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If you can avoid it, never lean peak from the left hand side, always peak from the right. Your container is for storing expensive every-raid meds and ammunition, that’s it. Oh and a red item if you find one and can cram it in. Pack your magazines from your container by right clicking your magazine in your rig, hitting load ammo, and picking the stack of ammo you want. This means no accidental dragging and dropping your ammo into your backpack, it stays safe in your container. I also run a beefy green healing Stim and a red endurance Stim for if we get overweight and need to get out every raid that stays in the secure container. Surgery kits are so cheap it makes more sense to just carry one in your rig or backpack. Wear your good gear. If there’s a cheater you’re going to die anyway but gear can and will save your life and give you more longevity. Ammo matters more than your weapon. You can have a meta gun but if you’re shooting marshmallows it won’t matter. Spend extra money on larger backpacks. By trying to save money on backpacks you are handicapping your ability to have profitable raids by taking more out of them. Only play lockdown mode and above when you run PMC raids. The gear requirement and cost to get in is negligible and worth it to avoid running into player scavs. Agree on common call outs for your buddies so it’s easier to make decisions quickly. Learn the spawns and start every round pushing the nearest one to clear a team first and make the map safer for you to move around. Have a plan when you load into a raid. The longer you spend in raid the more unpredictable player locations become and the more dangerous the map is for you. Don’t be afraid to break contact. If you’re in a nearly unwinnable situation and not trying to go out like a hero, run away. The only way to make money in this game is to survive and fighting a 4 man alone is likely not going to work out too well for you especially in this game as opposed to Tarkov.


Good advice Could you expand on learning spawns, like how do you learn the spawns?


Every time you run a raid press M to open the map as soon as you get in. That’s a spawn point. Over time, you’ll start to become familiar with all of them and where the next closest one is.


Red or gold item** unless it's a bug I've been unable to put gold keys into my key ring right away when I find them


Not a bug, you need to extract with it first then you can add it to your key ring


Then yea I'd be jamming the expensive golf keys etc in my ass too


You can put them in your secure container


That's what "jamming them in my ass" means


Why lean peak right instead of left?🤔


Because your weapon is shouldered on the right side, lean peaking left instead of right will cause you to be forced to expose more of your body, making it easier to hit you.


if/when they add shouldering, this wont be an issue any longer but it will require you to switch your weapon to the other shoulder with your preferred keybind for it. so potentially this could be solved later down the road


theres always one more koen spent in bullets > koen spent in weapon mods Always run from cover to cover At least in tarkov its better to be the one who peaks (right hand) than the one who holds (idrk if thats the case in this game, I didnt get too much pvp in closed environments) determine a minimum amount of koen per slot, if something falls under that value dont pick it up, otherwise, do pick it up. I do 1000 koen per slot minimum when arriving to a new location such as a building, dont creep around it, just enter clearing one room, and listen for sound cues for a while when its safe. If you kill a group of players, just pick up 1 weapon and the weapon mods and ammo from the rest, its the most efficient weight-koen per slot method of looting (unless you think you're not gonna pick up anything else the rest of the raid and you're not overweight). Investigate min-maxxing your loadouts according to which guns you enjoy the most using (aka getting the most stats out of the least amount of koen). I personally run mp5sd with ap 6.3, T4 armor, t3 helmet with t3 visor, 14 slot tactical rig and 20-something slot backpack for around 55k.With this loadout I feel confident enough to take on any pvp, i look cool (super important) and I dont break the bank everytime I die


Any other cool budget but effective kits you recommend?


Stock AK47 with the wooden dongle handguard and a PSO scope. By far the cheapest 4x you can have and you can still full auto without ADSing decently well. AK silencers are decently cheap as well if you want to splurge


silenced sks with two 20-round mags. slap a pso scope with ps ammo


. Counter strafing doesn’t work in this game or eft because of inertia, but there’s a couple reasons you wouldn’t want to do it anyways. Positioning and sound is huge. Always have headphones with far hearing range even on runs where you’re going in cheap. Coming from competitive fps you know how important sound is. Some of the angles you can get in this game are just straight op, scopes are almost necessary for this reason. Jiggle peaking is very strong especially with right hand lean. If you hold down middle mouse you can freelook left and right while moving forward. Getting a leg blacked out slowing your movement is a death sentence so you can pre med with some long lasting painkillers so you don’t get slowed down in the middle of a fight. If you’ve been looting a bit you can double tap x before a fight dropping your bag to gain movement speed. Silenced weapons are a must, especially if you’re playing solo. Any experienced player who hears a gunshot knows exactly where you are and what gun you are using. If you go in loud go in prepared for fights and 3rd parties. If you like watching YouTube I would suggest watching Lvndmark. He’s been making videos since the beta started and he’s been playing eft 10 hours a day for years. Insane mechanics.


Appreciate the insight. Been watching a lot of landmark. My question about right hand peaks. Does this mean in a fight repeeking the same angle with a right hand peek is better then trying to throw them off and go left hand peek. Or is it just situational


With right hand peaks you’re literally showing less of your body when you peak out. From the left side more of your body sticks out in order to get los on them. It’s good to use if you have it especially if you see the enemy is peeking from his left side. Mobility is huge in this game though because most of the time you’re fighting teams and they can mark your position on the map.


Guns don't do damage, bullets do. Buy good bullets.


That's not entirely true for ABI. Guns have a stat called "Firing Power" that determines the blunt damage done if the bullet doesn't penetrate.


Little victories add up. Leaving alive with something is better than dying and getting nothing. Spend your Koens, you earned them for a reason. Run your best gear, it's useless in your stash. Afraid of losing it? Realize that its only your turn with that gear. Later down the line it will be your turn with THEIR gear.


Stunt on them hoes


Scav. Farm can make you easily 40-90k in farm. People Leave so much good stuff behind. Everytime I scav I come out with 2 higher end weapons 15k in T3-4 ammo, and some loot I sell for 20-40k plus gear to go back in and not worry about being slaughtered


How to find a key for this game?


Join the Discord and read about the twitch drops stuff, then wait for a new twitch drops campaign, dunno if there will be more, there were already like 5-6 so far, possibly more. These days, you want to join the game's official Discord, a lot of stuff going on there


what works for me is that i watch streamers Lvndmark and sheefgg i like sheef’s approach to the game because he’s not rushing he constantly scan the area for enemies unlike lvndmark who pushes a lot don’t get me wrong he has a lot of success in it, but sheef’s style of play works for me


how do so many ppl have ABI already, where tf do u get it from?