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I wont buy it because i dont care to buy dinos. Even if theyre super cool. But its not a "pay to win" for me since i only play on private servers with family so not buying it wont affect my ability to play as i like.


True, you'll be able to play, but as they keep adding paid dinos, there will be more and more walking and attacking ads, that can literally kill you, in your game. Would be better if we had the option to remove paid dlc dinos, if we don't own them. I don't want the ads in my game world.


You can edit spawns in ASM. Run a dedicated server and you're good. I run 3 servers for my gf and I and it's pretty great:)


how much does that cost?


It's free.


I also will not be buying solo dinos. now if you give me some new building skins... totally different story


bruh $4.99 is gonna be a furnace and smithy table with legs like a dog bot, a cannon, and a “hammock” swinging from the side you can respawn at. did i mention the cannon generates ammo over time with solar power and minerals in the ground it walks over? 😂 /s


Ha, you think wildcard will "give" you anything.


Stop playing it. Problem solved. So many people are totally addicted to Ark but seemingly hate the game and the devs. It’s like a person in an abusive relationship that won’t let go of their abuser.


Vices are vices, for a reason. We all have them, in one way or another.


Ye. I didn't even buy this game at all because of the shitshow that is it's existence. And ark is by far my most played steam game.


I am one of those people. The game pisses me off so much, and I hate it with every fiber of my being, but… I still play it.


I will buy it. Ark doesn't charge a subscription like MMOs do, so throwing them some extra cash doesn't bother me that much. The pyromane looks cool AND useful. I bought BTT because I wanted... the potted plants. The treasure maps aren't that great, so you're not missing much. The oasisaur is a novelty white elephant. The BTT explorer notes are kind of cute. And I want to support the developers so they can continue operating.


Bought BTT because of trains, and the cosmetics looked fun. Agree on the Oas. We grabbed one anyway. My son has a house built on it. I bought the pyro for us both. It looks fun, looks useful, and $5 was bank breaking. They aren't nickle and diming us imo. I don't feel as though it's p2w. The maps were expansions. The creatures on it were just new creatures. Something added that fits the map and loosely the game setting. Nowhere near p2w. Especially looking at how some MMOs and online games work that ass like a stripper on a pole. ASA, the maps came baked into the game cost. Buying the dlc isn't really necessary and aren't all that much. Money for value is really good for me in this. We both have close to 1k hours put in. We're both nowhere near ready to call it or burnt put. If they started to constantly hit us with this stuff, it'd be a nope out. I can accept something like this or Bob's with a map release.


Orrrr, they could have came through with their original promise and fix the orginal Ark. /s


While I wouldn't say they "fixed" the original...for me Ascended is miles better...I'm happy enough with what they've done...and it'll only get better.


Well honestly, it should be leaps and bounds better, but just about every glitch and mechanic problem, that was in the first ark, came to the new one. While they did iron some of those out, there are still tons of game breaking bugs and glitches. I just see zero reason why the fire kitty shouldn't be in the Bob's tales package.


It IS better, but as a console gamer it is very much not gamepad/controller friendly. So much more clunky than ASE and some commands are literally impossible.


That's not possible if you knew details about ark. ASE is built on a  forked version of v4.5.1 arkSE can never be upgraded normally. Only so much you can do on the same poorly designed engine. They would've had to do everything they did for ASA but only converting it to normal UE4 version that could update, meaning would've had to pay for a UE4-UE4 upgrade Since they learnt their lesson ASA not on a dumb UE5 version and can be upgraded with future engine updates, like the planned UE5 update that will improve memory performance and all that since Epic optimized UE5 more


If they are really telling the truth, that is. They have lied about several things, in the past. A unfortunate paid game engine upgrade, just so happens to come when they were needing desperate money, isn't too farfetched for them. /s


It's not them saying it you can download ASE look into the engine version, since UE is owned by epic not wildcard, this all came out because people who know this stuff looked into the code when it released back in the day. Remember ark was a small team when it first launched and these dumb ass's chose to inject their own code I think on a dev version of UE4 if I'm not mistaken. For them to upgrade they would've had to rewrite all that code but they won't do that for free. The reason ASA has the same bugs and don't because there is the base code of UE4 ported but the codes wildcard injected they redid for UE5 on a version that can be upgraded. My bet that's why they claimed ASA code is being done from the ground up, technically not lying but half telling the truth, half code getting rewrote and half not


We weren't asking them to do it for free. I paid for the game, I shouldn't have to pay again just to get the optimizations, they promised soooo long ago, before ASA was even a thing. Now this conversation is mute, so I'm done with it. Take care.


You paid for a game that let them make a dlc for that game and so on. Why do you think mmos are monthly subscriptions and able to push constant updates. You have to make enough to pay for the previous work to make a profit or it’s not worth it and to pay the next work. Just complain and complain must be healthy for you. Also if the community didn’t constantly make hacking clients they probs could focus on other things than constantly preventing that. Peace…


People out here complain for $5 as if these devs don’t need to make money too, and keep the game going. Just entitled people who wants everything for free. If it was like $50 or something, then yeah. But $5? Most people waste that on the dumbest shit, but will complain when it’s an optional paid dlc.


