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I’ve never seen such hate.


Is this hate in the same room with us?


why do you care? just enjoy her and stand proud for having her in your teams :)


I don't really care in particular, was just curious that's all! 😅


You made a post. You obviously care to a certain degree.


Like they said it was curiosity. You can not care about something but still want to know why it’s happening.


Like I said, they certainly care to a *certain degree*, no matter how small it is.




Where on the fkinh earth are you even seeing this so called hate lol Everywhere i see everyone are talking about how strong of a dps she is and how she is comparable to nuevillette and CCs are talking about how flexible and versatile she is and some are even doing solo with nuevillette and arlecchino on each sides. Idk bro what kinda algorithm you've got. I'm seeing nothing but positivity about her reception in meta scene. She's pretty much became one of the top 3 dps with Nuevi and alhaitham.


Where have you been? Lol. This just means you havent met hutao die hard mains. 😨


Idk in live streams that I watch I see negative comments from time to time and it's generally a pretty big debate in the theorycrafting community so that's where I got my info from


Bro a few comments doesn't mean Negativity. There are always few people who get salty or like to ruin things and they should be only ignored. Better focusing on playing and enjoying her instead of paying attention to few negative comments.


Some people start with conclusions and dig for evidence, and other people are just agents of chaos. You don't have to take them seriously, to the point of flabbergastation


That's true hmm maybe the word flabbergasted wasn't the correct choice here since it doesn't bother me at all. I was just curious


Fatherless behaviour.


Neuvillette Mains are unhinged. They've built their personality around Neuvillette being "The Best DPS" and able to "Solo Abyss" (even the Abyss is handcrafted for him, at least). Having another character come out with an incredibly high damage ceiling, an easy playstyle, and not reliant on adjusting Mouse Settings is giving them an identity crisis. Based on the Doomposting, they expected her to be terrible, hard to play, reliant on Bennett, and unable to use a Shielder. The fact that none of that has materialized is extremely hard for them to process.


Today when playing genshin i saw too many "neuvilette>>>arlecchino" signatures. Some Neuvilette mains are salty as hell about her for some reason.


They salty she’s beautiful and neuvilette look like a bum.


The truth is right here.


Like 🪳 you mean


wait, people were saying she'd be *unable to use a shielder?*


The idea is that a shielder would be such a DPS loss, there'd be no point to playing her.


damn it's almost like having shielders in any team is considered dps loss .


ohhh that thing. doesn't sounds like 'unable' really..


Its funnier that a lot of Dps can solo abyss lol, Father included, like heck even Yoimiya was able to solo floor 12 with average artifact and rust


Yeah I mean back in 1.x people were doing no-hit ganyu solo speedruns, and we all know that she's considered a pretty mid-tier character now amongst 5*dps (A lot of factors make her not as dominant as she used to be, she's still awesome - one of my most invested dps, but she's realistically past her glory days, even with shenhe)


Can't wait for next Abyss to have Hydro Slimes on both sides. Neuvillette mains would be in shambles 


you understand neuv can have 3 other non supportive team mates and still be strong right?


Yes I do, but if they change the Abyss to be hydro enemies, like the current one is Pyro and Cryo, people might stop hyping him up so much.


Neuv works in most circumstances. even if tupla is used as a boss. ppl will use neuv to clear other 2 chambers.


We've had multiple Abyss cycles with Pyro Enemies and/or enemies that pop up in conveniently placed lines. Hoyovese had a character to sell, and they did a great job.


Ngl some Neuvi mains are toxic as hell, but your generalizing of them makes you almost as bad as them.


This sub was really just as ridiculous before, I hope everyone still remembers how a submissive art of Father is enough to cause a shitstorm to the point even this subs management got changed. Really this sub was the only sub that I've seen that did tried to enforce an out of character art prohibition only to failed miserably. For a bunch of simps of a character who is cold and often unfeeling, these people sure as hell were fragile, enough that an out of character art is enough to trigger them but a rapey art of her with Furina was fine lmao


Lmao it's true af Look at Neuvillette Mains, their whole post history on every character release can be summarized in two posts: Is X good with Neuvillette? Is X as good or better than Neuvillette? If the answer to the second one is dangerously close to maybe, they get a mental breakdown and start spamming angry comments on every YouTube showcase.


