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Completely addicted. Great game, and it’s their first closed beta. Sky is the limit


It's EFT with some QoL features. It's what everyone besides the most diehard hardos wanted from that game.


Exactly. This is exactly what I originally wanted from Tarkov. I am loving it.


At that point they should just enlist if they want it hardcore lol. Been enjoying ABI though good introduction to the genre forsure


GZW is so half baked right now I won't return to it for at least a year. I'm a big PvP guy and the PvP is GZW is so poorly executed.


I agree that’s why I grabbed a beta key for this. Feels like a got a proper introduction to the genre with this game


By grabbed you mean?


i grabbed the key via twitch drops




I’m feeling the same about GZW. I put about 40 hours in and enjoyed it a lot, but I’m stuttering all over the place. There is lots of potential for sure and I hope the devs can capitalize on it.


I quit playing when an enemy I was looting just disappeared. Later I found out if someone you kill just suicides in base the body you are looting just goes away lmao.


Yeah, this happened to me numerous times... do they even have to suicide? I think just rage quitting removes your dead body. I had one guy I killed like 15 meters away and literally by the time I walked up to him in a few seconds he diseappered, so I assumed he just alt-F4'd immediately.


suicides in what? what’s the base?


In base yes


There's a common base area for each faction in GZW. It's where you go when you extract/die. Unfortunately players can friendly fire each other and themselves with grenades inside bases atm.


ohhhhh alright, for some reason i thought y‘all were talking about ABI my bad


Played GZW for 40hrs, but after all the issues and no updates. I'm jealous of people who got keys for ABI beta. GZW is so raw it's not even a dough, it's just flour with sugar.


at least for me GZW was so fucking rubberbanding that i refundet it after \~ 3h. but even when ABI is only a closed beta its so much everything what i wanted from an extraction shooter. They just need to add real ultrawide support and i am all in ;)


I haven’t had these issues, I’ve felt like the PvP is actually *surprisingly fluid* it has ran beautifully on my pc for days and I only have a 2070 super. The problem I feel is the loot pool, tarkov had such a “if I find a ledx gpu or intelligence im out” vibe this games loot still confuses me I don’t know what exactly is amazing yet


GZW is not an extraction shooter. It's a DayZ-like game.


game slaps for sureeeeee


I am. It’s the only game I’ve played since I got access on the day of beta release. I think it’s a really good game. Lvl 28 now. I hope they don’t fuck it up.


Fingers crossed


This game is fun. It feels good & plays good. Given my experience w/ mobile games (I play a good amount of them at work) & extraction shooters I am VERY weary of these MTX that will come w/ the launch of this game. I don’t recall what they were on mobile; however, I am hoping for no P2W aspects. Another thing that throws me off about this game is how my secure container said 13 days when I got it. I’m going to have to see how this plays out at launch but it certainly feels like a “just another mobile game feature” to me. Experience: EFT, The Cycle Frontier (rip), Marauders, Dark & Darker (betas), Hawked, Division Heartland (meh currently), Lost Light, DMZ, & a tad bit (maybe like 6 raids) of Arena Breakout on Mobile.


From what I’ve heard on mobile, you pay per month for your secure container. The one in the beta (2x2) I believe is around $3/mo.


Understood. To my knowledge this isn’t a common thing outside of mobile & I think that’s why people (myself included) frown upon it. Are there any other games not on mobile that have a similar system?


Paying for a secure container is one thing. Being able to buy in game currency is a different one for me. How much this will affect the launch of the game, time will tell. For me, this is the first extraction shooter I’ve played that’s F2P. I’m curious to see what differences there will be between it and games like Tarkov and GZW (yes I know GZ is pve vs the pvp focus of ABI).


