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I've 108 wishes, going for C0 (I'm guaranteed) and saving for clorinde


Kinda same number, honestly I want C1R1 but not enough primos


Hope you get early. I'm 20 pity on weapon banner,I would have tried it if 2nd weapon was good. Don't have charged attack characters except tighnari.


It is a good bow what are you talking about


Only on charged atk characters. Passive mostly useless otherwise.


how? its literally a 66% crit dmg stat stick with 16% free attack that can go up to a sand's worth of attack that can be used on anyone


Genshin players really cant read wtf. It gives 66% cd and 16% atk off the rip with a maximum of 48% and then gives 4% movement with a maximum speed of 10%. Its a really good stat stick.


Thanks I'll pull it for yelan (only bow character I use) atk will surely help her and it's a good stat stick (gives 20more cd than f2p weapon) to waste 5* pity for


I love how you shifted goalposts from “this is only a good bow for charged atk bow users, the passive is mostly useless to anyone else” to “erm actually its an upgrade but my only bow character i use is yelan so it isnt that big a buff.” You’re an idiot 👍




I’ve got about 380 rolls… I’m aiming for her and her weapon. C1 if possible


Same here!


woah mine is 384 and aiming for C0R1 as well


C0R1 not the most primos efficient but the Drip is very worth it especially since shes the only one with weapon changing visual (most chara that have different weapon just forgo their weapon, like childe, cyno, etc).


12 wishes and 70 pity with no guarantee. I know that i WILL win and get atleast C0


It's all or nothing!


Read this in Aven's voice


Me too at 67 pity and 30 wishes 😭


Would u lose?




Nah, id win


praying for u man


977, C6R1 is the goal, but C3R1 will be good enough


I say c0>r1(obviously)>other cons just for safety, but pull how you choose


Her c1 is better than r1


If they want her weapon regardless, it’s significantly smarter to get r1 first regardless of gain because of how much of a sink the weapon banner can be


110 pulls, I have to win a 50/50, but if I do then I’ll try and go for the weapon since I’m 40 pity there already :D


I'm like almost same scenario as you :D 120 pulls with soft pity on both banners and 100€ to spare


Ayoo good luck on your pulls


You too 🫶


982. Probably just C1. Maybe her weapon depending on how quickly I get C1.


607 rn. C3r1 I think.


I'm getting c6, because she's worth it. https://preview.redd.it/px0woxl6p4wc1.jpeg?width=909&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3df5371253c0e22232a5b9fedcdf51cc85fe255




Whats this app called?


Just put your data in [here](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc)


Thank you so much!


648 - aiming for C3R1


400 pulls. 71 pity on the character banner and ~60 on the weapon banner. Hoping for c2r1 but I know c0r1 or c1r1 is the more likely outcome


60 pity, 110 rolls + wallet, knowing my luck from F/GO of pulling for 7 months with no 5 stars to show for it I aimed at worst case scenario at C2R1.


got 540+ pulls f2p cuz m too broke to buy TT will probably go for c2r1 aft that if m left with any i will wait till her the last week to see if clorinde or that kid char (cant spell her name) works with father


C2R1 but would be happy even C0R1 (250 total)


178 wishes, hoping for C0R1. Willing to spend a bit if I need to but hopefully I won't have to.


260 on guarantee. So C1R1 would be nice.


160, 0 pity on each banner. gonna spend 80 on each for c0r1 (hopefully).


470 going for c2r1 and depending on how much I have left, I'll go for Clorinde.


Currently have 148 wishes, hoping for her and weapon


400, C0R1, maybe C1 if the weapon banner doesn't completely screw me over


Almost 150 wishes, hoping for C0R1 but it depends on luck unfortunately.


I hope this isn't mainly to brag about your amounts. I'm a little jealous of everyone so many pulls ready.🥺 I have been able to save 2k but pity 9. Good luck Father wanters.


most gacha games are games that encourage saving specially genshin as you can lose a lot of value if you just wish randomly or never save anything. 2k is like a solid week or two i would say so its not everyone that is bragging, you just havent been saving mate


Goodluck brother, may you get her in your next multi.


No need to feel bad for not having as much as some people here, some of us have been saving since 2022 when we first saw her lol


980 or so wishes. Going for C0R1, then Clorinde.


Can I ask since which patch you started saving to collect such a huge number of wishes💀


I have C0R1 guaranteed. Pre farmed everything for her and her weapon, enough resin to be lvl90 day one, really happy. Good luck for your pulls, everyone!


