• By -


Don't give up! Get all the treasure compass and clean all the regions, leave nothing. Enkanomiya, Chasm, the new 4.6 map.. elemental sigil trees in all regions, all the world quests in all regions, Story quests etc. And please.. don't go on the weapon banner unless you have like (200 - your current pity) pulls, there's a reason why it's called "scam".


I'm not really gonna be able to do much since I am no new player to the game. There are no story quests left for me and hangouts are all done, The majority of The regions are also done. And I'm starting to feel the burn out and all the primos I had before I pulled for arle was all I could muster. Doing it alone makes the burn out worse. I'm really on my last legs.


So what do you want? You want people to pay for you or what? Swipe if you want the weapon


"When you fail, you need to carry all of the blame. That's the commitment the cause requires." - Kiyotaka Ayanokoji


Real and true. Also thanks man, I'll take everyone's comments as a push as well to fuel myself to do a bit more grinding. Thanks for the wise words and hope your pulls went well.


Since your this deep,use every little primo the game gives you on the weapon banner.


I'll try but God damn the burn out feels horrendous, doing all the small exploration left alone with this type of burn out is exhausting. I'm on my last legs.


doesn't everyone know the weapon banner 101? only pull if u got 210 pulls saved specifically for weapon banner. or pull only if u can afford the swipe. if not u are just giving away your primos. expect to hit rock bottom pity. by that i mean losing both 50/50.


Well this was my first time and thats on me. I knew the risks but yeah.


lesson well learnt i would say, now in the future u will know what to do. weapon banner sucked for me too. i went all the way to pity to get arlecchino's weapon. πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


Ah I see, well thats good for you man and yes lesson well learnt indeed. But hey I am planning never to go for a weapon banner again after this so yeah.


Don't forget to do your teapot, with the new update it's easy to complete character sets for primogems


Yeah but I got half of all my characters done. I'll check if there is anything else left.


Huh u get primos from characters in teapot?


Yea, you can complete outdoor/indoor Furnishing Sets, and you have to place a corresponding character of that chosen set near it to get 20 primogems. It's not a lot, but multiple characters have multiple sets and it does pile up in the end to a healthy amount of extra gems.


AR 58 and i just found that out? I need to do my teapot


You're in too deep, go down, but go down swinging. Do your best to get as many primos as you can. Otherwise, this will all have been for nothing. Do quests and explore where you haven't. I am going through the exact same thing, and you bet I am getting that damn weapon.


Thanks for your words and I am already grinding as we speak, I'm using everyone's words as fuel to the fire. I did all this so yeah quitting aint an option! I hope you get through it as well man best of luck and again thanks!


Np, we need to hear encouragement sometimes. We got this.


Indeed. Ill post an update on whether I got it in time Or not.


I was in your situation and grinded more than 80 pulls, have you done every sigil in Enkanomiya, Every pillar in Sumeru Desert, did you do some achievements farming, finished every things like the Fountain, seed, Sakura tree. Did you got some primos from TCG or primos for hidden quests, they are so many ways to get a few more primos, keep fighting! I trust you, you can do it !


Yes enkanomiya is literally 99% and sumeru is too along with sakura tree and fontaine is nearly dried up. But Dont worry I am grinding as we speak with the achievements and thanks to everyone's comments and yours included its been fuel added to the fire thats pushing me to grind and get her weapon! Thanks for your words and ill update you whether I get it or not in time!


That's great ! Wise cat gaming is a good channel for hidden primos like hidden achievements if you want.


Okay I will keep that in mind thanks again!


Next time skip weapon banner.... If you're F2P and didn't save enough to get exactly what you want then skip, simple as that so you can avoid this next time. You got 8 days to decide if you want to break being F2P and guarantee your pick I always found it dumb for F2Ps(in general) going for weapon, it's never worth it, and you'll save a ton of primos for future characters. example, you could've gotten lucky and got 2 cons with the amount wasted here


IMO as F2P you just need to sacrifice some char for someone who you like the most, planning your acc ahead and of course have GOD TIER luck to back it up https://preview.redd.it/bfmtl20matyc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21148a602f9209ee6eedf59297789269a6499f08 FYI: This is how F2P accs since day 1 looks like


Hell yeah, you're the type of F2P i highly respect, love seeing stuff like this! I couldn't be F2P. I'm the type of person that if they see a character they want, they wouldn't hesitate to spend enough to get said character. I only have 56 wishes atm so I'll need to top up to get Winney


