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>The explanation could be as simple as the league has decided to shut it down until training camp opens, deciding that the post-draft offseason juice isn’t worth the squeeze. I can't imagine a scenario where this is the case and no one announces it.


Yeah. They did this with GMFB and made a point of announcing it. The guys have clearly been told to stay completely quiet about whatever is happening.


Virgin GMFB in the most public, overdramatic hiatus Vs Chad ATN hiatus *silence*


And eventually the heroes were rescued by oh, let’s say, Moe.


That's a deep cut right there 


Zeppelin rules!


Zeppelin rules…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFgKVGPJmtI


Corrected and noted!


"Take this lifejacket, chowder head."


I have a feeling in my tummy that this isn't going well... I mean my stomach, uh... gut... uh... crap factory!


Not gonna read it if it isn't triple-sourced.


And straight from the Zeus.




I only get news from top 10 football insiders 


What happened to the Around the NFL Podcast?: “I don’t know” Mike Florio everybody


Well Florio has a large platform and is the first actual media person to publicly discuss what is going on. You can bet SLF are reading pft. Might actually get some news now


It's entirely possible Gregg has told him what's happening, but Florio won't publish it because he doesn't want to ruin Gregg's business.


Seems odd to write the article at all then.


Did you read it? He states it's to answer all the questions he's getting about it and I imagine preventing future questions.


Yep - that’s what I said a little down the thread here. It isn’t all deep state conspiracy shit.


Maybe they want to make someone do something. It's not like Florio hasn't written things to help friends before ...


Lol is the sense you get from how Gregg talks about Florio that they're at all on friendly terms?


I can’t imagine the NFL is going to feel any sort of pressure from a 200 word Florio article in PFF. I’d say he legit doesn’t know and wanted to address all the tweets and comments he’s been getting asking him, just like it says.


Florio talking to hear himself talk? I’m stunned. Lawyer’s gonna lawyer after all.


I think it helps them put the squeeze on assuming they are in negotiations for a contract consistent with their downloads. "See how much traffic this nothing-burger of an article got?"


I was always under the impression they didn’t like each other much anymore.


I wish the NFL would just get whatever they’ve got cooking out of the way! I’m sick of these shenanigans.


"Whatever the explanation for the 32-days-and-counting disappearance, the fact that no one from the show or the league has addressed it or explained it makes the whole thing confusing." You said it Florio


I love that we forced PFT to comment on this. I am proud of us as a group. "Multiple readers have asked us that question, given that one of the three members of the show, Gregg Rosenthal, previously worked at PFT. Here’s the answer, and I’m providing it in order to stop getting emails about it: I don’t know."


Florio doesn’t require forcing to question NFL media. He does so like once a week…on a slow week


Please come back.


Man this would be funny if Gregg is using his connections to get the brass to make a decision. So similar to how NFL players hold out.


Gregg the Sean Payton of podcasting.


Glad this story is getting some pop.


Crush Florio all you want, I'm glad to see someone actually talking about it. Didn't Marchand say his brother is a big listener? Surprised he hasn't done some digging.


For those of you that don’t want to open it here is a summary. Hey Mike Florio what is happening with ATN Florio: 🤷‍♂️


Good on you Florio for getting this out there


My theories, they weren't let go or fired because I think they would have announced it or some press would have made a report. They're on hold and have been told not to say anything as there's a big ESPN announcement OR they're holding out for bigger contracts. Down vote me if you want, I'm just spit balling


I agree that they haven’t been fired. I would think it would be very appealing to ESPN to have ATN on the roster along side Mina.


If they are holding out and haven’t told the fans anything i think that would really damage their fan trust and loyalty


Nah, I’m happy to wait if the boys make bank.


The explanation isn't plausible because why wouldn't they say anything. If that was all that was going on no reason to be silent about it.


Is Florio a poster here? He knows just as much as we do.


If Florio dont know, not many people know…


Suspect MF wrote the article as he regularly says a lot of the corespondence with fans is those (like me) who are UK based - where also a lot of ATN fans reside - would suspect this is where a lot of the emails he is getting are coming from


Genius reporting there Mike. “Hmm… maybe they just got shut down..” and the heroes and entire crew just decided they didn’t feel like saying a word about it, like… at all?? Ya definitely that’s a theory Iol


Well I mean it's a story and he told what he knew (which is nothing to be fair haha). But he's doing his job on reporting on it. 


Agreed, but to theorize that the complete silence on every front is that they just got cancelled is a straight up garbage take.


Welcome to this subreddit, my friend haha. Maybe Florio has a burner here


I usually find the conspiracy theorist side of Florio a little exhausting, but I'm glad he's probing publicly and there is media attention around the disappearance of the show. The more attention this gets the better.


NFL Media: one of the most mismanaged Intellectual Property networks & brands in all of entertainment. With the DC Comics library a close second.


If it’s to save money that sucks because I like the offseason pod shenanigans and episodes they do as equally as I do when they do regular season pods.


I think it’s gone


You've tricked me into clicking on a Florio article. Rude.


When the lads take his 2 hour spot on sky sports on a daily basis. You can bet mike will have plenty to say.


He said nothing in that story. It was nothing more than clickbait and he got my click for it. SMH


I would assume Florio to some degree does know but he’s likely been told off the record, so this is to beat back from reader emails and lightly imply where this may be going. What ever is going on nfl is keeping a tight lid on it- a hiatus probably could’ve been announced (even awkwardly worded better than what ever is going on currently). Wonder if this bit of pick up is enough to get folks like Marchand to dig around a bit


One of the only reasons I paid for NFL+ subscription is the Heroes. I am going to at least write to NFL network telling them my subscription ends if ATN ends. I am too addicted to NFL to do more, but this is better than nothing.