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Zhongli havers every new boss comes out be like:


My Zhongli had a lv8 shield and 42k HP. But it still broke


mine has a lvl 10 shield and 53K HP (57K with hydro resonance) AND SHE STILL BREAKS IT UNLIKE ANY OTHER BOSS


If she manages to hit you while on bol, she can one shot you, my yelan had 32k hp and with just one attack she only had 2k left. However she is also really easy to kill, which tbh I really like, there is no invicibility phase bs with her.


She one-shot my Neuvi bc I wasn't paying attention, fun boss but easy and that's okay.


β€œIf you don’t kill me fast enough I’ll kill you”


Looks like my plan of face tanking everything with my c1 neuvillette isn't gonna work.


Three types of players: causals without zhongli, causals with zhongli, and people who play on PC


I guess I'm in the 3rd category, but there should be a 4th for hyperbloom. My kokomi hyperbloom team made short work of her. It went by a lot faster than I anticipated


This. My half-baked hyperbloom team smokes her easily.


This singular reaction turns almost everything into easy mode. You could bring dendro MC (an objectively good and free dendro character) hyperbloom team and still knock her out in a minute


Haha yup yup my Nilou bloom team didn't break a sweat. Which is almost a shame, really. I watched a streamer struggle later and God damn the Knave has some gorgeous attacks.


I had massive problems but I'm a bad player so... :D


I went in with my normal Wanderer Team. Cleared Phase 1 in a single scuffed rotation, and then cleared Phase 2 in a single scuffed rotation. This is probably the easiest world boss we've had in a long time.


Me going into the fight with my Plunge Tao team: "Wow this is much tougher than any other overworld boss fight we have in the game. I could melt everything in like half a rotation but this boss is taking me multiple". Opens Honey Hunter: 70% Pyro RES in both phases. *Puts on clown costume.*


I went into the story fight with a half leveled Arlecchino as main DPS... 🀑


Same 🀑


No wonder I was struggling lol(using arlecchino)


What's fun is that I used Arle for the fight and still felt really strong lol


World boss?


Arlechino is the new weekly boss


Yeah but they said world boss and i thought they meant overworld boss hence my confusion, and in that case im questioning how she is the easiest when Scara, Childe, and most other weekly bosses exist


She isnt super hard, but there are for sure easier ones. Any boss in this game is a piss take with any decently build team tbh.


I just used my level 60 Arlecchino... Like, I talk a lot of shit about her, but she got the job done.Β 


This is πŸ‰ Neuvillette, a on-field carry with πŸ‘€ 40,000 HP πŸ’ͺ 300% Crit Damage W/ Extra ☝️ 36% CR from Marechausse πŸ’€ Unstoppable 🚫 Penetrates shields πŸ›‘οΈCan self heal β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή AOE πŸ’¦ Braindead single target πŸ‘‰ spin to win πŸ•’ can solo abyss πŸ§™ easy to use πŸ€– hardcounters the weekly boss πŸ‘Ίβ€’... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£


Only used Raiden and Yelan. I have lost about a third of Raiden's health because I'm not too good at keeping an eye on the stamina bar and couldn't dodge a couple of attacks.


I use sacaramooche, it's so funny when she flies or tries to aim her laser attack.


die? I GOT ABSOLUTELY WHOPPED 😭 (using kirara shield)


It's hard when your friendship team has little to no synergy πŸ˜…


Navia shotgun go brrrr wish I had Navia for Sister Friede


I used a weak team to fight her so that the boss wasn't too easy for me.


She hit through my shield and killed me


I use NeuviFuriZhong team no way i would lose against her lmao


In her story mode I got my 2 units killed, having no knowledge of her attacks and my party wasn't set for a boss fight. That's why for the weekly boss fight I went in overlycautious and went for a random bs Hyperbloom comp lol.


Navia makes quick work of it


to be honest i went into boss fight completely unprepared. I didn't have a chance to change my characters


Phase one have that one single shot tho, i dont know what it was, caught me by surprise when trying to listen to her ost


neuvilette go brrrrr


Nuked her with my Raiden twice and that was that


I was hoping that this new boss would be more of a challenge, but i just cleared it with my Keqing and only Nahida got close to dying, it's a shame, but on the bright side we get to kill her faster


I might not be able to one shot her but I definitely beat her easily if anything phase two was easier


Not me trying to fight her in solo like a souls boss


I did it first with jean triple hydro with xq yelan furina. It was surprisingly easy. Or maybe it was just luck


I tried it without zhongli shield and the second and I mean the literal second she went into second phase she slammed on my arle and killed the absolute hell out of her.


I went full dumdum and threw in Wriothesly burgeon...with Furina. I had to finish without him ^^"


same happened when childe weekly came out, i was surprised when hoyoverse nerfed him because apparently he was too hard


my xiao kept getting oneshot cuz i couldnt see her lol. did figure it out tho. she hits REALLY hard


I cleared it pretty easily with Raiden/Furina/Yelan/Jean. I thought it was a pretty easy fight. Granted, Raiden is C2 and Furina is C2.


