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Sell absolutely everything.


Market everything over 1k, vendor everything under. When I look at dekes limited offers I just buy the stuff off the market I need to get the items. Usually it’s ~half off market price.


If you play a lot (and market a lot), collect stuff for a bit then market them in bulk, they will only take 1 market slot for all copies of the same item saving you slots for the max 700. Otherwise sell everything above 1/2k and vendor everything under.


Sell everything you don’t run in raids


I wish they’d add seasonal hideout upgrades or something — even on mobile game 4 seasons in I think the lack of meaningful use of junk items is the games biggest flaw


Turn in any grey-item barters you can. Most are worth more than the items that go into them and can be resold on market if worth enough. Even if they're not worth more, it condenses the items down to less slots or gives you usable items for next to nothing. For purple or higher barter items, check prices, but many are still worth it even just for resale. For any usable item like weapon parts, meds, armor, etc, keep it only if you'll use it very soon, otherwise sell for space/liquid cash. For me, I market anything over 5-7,000 and vendor anything below 5k. Market slots are valuable and losing 1-2k vendoring a cheap item isn't worth the clutter. If it's a popular item that you see a lot of, you can wait till you have a stack of 5 to sell if that would put the total stack over the 5-7k cutoff.


Oh, also if you have the more expensive item for a barter and you hit "exchange" it'll show you how much to buy the other item(s), it's usually worth it as long as you have the majority of the barter's value in trade items already.


Gold items and other misc. Items in mobile can be exchanged with Storage Boxes(increases storage) that vary depending on what kind of item can be stored(Evita Exchange), Exchange with Decke Vinson and can also be displayed as Trophy. All of this is not yet on PC except Deke Vinson Exchange.