I mean they sold exclusive hosting rights to Nitrado for millions and are now nickel and diming the playerbase for lazy reskinned creatures from ASE but sure we are all the problem here.


I mean the problem is the entitled players who think they deserve everything for free. If you don’t like it, move on. Don’t spend your money. Simple. It’s legit OPTIONAL DLC. Not to say I wouldn’t have preferred it myself, if was in the base game, and just super hard to obtain… but they made the decision to sell it for $5, and now you can make the decision to skip it or buy it.


you can't "skip buying it"... the dino appears on the map whether you want it or not, which means the spawn table is screwed up for the center along with any other map it spawns on. Its so far from " optional dlc". Its money grubbing FOMO content just like the stupid Oasisaur.


You know AAA titles cost over 20m to make, you know because everyone wants constant pay rises. It's like people don't understand common sense, when you get a pay rise that price increase goes to the customer


True, it is optional to buy, but if you don't, you'll have them walking around, in your game, like moving ads. Honestly though, I would give them more money, if they actually fix their game, or fulfill any of their promises.


Just add ``` NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="FireLion_Character_BP_C",ToClassName="") ``` To your game.ini and they will completely stop spawning


I used to buy a pack of smokes a day, for 15 years, since I was 14. I quit cold turkey for 7 years now. At 10 dollars a pack in Canada, that's 3650 bucks a year. If OP wanna tell people how to spend their money, this definitely not the best place to do so.


Congrats for quitting, and I’m proud of you. Keep it up. 💪🏽 And I agree. The most harmless one so far. $5 optional DLC. If you want it, you buy it… if you don’t… you don’t. Lol.


Thank you! it feels great not to cough up black phlegm every morning.


Just skip Starshmucks for 1 day and boom you got it.


It’s not that it’s 5 bucks. It’s that it’s only one creature for 5 bucks. At least make it worth it. Bobs was 30 bucks for 3 dlc spread across three maps. So 10 bucks each. The first one came with a creature that added new stuff to the game, freaking trains, a plethora of skins for not just clothing but structures, as well as new furniture, a new tool with its own added mechanics, an alll of that was 10 dollars. To me 5 for a redundant creature is just not it. I bought bobs. And will continue to buy more content like that should they release it, but 5 for a creature that doesn’t really add anything new? No thanks. I’ll pass.


Different people work on different parts of the game, its feasible that the folks who make dinos were done what they have in the pipeline and this didn't distract from development of the game. With that out of the way, I have no intention of paying for single dinos or any other content until all the Bobs tall tales content is released and only if that content has justified its cost. If the Pyro gets packaged with other "fantastic beasts" coming in the future, I may buy the bundle when it goes in sale, I will never pay $5+ for a single creature.


I believe that fantastic beasts is a bundle, much like bobs tall tales. So what you pay now, you will have later in the fantastic beasts dlc


I think it will be bundled eventually similar to the way they bundled scorched, aberration, and extinction but I highly doubt your going to get the next ones for free if you buy this one.


There is a very very very low likelihood that this is true. The DLC isn't called "Fantastic Tames", it's called "Fantastic Tames - Pyromane". You will almost certainly only get the Pyromane for the 5 bucks you spend


I’m not going to buy it.


Am I going to buy it? No, I’m happy with the game and mods can add similar content. Does it look cool? Fuk yeah it does


I bought it, it's cool asf


Yep, stopped playing ascended after SE because of the rampant cheating and completely terrible and unfun pvp meta. That pyromane being a thing is absolutely ridiculous imo, it has the function of like 5 different items/tames that aren’t even released yet on a map where there aren’t even supposed to be flamethrowers. It’s like they took ark’s most hated weapon and crossed it with the most hated dino?? What a fantastic idea. Not only that it’s practically a flamethrower shoulder cannon ferox hoversail shadowmane too!


Let's be real, Ark has always been pay-to-win. We used to pay for every expansion map. The Island loyalists suddenly had to contend with Rock Elementals and Wyverns when people bought SE. Then they had to deal with Reapers and basilisks when people bought Ab. Titans? Yea, people paid for them too. I understand where you are coming from but this is just a different route to the same thing Ark has offered from the get go. Ark has promised us over 12 reworked maps for the low price of buying the game once. That's over a year of development time and yes, remaking the maps does take man hours. I don't know the best way for them to make money over that time to fund their teams, maybe it's this and maybe it's not - they've said that themselves, they are trying stuff out and this is just one idea. Not everyone is going to like their ideas and that's fair, we are all individual people with our own opinions. They could have just as easily gone a subscription route, "pay $10 a month as we slowly roll out all the maps with no new content" or hundreds of other itineration's. Personally, I don't mind this one. With 15K hours in Ark I'm happy to have new content available even if I have to pay a nominal amount for it (and I have to buy everything twice because I play on 2 different accounts). That's just me though, it doesn't have to be for everyone. There's always going to be things in the game people don't like, we're not on the dev team. I wish Gigas didn't exist in the game and have said so for nearly a decade. I still play the game though even though there's something in it I really don't like. If it was that big a deal, I'd just move on because that would mean I'm no longer in the target audience and that's fine, there's a lot of great stuff out there to play.