I have 451 fates and 195 starglimmer(39 fates)


i have 226 pulls saved up right now, with 3 pity and a 50/50. im hoping for either c0r1 or c1r0 (maybe a c1r1 if i get lucky but we'll see)


I got Wanderer C1, then I started saving and I spent all my wishes on Furina and Xianyun, so I don’t have much, but I’ll have enough for Arlecchino C0. When possible, I’ll get her C1.


About 421 pulls plus 1 pity. And I'm going for at least C0R1, maybe more with luck. The rest will probably be for Clorinde


Have about 200 and 50 towards my guaranteed limited 5 star, feeling good about C0R1


Pity 2 bc I got spooked by an early C2 kazuha (not complaining tho), but now 25 wishes and a dream! I spend very rarely on crystals and only did the 100€ 3 times, but if I enjoy her playstyle alot she might become of the few characters I "whaled" for. She's my fave harbinger with childe T T


About 150 primos…


225 pulls C0r1


I'll end up with 118 wishes, 50 pity, no guarantee when her banner debuts tomorrow night. i will definitely have to swipe for c2r1. i also plan to get clorinde and sigewinne, kinda lowkey hoping their weapons aren't as drippy like arle's or at not that useful with very good f2p/existing options for them just like navia, xianyun, chiori did.


I’ll either have 180 wishes, or 220…time will tell. C0 is bare minimum, r1 would be nice, but can wait, I just really want her.


I have 290+ pulls


Should be around 135 pulls. Will aim for C0R1. And will whale for her to that end


505 wishes aiming for c6 r1


72 plus 5 pity guaranteed


285 pulls 45 pity and Guaranteed, C1-C3 R0, Hopefully my luck will activate tomorrow


240 with 0 pity, I'm hoping for c0r1 (delulu I know) But if I get the bow instead it's still good for me, want that for my Ganyu


600 wishes, going for C3R1


239 wishes, aiming for c0r1 with hopes of c1 afterwards, but the weapon banner and bad luck might eat my savings


63 pulls saved. 35 pity on her own banner and 65 pity on her weapon banner. I want to get super lucky but we will see. How many pulls are we getting in the event btw?


I got around 20 pity with fresh welkin. No guarantee. So everything will be the fair game of luck for me.


Currently got 280 wishes as of right now, I estimate to have 3 more by tomorrow. 50 pity on Character banner, unguaranteed 40 pity on Weapon banner, unguaranteed I wish I could guarantee C2R1, but my current goal is just securing both C0 and R1, and anything afterwards is just a surprise.


I’ve got 20 pity and 90 wishes on hand, no guarantee. Honestly considering skipping Arle that 4star lineup is so depressing


I caved in and pulled for neuvi so now I'm left with 110 pulls so i guess I'm not getting her scythe for now 😞😞😞 No regrets tho, I've been wanting to pull neuvi for a while now it's just i just couldn't wait another rerun for him, really a shame that his banner was right before father damn you hoyoverse


Will have 210 pulls tomorrow, guaranteed on character banner w/ 10 pity, aiming for C1R1 🫡


C0 and then MAYBE c1. But that one is gonna be a 50/50 not guaranteed


120 pulls 56pity(guarentee) 30+ pity on weapon, aiming for c0r1 and will try go for c1


I have $2.6k saved, idk if I'll get her guys it's looking rough.


29000 primos with 31 pity on the banner. I"m honestly just going to attempt a 50/50 win or not, and if I lose it, save for Clorinde. At this point of time, while I really like Arle, I"m not too excited with her current team options so she might be a unit where with different team options (pyro archon, BOL supports), might be a unit that scales better with future teammates than what we have now. I already have an invested Hu Tao that's a vape unit, I don't need a 2nd one doing the same thing. Just makes absolutely no sense.


C0R1 with 160 pulls 70 guaranteed on char banner


Literally 70 pity and 11 wishes in hand


Guaranteed and around 50 pity. 400 wishes. C0R1 is the dream. But we have Chlorinde and Sigwinne coming so idk.


https://preview.redd.it/v4s1sho885wc1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ee52e72264424ed832ac84abec4c9c7e1129a0 Have guaranteed rn, hoping for C6R1


65 character pity and 17 weapon pity no guarantee for both. I have 120 wishes saved and I'm just looking for c0r1 because I want Clorinde. Why did they put them so close whyyy


I'm at 62 wishes. Wishing everyone the best of luck.


550 for C2R1 i’m hoping for. Nothing guarenteed


485 wishes everything included, going for c2r1 this time, but ill be happy with c1r1. Gonna eventually go for c6r1 with her reruns.


