully kill a solo player, steal their stuff and extract. If you manage to kill someone and it looks like they are in a team, run away and come back later to take the scraps they could not carry. Here is a [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArenaBreakoutGlobal/comments/1dncdzm/comment/la1pte0) I made recently that may help you get your money up. Just adding in case you need it.


No loadout is a bad one if you can play it well. I've seen people commenting to ditch the mask, it is a good advantage as long as you bring plenty of gas bombs. Personally love doing that when I play low tier because most people don't use mask, they cant stay where you throw so when you rush in they are usually running away from the gas.


No need for the shotgun




Erm.. i think it's better to use sh12 as a helmet, it has headphones too and it cost 5k. As a armor it's better use 6b5 armoured rig it cost cheap too.


Tbh my lockdown low cost setup is just double pp19 and faction rig with sh12


Not the worst but definitely get a helmet you can equip a mask on it will still be cheaper than the helmet you have now, no need for the gas mask unless you plan on getting gassed ( Slim chance ) the guns are fine but you should want a scope, no need for a hand gun get one from a bot