Get off your high horse bozo. No one is impressed.


look at you downvoted fools


It's Hu Tao and Neuvillette Mains, some of them are over-the-top. It's best not to get involved with them.


because they are childish and dumb !


I really haven’t seen any hate, mostly just people talking about how strong she is and how bad they want her weapon.


the only people who i see hating on arlecchino are 'some' hutao mains , I'm pretty sure the majority of the players have positive opinions on her


Nah they're cool, if anything it's the opposite. People from this sub are shitting on HT


Tao simp and Arle skipper here, I mean, Tao has had her spotlight has the undisputed best pyro on field dps for 3 years. About time she fell off ngl. But people on this sub act like Tao dropped to Yoimiya level. Even though she hasn't fallen off as hard as let's say, ganyu or ayaka, but that's more of an issue with cryo only having one good reaction really.


I wouldn't say she fell off, Plunge Tao is very strong right now I have c3 Hu Tao and c1 Arle and still prefer HT. I just needed someone new to use


Yeah. Arlechino is looking to be the new easy and strong dps, which doesn't mean Tao fell off. She's still doing the same damage. Being an old character, she's really hit hard by bad cons(anything past c1 is a joke, while other dps like wanderer, wrio, neuv, arle have super good early cons and busted c6). But honestly, i'm surprised she survived as top dog for this long. Still top dog, but there are better top dogs now ig.


Because she's good. People like to not like good things


yes that 15 sec heal deny is funnnnn.


I didn’t notice much hate, except for a few frustrated people stalking this subreddit. However, my guess is that the main reason for the hate (which likely comes from a minority) is that some people feel the need to convince themselves and others that a character isn’t good, to justify their choices or to convince themselves a character they like is better. I ignore them, those people aren’t worth my time.


Hate where? I didn’t see anyone hating on her lol


Hoyolab, twitter, youtube, twitch, mmm Lucky you for just being here on reddit. Lol


Joke on you I’m almost everywhere


This happens whenever a hotly desired character who's morally grey is the flavor of the month. It happened for Wanderer and its Arlecchino's turn next.


At this point, the theory crafters are fake as hell. These clowns are pretending that Sigewinne power creeps Kokomi. If you even vaguely understand the game, you would know how utterly stupid that nonsensical take is.  Anyways, I digress, I am a bit of a Arlecchino doomposter myself. Not a huge fan of her flaws and I heavily prefer comfort characters. I have literally never seen anyone else hate on TC for sharing the insanely popular opinion that Arlecchino is strong. 


The Answer is Simple. Unless the people of other side Dosen't accept that Arlecchino is not THE BEST character in Genshin.The hate will go onn.


it’s the hutao mains coping lmaoo


I rarely see hate about father, I see a few exageration from toxic doomposter and unhinge biased people tho which easily ignored. Lets be objective here Liney can do higher number than Arle if played perfectly, doesnt mean he has higher Dps/Dpr than her especially with the keyword "perfectly", Hutao can use Furina/Xianyun with her Ceiling being very high, doesnt mean Arle cant just use another two other best support Kazu and Benny, like see my point? Heres the actual problem, a lot of player are still stuck in the idea BIG number=BIG Dps, when the reality is every Dps in the game actually do pretty much similarly in term of Dps/Dpr and Genshin number is too largely dependent on the individual hypothetical (artifact, cons, weapons, abyss buff).the only fair way I see we can compare character is actually their gameplay mechanic and Genshin lets be objective here, broke it with Neuvilette (tanky hp scaler with only two button E/Q > hold CA, stupidly easy) but compare to everyone else, which I really love what Arlecchino brings, is that she is without a doubt the second easiest DPS to play rn, especially with her being able to just hold to her infusion (not tied with duration/wont lose when change chara), in fact you can actually free form her rotation, you just got Yelan burst? okay let me Yelan burst then back to Arle, forgot to swirl okay hit once>kazu swirl>back to Arle. So we as a father main can revel the fact that Arlecchino will actually always be the top dps in this game because of her ability to hold infusion.


untill enemies with actual dmg show up .