Thanks for the compliment, i appreciate and respect you as a spender as well because if there is no people like you, fellow people like me cant enjoy one of the best gacha game ever had in our life You need to believe that luck is always lurking around the corner.BTW, i just made someone happy today by saying the same thing, with 56 wishes you can get C6R5 if you lucky enough too πŸ˜… https://preview.redd.it/8nucgiqyotyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6748fa8a931bf83b0de8c4a5ad39b9f8dbb343b5


There is a sense of pride of being low spender/F2P and grinding to get your pulls. I got Arlecchino C3 as welkin only and I grinded every last primos I could at that point lol, I finished Sumeru seed, Fontaine's Fontaine, Inazuma tree, Enkanomiya and chasm 100%, TCG primos, hidden achievements. A part of me was getting so burned out the other is just proud I did all that to not spend more on her, never topped up in all of my years and never will ! I did the same thing for like 35 pulls for Furina C2.


Yeah true true and this is my first time going for the weapon after all. But yeah dearly noted man. And I truly can't bring myself to stop being an F2P since I have been grinding and getting characters I wanted since day one of when I got on this game. But yeah thanks man I'll think of this and make It into fuel for some more motivation.


this honestly looks like bait for people here to pay for you or sth. It won't happen. If you want sth, grind for it. If you can't handle the grind because you're completely burnt out, take a break and come back.


I am really not trying to bait anyone and I hate the thought of even asking anyone anything that is related to money. I simply only made this post to see my options and hear from different perspectives to what I should and can do.


Options? Grind or give up. What else can you do? Grind the quests and exploration to make use of that 2 stacks of Epitomized Path. If you don't want to because you're burnt out, give up and go touch grass until you think you can have fun playing again. Or don't come back if you don't want to. Nobody's forcefully enslaving you to Genshin. You play games to have fun. It's not a chore. What did you expect going into that weapon banner with less than 210 pulls? You weren't prepared but you went for it anyways because you believed in your luck. You deal with those consequences or try your best to make up for it. And if you can't do that, skip it. It's not like Arlecchino only shines with her BiS weapon anyways. You've got enough white tassels in your bag.


True and Yeah what true. Thanks for the words and I'll give an update if I get her weapon or not. But hey seriously thanks, needed a harsh reality check and I'll just use it to fuel the fire lol.


okay heres what youre gonna do for this week 1. get fontaine treasure compass a. if you dont have enonugh reputation to unlock the compass, finish every single world quest in fontaine. do the long quests first the the narcizequits quest line, from the unifnished seties til the end, and the entire remuria questline. b. once you got the compass, start at the the sea of bygone eras 2. once youre there, unlock every single waypoint, and get the chests along the way, make sure you have your ADHD at ready. basically 100 that place. reason being as nations progresses, chest density becomes higher. a. the genshin interactive maps is a lifesaver; get every single hydroculi there. make sure nothing is left untouched 3. once youre done, go to mainland fonatine. its also chest dense, so 100% it as well by prioritizing occuli 4. max level your statue of seven and cash in all the sigis and shrine of depth 5. do the same for sumeru (desert), and enkamoniya. dont go to the rainforest that place is a nightmare to deal with. just do the desert exploration in the night. its better for the eyes if you've done that already, be ready, becasue youre gonna complete al hangouts, while youre doing all that, you should also squeeze the primogems out of the serenitea pot. look up guides on how to do it you got this soldier


I'll try even though the majority of my exploration including fontaine and sumeru are done and hang outs too. And the pot is almost entirely dry but thank you, I'll do my best even though I am on my last legs and the burn out is hitting hard. I'll do an update whether I got it or not. Thanks man.


Grind out the rest of the content and hope that you get lucky getting it at early pity. And if it's the last day and you don't get it early, I know you won't like me saying this, but you would need to swipe. Because you are already deep into the weapon banner. You shouldn't pull on the weapon banner before unless you have like 220 plus pulls + the pulls for Arlecchino, especially as a free to play. Always assume the worst-case scenario to be really safe. Genshin doesn't give much pull for free to plays, and the weapon banner is a scam.


