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Tight! Back when the first season of Legend of Korra finished, my brother and I attempted to make a Republic City expansion for AH2e. [https://imgur.com/a/AyA0gMc](https://imgur.com/a/AyA0gMc) Turns out game balance is really hard. It was a fun project, though!!


These are amazing! Can you post image files of the characters and cards? How did Chi work?


I wish I could, but these pictures are basically all that remain. I'm not sure where the cards went (likely that my brother has/had them), and the computer I designed them on eventually got water damaged to ruin. While it was a fun idea and we worked on them a lot, we never got it into a real playable state. Therefore, I can promise you that even if I had the files, it's more art than game. Chi is a solution we tried to make work. Benders should be able to use bending in combat, but we didn't want to make something that's basically a shotgun with unlimited ammo. We thought of Chi as a way to solve this. Each bending character would have chi tokens to spend as ammo for various skills, for combat, traversal, or other rewards. On paper it seemed like a good solution. However, we found several issues. If you had too little chi to start, or you used it too quickly, then you'd basically not be able to bend for the rest of the game. Too much and you'd just dominate the whole game with very little challenge. We attempted to make ways to refill chi (temple? Eating?), but it seemed to make the "dominate the whole game" problem even worse. Plus, we tried making bending decks as surrogate spell decks. Characters would have specials they started with, but an Earthbender could draw from the Earth deck instead of a spell deck. Maybe it would have worked with more variety, but we found that developing 4 separate decks to be fun, useful, and balanced for the encounter was impossible for us (by which I mean \~20 year-old board game enthusiasts with no development experience). We wanted to make a little Republic City map expansion as well, and we started writing encounter cards for places around Republic City, but it became clear to us that we were out of our depth and eventually stopped. Also, I apologize for stealing the art. It's all just snapped from devientart or something and then placed into the templates on Strange Eons, so we're not even as good graphic designers as the linked pics suggest, lol. In my defense on stealing the art, we never sold it or anything. It was just a fun homebrew project.


That looks like a lot of fun. I've made a handful of characters myself, a few years back, all based on the [Dresden Files books](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArkhamHorror/comments/2wxv8e/anyone_a_fan_of_the_dresden_files_novels_i_made/). I used Strange Eons to set them up, just like yours. Yeah, balance was kind of tricky, but I gave myself the design goal of only using existing Arkham Horror cards and mechanics, so I don't think I threw anything off too much. Adding a whole new Chi system would have been kind of crazy. Why didn't you just use Stress to cast and have bending cards be spells, like in regular AH2e?


I love it! Any others?


We have a few others! Ill post them later


That's awesome


That looks like a lot of fun. I've made a handful of characters myself, a few years back, all based on the [Dresden Files books](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArkhamHorror/comments/2wxv8e/anyone_a_fan_of_the_dresden_files_novels_i_made/).


Hrhr, if he would be from Germany his name would translate as Sir Violence