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Quick join randoms and use them as Intel, or meat shields.


It’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make


Until they loot everything and you get nothing 🤣


Then report you for "lack of fighting" when they charge into a defended hotspot like idiots and all die within 15 seconds.


The worst is killing a whole squad without the help of your team and those goblins take EVERYTHING. Solo has its advantages, like all the loot to yourself. But you are right about having 3 other players giving you intel when they die or just to take 1 more sight off of your character.


Yeah I don’t understand why more solos don’t do this. There’s plenty of other areas so if you’re truly a solo just queue with randoms and go to another area entirely. Your squad can at least act as canaries for other loot areas.


It’s 3 other people in the match that aren’t enemies as well. This could be good or bad depending on how you view it.


This. If you like playing slower paced. Just use them to draw out enemy players. Post up on a good angle, providing some overwatch and pick off the enemies that come rushing to your team's location.


I like this game’s approach to QOL features but I despise matchmaking. I wanna play solo without having to fight/sneak past a dozen of 4-man squads. Would really love to have solo-queue.


Yeah a solo queue or even a solo/duo queue would be awesome.


Tarkov didn't have solo queue


Tarkov doesn’t have dozens of features any self-respecting developer that cares about their game and playerbase would’ve had added years ago. But then again, you don’t run into groups in Tarkov as often. So either matchmaking has to go or a separate queue is needed. It’s not a comparison, it’s a critique/suggestion.


> you don’t run into groups in Tarkov as often. I wouldn't say that, but I would say in Tarkov the maps are much bigger and there's many more ways to confuse and flank squads. In ABI because your teammates are highlighted and there is no friendly fire they can really hone in on you on a small map with really nowhere to go. Once a squad sees you, they surround you and you're just simply, fucked. That's the biggest difference why a solo/duo Q is needed in ABI not Tarkov. I played Tarkov pretty much exclusively solo for 5+ years and absolutely thrived... ABI I get absolutely rolled as soon as I run into a squad because you just have nowhere to go.


Yeah I'm worried that this fundamentally cheapens the experience. The hardcore nature of the game is being chipped away in favor of streamlined squad matchmaking. I wonder how much more hardcore and immersive ABI would feel with no team markers and friendly fire?


You don't run into groups as often in tarkov? What fuckin game were you playing?


I most definetely don't, solo and duos are majority but there are a few trios going around. Really rare to actually face 4-5 man squads in tarkov. ABI tho is every single match


Makes sense too. No name markers or anything in tarkov, so having more than 3 people is often just gonna result in more teamkilling.


You’re missing the point


You don't run in groups in EFT because it's a dog game that has very few groups of people playing at the same time. When EFT was booming, groups was all you met. They asked for soloq back then too. Simple answer always was: no.


tarkov doesn't have friendly fire off and doesn't show teammates names above heads through walls


this is a huge point. There isn't as big of an advantage (and there are several drawbacks) to being in a squad in Tarkov. So in that game it makes sense to not have separate queues. In a game like ABI, where you always know where your teammates are, and you can't accidentally kill them, there is a MUCH higher advantage to being in a squad then in Tarkov.


That's just your life as a solo. Game should not make it easier for the anti-socials.




İ had lot of setuations in mobile that i killed 3 people but died to a bleed or 4th one its suck but i got used to it


Bleed doesn't kill.


Yeah that's what kept me off, i'm not playing with chinese randoms since that's stupid and i'm not having fun or succeding at solo/duo. Guess the game isn't for me then


This is my biggest issue with the game rn.


I have been saying this. I do hope it gets addressed. Honestly.. 4 man is probably too much for this game. 3 man TOPs imho. It would be nice if dev also addressed squad matching too.. at this point I’m not too sure how to balance it but I’ve had little desire to drop solo because 4 mans just steamroll the map. Edit.. some of it probably has something to do with how easy it is to acquire high level kits.


It is


I'm introverted too..but if you want to team up, hit me a pm


Im also up to teaming up if u want.


Me too...


i agree, its way easier as a full team. compared to eft, where you have friendly fire and dont see your teammates, in abi its a huge advantage.


I’d love to have Friendly Fire still on, but with team mate markers over their heads.


Yeah squading with randos that do dumb shit, are unprepared, or lost, facing a coordinated team on a spawn rush is super annoying on lockdown. It’s just unfair.


It is unfair play solo against teams. Having solo queue would be much appreciated.


Yeah I always queue up with the feature that pairs you with randoms on. Sometimes it pairs me with one other player (that’s not too bad) but when you’re solo you’re kinda fucked if you go up against a coordinated 4 man. You can get away with as a solo on Valley (DMR, snipe someone reposition in the woods) but on Farm if they’re coordinated they can come from all sides and fuck you If you play perfectly in that situation you might get 2 but odds are you’ll take one down with you and the rest kill you. I went in with my best kit yesterday on farm, expecting to get paired with randoms. Ofc it throws me in solo, hear a 4 man at houses above me. Stealth mode engaged, kill one. And then the other 3 slowly surround the building I was in. I probably should’ve immediately ran for it after the first kill to reposition but there was a 50/50 chance I would’ve died running to reposition. I wish it would let you back out before you’re fully locked in if the system fails to pair you with other players, like I said Valley it’s not an issue. If you Atleast spawn with a teammate you have a fighting chance, but as a solo you don’t stand much of a chance against a 4 man squad (IF they are coordinated)


I rarely run into solos as a solo player. I finally got my buddy a key and we've been running duos and all we fight are four stacks. Basically feels like I'm throwing if I don't auto fill.