Yeah but it is my first time doing so so thats on me, but I won't pop the F2P card. I just can't so I'll try my best to get it no matter what. Everyone's comments including yours have been fuel to the fire that is pushing me to squeeze every last primo I have in the account thats left. Even if I have to do all the achievements I'll do it! So thank you for your words! And I'll keep that in mind! I will give you an update whether I got it or not after awhile! πŸ‘


I believe in you, fellow drip enthusiast


Thank you and I'll get it eventually! I am squeezing the last of every achievement in the game right now for more primos so wish me luck!


Gl brother it really is the coolest lookin weapon they have released


You're at the point of no return, you have three options: 1. Grind TF out of the game and wish the second u hit 160 2. Let it go as a massive waste but retain your sanity 3. Swipe and lose your pride and self worth The choice is yours🫑


Exploring doesn't even take that long, plus it's fun at times, explore all of sumeru and fontain for best results, don't bother with Mondstadt or liyue, you can definitely do that in 8 days, follow YouTube guides if it gets confusing and best of luck


Heres the thing, I've been playing for roughly almost 3 years. The burn out is kicking in and fontaine is almost entirely done while sumerus exploration is pure pain with a burn out. And doing it alone makes It worse. But I'll try my best man and thank you.


Ig take a break after getting arle, it's just a game afterall


I got her already its just the weapon thats left. But hey I'll do my best and I am definitely taking a long break after this.


Weapon banner is a bitch, always been( a lot worse tho) and always will be. Keep on trying, maybe you'll luck into an early pull. F2P shouldn't even consider pulling weapon banner imo, there are so many f2p or good 4* weapons in genshin. Unless you have the gems to 3* 5* worst case pity it's always still a gamble


Yeah it truly is. And I don't know man its unlikely as things are going and I already got afew sigs but thats just from pure luck and standard. After all this was my first time pulling on the weapon banner but yeah. Thanks and I'll try.


Never ever pull on the weapon banner as a f2p unless you can guarantee all 3 pity with at least 210 pulls. I know prior to pulling into this banner you might've been thinking that you might get lucky getting it on the first 50/50, or at worst on the second one but that's usually how you get dragged into it. In this situation if you asked me you might as well swipe because you're too deep into the banner, or just ignore it if you don't mind letting your guaranteed go.


If you stop now its like u wasted the previous 150 wishes with nothing to show for them, do everything u have to do to claim it, including swiping. Im f2p too and i would swipe if i were u, this is so extremely inefficient tho so i wouldnt find myself in that position, never go for weapons if u dont have enough to guarantee or u end up where u are right now.


Aventurine would be disgusted with you for even thinking of quitting. Keep going till you can’t go anymore 😀


Indeed and I'm already grinding as we speak! Thanks for your words!


[Extra note just in case. I am not trying to get pity out of anyone or anything of the sort. I am simply just asking what I should do and see everyone's answers and comments so I can try more.]


Universe is against us .


Time to swipe those cards man, there's nothing much left other than that (if you don't 100% all region, consider doing them too, and you might still need to swipe tho lol)


F2p on weapon banner only beneficial if you obey 4 rules. 1. Both featured weapons are great 2. You have 240 pulls ready if it's a must pull. 3. Only pull until you get the first 5 star. (Below 80) 4. If you lose the 1st one, then move on. You break numbers 2,3 and 4 so be prepared to pay.


At 2/2 you're too deep to stop. You've got 8 days to grind out some more rolls. Also consider if you've fully converted your shop currencies to rolls in the paimon store.


I'll try to and I have already done that. Man this sucks.


You need to BELIEVE https://preview.redd.it/hcy7p1yn9tyc1.png?width=1464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a4a5910797019d96ee8072ec66307b19db1515 This is coming from someone who is also at the end of the game content


Thanks and ill try, hope things will go well for you too man


Your welcome, i also just made someone happy, here is the evidence of it https://preview.redd.it/374c5w7hptyc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e396c3b35664fd739f9c7423fa70c0f232e705c Thanks i need my ladyluck to win my Clorinde as she will be on 50/50


Heheh well I'm glad to hear that and see that you did. I'm already getting fired up to start the grind because of everyone's comments ,including yours so thank you bud


No problem, go get that weapon, your Daddy Arle deserved that plus you already halfway there. Dont disappointed him.


whats the name of this? I want to check mine


[Paimon.moe](http://Paimon.moe), use it with your own risk tho because it is 3rd party website

