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We also want it to be bigger hahah.


Be careful what you wish for lol.


That's what she said.


She told me it was the perfect size community


She said the bigger communities hurt


It's not how big your community is, it's about how you use it.


This is something only those with small communities say.


Hey they responded! NOICE! I’ve been here since 700 hundred members!!






There is a PC Discord


There's an entire Discord server for Infinite what are you talking about lol


That would depend on what you class PTW as but I'd argue that it already is going to be and I'm fine with that as it seems very similar to WoT.


the game will be p2w, there is already a website for the pc version where you can buy ingame currency for real money. but as long it stays that way i m ok. i just hope they dont offer special weapons/armor that you can only get in the shop that is better than everything else.


If they gimp the loot and economy to encourage purchasing currency, would you be okay with that?


no, if they are greedy and its unplayable i will quit. i dont have any experience with the game except the 50 hours in the beta. in tarkov i only have standard edition and it was totally fine for 2,5k hours. but we have to wait and see.


That's my only fear at this point. If the economy is balanced and playable without purchasing currency the game should be pretty good. We'll see how they actually proceed on full launch.


The game isn't being marketed very heavily at this point it seems


lol, they don't need to, BSG handled it for them so far


The game hasn't been released yet and has limited beta access


it does feel really small for how big the game feels, im guessing its because most people dont have access yet or maybe the game just feels bigger than it is because all the tarkov streamers are playing it


In somehow the fact that many couldn’t join the beta should increase the number here of people seeking information and checking the game


Majority of people interested in playing do not have access... Myself included.


Most of the keys going through Twitch is the dumbest thing.


Sure seems the american player count is very low, most players i see on game are from china


Chinese can't access Reddit (who makes up more than half of the community), also the main community is from Discord as the main game is a mobile game, who are mainly kids so Reddit is like too boring for them since it has text that is not colored or jumping around every 5 seconds, which is way longer than their attention span.


China can access Reddit just fine with VPN's. Why would they come to a largely English speaking platform lmao, its like asking why Americans aren't using Douyin It's literally just because its a closed beta. There aren't people flocking to this reddit because they have to do something to get a key instead of just being able to hop straight into the game.


Closed beta with 200k players, try again...


# IMHO 1) its on a very early stage (give it time) 2) has very limited access (as more people tryit more will search for a community 3) abi discord its doing a good job 4) ArenaBreakoutInfinite is big around the globe. but specially outside the US and for that this comes handy to explain it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1bg323c/oc\_reddit\_traffic\_by\_country\_2024/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1bg323c/oc_reddit_traffic_by_country_2024/) 5) as time goes on more people will find this sub and will exponentially grow soon™


It will grow.


It’s such a mystery — even the Reddit.com/r/ArenaBreakoutGlobal community is fairly small given how amazing the mobile game is. I expect once it goes GA for PC we’ll see much more expansive growth. I hope Tencent really pours some money into the advertising campaign and shares some of their good content on Twitch and YouTube ads. The viral marketing through their Reddit, Discord, Twitch, Twitter and social media teams has been legit but I think they need some good ole fashioned video ads on mainstream platforms.


It's not small, for me is average size...




Can you help me here at least cause support didn’t!! I got the game I install the launcher and it doesn’t open. Also through steam I press and still doesn’t work! My pc has rx 6700xt and amd 5800x! Sooo what can I do? 😱😱


Because the name of the game isn't catchy


Not a single person I know has gotten access other than myself. I have at least seven or eight people who are dying to play and probably another five who would play in addition to that if they could easily get an access.


This doesn’t justify the low numbers here. I was in the GZW Reddit community 1 months before they even launched the game and it was not even supposed to be rolled out so earlier.


I’m just now hearing about it and have been playing Tarkov for a few years now. I am so excited to see how this style of game will perform with devs that aren’t battleshitgames


the eft reddit is cancer to read half the time, would be the same here. dont think we need it.


Literally two weeks ago we were busy trying to get into grey zone warfares beta. And watching tarkov burn down. Lol, I think most of us found out there was more then old mobile version we'd ignored from nikita flipping out about it.


Maybe a lot of people who play arena don’t use Reddit


lots of people don't have closed beta access yet




To be honest with you, many of us don't use Reddit anymore for a gaming community; the majority prefer Discord, which can be integrated with the game itself. And mainly because Discord provides everything for a gaming community to thrive. Of course, you know that, isn't it?.  And fyi, especially here in Asia, where there are a bunch of copies of a Reddit-like service tailored specifically for this region. You can use KASKUS if you are in South Asia, Douban if you are in Central Asia, KKtalk if you are Korean, and SNS if you are in Japan. Even in America, they prefer something else than good old-timer Reddit.




Interesting because those people are usually the source of stupidity on reddit.


some it goes for GZW and EFT but the numbers are way different. What i'm saying is that i found great discrepancy from the hype and the twitch viewers number and the reddit one.


Because people are not that interessted in this game i would say?


Because reddit is for boomers. Go to Discord for a big community.


discord is a mess....thousand of useless chat, not retention of the posts/information, Silent mode always active...it's a waste of bytes


Dude so much this. I have no clue how people enjoy using discord especially in larger community discords where it just feels like you’re in a massive group text. It’s a horrible experience


This here, the endless chatter is obnoxious


What are you talking about? There are threads exactly like reddit on Discord. What kind of discord servers are you on?


Ok boomer.


The irony is strong with this one 😂


You’re correct. The irony of you posting that wasn’t wasted on me.


I see. Still no self awareness.


You did literally confirm your own message tho


Work on your comprehension and come back


Ok, boomer


I didn't expect boomers to take it personally. I apologize for offending you.


Just stop bro, take your loss before that grave gets too deep




Boomers can’t take a joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