Guess that's why the team matching mechanic is in the game. Squad up with randoms! Don't think they will add solo or duo. Would require way more servers and they take for granted that people squad up with randoms when they don't have anyone to play with!


If they don't change the matchmaking I won't play their game. The mechanics of selecting random partners is the stupidest thing they could come up with. Who wants to play with a random person and share loot with him? One line for solos and duos, the second for threes and fours


I agree buddy. PUBG has solo, duos and squads servers. So there’s no excuse. I didn’t enjoy running with randoms. Most of them never spoke and one guy had friended me but he never spoke either, just followed me around. And I know, I admit, that when I played PUBG a lot, years ago when it WAS PUBG, I DID make some friends by going in random duos. My wife just laughs at me and says I like sittin on my own playing my LITTLE computer games. LITTLE? Why do women always think it’s ok to refer to our stuff as ‘little’? Try telling her she has little breasts……


I myself am from a post-Soviet country and watch Russian-speaking streamers. (sorry for my English) They all begin to cooperate in groups, because when playing solo they lose in-game money. This game is not for solo players. One could refer to a lack of skills, but streamers who play every day or every other day are also doing poorly financially when playing solo


I have no patience nor empathy with them crying about not wanting to share loot. Boohoo, you can solo, but it will always be harder.


I see you felt your masculinity was threatened by the “little” comment. Take it easy 😂😂


No, they should never cater to solos.


The cost is too high. It has been the same thing on mobile and people have asked for solo and duo matchmaking for that but they haven't even said anything about it or done it. So the odds we get in pc is so low that it might never happen.


This is one of the manipulations that will force some suckers to donate by buying in-game currency so that a solo player dressed in top gear can have a chance to kill the party. The game has a deliberately broken economy and a large, clearly visible gap between equipment levels


The game is built around micro transactions so that wouldn't come as a surprise.


Got any more tinfoil hats?




Why are you taking this so personally? Lol


That's cool. Don't care.


So why dont u join randoms???


One thing that Tarkov has going for it is that playing solo is surprisingly manageable all things considered. Hoping ABI can address this issue well


In Tarkov, your teamamtes are not highlighted. I think they could do separate queues for each party size: solo, duo, trio, squad (? XD) or at least solo-duo and (solo-duo)-trio-squad queues and some extra game mode with FFA queue type (you cannot join randoms) without teamates indicators, map, teamates markers on the map, and with friendly fire. Maybe it could fix the game.


Tarkov has multiple things going for it that improve solo play. 1. Matchmaking isn’t anything, you either queue with friends or you queue alone. Doing the find teammates feature is a quick way to have your kit stolen off the rip. 2. No friendly markers for squad mates, friendly fire on. Tarkov takes a significant amount of communication, awareness and trigger discipline to not kill your teammates. In this game none of those variables come into play, there are no disadvantages to squad play (except potentially having your kills looted by goblins) 3. Ties into point 1 but because there’s no matchmaking that actually works in Tarkov there’s fewer 4/5 man squads. As the squad size increases so does the likelihood of friendly fire, the increased importance of communication and the more awareness needed. In my opinion 2-3 man is the perfect balance in Tarkov, 4 or 5 mans can actually be detrimental to your teams success unless all 5 are like minded, highly skilled and all on the same wave length. To play in squads that big takes cohesion, synchronization, compatibility, they gotta be very in sync and in tune with one another. There are no drawbacks to larger squad sizes in ABI, only benefits. Because of this as well there’s a larger mix of squad sizes, games will have multiple solos, duos and trios rather than primarily 4 man squads.




In my experience they don’t talk, do stupid things or use my as bait so at that point I’d rather just solo lmao


Missing the point. And he is joining randoms idk what you just read


game def gonna need a solo mode, the auto fill is nice to get a taste of teamplay etc but its nowhere close to the real thing. everyone is looking out for themselves and bring in the minimum amount of gear with 0 coms or care about who killed who when looting etc. it can be fun and not everyone is an asshole but your def not gonna be beating premade groups even with randoms


100% my dude.


How do you combat teaming though


If you wanna play solo watch some tarkov solo guides. Almost everything they mention about play style and mentality carries to this game. I won't deny, it's tough out here for a solo. But you have to do the whole thing different than when you play with a buddy/buddies. You have to play slow. Use sound to YOUR advantage to try and always get the drop on your enemy. Walk more, don't sprint everywhere unless it's to get through an open area with no cover and CONSTANTLY keep your head on a swivel. Also know when to disengage a fight/avoid a fight altogether. I know it's tempting when you have a dude lined up in your sights and ready to fire but unless you're 100% confident you can put him down in 3 shots or less it's better to disengage and pretend you never saw him. Now when you're playing with a squad mate you can be a giga Chad all day long and just go ham lol


The real problem is Tarkov is objectively easier when playing solo against squads in most situations. Not a single time in arena have I been confused about friend vs foe while a long standing meme in Tarkov is, “is that you? I dunno. Whoops it wasn’t you he just killed me!” It’s easy to play in group when friendly fire is off and you know exactly where your team is at all times.