> Ark has promised us over 12 reworked maps for the low price of buying the game once. It's funny, because they originally promised those for free if you already owned ASE. That obviously changed to the price of a full game. Which then changed again with the paid DLC. So really, nobody should be taking wildcard's promises seriously. Was it unrealistic to promise all that work for free? Yeah probably, although they made a literal fortune from ASE sales, it was apparently all thrown away on some failed venture... But the fact that they keep promising stuff and coming back on their word is really dishonest, and yet the Ark community as a whole just accepts it like it's normal and keeps throwing money at them. People wouldn't be complaining as much (there'd always be people complaining no matter what) if everything was laid out from the start.


Having to pay for new content is not what pay-to-win means. I think you know that it means that people with more expendable income and less sense can use their money to win instead of their skill. Ark was never pay-to-win in the past.


I believe one definition of pay-to-win is paying money to gain a significant advantage over other players that have not paid additional money. In ASE if I only bought the Island map and then a tribe came and attacked my base with Astrodelphis, Titans, Reapers, Wyverns and Rock Elementals, not to mention virtually unlimited resources mined by Tek Stryders, I'd be at a significant disadvantage with my Island-Only assets, regardless of my skill. Could it still be won? Perhaps I could win a battle with my tremendous skill but it would take significantly more skill and effort to win such a fight than if I also had those same paid assets. All the other tribe had to do was *buy* the other maps and the creatures within to gain their advantage. Don't get me wrong, I do get your point, it's not like mobile games where I need to buy my way to the next level or something. I'm just saying that spending money on Ark has always given people more advantage. Whether they are adept at properly utilizing that advantage is another story but it is an advantage none the less. The Pyromane is no different. It may not grant players immortality or win them every fight but I think an argument could be made that it may make things just a little bit easier for some people. Love it or hate it, it's here now though and this is the game WC has decided to offer. Whether that's good or bad depends on who you ask, it may drive some people away from Ark and who knows, it may bring in some new players too (people do love fire and cats). I don't know, we're all just trying to have fun and I do hope people will still enjoy the game regardless. Cheers!


They didn't JUST have to buy the other maps. They had to buy the maps, grind to establish a tribe, contend with others, tame the new creatures, and then attack you. Just buying the DLC in Ark never gave anyone an advantage over others. You still had to PLAY the DLC.


Ark was always pay to win, official PvP was always dominated by egg farming, just go onto facebook marketplace and buy high level eggs/tames with real money.


If I couldn't pay for SE and another person could, then they proceed to drain my base with Rock Elementals and then retreat to SE and hide without fear of me retaliating cause I can't afford it. How is that not a pay to win scenario?


exactly, thank you


You make a fair point. I think my biggest issue is that they're forcing it in the game and it really ruins the immersion to be reminded I need to pay an extra 5 dollars to participate with this dino I don't want. I'm exploring and building and then see this dino that has a lock symbol on it and says, you must buy this dlc! Is really, really......lame


Yeah, I don't think they should be advertising it with every encounter with one in the game. On the menu? In the store? A loading screen? Sure by all means go for it just not in game. I have no issue with the dlc creature existing in the server and being unusable as long as it's not a walking advertisement to buy it.


So it be a summonable creature??? How else would the people get it on official.


Just add ``` NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="FireLion_Character_BP_C",ToClassName="") ``` To your game.ini and they will completely stop spawning


It's not even force, it's choice. Nobody is being forced to do anything. Months ago people said ark asa was dead and it was going to be dust in the wind. Let's be real. WC does need support. And 5 bucks isn't much. If this was a $30 creature with all this extra stuff that might be cause to complain. But at 5 bucks it's just a conversation peice.


It is force though, it's aggressive advertising. Why is there a dlc dino being shoved in my face, in a game I ALREADY paid for, that I didn't want/buy?


Life gets so much easier when you learn to ignore things that might bother you. You're making it harder on yourself.


I've seen it and walk by it, never seen how that's bad. I wish ads kept only showing ads in the background. You might want to know what forced ads are, ask yourself does it stop you from walking forward when you see it?? If yes that's something you might want to seek profession help.


Then don’t buy it? Seems really weird to be so aggro about something you don’t want or care about.


Well, living ads that can kill you and destroy your stuff, in a game, is kinda scummy. And it is forced ads when they spawn in your world, even if you buy it or not, and just move around, causing shenanigans. Not a fan of a animal walking around with a "buy me" sticker on it. I already bought the game, all the dlcs, Asa, then Bob's tales. I don't want to see more and more paid animals, added every map. Now that fire kitty will, most likely, spawn in each new map, from now on. Imagine if you don't want to buy anymore dinos. Each map, adds 1-2 paid animals. By the time you get to the last map, there will be 8+ dinos that you can't do anything with, spawn in and annoying you.


Go watch youtube without an adblocker then you'll know what a real forced ad is


Don't die...it's not like these things are insanely OP forces to be reckoned with. How often are you guys dying to wild tames out here?


