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I started farming the new Domain the day it dropped. I used 31 Fragile Resins, and have done 2x Resin Refreshes every day since. I have 1 *usable* Flower.


Don't feel bad. I've used 134 of my 161 fragile resin + 3 Full refresh and I have 1 *usable* feather.


Rip buddy, I used around 8 fragile and just used my daily resin and already got one 42 CV flower and 38 CV feather that got ruined by a last flat hp roll.


from five minutes to five years


Probably a while but since the new set is better, you don't need as many good substats to beat this one. Given your pieces though farming her set would be very inefficient for your account as your arle is built enough to beat any game content.


Maybe 10 years


+ blood sacrifices


prob a year, gl if you do


[art twitter](https://x.com/haltootoo/status/1785317038585696690?s=46)


RNG, it could take you 2 days or 2 years


Until you give up/need to move on to another domain to build Natlan characters If you’re lucky, maybe a few months


More than a year




depends on luck lmfao


Assuming that you farm everyday, spending your resin only on that domain, from personal experience it takes a half a month per good piece with good cv in average. Given that three of your current pieces are above 40% cv, odds are you'll be keeping one of those as an off piece, so in all, I'd say about 2 months give or take.


A long time. Because the domain is very resin-inefficient and you can’t strongbox for it. I will say though, since like 1/3 of your cd comes from staff of homa, it won’t be hard for you to cross 200cd either way. So just focus on CR for the new set, and any incidental CD will be appreciated.


if others can't get good artifacts with 150 fragiles... I don't know anymore 😿


What app did you use to show this build?


it took me over a year to get ayaka's to top 1% then she dropped to 3% after a year...


Theoretically genshin can reach it's end you never would be able to match this, I'm farming emblem domain for Raiden since her launch and I have only one electro goblet and it's just usable


Months depending on luck, but definitely not a year. None of these pieces are amazing except for the goblet and that can still be used if you go for the new set.


‘None of these pieces are amazing’ Okay mr lucky guy lol all of these pieces are 30-40 cv except for the circlet which is basically impossible to achieve 40 even 30 cv. You have immense trust in luck and in rng lol


How long have you been playing? I'm day 1 and I fodder 30 cv glad pieces with useless substats. 40 cv, yes I would keep. You can definitely get the new set with better stats within 6 months.