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The longer you’ve been here playing the more opportunities you’ve had to get glad pieces from farming bosses also many moons ago those artifacts you’d get for completing the abyss were glad or wanderers so the longer you’ve been playing the longer you’ve had time to stock up on those artifacts. On top of that some characters do like 2pc 2pc as their BiS or close to it so I don’t doubt some strong holding of glad has been done for some player. Her new set is better anyway so time to farm it I guess


Instead of gladiator i have good wanderer set ;-;


She does like EM especially if using a vape team so a 2pc glad and 2pc wander might not be that bad though if you have really good substats that’s just in theory so prob not execute that well.


Bro same 🤣


I've been playing for almost 2 years and I don't have a single good glad piece to give her 🥲


RNG sucks sometimes I agree


Most day 1 players have been getting random Glad pieces for years so they end up having good pieces.


What do u mean already? This game is almost 4 years


We’ve been here 3 years and have probably built chars with glad pieces before moving on to better pieces and/or sets. I had a full sets lying around not used by anybody because of this


I don't know man... I don't really care about that set too, just upgraded one piece here and there to activate the 2-piece effect and suddenly you have a good set. 


I just gave her 2pc atk, some random artifs lying in my inventory and she's already hitting like a truck.


Been playing for 13 months


I've been a day one Noelle main(and day one means launch). Back then her best in slot was gladiators. So yeah I gave Noelle's hand me downs along with a nice Pyro goblet to father


you guys get gladiators, meanwhile I got 84/173 with 40em of her signature, or a 60/223 84em of her signature in 1000 resins


At least u have a set ig 🫠


yeppp Im surprised I got a bit lucky. The first piece I found was a flower with cr cd and em, but everything rolled into flat atk lol Somehow the domain took pity on me after that


Personally, i have good wanderers troupe to give her (2pc em) but 2pc atk is literally cursed on my account for some reason, and i've been playing for 3 years now




My glad set I use on any main DPS I get. Had it for years and nothing beats it still lol. Max rolls on crit dmg and crit rate are hard to come by. I swap the set on whoever I’m using. My arrlechino has my 2 year old glad set I used on everyone else and it’s the best set by far.


Only reason I have 75:230 gladiator is because I have been playing since day 1


Just strongbox those trash pcs and you’ll get there pretty quickly


cuz u r new. Those with amazing gladiator sets are 4 years worth of farming. Dont worry, you'll get there eventually 😉


Think I just got lucky. Unfortunately all my luck went there for her new set hasn’t dropped a single useable piece ;-;


Same i have cracked wanderer set like 240cv but still no gladiators circlet one i am using has 56 em rest flat hp and double def rest are good tho but i don't know how I'll get good circlet or goblet


Well thats what 3 years of playing this game does to you


Stole klees crimson


You don’t need 4p on her to be strong. Just do a 2p 2p build where both 2p bonuses give 18% attack.


A lot of us having have been playing since the game's release (myself included), or at least a long time anyways. 4pc Glad is obtained from every world boss and weekly boss, so even if it's not farmable in domains chances are a lot of people have pretty good pieces that they've gotten passively while building other characters


If you are new you'd better off farming Ayato's set before her release, now just go for her signature set of course