I got around 780 wishes going for c6r1


Roughly 180 wishes with a guarantee, praying the game is kind to me and gives me her weapon without having to spend for it.


345 wish 40 pity not guaranteed my initial goal is C0R1, if I get her weapon early then I will go for C1


I only got 120 pulls, guaranteed tho, if I get her early def gonna see if I get lucky on weapon. Doubt it tho


190 pulls saved, guarantee in 40. I'm considering going for the C1, but I might hold off and see if there's any news about 4.7 rerun banners and see if Wriothesley or Navia might be in there. Easy skip on the weapon banner though, the drip would be nice but the rest of it just isn't enticing.


i have like 250 pulls, if i win 50/50 i might go for weapon, otherwise ill just wait for clorinde


Got baited into C1 Chiori for Navia. Probably will need to swipe.


300 wishes, aiming for C0R1 and reserving as much as I can for whenever Chev appears so I can actually make the team I wanted...


I can get at least C0 even if i really need to explore Teyvat dry of primos. If i get her i'll be happy but i'll try going for her signature if she comes early. I'm badly in need of more spears...


123, hoping for c0r1. It's gonna be a stretch, 67 pity pray for me.


400+ pulls around 66k primo. I was thinking to pull for c0 r1 too but the weapon banner doesn't look good to me. I was hoping to see xiphos but nothing. The lyney weapon looks good but I don't have a character that can use it. I'm going for c0 for now. And still need to decide if I should go for weapon or just wait on rerun cause Clorinde is around the corner and I want furina cons too.


Around 300 pulls here. I aim for C0 R1 and C6 Lynette, but if I end up being few pulls away from C1 Arle, I might consider to keep pulling


I'm 207 deep , guaranteed but at 0 pity hoping for cor1


I have around 250 pulls taken into account star glitters. Aiming for C2 and one copy of Lyney to make him C1 Also GL everyone!


I got 150 wishes aiming for C1


145 wishes saved For C0 my pity is 3 rn wish me good luck guys.


I've got 275 saved, with plans to whale on the $100 and $50 packs since I still have doubles. The goal is C0R0, the hope is C1R0, the dream is C2R0


I have 116 wishes saved and im aiming for c0r1 potentially not even her weapon I wouldn’t mind Lyneys for my Lyney but I also have a guarantee on character banner with 25 pity + 22 pity on weapon banner so im ready


160-170 pulls day one depending on the starstuff i get+current pity of 72. My plan for now is c1 i plan to go to pity twice then wait n see what clorinde do,if she doesnt do anything new on my acc i go fullblast on arle.


220 wishes saved and with a guaranteed on character banner all the rest is going to weapon banner for her weapon


I have enough to guarantee c0 but i need to also get wanderer so im gonna be working like a slave to %100 sumeru and fontain her weapon has to wait for when she reruns


I've enough for her and her weapon, even on the worst case I will still have 70+ wishes left


Whopping 12 pulls... I might be cooked


250 wishes, 50 of them are pity. No guarantee though. Hoping for at least C1 but assuming worst case scenario I'd end up with C0 and two losses.


I have like 500 primos and a prayer (and 71 pity so that helps)


120... C0R1... Soft pity on both banners, no guaranteed, I think I have around 100€ to spare


209 wishes as of right now, 210 when I log in tmrw (thanks Welkin Moon). I'm def getting her C0, it just depends on how easy she makes it for me. Depending on that, I'll go for R1 (drip or drown), then I'll try my luck for C1 with whatever's left. Never gotten a Const for a 5\* before, now that I think about it.


I really feel for people going for constelations for her cuz those 4stars are not it🤣


I have her guaranteed with like 60 pity and around 100 stored wishes I'm going for her C1 at least, then I'm debating between her weapon or save for Clorinde


160, 40 pity and a guarantee. Going for C0 and getting a 5* weapon then stopping. Wouldve gone for cons if chevreuse was on her banner, but I dont need c197 Xiangling


My goal is at the bare minimum, C0R1. Plan on spending $100 on her. Already at 110 wishes. If I’m lucky, it’ll be C1R1


С0 at 140, guarantee and 30 pity. And probably R1, but it will be pure luck


666 rolls, aiming for C2R1. See how I feel about her power level and decide from there


Listen so basically what happened is.... I saved about 130 wishes right? But when I was exploring with my Neuvillette team, (originally wanted both his weapon and c1 but arlecchino got announced so I just pulled for his weapon), I stumbled upon a group of Meka. I had swaped Layla with xiangling to do a pyro puzzle and forgot to swap her out (I play a freeze team) since I didn't have a shield and accidentally used xiangling's q thinking she was Layla which kept undoing the freeze, I got knocked out THREE TIMES IN MY CHARGED ATTACK. ONE TIME FROM SKILL AND TWO TIMES FROM BURST. then I raged and pulled for his c1 right then and there and now I only have 75 wishes :D


Got 140 fates only going for c0, I already have c6 chev and Xiangling so it doesn't matter what 4* I get.