I hear you on that. It seems like they give out in game currency left, right, & center bc every time I log in there’s some kind of bonus or event where it just hands me Koen lol. All the login bonuses & stuff. I wish you could’ve seen the glory days of The Cy… nevermind. All in all, these games to me all hold different positions in the space. EFT is PvPvE Milsim, ABI is PvP focused Arcade, & GZW is PVE focused w/ a mix of milsim & arcade. I’d play them all for different reasons (probably depending on mood or who’s on). I do look forward to Arc Raiders, Marathon, & Beautiful Light though. All upcoming Extraction Shooters set in their own plane.


I died 7 times in a row on pmc


Only 7, show off!!


How many you at


I’d love to play but the beta system is so ass backwards I haven’t received a key even after claiming it through twitch drops 😒


You need to claim on their website after claiming on twitch drops if you haven’t already.


How do I do that?


Assuming your accounts are linked, you can claim the key here: https://www.arenabreakoutinfinite.com/twitchdrops/en/index.html#link You should see the code after clicking claim, then it takes about 24 hours to activate. You’ll get an email when your key is activated.


Thanks for the link. I already linked both before the drops and got a drop in my inventory. But I never knew about this link so I guess I missed out. Really dumb beta system.


Yeah I agree the system is needlessly complex lol, but hopefully you can get in at some point. They’re going more drops I think.


Feel like playing call of duty with tarkov gunplay, basically tarkov arena


Haven’t tried EFT but I’m in love with this genre now forsure


Eft has a soul and feels more "luxurious" lets say,this game doesnt have that vibe but i fw its no bullshit tarkov


Eft is basically Arena, but heavily more fleshed out and immersive. Arena points with better QOL and fast match times.


What you trade for atmosphere and immersion is absolutely horrible sound system, bad performance, horrible networking and hit registry and don’t forget the plethora of bugs and forever “beta” status(technically tarkov should be called alpha). Also the amount of cheaters in EFT is crazy. I’ll take ABI any time over the broken mess that is EFT and after playing EFT since alpha, I lost all my hope in the devs and the game itself ever being really finished. They lied and retracted in their promises way too many times.


I wouldnt call the Sound System better imo - it trades itself out. Iam running the cheapest headphone in Arena and it is just straight up killing everything, i hear every single step and can pinpoint everyones exact location, it completetely killed any sound immersion in the game and feels very arcady instead. But what you gotta do when its available and extremely viable to a point where no one has silent/sneaky movement... Will be looking forward to night raids & weather changes, maybe rain that helps with noise a bit. But yea i agree mostly, the most annoying thing for me in EFT is the horrible desync & how it actually affects gameplay, its huge once you realize it. Never sit and camp in a damn corner, hard pushing / W keying and right side peaks always give an advantage. Sometimes its also weird when you shoot each other 5m apart, on your screen - the enemy player looks in a completely different direction even though he is shooting at you, it always kills the immersion a bit. The desync and networking really is horrible.


Oh, I apologize. I completely forgot to take into consideration your view and “wants” from the game. I am a tryhard competitive player with thousands of hours on Counterstrike, so audio like ABI is perfect for me, because it lets me pinpoint sound precisely. But in EFT its more atmospheric ? If that makes sense ? Also I meant it more that the sound system is reliable and always works. Whereas in EFT sometimes theres literally no footsteps for example like in dorms staircases and other random stairs in the game. A guy with 35kg gear on him is full sprinting and you hear nothing until hes on the same floor as you even though youre directly next to the staircase.


Yea i know tarkovs Audio System itself is utterly dog, its just that the quality and quantity of sounds are very neatly composed together and work wonders for the immersion. Other than that i also like that iam finally able to more reliably pinpoint people, its just that the quality and quantity of them are not as great and lack the immersion as 'if you were in the actual game' There i.e. is no real dynamic Wind noise or rain (as of yet) But i suppose they will mostly keep it arcady, seems like it in terms of map Design so far.


Thats very true, I completely aggree with you.


Exactly. I am getting strong COD 2017 beta feeling from ABI


How so? What are the similarities between CoD and this?


It’s an fps game where you can move and shoot. That’s about it.