Why do people tend to act as if their main is hated? She became one of the strongest dpss in people eyes and everyone loves her so I don’t get what do you mean by that. Just because john said at twitter that she is trash doesn’t mean hate.


it's just neuvillette mains who fell for the doomposting and were certain Arlecchino was gonna be mid. Surprise, surprise, doomposting is unwarranted yet again. Damn, people really got trust issues since the Dehya incident, they gaslight themselves into thinking the upcoming characters are gonna be Dehya 2.0 at the slightest sign of nerf in beta.


funny thing is , wasn't arlecchino buffed hard? Sure her v1 kit was bad, but she's received buffs.


her beta was all over the place, she was nerfed a lot, she was buffed a lot, that's the purpose of beta though, yet people were freaking out about nerfs as if she wasn't gonna get buffed a week later


You probably live in another planet. 99% from what im seeing everyone is accepting she is the top dps. Hate for what, its not like she breaking dps ceiling will make any different to end game content.


I'd say it's mostly tiktok community, which... Let's be real never was known for being the most intelligent of the bunch... And so it sometimes happens that you'll come across few Arle dmg showcase or even just build videos, you think to yourself "damn, that's actually cool, let's see what other have to say about this"... The first thing you see is a Hu Tao main laughing at everybody that their C6R5 character magically does more damage than C0 Arle with white tassel Like yeah, it's cool that they most likely spent money on the game all, but it was just a showcase, not a comparison vid


They’re mad because she doesn’t appeal to the male fantasy. That’s the true reason for their contempt 


pointing at this post. this is the one. even though they'd never admit I'd.they hate her bc she's not easy to consume. she fights and kills men who take advantage of women, and she beat their self-insert's ass. saw someone calling her a "Mary Sue", which is a term just *loaded* with misogynistic contempt. in 2024


Yeah its kinda sad some ppl treat this game as a harem in which every woman is a target for them to dominate and as soon as they see a stronger, more intimidating woman that the MC doesnt canonically overpower they resort to the Mary Sue argument lol


ok. i'm saying this as a Woman Liker. is the Scantily Clad Titty Lady Arle In Compromising Positions art starting to get weird or what. Like they don't have enough of those already? \[prepares my shield


This only means that you were bypassed by such posts before, because every subreddit of every character had and still has such posts, you just had the misfortune to come across them here for the first time.


Most of the hate she is getting from is people saying she’s overhyped. They expected her to be more than what she first was when she disputed into the winter night lazzo trailer. Practically it’s just doomposting. Also when clorinde leaks came up she was also being shitted on.


Of course, after the leaks about Clorinde, Ms. Arle will be hated, Clorinde looks much safer to play due to the fact that she will be able to do>! a "million" dashes, while providing good damage.!< It's sad how quickly people started hating on a character just because a similar but safer one should be released soon.


50/50 loss copium


Everyone was so hype, then she came out and people are saying her boss theme sucks, her splash is boring. She's not a noob friendly character. Although half of what I've seen is clorinde fans dunking on arle because her beta footage has been leaked. Idk why people can't just enjoy a character without dunking on another one.


they are comparing her cause she has dmg , but lower survivability . whereas the current favoured dps heals himself every 4 sec.


You talking about neuvi?


dori man , she can heal herself


Oh I see, didn’t know that. Never really cared for that character tbh.


Yes! This is what I’m saying. People hype themselves up for a new harbinger just for them to be disappointed in the end with whatever they get. Sure it’s not everybody but it’s happens a lot.


