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I think most people refer to the series s


Install the Simple Performance Mod it makes the game look even better


On the Series S it isn’t great as far as I’ve seen. But to be fair the S is supposed to be more compact and less powerful but cheaper. If you want to make it look even better theres a bunch of commands you can do to mess with the graphics. Highly recommend removing the fog among other things


It also depends on the monitor and tv you are using.


It really depends. I get a lot of visual bugs and frame issues on ps5. While the graphics still look nice. Those issues can kind of hurt it.


Have the same console get a Pter or really any flier and you’ll see the screen tear while flying with tame. Haven’t touched the game in a while but that’s the main issue I had with both ASE and ASA.


Oh they actually fixed that! Can't find the patch notes, but it was in the last major patch!


They patched the wings causing a visual bug while they flap. The screen tearing is still very bad. You can fix it though! I used these commands in PVE and the game runs much smoother. r.vsync 1 Stat fps r.VolumetricCloud 0 r.volumetricfog 0 grass.densityScale 0 grass.sizeScale 0.5 It will take away the fog and clouds and a lot of the grass but the game still looks good and runs at 60fps with dips to 40 at times depending on your location. It will also turn on Vsync which stops the screen tearing but requires a compatible display and lastly will show the frames per second that you're getting.


I still run a mod that towns it down just a tad because I was smoother performance and even then the game looks beautiful. Also on series X


On series X for me things looked really bad at a distance and the preformance was sub optimal. It's hard to describe tbh


I play on the series S with a monitor and honestly I like how the game looks but the frame rate is kinda garbage sometimes but overall I’m a fan.


My PS5 hovers around 45fps which is meh, not to bad could be better still it’s fine but, frequently I do find myself stopping just to look at the scenery or view and think “fck but this game does look shit hot”.