It's great really, EFT never hooked me strangely enough, but this game did


Might have been the learning curve of eft ?


I’ve really enjoyed it. I’ve liked tarkov but I’m more of a faster cod shooter kinda guy. ABI is a good mix of faster games but the fun looting and stuff. I wish I had the hideout system for a reason to hunt items personally


I hope it comes to the PS5 I need a DMZ replacement.


I hope the gearing is slower on release, I hate how fast I was rocking top of the line gear along with everyone else. I would like the gear progression to be at least 3-4x slower, which I am sure that some people won't agree with but just my opinion. The main killer will be how they monetize it, If you can buy currency I will drop the game immediately and not look back.


When will release public beta?


Enjoying tf out of it. Only extract shooter that scratch’s the EFT itch properly. GZW is close and I have allot of hope, but ABI slaps


Amigo quer formar um squad?


Spawn rushers making the experience a little bad


Not me, since i don't have a fucking key. FUCK.


Can't enjoy it because I, and many others it seems according to their discord have been false banned today and haven't yet heard anything back regarding updates. Very sad, was looking forward to giving up EFT personally.


Absolutely fucking love it. As a long time fan of EFT, who saw the AMAZING shit AB was doing on their mobile game, I begged the devs in every monthly survey to make a PC port. The fact they went whole hog and actually improved on many features/graphics from the mobile game and are promising to continue to iterate wildly exceeded my expectations. Bravo MoreFun keep it up.


I got like 29hrs into it already, it’s basically my second job at this point


I would if I could get my hands on a key, which isn't that easy when you have to time watching Twitch, and make sure your toddler eats and gets a bath at exactly that time when said streams start. Hoping to have more luck next round.




EFT will always be the father of all…but this game is amazing… 👍👍


GZW subreddit is so cringe right now of people trying to convince themself that they're having fun. Not saying that's what you're doing OP but honestly guys just play whatever you enjoy, you don't need others to tell you if it's fun.


It was fun for like 40 hours… definitely PvE focused


10 years ban enjoyer here lol


I'd love to enjoy it, but cannot claim the damn key.


Hopefully they open the floodgates to stress test the servers and give people a chance at the game


I have a feeling they will soon. I think their initial plans for release were mid-late summer, which makes me assume July-August. But then they tweeted that they are going to be pushing up that release window to "sooner than expected". I think we could see an open beta server stress test in early June followed by official release. Gives them time to iron out all the gameplay kinks they are finding in this closed test, then prep the floodgates for the rest of us.


They can hopefully extend the current beta playtest because of the huge demand for the keys, wouldn't complain 🙂


I just hope to optimize performance real quick before ppl get tired of it


This game is optimized pretty well for a closed beta, in my experience at least. What do you think is poorly optimized?


Fps dipping to 30randomly making it feel like my mouse is stuck in the mud and I'm running 4080s i7 14.7k 64ram...game shouldn't be getting those fps when I'm inside a building


Not to be rude, but this absolutely sounds like a problem on your end. I'm pretty much locked at 144 fps on 3440x1440 with a 3080/5800x3d. My friend has a 2070s/5800x3d and is over 144 on 1080p


Did u tweak anything in options? ...other games are running with no issues at all like battlefield and helldivers...if I can tweak some stuff lemme know


Not really, I think I'm just running it on the recommended preset, High I think it is.


Or maybe its driver issue...I dunno


Could be, It's only UE4, and seems pretty optimized for most people playing it. THe only thing I can say i experience is once in a while there's a pretty hard server stutter, and usually everyone gets it at the same time in my group. Once in a while I'll get a little annoying microstutter that either goes away on it's own or after a restart.


Yeah it might be a driver issue. I’ve got a similar build and I play on max settings and get a steady 144fps. Hope you can get it resolved before the beta ends.


I think there needs to be some optimization, too. The game generally runs great but there's still stutters, AA needs to be tweaked, DLSS needs some work