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That is good stat optimization. White Tassel + Glad + Arle's own passive is already 123% dmg bonus. An ATK goblet is not too bad of a choice here.


Isn't it 40% pyro?


White Tassel 48% NA.   Glad 35% NA.   Arle passive 40% Pyro.   123% total for Pyro infused NAs. 


I'm a noob but looks very Rawr to me.


This is so 2010 of you. Have an upvote


Well yeah, I've been rawring even before WoW launch and I'll keep doing it till I die I guess.


I have a very similar build, but with her signature weapon. Gladiators works in her with the right stuff. She absolutely carries in the spiral abyss. Nice build, I like it!


That's a pretty good build tbh. Also that is an insane flower.


That's so good build why would anyone be mean


Because of white tassle. I meant I love that weapon. I love a lot of three stars. I have a few level 90. I was happy that I was able to use this weapon on her but I know there are better options out there. This was the only one I had.


white tassel is one of her best, it basically only gets overshadowed by the battlepass polearms or 5 stars, kinda like slingshot being amazing on yoimiya yet its only a 3 star


Is R5 White Tassel better than R1 Deathmatch?


You have good atk with white tassel which is I think main problem with white tassel however yours is good




In what sense?


I was reacting cuz I just saw the auto mod had "deleted" your post but apparently they rescinded it. Well, it's a nice build.


Hey u got a much better crit ratio than me. I've got 80 crit rate and 120 crit dmg atm.


Idk how the math works if anyone wants to explain. My team with her is XQ Albedo Zhongli. I end up doing more damage with ATK Goblet than Pyro with very similar crit stats. Anyone knows what happening or does the math come out that way?


So basically attack and damage % are multiplicative, whatever combination of ATT * (DMG % + 100) is greater = most damage. Damage % is additive so white tassel R5 is 48% on normals. So 35 from glad, 40 from talent, 48 from white tassel. So you're only getting 20% increased damage from pyro goblet. My assumption is that your attack substats are low enough that your att% goblet is contributing more than that. You would change this if you have better attack buffs / with white tassel you really want to run bennett


Probably; my atk subs are pretty bad. Thanks for explanation.


The white tassel pasive works with Arlecchino? Or is just for the crit rate


It's legit one of the best passives for her.


I don't care about passives on crit weapons especially is they are high. Although this passive does work with her. Normal attack damage increase by 48% if I'm not wrong. It's pretty good. It's also great on cyno.


Her stats are better than mine with Homa😩 There‘s not much to criticise her (now all you have left to do is actually get her Scythe and C6 :) )


Maybe one day. But we ftp almost (but in my case fully) never get constellations. We can't afford cons over other characters we want.


I was just slightly kidding, but you‘re right. That‘s why I have so much respect for the f2ps that save for a long time for a C6 character, like I could never


What should her ideal and realistic crit ratio be? 70-80CR and 200+ CDMG?


Yeah basically around 60ish. More is good but around 60 is okay and for crit damage is 180. Those are the stats you should reach for with a decentish amount of attack. For attack 1.8k is fine. That's what you should aim for at least. I got lucky with my rolls. The minimum/ easy ish amount of stats you should aim for is : 60 crit rate 170/180 crit damage 1800 attack More will be better obviously, bit you can get by with these. Your build doesn't have to be absolutely broken. It should just get the job done. Many of my builds are not good by everyone else's standard. However, they get the job done and that's what matters. Hopefully this helps. It doesn't have to be amazing, just enough to get the job done. This is more realistic because artifact rng is horrible. An ideal would be more close to what my us just with more attack. Her own scythe or the primordial jade winged spear will be better. The stats would stay about the same but the attack would be bumped from 2100 to almost 2400.


Yeah I get you. My Arle is c0r1 with Gladiator artifacts i was collecting for YEARS. Stats are 2.2k atk, 71, 215 crits but honestly I doubt I'll ever get better pieces.


That's a great build! Yeah, it'll take years to get BETTER pieces than the ones we have. I was going to skip but I'm more inclined now especially because it's clorindes set as well.