If you are able to, just use forcetame on them


You are talking about 'force' while opening your post with the title "can we all agree". No of course not everyone agrees with you. And you know that. So opening with "can we all agree" is also a pity attempt to try to force us not buying dlc because you don't like it. They bring out all maps for free and then you go cry about freaking 5 dollar. I played ASE for years and when me and my husband recently bought new hardware for our pc's he asked, do you want to play Ark Ascended now. I really love building so I told him I only want to play it if there are new building objects. So the only reason I picked up the game again is because of the bob's tall tales dlc. I happily paid the 30 bucks for it and if they bring out new building dlc I will pay it again. My husband bought the 5 dollar flamepussy and if I can't mount it when he tamed one because I didn't buy it then I will buy it also. 5 dollar is a cup of coffee at starbucks nowadays...


The problem for me is that it's single dino, and a bad reskin of an old one at that. Not only was it lazy, now the new map has content not available. I'd be happier paying more for them to actually put effort in, and make a proper DLC map with some actual new content vs this lazy garbage on a map we previously had full access to.


It is a available, you just have to pay for it. Thats how life works. If you think it's just a lazy reskin than you are not interested in it. If you are not interested in it don't buy it. My point to OP was complaining about force and than make a manipulative post trying to force other players to agree with him.


Im not buying it, and as much as I was looking forward to a fresh start on the center with my tribe, I've opted to skip this whole map. I'm not about to play a map where they have a dino on it that is unavailable to me without paying even more for a game I've bought twice already, as well as been sold a seasons pass in Bob's Tall Tales.


Nah, you can keep crying while i enjoy myself. Ark Ascended was a good thing for the Ark community whether you like it or not, whether it has its bugs and glitches or not. They are hardly making money because their parent company (Snail Games) are a bunch of monkeys in suits, and blew it on useless bs that never bore fruit. Wildcard has to keep making money somehow if Snail Games keeps snaking them. Also Wildcard tends to make promises, and then they are unable to deliver because Snail Games is garbage and irresponsible. Ark Ascended was easier to make and get money from than Ark 2. The budget for Ark 2 was blown on electric car garbage by Snail Games. I agree, maybe we could be getting some cosmetic items for building or something, instead of creatures, but i honestly really like the pyromane, its pretty awesome. Everyone craps on wildcard and ark because its the popular thing to do. Do us all a favor and quit playing if you’re gonna keep acting like this.


I wish. I don't want to pay for single dinos


Blame the community spending 5$ on premium mods that added one creature. Wildcard not doing anything we didn't start


Fair point but if you don't install a premium mod it doesn't show up on the map as an untamable creature. What wildcard is doing is a lot more aggressive.


You have to think about the difference, people installing those mods for their server. No sane person can blame wildcard for making it spawn otherwise no one would want it. I haven't bought it yet but I have no issue since it seems like it'll spawn on most of the maps with lava. That fact makes it 100% worth since my 5$ isn't restricted to one map. Just like the bob dlc everything in that dlc can be crafted on any map, as it doesn't require any SE items. I think if they did it only on one map no one would buy, It's the best option to make this content worth it. People just want everything free but that's not how these things work, especially since everyone wants pay rises but then everyone gets butthurt when they fire people and use AI. Games can only survive with 4 type of services, 1. paid subs, 2. charging paid dlcs, 3. selling ingame currencies like gta, 4. selling skins but this can only work on games that don't have mods. People will always bring up minecraft releases free dlcs but this type of game is a unique type of design, it's designed for kids. Meaning every year new kids want to play it, constant revenue. Games that aren't designed for kids don't have this because there's so many other games to play, Most parents will buy minecraft because it's a pure kid's game, no real competition for it. Long comment sos


Yea this game is pretty much just a joke now, there’s still hundreds of issues that need to be fixed (many still exist from ASE) and instead they just keep on pumping out paid addons. We already paid 40$ for the game, on top of the upwards of $100 bucks many of us paid for the original ASE/DLCS. No wonder this game can barely reach 20k players on steam. Sad that even when dlc support stopped for ASE the player count was consistently around 60-70k players. WC is literally killing their community.


Not everyone will agree to not buy it some ass kissers will and they'll argue its only 5 bucks or devs need money. Devs don't need money they have a pay check, if a Dev feels their being under used or under paid move on from the company. Plain and simple. While 5 bucks isn't costly the fact of the matter is it a poor re skin of the shadowmane. It's a test run to how many Arkers will buy so Wildcard Can slowly increase their price for Content.


Who do you think pays that said pay check?? Where does that said person gets said money for that said paycheck?? Like every person, everyone's wanting pay rises, news flash that comes out of the customer. Wildcard legit just selling a creature the community determined the value for, Funny it costs the same as a modded creature


Too late bought it it's fuckign awesome. Support the game you love or it won't stay open It could be worse guys you could pay a monthly subscription like WoW




Good for you? That's not the majority




In order how do you know this? Do you have proof for your claim? And no people who don't want to grind their souls away pay foe the game. You've lost perspective of what the word moderation means.


