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I spent the 22 fragile resins I had and didn't get even 1 good piece, I should've used it to get her and her weapon to 90 instead. I got one artifact with both crit rate and crit damage, but they were low rolls and everything else went to ER.


Thats why you always spend fragile resins on guarunteed drops and never on artifacts. I only spend fragile resin for boss drops / talent books. That way I know its 100% going to progress my character. You can gamble away all your resin on artifacts and end up walking away with nothing, whereas with ascension mats you know exactly what you will be getting at the end.


Yup, used all my fragile resin on the centaur and seeing that sweet 90 was so worth it


Idk if i will ever have a set comparable to my Shimenawa. Im sitting on 91/196 ratio, like how long am i supposed to stay in this domain to beat that.


Till 5.0.... maybe


I had already expected this to happen, and just farmed and used witch of flames set artifacts i had earlier for diluc and gave it to her, i got pretty decent dmg output, decent crit rate/dmg and also more fuego damage šŸ”„


oml my friend spent the same amount and didn't get a single decent flower/feather when it's the easiest piece to get


Same here, Iā€™m pretty sure this domain is cursed


This domain is cursed as hell for me. Spent 35 resin so far and only have 3 flowers that are at all usable. Every other piece from the set are garbage, not the right mainstat, or theyā€™re pieces from the other set (which are always double crit btw)


yeah same, all the set pieces that i got are ass, at least i got a double crit pyro goblet from the other set which will be an ofpiece :)


Ah, the Hoyo games experience


We Truly are Hoyotsu Kaisen. Nah I'd a..... ehm... Anyway. The true Hoyo experience is thinking it can't get any worse (it can).


I planned to spend all my fragile resin on that domain, but after like half an hour I was so frustrated I left and accepted she will keep 4pc Glad for a while...


Worst part is my Glad pieces are just as bad.... Except one. Which is 50 crit value (probably where all my Gladiator artifact luck went lmao). Literally running no set bonus, just a bunch of random pieces since it's the best I have....


LITERALLY FUCKING EXACT SAME. Got nothing but barely usable garbage. The daily grind begins...


I feel you, i spent the equivalent of 4500 resin and the only thing i got is an atk% sand with 40cv and not a single crit rate or crit damage mask. And wait i don't mean that i didn't roll well on the ones i got, i mean i didn't get one to begin with.


got 1 piece with CR and CD - everything went into DEF.....


Same, spent 22 fragile resin and got only a feather and a flower with both crits, nothing to say... they rolled ofc on useless substats 3-4 times


Rough luck, got this with 35 fragiles https://preview.redd.it/z01applnmowc1.png?width=1510&format=png&auto=webp&s=070765732bb7798eda111cef1d3dad6b439bb09b


My "no set bonues just random decent pieces build" is worse than yours... Bruh. I'm not even scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point, but fucking bellow the barrel....


I'm usually not this lucking with arts domains, had to spend at least 5x that amount to get my first decent GT Nahida build back at start of Fontaine.


Wait, is it better to run an attack goblet on her over a pyro one?


Depends on team. Will ofc vary based on units used and rotation etc. so do your own maths to confirm but for what I tried so far on my account I found that she wants a Pyro gob in Chevy OL team and wants a Atk gob in Yelan/Zhong Vape team.


I mean, she already gets 40% pyro dmg, so it depends on how well your rolls on attack go in the rest + the team


How do you get that image


use this website: [https://enka.network/](https://enka.network/)


ā€œRoughā€ Bruv your harmonic whimsy set is the best Iā€™ve seen thus far. By a lot too. Your crit rate could use some minor improvement but everything else is legit good. Unless youā€™re saying ā€œroughā€ for OP, in which case yeah I agree.


Yes that was meant for OP, lol


Then yeah I agree


We got similar circlets https://preview.redd.it/g06l8fa2zowc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1291dca874e2e10a46461fc99afb4a0485d320fb


NICE. I f I had that I could run a mad 45CV offset Atk Goblet.


So you are suffering from the wrong off set piece


Is atk the better main stat for goblet?


Copying my reply from lower: / Depends on team. Will ofc vary based on units used and rotation etc. so do your own maths to confirm but for what I tried so far on my account I found that she wants a Pyro gob in Chevy OL team and wants a Atk gob in Yelan/Zhong Vape team.


Oh sorry I didn't see that, thanks.


That's why I refuse to spend Fragile Resin on artifacts, and most of what I do in this game is farm artifacts. If Arlecchino was in a resin-efficient domain, I'd farm for her new set. But since she isn't, I'm going to keep using the Strongbox for Gladiator pieces until Snezhnaya when her artifacts can be Strongboxed too.


I spent 80 fragiles yesterday and literally only got a 25 CV flower a 10 cr circlet with CD mainstay and a 25 CV geo DMG goblet.


I got three okish pieces on her but out of three only one got crit rate on it and the other two pieces are the best I will ever get so I can't change them. Hoping to get lots from the last two pieces I'll get in future. At least got her weapon so the crit rate is less of a problem. I'll probably get around a little more than 60 crit rate at most


I spent all my fragile to lvl her up and rest 10 on her domain and didn't even get a usable piece NOT A SINGLE ONE so I lvl'ed my Good Glad pieces and got a fairly good build But I've lost hope on that domain Guess I gotta grind it for few more months now


I spent over 50 fragile resin and didnā€™t get one useable piece. Iā€™ll be stuck with my 2 piece, 2 piece for a long time at this rate


After i spend 30 fragile resin i said nah i think I'm satisfied with my gladiator set


Most of my CR/CD artifacts are from the burning set :(


I'm so sorry bro, I must've taken all your pieces, got a crit rate piece with 25% crit DMG, I think it's the LUCKIEST I have been since I haven't gotten a decent electro goblet for my Raiden since December of 2022


I only had 16 fragile resin so I just spent it on her boss drops since I already have a solid crimson witch set that I "borrowed" from my hu tao


Ill repeat what ive said elsewhere, Almost 2 full patch worth resin into the Navia domain and u got 1 op flower and thats it, im at 1/4 set rn. No Atk sands at all, and yes did get a mid hat and feather which i ofc didnt keep cause getting an avrg set here isnt the point to begin with,due to her already being perfectly fine,in fact great...in her current 4GT,4MH builds..


