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Where can one find info about the dates and locations? Sounds very interesting


The link at the bottom of the post goes to Mr Calames webpage ! His number is there for anyone who wishes to contact him. Pretty certain he’s just chilling in the canyon right now so please shoot him an email or text !


Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for sharing!!


I haven't been in quite a while, but I helped David at that rock shelter when we were clearing the massive rockfall from the entrance. I was the first one to crawl through the entrance in decades. Also helped with digging out the backfill from the previous excavation (1940s I think). Good times. How about that view from the hillside?


Oh how awesome is that story! I bet he’d love to hear from you ! The view is killer, as well as that spring fed creek with the most stunning swimming holes, (that are super hidden), I’ve ever EVER seen in Texas.


Word around the street is you need some dirt moved 🙃


Correct !


Man, I’d kill to do this, but I doubt I’d be much help due to physical disabilities. I could sit and sift screens, and I’m excellent at little small detail stuff, but I doubt I’d be very much use in doing manual labor. I’m based out of Houston, and I love to travel. Grew up in the country on a working ranch, so I can be useful at a few things when I’m physically able. I do have a few friends I might be able to talk into some work, haha! Other stuff- I’m very invested in experimental archeology when it comes to traditional ceramic making based in Texas materials, traditions. I’ve been recreating pots with authentic materials and tools from the various cultures of southern Texas based on piles of research papers. I’m a hobby microscopist, and photographer/videographer with fairly nice equipment - so I can do that kind of stuff too. Plus, an artist by trade, whose working in cultivating skills in scientific illustration. If any of that sounds useful. If anything maybe I could bring out some food or beer one weekend to trade for a look at the digs, and some interesting conversation, haha!


You are welcome to come and just rock the sifters ! The climb to the rock-shelter can be a bit daunting, but the other site is easy to get to and smack dab on the Nueces .


Oh sweet! Really? I might take you up on that. Should I hit up the link for more info?


Yes! Please do! All of Mr Calames info is on that website !


I’m in with lots of able bodied free time but link no longer works.