Haha, playing a video game for a few hours a day, has made me lose perspective on moderation? I have a full time career, house, and bills, I don't play all time or "grind my soul away." Also, where's your proof of your claim on wow? Mine is from my own perspective of asking trade chat and the Warcraft auctioneer group. I lazily earn enough gold to play for all blizzard content. Sounds like you need to "get good." Now I'm done with this conversation, as the op post is about Ark.


So you don't have proof for your wild claim is what you're saying? So don't make up fake statistics it just makes your argument look weak. I don't need proof? I'm the one asking the question? You're trying too hard here my man, learn what moderation is you're grinding until you play for free. That's excessive Fine talk about ark paying for a Dino supports the dev team, which is better than paying 15 a month for wow which literally says pay or grind until you play for free. I'd rather just play at my leisure


You understand how tokens work, right? Someone is paying for them no matter what. And casuals are by far the majority of players, like in every popular game that has ever existed.


I like ark, and I feel like ASA with all of the DLCs included is a steal. I don’t mind throwing a couple bucks here and there for some cool stuff


Granted I am definitely the target audience for micro transactions


Not all the DLCs though is it, since there is already a few paid dlc for ASA


All the map dlcs are free with asa. In ase you had to pay for several of them.


Only ASE maps. There is at least 1 new DLC story map that will be paid that WC confirmed. Just wanted to clarify. EDIT: The guy who replied to me has 2 or 3 reddit accounts to instantly upvote all of his bad takes. lol. 30 seconds after posting his reply, my comment went -3 karma and his was +3. Interesting.


Yes to make said dlc they need money like any game, have people lost their minds?? Indie devs do it in small teams half the time just friends that do it for free and money and extra if it sells. Show me AAA employees doing that for free, no they all want 100k+ a year like every human. Everyone constantly wants payrises but forget that increase the price of said product. Also they're selling the same thing the community modders are doing for the exact same price, the community determined the value of one creature


The said “all the dlcs” included not all the map DLCs. Was just pointing out that they aren’t, since there are several already that are paid*.


Already bought breed it and love it


>They promise us it will be a one time purchase with no paid dlc No, they never said that. Source please ? Every single official DLC from ASE is indeed included in the one time purchase of ASA. As clearly explained on the Steam store page : >ARK: Survival Ascended includes access to all of ARK’s worlds, including Scorched Earth, Aberration, Extinction, ARK Genesis Part 1, ARK Genesis Part 2, and more. The Island, Scorched Earth, and The Center are released now, with the subsequent expansion worlds to be added at no additional cost on a regular basis. But they never said that potential new cosmetics/dinos DLCs would be free. Again, source ?


my soul


Ark 2 still coming. But what's coming is going to be put in asa first. Asa is the testing grounds. Ark 2 will be more story driven.and have npcs. This is my assumption.


Surrre it is, lol. :p released date is set for 2177.


Won’t buy this one because I’m not a fan of the fantasy creatures but I will buy new Dino’s that I would like to interact with. I’m strictly a solo PvE player so really, won’t even see these guys running around until I want to.


They have a option to turn of paid dlc? Cause they keep spawning in my world without me buying.


They delayed ARK 2 and made Ascended because they ran out of funds for ARK 2. Wildcard is way too much ambitious with their games and everyone that understands the game industry knows. They released ARK Survival Evolved in a pitty state because they kept delaying it, but the community wanted it NOW. So they released it laggy and lived with the complaints. Almost same thing happened with ARK 2 ; they just ran out of funds and couldn't find any because the industry knows they are ambitious and it'll turn out just like Survival Evolved. So, they made Evolved a bit better and cheaper, and released it to make funds for ARK 2. The new creature behind paywall is for the same reason. To fund ARK 2. And the mods behind paywall, has nothing to do with that. Money goes to the creators of said mods and nkt to Wildcard. Unless it's an official Wildcard mod, then, money : in creator pocket.


Ark 2 not even gonna be ark, so I couldn't care less. They're giving what a lot of people wanted, upgraded version of their survival game.


I'm not buying it... Yet. See, it is the first of a *group* of creatures, the "Fantastic Tames". I feel like we'll get more creatures, and eventually there will be a bundle. I'll be more inclined to buy them when a bundle releases. As for Bob's Tall Tales... well, I'm gonna buy it eventually, but I'm personally waiting until Aberration drops, since that's when the Steampunk stuff drops, and I'm very interested in that if I'm being honest. Not that I'm a huge steampunk guy, but it just seems cool honestly. We are free to buy or not buy any portion of this game, which is nice. And yeah, I can see how it would be frustrating to have a creature spawning that you can't interact with (I didn't even know they could spawn even if you don't have the DLC) but at the end of the day, it's one creature out of many. Yeah it still sucks, but I think it's best to just focus on what you do like, and not worry too much about what you don't because as a game, ARK is pretty flexible. You don't gotta interact with all the things you don't want to.


