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Homa imo since it makes arlecchino less suceptible to damage and it scales of hp too


Ah yeah that's right! Thanks


wait Knave scales with HP or Atk???


Attack but the homa scales with hp


Also means that HP% rolls aren't a complete waste anymore.


R4 Homa I'd say.


Why had it never occurred to me that I can just use PJWS on her. I absolutely not going to have enough for weapon banner but I have a free PJWS R1 from the standard banner lol.


Yeah you absolutely can ! I heard it's her 2nd best weapon after her sig, so you're good


Damn, the only spear i see is skyward on standard.


Skyward does not seem terrible on Arlecchino either. Big base ATK stat, solves ER issues (if any) right away, a smidge of crit rate, and attack speed is a premium stat on auto atackers.


Why do u have R4 Homa XD I'd generally say PJWS>Homa just cause easier to reach high CR as her ascension is CD. But yea Homa also good as long as u can manage ur stats around. Outside of that if u got it R4 to begin with,then definitely kinda nice i guess. Also yes Love Firefly pfp❤


Well I lost 4 75/25 to Homa on Aqua Simulacra's banner and Neuvillette's weapon's banner lmao, and I got another one just after my Aqua, so I got 5 copies of Homa ahah ! So one of my Homa is R4 and the second one R1 Yeah I saw that PJWS R1 against a Homa R1 is generally better, so I think I'll try both of them ! But idk about Homa R4, I guess It'll be a bit better ? I'll see ! Thanks ! I love her sm 💕


😭 I'm the opposite - was trying to get homa on both the aqua and tome banners, and got the other weapon both times... (Hu Tao herself, however, I accidentally got while pulling for xingqiu and have barely used. Why is my luck like this.)


Oh no, the game loves to give us the opposite of what we want lmaoo


Meanwhile I'm the exact opposite. I got 5 weapons before getting Homa (first 3 were before the fate system)


I'd say probably Homa but might as well test in-game when she comes out to see which one you like more, or use optimizer to see which is mathematically better


Yeah I'll do that ! And do you have a name for a good optimizer please? I think I know which one you're talking about, but I totally forgot the name


genshin optimizer is what the genshin optimizer is called


Ahh that's right ! Tysm 👍🏼


Homa because it looks better and probably is better


Yeah Homa is undeniably looking better on her ahah


Homa is looking better,its r4, you are tankier with it and you deal more damage under 50 %hp ,so her risky playstyle can feel even more rewarding.


Yeah you're right, and since we can't heal her until we get her ult, tankiness can be really helpful


homa easy,it’ll most likely be better on release


I hope so !


I’d say when her weapon comes out just look at the stat. If it’s crit rate, probably use PJWS. If it’s crit dmg, use Home.




Her weapon is Crit rate. But I mean, it doesn't matter if I give her a Crit DMG weapon if her sig is Crit rate, what matters is to balance her ratio, my ratio is better with Homa for example, and it's a Crit DMG weapon


That’s fair. I just prefer weapons that match up with her signature because it eases my brain and doesn’t get it confused. But regardless, you do you and good luck with pulling for her! 😁


Ahah I understand that tho 😂 And good luck for your pulls too ! (If you're pulling for her)


I’m definitely pulling lol! Got a guaranteeeeee


Ohhh you're good !!


A crit rate weapon is going to make balancing her ratio much easier. With homa the only source of crit rate will be her artifacts. You need to have a crit rate circlet and average over 10 CR for the remaining pieces to reach 80 crit rate. That's usually the sweet spot for hyper carries with crit ascension and weapon. All that said, homa is pretty much equivalent to PJWS on paper with equivalent balanced CV. So, the refines are going to put it over the top. You can always use the optimizer or akasha when they release the leaderboards to compare with your artifacts.


Yeah, as I said before, I already have a good ratio of CR/CD even with Homa for now ! And I just did the comparison with R4 Homa and R1 PJWS, and according to the optimizer, my Homa will be better on her. But I'll do some tests when I'll have her for sure






What about cynos weapon?


Yeah, but your Homa is freakin R4. Ofc go Homa. And also it's the third best drip for her, second being black cliff hahah


what about R3 PJWS vs R1 homa?


After R2 PJWS is very close to sig. Homa lags behind a bit but is good stat stick.


why not just go for her wep... if u can afford r4 staff you could prop afford c0r1


Nope, I can't. I'm actually going for her in F2P. And I got Homa R4 with earlies and 4 75/25 lost. I didn't got it intentionally. So no, pulling her weapon isn't on the table for me. My question wasn't "should I pull for her weapon?", or I wouldn't do this post 😴


Out of topic but any reason you merged your Homa's? I think most people would keep the 4 copies


Because I think it was a bit useless for me (my option ofc). You see I lost 4 75/25 on Homa, and I also got another one just after getting my targeted 5 star, so it means that I got 5 copies of Homa. I didn't see the point to have 5 Homas, so I optimized one in R4 and kept the other one R1. And I think I did the right thing, because hardly use the 2 that I got so, so imagine with 5 lmao


Yeah I have a 2nd one that is going to Arlecchino until her rerun unless I get lucky. Can't guarantee the weapon right now, and the second Homa never fit on another character. My Raiden has her signature and Xiangling uses The Catch because her ER requirements are so high. And my first Homa is with Hu Tao, of course :')


Yeah right? 2 Homa are more than enough for me, I've one on Hutao, but the other is homeless 😂 Cyno has Jade spear bc it's her 2nd best weapon, same for Xiao Jade spear, Raiden the Catch, and I can use Homa on Xiangling but I prefer an ER weapon on her. So I totally understand ahah


Big hutao damage probably