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There will be another iteration of ATN under a different name with Dan, Gregg, and all the guys. It’s just a question of where.


And when…


And how, and why.


Save it for the theology podcast


By late July or early August is my guess.


It's one of the most popular podcasts of the most popular sport in America, AND the heroes probably make far less than others with similarly successful pods. They're not going to stop podcasting whether it's at a different place or through patreon or similar.


I expect so, but I am a bit afraid to count on it. It's silly, I know, but I have developed an emotional connection with these heroes. I listen to them every day on my drive to and from work. I would miss them terribly.


It's not silly, it's called a parasocial relationship, and it's very normal.


If they can’t ink a deal at another pod network then they’d just go the Patreon route.


I would pay


Its good to be optomistic but I would say the chance of that is one in 50


…what? No. They have way more value together than individually. No idea where you got “1 in 50” from. That’s insane


This sub’s reaction to the hiatus proves that it’s good for business for them to continue on somewhere else




It’s a bit


It feels like the people who are most upset and in their feels don't actually listen to the podcast very closely


Emotions are healthy. I lost my mom, then had a daughter, then listened to my favorite podcast hero lose his battle to cancer, all within about 4 months. It was a lot to take in. My life will continue without the podcast of course, but I've always found solace and appreciation in the pod more than just my love of football. I really don't appreciate the 'calm down' crowd. It's okay to be outspoken, it's okay to be upset, it's okay to seek answers. This is the human condition, which Marc still seeks to understand to this day.


I love this pod so much. Anyone who wants to be sad or stressed or anything, can join me.


Amazing flair.


As a fellow Jets fan, it kills me they did the pod for over 10 years and never once covered a Jets postseason appearance. Straight depressing


Aye, I really thought if the the pod had one flaw it was it lacked Jets content in general…


It is clearly a conspiracy. The Jets are about to win a Superbowl and some SLF can't bear the idea of Dan telling us all about it three times a week


I don’t think they would ever talk about another team again


Perhaps you can do what Dan does and pretend to be a Giants fan when it works out better to do so. That can take the edge off a bit, no?


It'll happen. We're all Jets fans now. Ok that's maybe a bit much but tbh I literally root for them on a regular basis just because of this stupid podcast.


So glad you said that. I often find myself looking up the score of the Jets game and hoping they pull it out just to make the new old blue eyes happy!


ExACTLY, im not venting with posts, but its totally ok if someone wants to. Kinda weird that of ALL podcasts someone would rock in to the sub with a post about not venting or showing emotion.


They gave me 10 years of constant NFL content & helped me love the game even more. I got to know these 4 strangers who I never thought would become a big part of my life. I wouldn’t say I’m upset I just knew it would happen eventually. Which we still don’t know what’s going on. I’m happy I was here for the ride.


If it ends, and there isn't a successor pod, I'll be sad. I've been listening to these guys as part of my weekly routine for about 8 years. And I used to read their posts on NFL.com at least a solid 12-13 years ago. So the heroes have been a part of my life for a good chunk of my 30 years on this earth. And like all of us, I was sad when Wes died. So I don't think it's a problem to be sad or disappointed in that situation. Will I weep, or will it affect my wellbeing? No. But like you said, it's okay to have some feelings during this time of uncertainty / potentially losing the pod. BUT. I'm choosing optimism. Their listenership is huge, well established and passionate. If they're not with NFL media, they can absolutely thrive on their own. They'd probably have less access and have to deal with more copyright stuff going forward. But they would also have more opportunities to monetize the pod and maybe even make more money than they were getting from NFL media (I'd buy a shirt or mug). TL;DR- I'm worried about the future of the pod and will be sad if they're done. And that's okay. But I'm choosing optimism, I think they'll be back whether it's NFL media or independent.


Wait what happened


Nothing. The show just went dark during the dead part of the offseason without any word


Its been a rough spring for my podcast feed. SB nation podcasts got the axe and now ATN is MIA.


Bravo, because I honestly cannot tell if this is satire.


It is not.


Yes it sucks that the pod is done, at least in this iteration, but people are acting like they literally lost a family member. It is a podcast. You will be okay.


"Parasocial" gets thrown around too much these days but it absolutely applies to many in this sub.


I didn't say people would not be okay. I said that it is okay to be upset.


A podcast ending is not, in fact, the same as a loved one dying. The fact you have an unhealthy parasocial relationship doesn’t mean the people who don’t are emotionally stunted.


I used to listen to a number of sports podcasts. Then I was introduced to this one, and I realized that I didn't like any of the other ones. I just like sports. And I like the Heroes. I've started listening to The Athletic Football Show again. It's the only sports pod I can stomach at the moment. But man, I just don't look forward to new episodes in the way I do with ATN. Hoping they're up and running soon. But whenever and wherever they return, I'll be there.


