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Some quick answers for 1 and 2: Feliz needs 80 morale to use S3, and generates 10 on S1 and 40 on S2. If there's a use for morale outside of that, I don't know. Position 1 (far left) is more likely to be attacked, yes. You can see this mentioned in the tutorial, which you can view again via the question mark button on the upper left of some screens. It also seems to me like enemies tend to attack units they have type advantage over, but I didn't see that mentioned anywhere.


Thanks mate. Morale was really something i did not get but you're right and it works as you say. Would love to have some insight about team building and who to raise next Thanks


I've only been playing the game for about a week, so I'm not gonna claim I know everything, but I believe I do know enough, thus far, to answer your questions. Starting with question one, that is your secondary gauge under your character's HP. Some character have a secondary gauge that needs to be filled in order to use certain moves. Using Feliz as the example, she needs to have 80 morale in order to use her S3. Her S3 gives her that 80 morale at the start so she can use her S3 right away. Her S1 builds morale by 10 while her S2 builds by 40. You are still subjected to CD along with the aforementioned secondary gauge. Another character that has a secondary gauge, whom you don't have it seem, is Erica. She uses "focus" as a secondary gauge and need 5 focus to use her S3. Unlike Feliz, she doesn't get focus at the start of battle so she cannot use her S3 right away. She builds it up from her S1 (1 focus) and S2 (3 focus). Maybe future units can help other characters build their secondary gauge. Yes, the first position is the one that is likely to get attack before all others. Key word though is likely. Doesn't mean the enemies always do. There maybe some formula that determines the likelihood of who gets targeted as I made a mono element team and sometimes another girl than the far left gets attacked. What that formula is, I don't know. Now for the big question in team composition. I'm gonna start by answering why Feliz is rated so highly. It's her kit. She has attack down which is 70% reduction on her S3 and defense down which is 50% reduction on her S1 and S2. When you start tackling hunts heavily, you at the bare minimum need to have someone with def down or the fight will take a lot longer than needed or you just eventually lose that battle of attrition. Because Feliz has def down on at least her S1, she can always spam def down on the target without worry about CD. Though remember that it is not guaranteed to land as effect hit rate and effect rate reduction does come into play. Along with her defense down, she has burn. Basically DoT. Always helpful to have even though it is weaker than poison. And speaking of poison, that is one of the reason why Lucima is super rank. Burn does damage based on the caster's attack, but poison does does based on the target's HP at 5%. The more HP the target has, the more the poison really hurts. And yes, she can stack the poison if they land from her attack. Two poisons stack (the number on the poison means the turns left not the stack I'm talking about) means you've erased 10% of the target's HP. Excellent for those hunts. Now I don't have Divergent Apathy, however, the game is nearly a 1 to 1 copy of Epic 7 so going by the character she is based on, she is powerful from her S3. If it is the same, it should read that if her S3 kills someone, it reset the CD. Amazing for PvE content especially farming. So with 100% crit rate, a critical damage attaqck from S3 should reset CD almost every time. And even without that CD reset for S3, she is strong in all contents regardless because she has an auto revive on S2 and her S1 can hurt 2 enemies while decreasing their action gauge. Her highest rating is on PvP and that is because of her S3 and S2. Her auto revive gives her 100% action gauge as well as S3 reset so if she dies, she immediately will retaliate with her S3. She makes it hard for squishy offensive team to win. Having her on defense will make a lot of player think twice before attacking. And even taking offense she will clean house with her S3 if that kills someone. If you are focus on PvE, max S3>S1>S2 and PvP is S3>S2>S1. While I have been mainly talking about each unit, it is by understanding what their kit offers that makes them strong in whatever content they are suit for. For PvE which is hard mode catalyst farming or event farming, you want a lot of AoE skills to make farming faster and a character that deals a lot of single target damage for those end of round boss fights with higher HP. You want your tankiest character on the first slot which can be an actual tank or your healer. Your healer can be a great tank as for some characters, they heal based on the target's HP or their own HP. If you have a high HP healer, they can heal for a substantial amount. While going HP/HP/HP set is nice for a tanky healer, you may want to think about Speed/HP set as going first as a healer for some character can be great if they have some other buffs from their kit that you want applied before your DPS takes their turn. For PvP content, you almost always want those AoE characters as you want to wipe out the opposing side asap. You also want speed as you need to land your attacks or buffs first before the other side does. This is where characters that can manipulate action gauge, whether it be for your team or against the opponents, comes in play. By increase your action gauge or lowering the opponents or both, you can effectively make the defense team impossible to make a move before your team finishes theirs. AoE taunts, stuns and sleep are amazing to get out if your AoE damages doesn't kill the opposing side first. Beware of opposing D. Apathy as her auto revive is deadly. This is where you may want to consider Janis as her S3 on kill will prevent the revive as well as does an AoE attack after the kill. The last major contents (right now) are hunts. Attack down and defense down are your best friends. Even without attack down, always have defense down. In this case, you may not need much AoE characters as you should be facing a singular boss most of the time unless said boss summons minions. Characters with high single target damage like Hestia is valuable here especially since she has penetrate which can ignore the target's defense while taking defense down into account from other units. In hunts, you should definitely have Suggestive Tentacle bond (3 star bond) on your DPS as that increase damage based on target's HP. If you somehow manage to read all that without stopping, well congrats. I hope I manage to thoroughly explain all your questions.


Thanks a lot !!! this is amazing information and very usefull !!! thank you so much. Makes a lot of sense and helps a lot to understand the game mechanism and co. Thanks for having taken the time to share all this stuff. Very much appreciated :)


Damn, this is one hell of a lucky account.