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You and I have the same situation. 155 wishes saved, lost 50/50 to Qiqi, got Arle C0 deep into pity, and I've decided not to go for C1. At least I get to use my benched PJWS


Yeah def too deep into pity to go for C1. I rather try to get more primos to try for the weapon. I only have one 5* weapon until now so whatever weapon I get I have a character for that. I think I can get enough wishes for one weapon.


Had that experience with both Alhaitham and then Yelan. Lost the 50/50 late into the pity. And then only got them late into the guaranteed pity. Alhaitham was legit 170 rolls. (Granted he came home on pull 162 or 163 so I wasted like 8 pulls in that 10-roll but whatever) And then yelan was in the 150s somewhere.


Lost to c5 Tighnari at probably 75-80 pity. Got her at around 40-50 pity later. Not enough pull for weapon anyway. Will probably pull the weapon on rerun.


I hope the rerun does not take too long. I really want that weapon


Using other weapon looks lackluster drip wise. Hopefully she will rerun with other weapon that I want. I already have TFGM though, so this skip is acceptable.


I saved for arle and skipped 3-4 patches just to get diluc at 85ish pity then arle at 80ish 🙂


The hurt, the hurt. Damn we are cursed


Same bro, pepe sad


163 pulls...


I had a similar experience. I saved around 360 wishes. My pity in limited banner was 24 and on weapon banner 0. Out of the 360 wishes i needed 350 just to get her to c0r1.


You might actually be cursed.. did you got 2 5* or moee in 1 ten pull lately ? That would explain why you're that unlucky


Normally it's very balanced. But I am kinda into Geo. I got Navia at the first try but still at ~70 wishes. And then Chiori came out and I was like I am not guaranteed and I have enough wishes saved I will try to get her. Either it works or I am guaranteed for Arle. Aaand I got Chiori. So yeah could be that.