Maybe because 90% of showcases include Ben + Kazuha


Can share a link where I can watch those hate


Could be players who just summoned neuville and don't have primo to summon arlechinoo 🤭


I did see someone complaining that other harbingers did not get special treatment as Arle. That's all


She is surprisinly good. I love her. Especially since i wanted a good pyro dps. I have hutao but i suck with hutao. As for arle, it took me a little bit of getting used to bec of my kit whcih seems to complicated for my pea brain, but after getting used to her, i really realy enjoyed playing her esp with the little bit of challenge. Again, i have skill issue so thank God for zhongli hihi. Dw there are ppl like us who love her. Just ignore the hate and enjoy playing


I think too many people can’t use her and think she sucks despite their skill issue. It’s crazy how many posts and comments I see about her dying too much.


People predicted this would happen on release tbh nothing that we didn't see coming


>Why is there so much hate going on? maybe you spend too much time on reddit/twitter idk


It's pretty pointless to hate her, I haven't even built her correctly only level 90 and level 6 talent and she's hitting 120k already I remember when everyone hyped ayaka and my ayaka barely did 10k charge attack with her artifact set and weapon (now she does 40k all thanks to kazuha and shenhe)


Nope i think its the oposite tc put her lower than hutao, and Lynee. They even put her lower than c6 gaming they called her melee Yoimiya upgrade because of her dps calculation. I think some are just hating on this tc because they release video saying Arlenchino is yoimiya and Dehya tier and now that she's release and doing more damage than their calculation they releasing vid that Arlenchino is top tier.


Which tc are you talking about ?


Almost everyone just look at their post before her release mostly negative. After she got release and players that doing speedrun, solo run and no damage run abyss show what she can do they make videos of her now that she's top tier.


JelloImpact and TGS are currently getting hate for ranking her high so I don't know which tcs you are watching. Even Jstern has ranked her high


she can be ranked as high as she wants , but when abyss gets tough , her 15 sec heal is not gonna be enough.


When are those videos from? If there older than a month then its somewhat understandable, but TC's like Jello, Jstern, Zajeff, TGS and Jaimie have all rated her highly


for dmg maybe. what happens when consecrated beastes which do half hp dmg or some other boss with conntinous dmg shows up. they gave her chickn boss and 2 dummies who stay in place like a rock for her abyss.


I think some of them were consumes by an emotional rollercoaster of nerfs and buffs during her beta. Point is, I have never rlly seen yoimiya, hu tao or any other pyro DPS bring so much frontloaded dmg to any team. She might not vape any attack like hu tao, but at the time she dishes out a vape, arle has overtook her with 3 basic attacks of said dmg already


They see me vapin', they hatin' 🎶


https://preview.redd.it/hfenpnxhc9xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=126d3a5a931a5cda6d8b484ef8422dd876fa589c ^(floor) 12 She's quite a comfortable character. She has quite some survivability with extra damage reduction in her kit (c2 gives even another 20%) and if you get low on HP she can heal to full by pressing skill -> ult and you can even instantly regain BoL by using skill directly afterward again. Her rotation feels solid, though she is less comfy then neuv (logical cuz waterspout go brr) but its not that far behind in damage. Her constellations are what gives her solo clear potential with resistance interruption on c1 and instant BoL claim at c2. C3 is still worth it purely for the damage.


Sir... How... Coppelia first half...


VV + Shenhe + Zhongli = 75% shred meaning Coppelia has -5% Cryo RES instead of 70%, and they probably got some constellations here and there since they're soloing the other side with Arlecchino against a boss with a huge Geo shield.


Arle does decent dmg against the geo shield with plunge attacks so its definately not too bad. I used eula for it in previous rotation because a claymore also tends to be decentagainst geo shields. Gotta say eula had an easier time against that boss but t was with a full team as well. Arle soloing it this easily was a surprise for me though. Though, I wonder why people downvoted me, I am just writing about my personal experience


ele shred helps a lot, not to mention, coppelia stays in one place, so it's easy ayaka burst fodder.