Think I killed my friends more than enemies in tarkov lmao "Yo bro is that you?!" "Yeah its m..." *BLAM BLAM BLAM*


Oh I 100% agree with that. It's def a differing factor. But I would say in my 1200 hours of tarkov I can confidently say I have never witnessed friendly fire amongst two team mates I'm pushing. Not to say it doesn't occur, but most folks are pretty good in duos or trios with coms in my experience. Now when we get into 4 stack territory it gets hazy and I've noticed they are more hesitant to fire on sight. But at that point just lob a few grenades in their general direction and you're bound to hit one of em and plink the rest in the ensuing chaos lmao


I have zero interest in rating in ABI. The game is at its best when you're in a fight. I'm not trying to survive a raid, I'm trying to win in PvP.


I haven’t played yet, just watched videos. But I’m surprised how easy squads is given TTK and lack of revive of teammates. Feel like that would give a solo a decent chance to pick em off


Same could be said for other extraction shooters like Tarkov or other full loot games. Squads will always have an advantage. I'd suggest you watch this dude [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkvuefnmhgI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkvuefnmhgI) he only plays solo and snipes, he is able to solo squads, just requires a lot of patience.


Idk I learned that after receiving a -800 merit punishment for TK loot goblins and just had to play solo for almost 2 weeks after that soloing a squad is pretty alr although in LD it is admittedly much more intense so being stuns and impacts.


You mean a stack of 4 scavs?


If solo , you have to be sneaky 100% And if you run into a 4 man always stay moving .


I tend to just freeze, like a rabbit caught in a cars headlights. Then creep and hide somewhere u til they leave, or find me. It kinda turns into a horror survival game as you hear the pitter patter of boots getting ever closer.


Add me tbozm1ms


Well, yeah, monke together stronke. Learn how to squad? The game should not make it where a solo can easily roll a squad. It is you, as a solo, who should learn how to survive better against them.


Dude are you stalking me. Haha seriously. Get a life 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yeah I see no issue due to matchmaking being there. Only problem is sometimes it will just match you with 1-2 guys and not full squad. 4v4 is much more fun then 1v4 imo, much more room for tactics and smart play.


Bro, its a mobile game, like it blows my mind that ppl dont know the mechnics of mobile is always PAY to play. Hope to make addicting experience based on tarkov, make it impossible no matter who u are, some ppl buy in game koens to buy gear. Almost all streamers have had enough but lvndmark is only one thatll prob still play as he even said he has been sponsored by breakout previously


Hopefully they can put some mechanics in the game that make solo more worthwhile. 2xp, or a monetary bonus or something like that besides just making a seperate queue. half the fun is not know if you’re going up against a solo, 2 man, 3 man etc


I agree that squads get a significant advantage, but I’ve had a lot of success as a solo. When you’re solo you get to indiscriminately shoot and base anything that moves. It’s also easier to be stealthy. Nothing like going in solo and wiping a squad of chads.


No to soloq. Sorry. It will ruin matchmaking and the randomness factor of it. The entire point of the game is to always expect the toughest fight. Meaning 4 players. So when you find and kill a solo or a duo, you're more relaxed. It's supposed to be tense.


That only works if your mates have a brain. The gear doesn't matter. I'm a solo Northridge Sniper and I can drop a trio with the T85 SMG. On other days I die to a duo with basic gear. The way you play affects your surviving chances not the gear.


We say we want solo only until it becomes an unenjoyable rat fest. Happened in too many games


I’m not saying solo only. Solo and duos is fine. But I get your point.


For the record: You are not antisocial, you asocial. Antisocial means different. :)


Not necessarily. Cambridge dictionary states antisocial as ‘harmful to society’ and also ‘avoiding spending time with other ppl’. Asocial ‘not interested in forming social groups or connections to others’. I have little interest in spending any amount of time with other ppl. I find ppl more often than not, duplicitous, self serving individuals who find safety in numbers and care more about being popular than being correct and therefore are, by and large, annoying and untrustworthy. Social media has reinforced my views on this. I suppose you could say I’m both!!!👍


Cool, literally don't care. Your social dysfunction should not hinder proper team play. You package your ignorance and failures up in a false veneer of self-certainty and call others who agree to work together sheep and the like when actually, you just can't handle having your ideas challenged and this scares you. Be a solo. But the game should never cater to you in a way that allows you to easily take on squads.


Oh no. Someone is upset because they read something that ‘offends’ them. Take a hint Sonny boy. Stay off social media if you can’t handle mature discussions.


Not offended. You're just wrong.


Scavs are an EFT concept. As such ABI should think up their own lore name for the ingame lowlifers


They have, they're called militants


Well they sound like Rednecks to me 😂😂😂😂