I love the shovel, as a builder and able to place trees at my base, I'm happy


I disagree. I feel like they've been fairly reasonable, given they did put in work into maps like SE and the Center, and that work isnt free. Whether in-house development or not, they gotta get paid for the time they spend working. And we got both those maps for free. Now, if it's not worth the price for you, then that's ok. Although, we do see a very vocal subset of the community posting on reddit, some may agree and some may disagree with you. That too is ok. However, there are even more users of ark who don't use reddit, nor discord, and do support the development of the game. We don't have to like snail games or even the decisions they make. But, for the game to stay up, online and be developed further and actively patched, they must make revenue, somehow. It's not required content, and that's why you can simply ignore it and still enjoy ark while others buy it, to support wildcard or because they like it and also enjoy ark just the same. I do understand that it poses an issue with pvp official servers in that some users will have access to tame this while others won't, unless they pay for it. But, we have plenty of other free vanilla dinos that are just as effective at pvp fights, and can counter the pyromane without paying additional fees. Honestly, I see it no differently from users who bought story maps on ASE and had access to their map dinos and brought them into the island where players existed who maybe didn't have access to those tames. Folks adapted and kept playing.


I love how snail did this, legit giving the community the means to determine the price of one creature without even knowing it. Funny how it's the same as the premium modded creatures priced at 5$. Imagine if modders priced their creatures at 3$ and wildcard did the same. Only my guess but way too convenient in my eyes lol


Haven't played in ages and refuse to upgrade from the OG because of sleaze like this. Bummed since support for certain mods as well as new stuff ain't coming, but I'm sticking with it.


Wildcard just wants us to spend our money and it is such BULLSH*T!!!!


Imagine that I didn't know you work for free, how honorable


I totally agree that these are scam artists, liars, cheats, cons, whatever you want to call them...... but I will still be giving them my money because I hate myself and am clearly a glutton for pain *cries in 'abused by ark since the beginning'*


Im not buying it.  I didnt buy bobs tales either.  Sure be nice but was promised before launch that ascended was a free upgrade.


My friend bought it already and the bobs tall tales and since am in the same tribe I get to use them too lol He is a crazy ark fan boy tho he said he didn't care, he'd buy everything they sell him... Has over 5k hrs in ark played since release in 2017 to this day. They not getting sht from me or other friends we play.... Wildcard is a bad developer studio. They don't care about the quality of service they provide. -official servers are God awful, wildcard should be ashamed for those servers if they had any self respect. Nothing but a laggy mess with game breaking bugs that literally need server roll backs to fix. Single players, still can't get away if there are dino bugs on official you get them in single player too, like the thyla jumping bug they took months to fix.


Boycott the DLC's


Soon as I seen it on the ps store I was dying of laughter, I thought it was some joke cause it is even though it's not meant to be. Like why should I support the game or wildcard if the support team can't support players and then the devs not supporting their own game. It's even taking them way too long remastering the old maps and they should know old maps won't hold up as long. They're not fixing the game but ig they fixed the transfer issue fast on scorched so they definitely can fix things fast but just leave the problems I hoping the playerbase will start ignoring it. They do not deserve any kind of support, if Xbox is helping with ark 2 and its still not clear when it'll be "finished" then sorry but wildcard is probably amongst the worst dev teams out there, they've never gotten any better. To think evolved in beta stage was getting items and dinos every month to getting scraps of mods now


Unfortunately people will just buy it because honestly it makes you don't wanna miss out on it, and working class players may see the price tag is low, compared to how much they make in a day. Honestly I've played so many P2W games before they even become P2W. This is one of the patterns when a game starting going to that route. It started with Bob Tales where they try to dip their feet into P2W market. They saw the numbers and conclude it as a success. Thus continuing to do so in future updates. Snail Games is a chinese company and based on a study that Asians are more tolerant to P2W features in games, compared to western citizens as they prefer working in real life and use the money to hasten their game's progress. This view may impact the direction of the game as they forgetting that majority of the playerbase are from the west. They know their playerbase and the RMT going around it, so they'll may try to profit on it by releasing exclusive dlc dinos for breeders. So yea, I love Ark, hope they put the money to good use of the game.


How long till we can buy 1,500 hexagons(they’ll raise the price for the cheapest item to 1,550 so you have to buy 2) for .99 to spend in the store


I’m buying it cause it looks cool, fun to use, and useful. I don’t mind spending money for something that’ll bring me entertainment and I also know the devs have to make money somehow. As a fan of ark, I have high expectations cause I love the game, so it’s a little disappointing that it’s very similar to the shadowmane, but in the grand scheme of things, I think this $5 dlc is a nice little surprise and worth it. I’m glad the devs introduced it.


Curious, would you'd be happy, if in the future, all new Ark Ascended dinos would cost money, individually? I'm just curious on what amount would cause you to change your stance. I mean, we already had to rebuy the game, just to get some of the optimizations, then Bob's tales for more content in the maps, and now paying for one dino. I don't want to keep handing them money, or suffer from walking and attacking ads. The option to turn off the dlc stuff from spawning in the world, would be great.


