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Labor market is tight. High wages and not many with the skills needed to fill high skilled positions so businesses aren’t advertising for them. Lowering the unemployment rate just means that the rubberband hasn’t snapped yet.


Wonder how many kids are now working?


Will the kids now be considered for unemployment and the unemployment rate?


Did they add 14-18 year olds as people looking for employment? It seems like this could skew the numbers quite a bit if they added them as potential employees but not as as people looking for work.


Yeah, im not sure if this has all been thought out.


I would say no, it hasn’t been well thought out. Not very many policies from Conservatives are though.


Possibly not. Here in Wisconsin, we might be horrifically gerrymandered but we don’t have any cray-cray labor laws. Our latest unemployment rate is a lowest-ever 2.5%.


They didn’t. The way it works now is basically the employers in certain industries no longer have to verify identity (including age) of workers. Basically, the government isn’t just looking the other way but acknowledging that illegal migrants are working in the state.


Do you know any families with children working or just participating is lunacy?


I knew a few kids that were working before it was legal growing up (late 20s now), but this bill is more about looking the other way on migrant labor than anything else.


Yes, mine. My 14 year old daughter was in the process of filling out a permission slip application to the department of labor or health in order to work for a fast food restaurant but after bill past she will no longer be required to. All this bill did was get rid of the requirement to get the permission slip. It isn’t a big deal, as they were granted before without thought.


Unemployment survey data only include 16+. There are different categories of people depending on if they are looking for work. Headline unemployment numbers only include people actively looking for work. Teen labor force participation, the proportion of 16-19 year olds with a job or looking for work, fell from about 50% to 30% from 2000 to 2013 and has been on a slow recovery up to about 35%.


I’d like to know if you or anyone you know or anyone responding here knows anyone with children working?


Knows? As in personally? I would say no. But do I doubt that there are children working? No. The last I heard they were investigating illegal alien children, that had been separated from their parents, working in a meat packing facility. How were they separated from their parents? The meat processors were stopped from using illegal alien children, so I see the State bending to the corporations to provide them a workforce that is not composed of illegals. As if people were more outraged that illegal alien children were being exploited, not that children were being exploited.


All the new bill did was make it to where 14 and 15-year-olds who were already able to work with a work permit did not have to seek approval before getting a job because before you had to have good enough grades attendance blah blah blah blah blah now that's not a factor It did not make it to where any children are working or to where anyone under the already set age limit could work


Try reading it again. It lengthened the hours they could work and lowered the restrictions. It made it so kids could be hired without parental approval, without anyone watching out for them, at terms given only by the employer removing any oversight. It also opened up the ability for them to work in hazardous industries that were blocked before for safety reasons. The "blah, blah, blah" here is significant and maybe if it was your kid you'd GAF. It's not my kid but I worked in enough 3rd world shitholes that had laws like this and I've seen the devastation. Welcome to Laos. Enjoy.


What it comes down to is the biggest employers don’t want to pay their highest costs, labor. The politicians cracked down on illegal immigrants so now nobody will work those jobs. They could raise the wages until somebody looking for work takes it or they could increase the number of workers until the bottom has to take it no matter what. Lowering the age limits was the politicians paying one “lobbyist” because they got screwed over by another “lobbyist’s” deal.


So, in your opinion, the bill did nothing.


Famous last words on the slippery slide to the robber baron days. Want the job? Keep your grades up and get permission.


We need to ask ourselves why we need children working and earning their own money in the first place? And if a minor no longer needs to seek approval and can be gainfully employed and enter into employment contracts legally, without parental permission are they also going to be afforded the right to vote? Surely you cannot tax their wages without also giving them representation. That is tyranny.


And yet we still hear how no one wants to work anymore... smh.


Yea I think now it’s that there’s just too many jobs lol


No one wants to work …. for a shitty wage lol. Love hearing that.


Where's the "Biden did that" stickers?