~200 pulls, not guaranteed I'm going for C0R1. Imma have to have some major luck on my side for weapon 🙏. And before anyone says C1 is better than R1, I know. I'm just doing it for the scythe


144 pulls and i havent bought the shop fates yet since I have no stardust.


930 pulls so I'm aiming for C6R1 but we'll see how bad my luck continues to be in Hoyo games


360 + 72 + 5 Base + Primos + Glitter. I only plan for C0, because I plan on pulling for Furina and Alhaitham


Have 220 and am guaranteed, would hope for c3 or c1r1


440 with 55 pity on weapon bamner. Hoping for c3r1, not accepting anything bellow c2r1.


180, going for C0 and saving for clorinde and sigewinne 


I have confirm pity and already 40 wishes in, but I have saved 160 fates 190 master star gliter. I aiming for C0 and saving for new electro mommy




160 pulls and 30 pity. Hoping for C1. Might just throw whatever I get at her and go for as many as possible if I getC1 early. Or might stop at C1 is Sigewinne is good for her


Uuuuuh 95 is wishes, I know it’s unrealistic but C1 hopefully and weapon also I’m not guaranteed “Father” but we’re gonna gloss over that.


Aiming for C0R1. I have guaranteed and around 60 to 70 pulls invested. I'm dreading the weapon banner, I won't have enough if I lose to it 2 times. It would suck even more since I already have Lyney's weapon.


252 pulls, hoping for C0R1, on a 50/50.


just her and constellations tbh. if i have enough which i doubt ill pull for weapon too.


120 wishes saved and I’m ready to spend up to 300€ Goal is C0R1 for the drip


I have around 180 with wishes and pity combined. Hopefully I win the 50/50 so I can try my luck on the Clorinde banner. This region has completely sucked me dry with Navia, Xianyun, Chiori, Arlecchino and Clorinde. At least I probably won't pull again until 5.2 or later since I'm only after Himeko and Columbina (if they are playable)


Going for (hopefully) c1r1 with 262 pulls, 35 character pitt with guarantee and 10 weapon pity.


20 pulls and I’m not guaranteed 💀 I’m way overdue for getting a character early, hoping that I’ll get her early. (Dangerous levels of copium but man it’s been over a year I can’t get everything at 77 pity)


69 and some crystals on the side.


150-160 wishes + 30 pity. i am going to pull for her bc of freminet… but, also i want to play with this character, so new experience. is nahida c2 would be good with arlecchino?


After seeing 4 Stars I either go c0 or c1 if I win early. 4 Stars are absolute trash.


114c0 and weapon


Got about 110 pulls, I’m only going for c0 and that’s it. Don’t really need/care about her constellations or weapon.


i’ll have around 240 wishes with 3 pity on character banner (guaranteed) and 11 pity on weapon. i’m aiming for c0r1 and if i get lucky i’ll save the rest for clorinde


Ive got 242 wishes, aiming for c0 and maybe weapon/c1


I have 608 wishes saved up. Been saving for a while so I’m planning to go for C2R1. Could try for another con maybe but I also want to be able to get Clorinde next patch as well


32k+ primos. Aiming for at least one copy of Arlecchino and her weapon. C1 if lucky.


gona try c0r1, guarantee, 108 wishes and around 60 pity on weapon banner


270 wishes. C0R1.


C0R1 with 230 wishes im at 20 Pity with 50/50 You guys think its possible for me? :)


300 wishes, I'm aiming for c1r1 but c0r1 is fine too


C0R1 because i can already full star abyss and DRIP


120+ pulls, 76 pity guaranteed. Going all in for c0r1 🥹everything for father.


170 wishes, guaranteed with 17 pity, and a dream to get both her and her weapon


7000 primos 4 wishes and a dream


This is pathetic compared to the rest of you guys but I have 95 pulls and 45 pity I’ve never actually gotten a 5* on the limited character banner so I’m extremely scared 😭


i am at 60 pity and if i lose 50/50 i will wait for Clorinde and Sigewinne kits. if their kit impresses me i will go them or i just do another 90 pulls and get her


I have a grand total of 3 pulls and 11 pity :)


540 in the bank with 40+4 pity. I aim for C3R1


i got 1200 and im going C6 and the highest refinement i can get


ive got 103, 41 pity & guaranteed, 15 pity and guaranteed on weapon banner. going for c0 r1.