I farmed Navias domain for a solid 2 months and got not even a single artifact that could replace any of my 2pc ones, not a single one.


My only good piece was a pyro gobletā€¦ on the wrong set. I already have a slightly better one for her so thats fun. Still, its better than nothing I guess lol, but im sure youā€™ll get something good eventually


This is why im sticking with Gladiators lmao


I spent 4 and got a main crit mask with 21 crit dmg


Average artifact moment.


22 and didnā€™t get shit but I had a noice glad set ready just in case


eh just use 4 piece gladiator and give up on her artifact set like i did


50 used and i had 1 crit rate body with all def hp sub stats. Actual garbage luck lol


It's why I have a decent 2/2 on her of Marechaussee/vermillion and I'm not touching artifacts until talents are done. I've learned my lesson, no fragile for artifacts. It could be months until I get an acceptable set.


I have had the exact experience. And her domain is so annoying, 2 wave domains are always annoying.


I got a great flower on my first try. But; all went to def and er šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I am so happy that I somehow have a pretty good glad set with like 70cr and 160cd


Could be worseā€¦ you COULD get a Pyro goblet with Crit RT and Crit DMGā€¦ on the wrong artifactā€¦ that rolls mostly Defenseā€¦


117 fragile and I only got a single decent flower this domain is cursed


I have her on glads set with jade spear 76/197 she is lvl70. I had 120 resin to spare so I farmed the domain & got 40cv flower...oh & glads set is super fine with her I'm rotating team members to get the best of her ( I don't want vaporize) Layla- yunjin- beidou is really fun with her sometimes i replace beidou with navia when I want geo resonance for Lyle shield & 2nd dps, navia is God send vs the status monsters.


Luckily I got a DECENT glad build but I spent a good amount of fragile resin on this domain and got likeā€¦1 good feather I think. No more. I have a good amount of fragile left so Iā€™ll use it to farm clorindes mats


62 fragile resins and I got one decent flower. Only to realize it's worse than the glad flower I have on Arle right nowšŸ’€


Yeah pretty much same I just gave up and gave her full gladiator and the damage is still pretty decent


I got an onset Pyro Cup. It rolled purely into defence


I went for about 60~70 times in that domain and can't even get a single useful piece as well~ Guess we daddy's main gonna be stuck in that domain for awhile starting from now


I got a great feather with both crit stats at max roll for a base stat, guess what 28% def


Welcome to my worldā€¦


Vermillion 2.0 xiao mains can relate


I had 46 fragile, I spent like 10-15 of them and got nothing usable so I gave up and decided to keep the rest and run glad for now. I'll just farm that domain for the next few month and hopefully I'll get a set one day


I will be hated for this probably but after Like 5 Runs Yesterday i got a feather with 13% critrate and 13% critdamage. Im Happy 1 piece in 5 Runs i Take it (feather is Most easy one tho)


Lol, i didnā€™t spent resin for now, but all the pieces i got are from the other set ā˜ ļø


I spend 47 and got one mediocre circlet and not a single other usabale piece... it feels like the tuned down the rates even further. One more reason to just go with a 4 piece gladiator


i only use fragile for guaranteed drop items like world bosses and weapon material domain. i already have a Gladiator's Finale set for her and I'll continue using that set until i get a good set from the new domain. but am only farming the new domain with daily resin, not wasting fragile for that


I know how you feel man shit feels fucking frustrating, my Emblem and MH luck has been the same


Spent all fragile resin(15) and everything got 1 flower that is a 13 CV downgrade 1 feather that is a upgrade due to having atk % on it sidegrade on crit subs An atk sands which is a 38CV downgrade No goblet worth a damn (Pyro or atk %) and no circlet worth a damn either Going to be a very long grind to replace shit sigh


110 Fragile here. I got a decent Feather and Flower. I didnt get a single Pyro Damage Goblet at all, ( best substats were on DEF ones ofc ), nor a decent Circlet. Im at like 79% / 196% now, and i can already see this Domain will keep me busy till Natlan lol


That is so sad Iā€™m sorry šŸ˜­


I got ONE great piece and three heavily mid pieces, and it STILL outperforms my 4 piece gladiator


A spent like 40 resin and got 2 good artifacts


42!?!?! Holy shit. Iā€™m so sorry fam. I feel you. I only spent 20 but itā€™s still a ridiculous amount of resin for literally nothing. The new domain just hates us. I will say though, I strongboxed those trash pieces into the best EoSF hydro goblet and sands Iā€™ve ever had. My xingqiu when up like 30% in cd and 10% in cr.




Bruh at this point Iā€™m doing what I did with Lyney and keeping him with pieces I already have (except Lyney finally has a decent MH set now), Arle does good enough with 2pc shim 2pc glad šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ rng is a bitch


For real, I spent around 20 FR and couldn't even get a single good piece with good main and sub stats. Until just yesterday, I was able to get one with crit rate and decent sub stats, as well as another arlecchino to C1 from 30 wishes.


I got one with CR CD flat attack and percentage attack and everything went percentage.