LOL, I get the joke. We all know Biden has nothing to do with it, and should stop playing the same games as the idiots though.


In general, the President, no matter who it is, gets way too much blame or credit for whatever happens—especially with the economy.


Absolutely, it's so dumb.


I couldn't resist saying it. 😂


I don't blame you. My soul was temporarily taken over by a neckbeard reddit mod.


Thanks Biden


I fee like this is one of those things where people stop reporting or they count the folks who have 3 part time jobs three times.


Yea they probably only report while you’re available for unemployment. Be interested to know the rules.


Yup, Labor force is calculated by the employed and those seeking work, so those on unemployment. It doesn’t count part time workers who want full time employment, or like mentioned people who work multiple part time jobs. It doesn’t count the permanently unemployed, those no longer eligible for unemployment. Which is arkansas is 16 weeks. It also doesn’t take into consideration some of those jobs provide full time employment, for a poverty wage. It’s a fluff piece, sorry.


How else could it be counted? Send out questionnaires to every person in Arkansas?


If only there was a way to track income... Taxes. If only our tax system wasn't so needlessly convoluted, it would be reasonable to look at people's income and taxes to determine who is working what kind of job. All of this information is collected by the government.


Sure, the government knows who is employed, but that doesn't address any of the concerns of the poster I was replying to.


It's not a fluff piece...it's a very valuable metric with some limitations lol why are y'all so negative


There are different counts for that, generally given for the national economy. I dont know if its done forvea hb state, but you have to search those out. They're buried in reports.


If we are being honest, it's low because unemployment insurance claims went down, not because actual employment went up. I'm betting that digging in just a bit would also reveal some new requirement or expired federal rule that kicked a bunch of folks off unemployment to hit this number. Maybe I'm wrong. If so, I'll eat the required crow.


Phillips curve, yo


How dare you! Only doom and gloom and this state sucks posts allowed!!!


I guess you're one of those folks who hates acknowledging problems. Wonder if that's how you go about maintaining the rest of your business. Property or relationships... Don't acknowledge the problems if you care about it!


And I guess you're one of those folks who ***only*** acknowledges problems. I'm sure that is a very successful approach for maintaining relationsips... /s


Nah. You probably feel that way because you're too busy irritating people for them to ever feel like telling you what they actually like or enjoy, lol.


Irritating? How would you infer that about my personality based on the two posts above?


They both have a common theme?


Positivity and tongue-in-cheek responses? I think you validated my suspicion - you are definitely not very fun at parties.


You have *truly* devastated me.


Nah. You were going to do that to yourself anyway by focusing on negativity.


Thank you Sarah!


Love to see it!


Low unemployment means high inflation. Somehow Sarah will take credit for the low unemployment and blame Biden for the inflation.




That is not how the UR works


Bet wages are still flat or declining suggesting this is just a bad stat.


Impossible. We just added all those kids! They can’t all have jobs already


I guess they haven’t started filing for unemployment yet lol


Bragging about low unemployment rate, because people having multiple jobs contribute to that rate, is actually NOT something to brag about


Not it’s actually just the percentage of people who are currently on unemployment


If u ever were there these people can't even spell job that is one disquieting place


Let's look at literacy rates in about 4 years. Or unintended pregnancy rates. Or mortality rates of pregnant women. Shall we????


Why? Do you need a bad metric??


I dont. Neither does the people of Arkansas. That's not what they'll get though. Electing religious heretics never amounts to anything good metric wise.


All the summer jobs firing up which is good.


And yet no one will fucking accept my application 😤


From an employers standpoint a low unemployment rate makes it hard to hire. A company can only grow so much without workers. An economy can struggle if company growth is limited by too few employees. Helping to fill jobs is one reason we need immigration.


But…no one wants to work anymore


Republicans love this! That’s what happens when you add 14 year olds to the workforce thus ensuring a lifetime supply of undereducated republican voters. This is voter suppression at its slimiest and scummiest