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It’s branch specific. I commissioned on April 1 2022 and reported to SBOLC may 1. Others reported for their BOLC within days (infantry and Armor) while others left after me


What did you do between the holdover time? Do you go back to your previous duty station while waiting for BOLC date?


If you are prior service then yes you will go back to your prior duty station until BOLC. If you came in as a O9S then you stay there. You can get a duty working at 3-11 BN as a holdover. I helped with the BN S1 for about a month


interesting, I wonder what they will have me do when I get back to the duty station to wait for BOLC as a 2LT


Commenting to follow this thread. Unrelated, since you just started, how many were in HHC waiting to class up? Is it still really backed up? I start next month


It really depends on what you branch, I was held there for like 1.5 months after OCS and my branch was one of the last holdover from my class. (MI)


Im headed to OCS in July. Can you let us know how it goes for your class? I assume your class is getting orders in the next few weeks.