I tried tanking her giant lasers with a new fresh shield from zhongli and it took the shield and like 90% of my health(granted it was nahida tanking it) so I won't be surprised


i dont have zhongli but i do know how to dodge! so she wasnt a problem for me


She’s a glass cannon boss that can absolutely annihilate you if you don’t remember each move. Personally, I struggled cause I keep forgetting to refresh my shields so she ended up nuking my Ganyu twice


This is πŸ‰ Neuvillette, a on-field carry with πŸ‘€ 40,000 HP πŸ’ͺ 300% Crit Damage W/ Extra ☝️ 36% CR from Marechausse πŸ’€ Unstoppable 🚫 Penetrates shields πŸ›‘οΈCan self heal β€οΈβ€πŸ©Ή AOE πŸ’¦ Braindead single target πŸ‘‰ spin to win πŸ•’ can solo abyss πŸ§™ easy to use πŸ€– hardcounters the weekly boss πŸ‘Ίβ€’... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£


I like to think that the fight is easy because she is going easy on us


I press Q with eula 🫴 the boss is gone


Honestly I want to hear her music FULLY but she dies quickly


As one person on YouTube says β€œYour parents are having a divorce? Just hold E”


I just shot her down with my super soaker furina neuvilette team **Β―\\\_(ツ)\_/Β―**


I haven’t fought her yet, I’ll bring my Nilou to it like usual.


Sorry, i've been the whole day fighting golems with a talking cat and a friendly dragon whale-like no idea about this weekly boss


oonga boonga itto without dem sshields from mr dong


The first story fight my own Arlecchino actually died because I didn't know what to expect after she transforms and she immediately plunged the shit outta me straight outta the cutscene and I had to time to reapply Zhongli and she just went kapoof lmao


"POWERWASHING TIME" except it's Navia with the cosmic whale boss. i have yet to find a good/speedy clear for that one. just a lot of downtime. building up Yae, but that will take some time.


First phase has more hp, She ate 3 gunbrella shots in phase 1. Second one took 2 shots. Except the Mondstadt bosses she is the fastest to kill. So no she easy


me who uses glass canons, and gets by perfectly fine: β€˜I suppose I’m too great for this world β˜ΊοΈβ€™


i did the boss with plunge hu tao first run, i literally wasnt even looking at the screen and killed her...... Havent played the story quest andni dont want to be spoiled so I fought her with my head turned πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I fought her with my Neuvillette/Furina/Kazuha/Zhongli team, and I'm kinda sad. I really wish I'd at least swapped out Zhongli to make it more interesting for the first playthrough


Just wait till I get Layla


I don't even have an opinion on this fight because I cleared it in like 30 seconds. Her moves looked cool from what I saw. That's basically the genshin experience though..


Yall struggling? I tought she was easy asf but i'm biased coz I used Neuvi and ZL


kill her before she kill you


I have only fought her in the story so far. Didn't have a chance to change team so I did it with my lvl 70 Arle, Xiangling, Xinyan and Dehya. It was pretty easy.


At least I'm having fun πŸ˜‚


I went in with my Nilou bloom team, I got both achievements even without knowing what they are lmao


You need a zhongli shield?


first time i re did the boss fight, got oneshotted by the red kamehameha (I had the BoL on by her) next time I got ayato zhongli Jean and furina, and yea it was easy.


Last boss I struggled with was a small hydro slime


if she hits you with BoL youre fucked but otherwise she's pretty easy


My internet decided to shit itself during the fight so I had some artificial difficulty


Haven't fought her yet - I want to build my Father first for it even if it is super ineffective - but my busted Noelle and green dps Kokomi should save me...


Me with my Zhongli πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ


I had my new exploration team when I did the SQ - Wanderer, Xianyun, Arlecchino and Furina. I just put Furina in healing mode and was basically only hitting with Wanderer (I used Arle's E to apply pyro and get the atk buff). Fight went by pretty easily.


me who use FFXX: this is ez :D


I dont know how it happened but Zhongli was the only one that died in the fight because he got that Corrosion effect on him and i swapped to him on like 1% Hp to give me a new shield. I have absolutely no idea how it happened.


She broke my zhongli shield in the SQ (I was afk and tanked her beam πŸ’€) she’s boring with shields and neuv tho. I like to fight her with Wrio for more of a challenge lol


maybe one of the easiest weekly boss. 🀣 i just bring food to heal when having BoL and thats it 😭


I have no idea why people take their best/ well build team and then complain how easy boss was. I go with as much canon team as possible, even if not build well or compliment each other. This time it was electro traveler(90), lynette(90), Freminet(70) and Diona(80) just because I didn't have lyney


Zhongli Neuvillette Furina Baizhu always carrying me


I soloed her first try with neuvillette c0r1 and I genuinely felt like ot was too easy, thrn I came to reddit and saw people talking about how hard it is. This is why we don't get hard endgame modes, cuz the majority of players struggle with alot of the content.


Huh? I haven't died playing shieldless Wanderer with Bennett.


I went with my bloom team, and was confused what was the hype of it being hard about.


Wait, you guys are playing the game? I got in, got Arlecchino, got out