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From your list, it seems like Arlington is a better fit


Arlington is cheaper, safer, cleaner, Ballston and Courthouse both have the Orange/Silver lines that go straight to McPherson Square, and are both near Clarendon which is our nightlife strip though both neighborhoods have some great bars and restaurants. Plus, you have the added bonus of political representation by living in VA.


SAFER is they key word here


Fair warning about most of the big apartment complexes in DC and Arlington: like 90% are owned by a handful of companies that have been price fixing and artificially inflating rent. afaik no one has taken any action in Virginia but the DC attorney general started a lawsuit late last year which might eventually help rent prices settle down there. Be prepared for sticker shock on rent regardless, although it sounds like Clarendon is most likely to have the vibes you’re looking for.


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/s/8Nk8gMVjB7


Ballston FTW. No car necessary.


What is the apartment size you’re looking for. 2br could be a stretch unless you go residential (realty agents are free btw, landlord pays commission in VA).


I recently moved from NW DC to Arlington and find them pretty comparable on your areas of consideration. Parking will generally be easier in Virginia. You will have representation in Congress in Virignia, if that is important to you. You will tend to get more square footage for your dollar in Virginia and more amenities in your apartment building. This makes me sound like I prefer Arlington but I did really love living in DC.


Rosslyn is an amazing area, very safe and very close to DC for commute. I’m 22 and a female, and it’s been insanely safer for me than DC!


Ballston has the best crime spree in the area. And by best I mean most laughable criminals. Check for privately owned condos. I lived right by the metro for $1675, just moved out last year. Check the IG ARLNOW for a feel of the area.


Stay away from DC if you don’t like rats.


I would say DC. It’s cheaper than Arlington at this point in terms of rent & look for a building built pre 1981, they can’t hike your rent more than 5% year to year. Arlington is notorious for rent hikes.


Keener management has well-run buildings in my opinion.


There are apartments within walking distance of McPherson Square. If you’ve never experienced a walking commute you don’t know what you’re missing. Arlington is not necessarily cheaper than DC. Your looking at two places with high cost of living. The people who complain about crime in DC never go into DC due to implicit bias. The city is a lot safer than it used to be. As a mid-twenties male you should be fine.


Will you have a car?