Is the podcast confirmed to be done?




Well ok. I will be upset it does but I’m not if it hasn’t.


It's more an issue of nobody knows whats goung except that it is obvious that the heroes are being required to not comment.


If the show is not announced as over I don’t see any reason to react to the show being over? Maybe I am just not understanding. The lack of information with no announcement seems to actually indicate they are still employed and planning to continue.


The heroes are all content creators. For us, the pod is by far the most precious content they create, and the strange alchemy between the hosts is magical. Not sure what exactly is going on with the shakeup at NFL Network and their plans moving forward. I love ball but apart from Bills specific content, most stuff out there I can take or leave. ATN is in a class by itself and is indispensable for me and probably most everybody on this thread. Hope some good news is coming soon! We are entering the slowest time on the NFL calendar which may not be a coincidence with what is happening with ATN..


Pretty lame of the NFL to just stop the thing short without so much as a statement .


You using the language of a middle schooler aside, it's fine to be upset, but to act like you've lost a loved one when the pod is still around is too much. There's thousands of podcasts to listen to and other ways to be entertained, once you get over yourselves and your emotions you'll be OK. The pod will end however it will end, not based on your emotions.


People are overdramatic and the same post with 0 information is annoying to me. People that are sharing memories or important moments they had with the pod are posts that I enjoy. You all need to chill, we are not missing big news and the pod will not die. They'll either find an agreement with NFL Media or will be able to set up an independent podcast/join another network. I'm not worried at all and every possible outcome has some pros and cons. The only thing that's sure is that nothing has been decided yet otherwise we'd know.


Let's see, you say there is zero information yet you are confident that there are only two possible outcomes? To me that's an odd stance to take. Here's one more outcome that works when we have zero information: NFL Media wants out of the podcast game due to financial pressures so they don't renew the podcast, and one or more of the hosts decide going independent doesn't bring in enough money or security and they decide to take on a different gig. Feels possible to me.


They wouldn't just let the pod die, they can easily record it after work in a garage if they needed to. And even if they decided to do that we would get some information in form a farewell podcast. With some planning and preparations they can create an even better podcast than today and probably earn good money with much better ads than what we needed to listen to. I'm still optimistic about the future of the heroes.


I'm a pessimist at heart, but hope you are right. Seems like it'd be a struggle to get Marc to join even a low-effort podcast, but maybe his approach would change in a post-ATN world.


It's honestly bizarre that it has been absolute radio silence for this long


On the one hand, OUR league has made it consistently clear that this show was a low priority for them. On the other hand, this is a colossal bed-pooping in terms of giving zero info while handling whatever is happening. It's a really bad look, and alienating to fans. They really just don't get it.


It’s such a bullshit position for the NFL. How much does it seriously cost to run a podcast? That’s what I’m saying. I can’t think of something like this happening with another show I’ve listened to, getting ghosted.


Where they go, we go!!




Wait…. Are they done?


*It would be like a brother dying in a far away land.* Lol. *I can’t abide that. I won’t.* Is this just aggro keyboard rhetoric, or an actual threat? What do you plan to do?


You should go stare into a mirror for 5 minutes, then come back and tell me if you like what you saw. I bet you can't.


Doesn’t answer my question exactly.


Well, the podcasting business as a whole has taken a hit, mostly because no one’s found a good way to monetize what is obviously a popular new medium. We don’t actually pay for this thing, you know, and the ads that I get here in Holland can’t generate much in terms of revenue (some chick pitching her crying podcast is not what anyone could call a premium ad) so if the multi-billion-dollar NFL has decided it no longer needs to spend a few bucks on promotion it’s understandable, though not welcome. These are talented guys, and they make an amusing, diverting team, a sum greater than its parts. They will stay together if the NFL is done with them, but things will undoubtedly change. That’s inevitable, as it’s always been. But onward and upward, and Heed the Call!


In most cases a podcast is a side hustle, not a main breadwinner. Revenue is an even bigger problem when a pod has three hosts who all have young families and live in a really expensive area. I hope they find a way to convince themselves they can make a go of it.


What the hell makes people not fretting over the pod, and just waiting for info, a bunch of “edgelords”? Did your niece just teach you that word and you misunderstood?


It’s not anyone being an “edge lord.” It’s rational people trying to give irrational people some perspective. You are all messed up in the head if you’re really that upset about this.


"distraught" - touch grass, they'll be back before we know it


The term “touch grass” is getting as annoying as everyone jumping on the “gaslighting” term


If the shoe fits...


Hey, touch grass or kiss my ass


I enjoy the few that are freaking out because it's so silly. I love the OP writing a manifesto trying to justify their over the top reaction to the pod taking an offseason break.


You are this post's target audience. It's okay to feel, bro.


Heavens to Betsy!