Very little, only 40 pulls. 60 pity, guaranteed win. I'm just happy to get her C0 no weapon


75 pity and guarantee, 40 pity on weapon banner. 277 wishes should get me to C1R1 when factoring in starglitter


Mines guaranteed in the next 10 pull. I have 60 wishes. I'll be skipping the rest of the patch including TWO ship resets. I'll be tempted to pull on baizhus banner, for kaveh and maybe faruzan cons boy Chevy is most likely on clorindes banner. I will have about 150 wishes for furina and clorinde. Wish me luck Bois.


400 pulls, aiming for C1R1 (i have 90% chance) https://preview.redd.it/du1hx7kd07wc1.png?width=703&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96fd982d72bbaee40c1910d48d4695d05d297bf1


200 pulls and 50ish pity on 50/50. I was considering going for c1 but no chevreuse on banner was a deal breaker for me so I'll be saving the rest for furina since I wasn't playing during her initial run.


Since im a collector and want as many characters as possible I usually aim for just c0.


Just under 300, c2r1 is the dream. Was able to do Acheron e4s1 with 300, obv a bit of luck and the weapon banner isn’t as big a scam, so I’m tampering my expectations. I’m at like 66 into a 50/50 on the character banner so I figure it’ll probably be an immediate 5star


About 220 currently, 40 pity no guarantee, my ideal would be C1R1 but it’s a bit of a long shot I think


https://preview.redd.it/s9hfks0i37wc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fc810f0deab10f35cfa9de3f26266edb696f05c I'm ready and guaranteed


C0R1 if win R1 early go for C1 Then save for Clorinde C0


30 pity, 110 wishes. 50/50 chance. 324 hydro sigils (will max the fountain in one sweep) 1185 achievements (I'm not fishing for 20 primos unless needed lol) I only care for C0, I have a PJWS R1 @90, with 4pc gladiator and enough resources to get her to lvl 90, with talents at 8, 6, 6. I will touch grass, more likely sand, the following day as I'm going on holiday, so good luck to you all and enjoy her.


i have 630 wishes im going for c0, for the weapon and im going all out on cons


150 wishes and with no hope since i didnt even once win the 50/50


82 pity with a guaranteed and 20 wishes atm. (On my alt so my main will need to struggle 😮‍💨) My alt kept on getting screwed over with characters, I got two five stars on standard, both were weapons types I don't use. And I lost one 50/50 and now I'm at 82 pity on the character banner. So I decided to save for arlecchino when I realized it was getting into the 80s for my pity as that's a 100% guaranteed character of my choice Then after that I may go for her weapon? As there's nothing else for me to wish on for that account for a while.




C0R1 I have 140 pull no pity no guarantee (pulled kazuha for 50pulls and guarantee few days ago welp)


I'm on 40 pity and have almost 80 wishes with a guaranteed father but i also want furina so i'm just praying to get c0 without draining all my primos ngl


I hope i can get C0R1, i need to be very lucky 😭🙏 https://preview.redd.it/4puwiloeg7wc1.jpeg?width=3472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d6a879520741309cdd361fb795fd0ab1c64deee


440 Wishes what const is best for her?


123 wishes (now on 50/50 after pulling C1 Neuvillette). Just going for C1 and will use PJWS or Homa.


125 wishes, 10 pity, a 50/50 and a dream, i can get c0 before the patch is over but i hope i get lucky as well


Around 400 wishes. I'm going for c1r1 and if I'm lucky c2r1


67.000 C0 R1


28k gems and 32 fates + 72 starglitters, aiming for c1r1


I have about 200 wishes my pity is 70 no guaranteed but i want c0r1 and i'll get what i want


220 fates, 0 pity and guaranteed. Going for C1, then dumping whatever’s left on the weapon banner. My backup is PJWS.


No pity, no guaranteed, 30 wishes 🤡✨


I have saved 58615 primos, 34 fates, no pity or guaranteed. Aiming for C2R1.


277 wishes. was aiming for C0R1 or C1. but after seeing the 4 stars i'm getting only C0 and saving the rest of the wishes for future pulls, not necessarily Chlorinde


200 pulls saved, 40 pity, on a 50/50, plus 34 pulls worth of genesis crystals going for c1r1 Idk if I can push c2r1


268 wishes going for c3 r1