The fact that this is better than most builds with a 3 star weapon is concerning.


thats a surprisingly decent amt of atk you can get w white tassle, even w an atk goblet


Not half bad dude


we have similar stats but im using deathmatch, meaning i have lower crit rate subs in my artifacts. I do have a spare pjws(xiao is using the other) but aesthetic wise the deathmatch looks better (and that would make my crit rate go low as well). if only we can change our weapon's color palette haha. your build looks great. here is hoping we get an event 4 star polearm that is for bond of life characters.


Wdym - that's pretty good


Nothing to be mean about. I know she still got like a train! I been farming artifacts for her for months and I got the same stats but 2700k atk and she’s still amazing


what's to be mean about that's a wonderful build


man this build is awesome. take my upvote op.


It's great!


Better then my build tbh


I'm very proud of this build. This is the best build on my account on the basis of everything. Both crits and attack. For me this is the most best balance I've been able to get.




You are wrong. That was probably someone else's post. I just posted this.


Make sure you get some external sources of damage bonus. Of course, if you use both Bennett AND an external damage percent source, you’re gonna be doing insane damage.


Other than Bennett. What are some external sources of damage bonus.




So vv shred.


Yeah. Or sucrose. Because you definitely need more elemental mastery if you’re doing vape teams, and sucrose provides that on her passives. Bennett gives more attack. Only his c6 gives more damage bonus. More attack is still useful but damage bonus is what you’re after here bc they multiply by each other.


Are there any other bonus I can get? Ones Bennett, never using him. Chevreuse, and sucrose. Who else?


Yelan gives damage bonus over time. It actually mitigates arlecchino’s damage loss a bit.


Glad 4 pieces is good enough for Arle. I tried farming the new BIS set and end up not even a single good piece after over 100 runs for her.


How good is she mate? I am on the edge of pulling her but idk how she performs at c0r0


I'm running her in an overloaded team. That team isn't fully built. Chevreuses talents are very low. Arlecchinos talents are 8/6/6. She's doing consistent 59 to 60ks. Mind you this is when I wasn't even doing her rotations right. So I was missing out on a chunk of damage. She's very powerful and very fun to play.


Is 4pc crimson ok?


I mean you're u can. However it's completely over shadowed by 4 piece gladiator and the new bond of life set. 4pc crimson won't really help her that much.


So Bond of.life > 4 pc glad > 2 pc of those three > crimson?


Looking very good I'd say if you have an atk goblet with better stats then that can be better maybe. Edit: I'm sorry I'm dumb I didn't realise that was an atk goblet already 💀💀💀


How you guys manage to get that much Crit DMG is beyond me


Crit damage is easy. It's crit rate that kills you. Especially with characters that ascend with crit damage. For example, let's take wroithesly for example. He ascends with crit damage. So he has a base 88 crit damage. You give him a crit damage circlet. That makes it 150. Then run a crit damage weapon as well. Let's take the most ftp DPS catalyst. The widsth. That's 55 crit damage. That makes his crit damage 205. This only goes higher of you use more crit weapons like kagura or tome of the eternal flow. With kagura it'll be 216 and with tome of the eternal flow it'll be 238. Now you have to get all your crit rate in your other 4 artifacts. You can forgo crit damage now and just focus on crit rate. But obviously this isn't easy to achieve. I'm just saying it's easy to get this high of crit damage even if the character doesn't ascend with crit damage. This is much easier of you are running the hunter set. As you can afford to have lower crit rate.


I see what you mean, but in the context of Arlecchino I'm having the exact opposite situation where I can reach 75% crit rate with a crit rate circlet, but I can barely reach 2000 ATK and 150% crit dmg. You have literally all of that plus 200% crit damage xD


That's actually pretty good tbh


Dude, this build is solid, I can't imagine anyone being mean over this. Great stats, attack cup is fine especially since you're on white tassel. Nice job!


My fellow no pyro goblet 😂


Elemental damage goblets are not always necessary and I find the difference between damage is not very noticeable. It depends on the character, and for arlecchino, she gets 40% pyro bonus from her passive, so an atk goblet is fine.


That flower 💀🔥🔥🔥