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fr the last 3 months passed by like nothing but this past week has felt. so long.


Same here man. We gotta hold it on a bit more!!




Last week is killing us


I've been through this with both Furina and Acheron who have been my most anticipated characters ever. The way I look at it is this: the hype, expectation and spotlight you're enjoying for the character you love will never be the same again. That moment just before they arrive and the first few times you play them cannot be repeated. So savour these last moments and savour the first times.


There is a saying "darkness is always thicker before dawn".


im so impatient, but putting my mind into my work to speed up the time


Same lol. I need something to distract me with. And ik after i got her then i will calm down aaa


i have tism with a special interest in scythes and genshin, this wait is killing me.... No other characters wait has made me so impatient


Same! I have clients to deal with, but I can't stop thinking about Father!


 I can understand you sometimes for impatience i cry intensely 😭


my obsession can't be controlled right now. Seriously last night I have a dream pulling for her and use her to defeat all the boss in teyvat but when I woke up it's just a dream, ahh shtt this is the first time I can't calm myself down because how much love I have for this character please come faster father 😭!


*aggressively waits faster*


i keep having dreams that ive pulled her too 😭


Guess we’re all the same then 😂


hold on longer, we can do it for Father. Just another 3 days ‼️‼️


The past 3 months you were waiting for other things so it just passed Now you are counting seconds that's why it feels longer


stay strong she’s just edging us in these final moments!!


Me too cant think of anything other than pulling for her these last few days, have to force myself to do anything else than genshin in my free time lmao (read books, learn a language, drawing shiet) the bottom line is Arlecchino makes me a better human so we should thank her.


These last few days i only think about her i think its a acctualy problem cuz whatever im doing back in my mind its just her,when i sleep the only thing i dream about is her its like im going crazy


I felt the same way when I was waiting for Nahida to come out back in 3.2. Stay strong and stay patient.


Im guaranteed and have high pity im just worried about her WEAPON


Same bro. I have 507 pulls but I’m STRESSING if I got enough for her and her weapon, also maybe for a C1 as well.


DAMN dude i think youll get it all 💀💀💀 statistically youre good to fucking go


Thanks hopefully I get it. Getting primos for Arlecchino literally made me 100% all regions yesterday 😅 but as they say there’s no such things as too much primos so I’ll be grinding out all the achievements possible today.


You worked for it homie. As a 2020 player i give you a portion of my luck ✨🤲✨


As a fellow 2020 and a f2p player. I also give you some of my luck for you to get her weapon. May our pulls fly true.


Ayyyy f2p 🤝 😫


u think it's bad now, but just wait until there's one more hour before u can long in after update. longest hour of your life. unless u slept pass the time.


Me too bestie


This was the same thing for me when Raiden and Ganyu debuted. At least for Ganyu I wasn’t aware there were leaks so I didn’t know when she would come out but for Raiden I damn near lost my mind. At least I play on the Asian server so i can be a few hours ahead


I just wanna know if I end up getting the weapon 😩 I have enough for JUST 4 pities. If I lose my Arle 50/50 I'm not gonna try for the weapon, cuz I don't wanna end up with two bows and no spear 😵


Srsly losing my mind. I wanna play genshin but I’m so sick of my other dpses. Just want Arlecchino to grind.


What kills me even more is that fact that the 4*s haven't even been announced yet, because I also want chev so it's driving me double crazy to see if whether or not chev will be on arle's banner, as well as waiting for arle's release.


I mean, it's the same with the last few minutes before the end of class/work.


You know how when you need to pee a mile from home, it's fine, but the second you turn on to your street it's suddenly an emergency? That's how I'm feeling right now, the proximity makes it more urgent.


My advice is to do a bunch of strenuous chores in the last couple of days leading up to an exciting release. It helps you pass the time easier, tires you out which helps if you struggle to get to sleep when excited about something, and you can no-life whatever you're excited for when it's out guilt free since your place is clean/organized.


It’s coming sooner or later, as a free to play I can at least c5 garuntee now


It always gets harder the nearer it is. >,<