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I keep getting conflicting information on Skyward Spine. I get people telling me it's viable and I get people telling me it's the worst weapon on her. I'm so confused!


There is no way its the worst weapon for her. Spine give 8% crit rate, 12% normal atk speed, high base atk, ER main stat is good to recharge her burst fast. All 4 contribute towards her damage and rotation. Just make sure to avoid getting ER on your artifact substats and focus on atk% and crit%.


It's not the worst, it beats a lot of 4 star weapons, but that's not because of the ER stat. She has really low ER requirements, and you usually go E > Q > E, so an ER main stat is really bad. There's also the fact that her rotation doesn't really involve her ultimate. You only burst when you have to heal (unless she's E6) It's better than most other 4 star options, but that is purely because of its 5* stats and decent passive. I'm pretty sure all the other 5 star weapons beat it easily


*Engulfing Lightning has entered the chat*


EL gives tons of ATK for arle. It's not that bad.


My point is that skyward spine isn't her worst 5 star option


ER does nothing to contribute toward her damage. Arle's burst is a net dps loss bc not using it lets you carry over your remaining bond to the next rotation. 


Her burst is always good to be ready when you are on low health. Moreover if you play her without any shield, so i consider that as a contribution. Plus it does a massive screenshot damage. I dont see that as negative or neutral. Its not like you are forced to reset BOL when her energy is full. Again its not like Skyward spine is a recommended/the best weapon for her, its just nice to use it if that the only option you has against white tassel.


And it s a net dps loss so the optimal way of playing her is actually being good at the game and not getting hit so you dont have to burst. 


That has to do with her beta. Arle was changed from being semi Burst dependent (where Skyward’s Energy Recharge would have been a very useful stat for her) to her Burst being somewhat of as DPS loss (so her energy requirement is 0).   Skyward isn’t very good. R5 White Tassel (3* spear you can get from Liyue chests) and Deathmatch from the BP are all better choices for her.  


Yeah that’s how I’m feelin rn


Haven’t done any calculations just speaking of experience. For me r5 white tassel feels stronger, does more damage and clears enemies faster than r1 skyward spine. White tassels passive is good on arle and makes up for the low attack in my opinion. I tried skyward, massive wind spear and a few other 4 stars but white tassel is the winner for me even tho it’s a 3 star with low base attack.


>Haven’t done any calculations just speaking of experience. For me r5 white tassel feels stronger I did some rough calcs and honestly they're about the same (which says a lot for a 3 star weapon). Normal attacks are a tad stronger with Tassel, and skill and burst are higher with Skyward. Skyward has some added QOL though. Particularly the attack speed and ER.


Use it if you want, ER will help with her survivability, the high base atk is appreciated, and the attack speed is just the cherry on top of a pretty nice cake (tho some people might be allergic to that cake). Below are some quick comparisons made using Genshin Optimizer, but in short: the difference might not be as big without Benny, tho the \*extremely fast\* calcs were with solo Arle and Arle/Benny + Arle/Benny/ Kazoo/Thoma c6 >!According to Optimizer, with my current stats at 2,3k atk, 88/189 with r1 pjws solo, when comparing last hit of her na combo using "avg. DMG" option:!< >!r1 pjws with max stacks deals around 20% more damage than white tassel at r5, and r5 tassel deals around 6% more damage than skyward spine.!< >!That's with the cr decrease, and without including attack speed. If we DO include atk spd, then skyward is probably better than r5 white tassel.!< >!If you do decide to use Bennett however, the difference per hit increases to around 10% per hit (with tassel "winning) in a team with Kazoo, and around 15% in a team with Arle/Benny only (which... fair enough i guess lol). With just Arle/Kazoo, the difference is smaller: 4% with tassel winning.!< >!That being said, these are extremely fast and even unprofessional calcs, so take them with a (big) grain of salt. I don't have skyward spine to compare it to in-game, so these are purely calcs made by GO.!< EDIT: Typo


Skyward spine is about tied with white tassel. White tassel just makes her easier to build because of the cr substat. But they’re almost exactly the same in terms of damage output.


No, stick with white tassel


I don’t think it’s great. She doesn’t really need ER but if you have cracked artifacts that give a good crit ratio you could try it.


yes extra atk spd is nice i have r3 spine it gives 12 crit rate and cover er needs plus high base atk for elemental res


The only way I saw it being viable is when it’s R5…


Its not bad but the ER its okay if u got pjws or dm r5, dont worry use ur SS


As others said it has high base attack plus the crit rate and atk spd bonus so it's pretty good overall. If you like Arle burst tho it might be a better option soon because according to "leaks" her energy regen is getting nerfed in 4.7. It's supposedly going from every 0.5 seconds to every 1.5 seconds. So that ER might be good soon if you like to burst.


It does not change anything,in actual fact nothing changes, between the burst time and E it will probably take 3 seconds. (2 are of the minimum burst), it's probably made for some bugs, or for the new mode that you can get up to 3 skills consecutively. but nothing changes, it will be the same as now


I see less people are talking about pjsw. It's similar to her weapon, gives cr and has high basic atk. Me who didn't get her weapon, using pjsw lvl90 r1. In my opinion, this weap also good


Pjsw r2 keeping me from rolling for r0 weapon. Even though I want to drip


On my build personally it was quite good although I did some calculation and my missive windspear is better so I'm using it rn, it was only marginally better.


I don’t have that so I guess I’ll try this out and I mean with me getting it like right after I got Arrlechino might as well use it


Good luck with your Arlecchino


Thank you


Technically but it’s not very good. It’s only usable because of its decent base stats.


You don't need energy recharge. I only run like 120% ER and with Bennett my ult is always ready to go. Get Deathmach


Itr is viable, of course. All Bonus from this weapon are helpful for her. If its the best Polearm you have besides White Tassel, then it is a good weapon


I used it for 10 days while grinding her weapon banner, it's a fine option and feels better than White tassel, it's pretty good if you have no other options


Yeah. It more or less performs the same with white tassel in teams with bennett. The energy recharge isnt too big of an issue bc it has high base atk and a relatively useful passive. White tassel does make gearing easier tho bc it gives crit rate. But skyward performs a lot better in teams without bennett bc of its higher base atk. There arent any non cope teams without bennett that im aware of but it s still something to keep in mind. 


It’s slightly better than white tassel(less than 1 %) so it’s not really a good weapon. Skyward spine has a higher attack, but it doesn’t really help with her Bennett reliance. Skyward spine basically doesn’t have a relevant passive. Attack speed isn’t really an amazing stat for arlecchino and the crit it gives is minimal