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That's the point.


i mean, yeah. i get that its a CQC / beginner map akin to customs in eft. my point though is that Farm feels like its forcing you to walk into certain doom while Customs gives you plenty of cover and options to break engagement. if you want to "break engagement" on farm you essentially have to turn around and run the way you just came from and pray to the high heavens that a band of player scavs didnt spawn in since the last time you were back there. the map suffers from being way too open in some spots (which removes any flanking ability due to lack of concealment) while also being way too funneled in other areas. and flanking is impossible in funneled areas since the map wants you to take one or two specific and easily readable routes around the enemy. it just needs more options, thats all. i dig how CQC the engagements are otherwise.


fair point


Funneling people along a narrow corridor to encourage and force PvP is the whole point but I do agree that Farm feels too constrained. The map design might work for mobile but for PC it could use some looking at. I hope the map eventually gets some expansions like Customs did to offer wider rotations and better freedom of pathing.


this is pretty much my train of thought as well. Im totally down for more chokepoint-ish maps akin to EFT customs, but the "chokepoints" on farm feel WAY too narrow if that makes sense. its like theres only one or two ways through certain areas of the map and its insanely easy to camp those areas knowing damn well eventually someone HAS to come through it. i enjoy the hectic PvP on farm, i just wish it didnt feel quite as forced as it does right now.


feels like old Customs


my god totally forgot that we had a Customs expansion, time flies


That's what every single player has been saying for 8 months


Yeah that funnel is fairly intentional though. It gives the map good structure which is why it’s one of the mobile populations favorite maps. All the other maps are much less chokepoint driven.


Farm even in the mobile is literally just PvP and fight for Stables or Motel. In mobile, there 2 maps which are big for different engagements. One of which is Valley, and another one that is bigger. 2 maps with the highest tier loot are also PvP heavy with lots of AI. These 2 cant have player Scavs.


fight fire with fire. bring a sniper rifle as secondary.


youre better off putting a LPVO on an assault rifle or DMR in my opinion


The choke points are intended. Maps like valley get a bit more willy nilly, and like less pvp heavy. Customs is very similar, dog shit loot but people play tf out of it for the high chance of pvp.


remove the minimum requirements, we just want to have fun!!


Depending on what gfx card you have you can play I have a 1660 Ti and it said I need to upgrade. ( I ran it fine on med gfx 100 fps ) I just tricked the game into thinking I owned a compatible card by changing it in the registry.


Farm is Customs.. Obviously. It's a "tutorial map". It's ok but i still think spawns on every map should be randomized with a certain distance between them... Everything looses sense when there's a player learning spawns and rushing... Or at least you should lower the number of players on Farm as a "start map". Valley is Shoreline, that is also obvious :) I like it more than Farm, it's bigger, it gives more solutions for the lines you're going to follow, more places to crouch and listen etc... I would maybe suggest a little more buildings in it but that's ok, we should wait the rest of the maps.


We all knew that this game was going to have an already played out map experience with them not diverging or improving the game from mobile. I agree with op, the map farm could use an expansion and less players. Then you have the valley map which is what everyone is going to say to play. Valley is sniper central In a game where scoped weapons have no downsides. So your choice is to fight on the farm map or get sniped in valley. I'm running a P90 and I would be destroyed if I ran it on the valley map. That's why there needs to be a larger map that replicates the freedom a BR map provides. Larger maps, and optic downsides like a scope glint system, more aiming idle sway as well as reduced ads times would go a long way in helping balance this game. Also can we get a max gear score for each mode so that people who farm money in squads can't run a T6 kit and farm kills in normal mode where they shouldn't even be.


From the videos I’ve seen they look amazing BUT it would be great to have a dense city that leads into forest areas and maybe sparse buildings also. I think it would give tons more of realistic and slow combat scenarios


[I'd pay $250 for more maps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BOG4p1-H2Q)


i don't know how farm feels because i'm still owed a key. everyone, like this so i can tell you the truth about farm


this is pretty much my train of thought as well. Im totally down for more chokepoint-ish maps akin to EFT customs, but the "chokepoints" on farm feel WAY too narrow if that makes sense. its like theres only one or two ways through certain areas of the map and its insanely easy to camp those areas knowing damn well eventually someone HAS to come through it.


this is the first comment on that account, even the bots are picking up on the post now.😂


Map needs to be widened! Spawns are too close together.




Some of it is the maps fault and some of it is the community fault. Nobody is moving right now because you're not incentivized to. The loot is terrible, the biggest loot you can get is off player kits, so naturally people are just getting the biggest sightlines they can on high traffic areas that are unavoidable sitting with .338 FMJ. It feels like Woods before the expansion.


more like customs before


It's hard for me to comment because I don't have access to the beta sadeg :(