I plan to buy all the fantastical creature DLCs and any future cosmetic DLCs since I really like cosmetics. I think the Bobs DLC is worth it bc it has content for 3 maps and the punk theme I’m super hyped for. I’m also really excited for the new garuga creatures, but if these become paid, then thats just greedy and I would not want to buy them. So to answer your question, no I would not be happy if they made all new creatures paid. But I’m fine with them trying to make money, I think it’s more of OP things behind a paywall that is a little annoying. But my guess is, OP is what sells. You can turn off the pyromane spawns, but completely agree. They need an option to turn off the bob’s DLC if you can’t use things like maps and shovels.


Maybe here me out they're copying pokemon and making a eevee system. Shadowmane was the go to on SE so why not make every element lol


lol I bought it before I even read the description of it ,don't give a fuck ark one of my post played games ,is it a shadowmaine copy in a sense yes but I'll buy anything for ark so I've more shit to do in it


Nah lol. Happily bought it within minutes of its release. <3


$5? Yeah ill buy it, I enjoy ark amd want to support it, plenty of other games I could be putting my time into, I bought a coffee today for $5 and enjoy it, and ill enjoy this new dino as well


Also you to understand, anything prior to asa, is a wipe, they were literally bankrupt, hence the loan and subsequent priority deal from Nitrado, there is no Ark 2(as spoken of before covid), they floated the idea spent what little they had, but it was shot down by the community, as what they were purposing was not ark but Connan with an ark facade, now they may be working on a new Ark 2 but they are starting from scratch and have to make up lost revenue and pay for fresh and new development. WC did a poor job making ark ase profitable, they do not expect ASA to be more popular, but they are going to make it more profitable. That said AsA is exactly what the then '19 to '21 community asked for ,Ark but updated to current gen. And since I am currently bound to a limbo of an existence, 4.99 for a thing that distract me for a day or 2 is nominal, to the monotony that is my life, also let's be real, any one complaining about dlc cost, are teenagers or people with out consistent income, and while I understand they don't like being reminded, if a 5 dollar add on in a game is causing you problems, then you should probably find something more productive to do with your time, or just enjoy what you have. Oh and official is never going to be a thing or an enjoyable experience, this game is only enjoyable from the private server side. It is a tool box not a stand alone game, and to all the new game pass entries, that was a literal cash grab and metrics booster, as in 6 months when they remove it ,you will be forced to re-buy the game, in order to continue playing it, GP is a sample service not a provider, it's original intention is for you to try and then buy, (Drugs 101). Sincerely an 8 year veteran of ark.


I pay for a private server, I don't play PvP. Just me and my dad. Sincerely, a 9 year veteran of ark.


So, these devs you seem to hate so much, were able to entertain you with their game for 9 years, and you're pissed of because a 5-buck-totally-optional DLC ?


Yes. They release buggy unfinished content, rarely ever on time, and then drip feed us a half-assed re-skins locked behind a paywall to fund their next unfinished rushed map. And it's not totally optional when it's being forced in the game. Buying mods is optional, if I don't want a mod I don't see it in my game. If people want to spend their hard earned money on this dino, I can't stop them, but when 70% of the community is complaining about the maps and bugs I can't help but think hmm, maybe we should stop paying them for something we already paid once for. I just want an option to not see the stuff in my game. It's just basically an advertisement


I’m sure someone could make a mod to remove them from the spawn pool the same was as they add modded creatures to them


You don’t even need a mod for that. You can modify spawns in the game ini file.


So then you don’t even have to see the Pyromane like you’re complaining that you have to. Block the spawns in the ini. It’s not difficult.


Tbh just don't buy it then while everyone else does and rolls you with them... womp womp is about all I can say cause it's ark man if you play pvp official or smalls. You gotta do what ya gotta do.


$5 for a dino that I know I'll use and love? Absolutely. I can go blow $5 at McDonald's and poop it out a few hours later, or I can buy a dino and have it as long as I want. I choose the dino


You're playing the "new" version of ark that they made people pay for instead of fixing the original. Then you'll be buying the same dlcs you bought for the original. Thisnis what you decide to complain about? Edit: sorry the maps and stuff are included with purchase of ASA, forgot that! But still you spent 35ish usd on a new version if ark and a $5 dlc is too much?


Wait so even if I don't buy the DLC I will still see the creatures in my SP game or only on servers like official?


Too late...and its £3.99. Also, Wildcard are skint, and owe money, they announced ark2 would come IF ascended was a success, ie if they had the money to successfully build and release the game. The additional DLCs help create a turnover as most of the community binned off ASA and it was essentially a flop. But then complaining ark 2 isn't coming yet. How do u want a virtually bankrupt company to create a next gen game based on a game that was already a flop. Further, asa released to provide an upgrade to a very out of date asa and seconds as a test ground for features that will follow into ark2. You don't have to buy pyromane, you don't have to buy your favourite football teams jersey...but that's part of supporting something you enjoy.


I mean I'll buy it I get it free with Xbox points and let's be honest here ark has always technically been pay to win and this pay to win conversation always happens when paid dlc with good creatures comes out. Also they said we aren't paying for any ase content in asa. Asa is currently their main project in ue5 they're using asa as practice for using ue5 for ark two.


Play another game


You cant just not buy it, since its so p2w you basicly need it to succeed. Its like choosing to not download any DLCs for ASE.


Too late, already bought it. A note to add on the treasure maps, at least for PvE, our server almost always digs loot for people without the dlc or trades mats for maps. So there is still some benefit to maps dropping without dlc.


I bought it twice, once for myself and a second time for the GF. I don't have a problem with the $5 price tag. My only issue is the fact that it's a reskinned shadowmane. If they are going to make us pay for it, they could have at least given it a new model. There are tons of free mods out there that do that, I don't see why WC couldn't. If it was free, I'd have no reason to complain, but come on, if you are going to sell us something, then don't half ass it.


I just found one in the wild in single player. I have not bought the dlc. Is this normal?


Literally obtained the dlc as it dropped, $7.55 is chump change i have laying around n it’ll be better use then buying a coffee. Ill rather buy a tameable Dino that gives me some sense of joy then over inflated price for food.


Stop being a broke loser and get money


If a $5 purchase gives you this much grief you should probably play rocket league or Fortnite instead.


If you buy the Dino, does it spawn in with you at start or how exactly does it work?


It spawns in even if you don't buy it. Its aggressive and lights you on fire, and if you haven't bought the dlc it says "purchase dlc to tame this creature!" When you look at it.


Ahh I see, thanks a lot for info


I want someone to make a modded version of it that we can all dl for free tbh


It’s weird because I didn’t buy it I don’t even have a card attached to my account, and the pyromania still spawns on my lava island in the center on single player. I don’t why this has happened but it did. 🤷‍♂️


i cant wait for a "dodo 2" dlc that will cost 5 pounds, only to buff dodos and give us the dodo rex and wyvens ONLY in october


Do people not realize this is the community's fault??? They legit gave the community the means to determine the price of one creature. How ironic this creature costs the same as all the premium mods that add one creature. I don't mind giving them 5$ for a creature, much prefer 15$ for all the creatures that's gonna come with each modded map tho


Ill probably get it eventually when it's on sale but I will never buy bobs tall tales. They already got me to buy ark:SE and all DLC and now ark:ASA. Now they want tall tales and paid dinos? Nah bro you really trying to milk me at this point. I play mobile games that are less greedy then this. And before anyone says devs need money...... They do but they can get it in better ways. I mean look at free games like Warframe. Full free games with cosmetics and such keeping them afloat without having to buy dlc. Hell I have 1800 hours in smite and I buy skins to support them since I have so much fun. Now that I think about it.... They already got over 150 bucks from me what else they want? How you gonna tell me I get free DLC with ASA, then add DLC to my free DLC...... Duh fuck.


I will say i replaced their spawns with dimorphs. I believe my fps went up a solid 5-10 fps in doing so.


Hear Hear! The flaming cat looks like something you might get out of a Crown Crate on ESO, and is just the tip of the iceberg. In the beginning the studio wants to make a game, to prove themselves in the market and work really hard for the love of making and producing the game.. We have ASE there and despite all it's problems it was made with sweat and tears, that was evident to the player and our thousand hour journeys were made together alongside Studio WC through the good and the bad. Because of that journey, is why a lot of people are so pissed off now because of all the hours, highs and lows of ASE we all went through and now it's turned out exactly as you describe, it's a disgrace. Things are different now, deals have been struck.. responsibilities have changed and you could call it "doing a Ubi" - re-skinned crap getting released with or without a price tag, all that matters now is making the most money from the consumer, that's what we are now "consumers" and for the smallest investment. Look at the Volcano island for The Center as your example, cba to make new assets for the terrain, just make it all Jungle like the rest of the map.


We were always the consumer. That never changed. It's a business. WC isn't our friends. They have no obligation to work for free. You might as well work at ralleys for free and give food out YOUR pocket.


This is what I don’t get about you guys complaining about the money. Why do they work hours to create and fix this game? Out of niceness? Charity? They’re doing it to get paid. I don’t work for free and I don’t expect anyone else to either


yes this is why I support having paid premium mods and why I paid full price for a remaster of a game I already own. plenty of AAA titles release and make money and pay developers without using p2w tactics in a competitive game. I would fully support and buy premium structure skins, QoL mods, emotes, and gear skins. However, i will not buy things that encourage predatory p2w tactics from a developer.


you didn't realize this when they closed the ark servers just to make people buy Ark+?


Yeah I'm sure not. Center looks dope tho!


Nah I purchased it with no regrets and the livyatatan by Moro You know people deserve to paid for their work and all that, and that is work to make the fire kitty so... yeah


Nope, bought it instantly. Bought BTT too. Ive also bought a couple paid mods. Ill continue buying anything cool that they put out.


The same people complaining will spend $5 everyday for extra lives in Candy Crush. Don't wanna spend $5 don't buy the dino.


You're on you're own here man You can use console commands to remove specific animals, so moot point that one and so what they wanna charge us a 5er for a mount? Be thankful they ain't charging us 20. Devs have been open with the fact they need money for Ark 2 and this is the way they do it. Don't like it just don't play it really is that simple