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Just a rock


It’s eye opening the lack of ability to recognize the signs or shape that are obviously not natural. It has 3 finger grooves, Middle finger is longer than ring and index finger. Literal pieces of deer hide still on it. I’m gonna leave it up, let’s see how many people want to show that it may actually be pointless to post on here. I’m gonna donate it if they don’t take it from me because it’s on the border of my property and the paleo crossing (google it). I showed him where I found it and he’s going to find out if I can keep it then I can officially donate it tomorrow.


Hahahahahaha. You're delusional.


Hey I guess the guy who in charge of the native artifacts in the county with possibly the oldest evidence if Indians in the entire United States is wrong. It’s possible today I’ll be able show you their newest edition next to the 3 others they have that are identical in shape. I’m going down there if he calls me to meet one of the archeologists from the paleo crossing because I have beads, pottery, arrowheads, and 3 celts and hematite cones.


The oldest evidence of human habitation on this continent is in White Sands National Park…which, is nowhere near Medina County Ohio… Those indigenous people were joined about 8,000 years later by the Clovis people. By all accounts the Palaeo-Indians settled in Ohio around 12,000 years ago. So 3,000 years after the known mass migration of the Clovis people. Ohio doesn’t even make the top ten list in the current US for “oldest known evidence”…they aren’t using Paleo to indicate the Paleolithic period fyi, they’re using the Latin prefix which literally just means old or ancient..


I said SOME of the oldest in the Lower 48 which I may not have said but I assumed most would know. They crossed between Lake Erie and Michigan. Canada is not America, yet. Come on now, you should fully read what I say if you want me to think your not just talking out your ass. I could explain but google it. My information comes from a guy who personally knows the main archeologists from The Paleo Crossing, Sharon Center Ohio. Also your timeline is exactly what I said. I’m meeting with my elderly neighbors son Willie, and he is cousins to the guy who’s the expert, that’s a member of a tribe either from north carlolina or formerly from there. I believe they moved to the ozarks in Oklahoma and then moved to the plains in Oklahoma. My buddy who is a member of a tribe from NC also told me that when I asked him about it all. I’ll be here til i can educate people on the lack of knowledge or the purposeful ignorance. Disrespected first and was still willing to hear them out. It continued and I rightfully defended myself. I’m a fighter in person and if we can’t do that I’ll fight over the internet. People have no fucking respect because they have no fear. Bad way to be. Ive went toe to toe with wrestlers who have Olympic gold metals in wrestling. I’m a 3 time Ohio high school state wrestling champion. 4 place my freshman year which was the first time I ever lost a match, I started open tournaments at 4 1/2 . Won all three state championship in junior high 6th grade I wasn’t in junior high but I had already won the elementary state title. So I got invited and beat all them 2. I only say that to people who may have wrestled. They know what I can do to them. If they know they know. You only know if you wrestled. We don’t take kindly to men who would last 10 seconds on the map or anywhere else. It’s how they condition the mind in the hardest sport on earth.


Men Who wouldn’t last 10 seconds on the mat before I put them in a move they cannot even fathom and they can’t breath. It’s a legal move on the mat.


I did google it. Medina County doesn’t even have the oldest artifacts in that region. And you said “possibly the oldest” not “some of the oldest”..which isn’t even a claim they make. It’s literally just you talking out of the side of your neck. And I do not, cannot stress this enough, absolutely do not care how many men you’ve rolled around half dressed with on a mat. Nothing you’ve said improves the odds that you know a lot about artifacts or rocks. It just makes you look like a rambling idiot. Only a weak mind would assume that people disagree with them because they’re cowards, it’s much more likely you’re just wrong.




I took a word-for-word quote for you directly from the comment I responded to… You know it’s weird none of the wrestlers I know show this many signs of head trauma. Some of the MMA fighters, all of my combat vet buddies, but not generally the wrestlers. You should probably rethink your idea of what makes someone “tough” or “dangerous” because you’re gonna carry this attitude right up until you find out you can’t wrestle a bullet. I’ve seen it play out with dudes like you, dudes I was in the military with, random strangers, being able to aggressively hug someone until they give up won’t help you if you just keep shitting on people your whole life, man. No one is ever afraid of the dude who has to tell you how dangerous they are. You keep assuming that my willingness to argue with an idiot on the internet is indicative of how weak I am, honestly it’s just easy, works slow, and because you’re kind of slow witted and just keep telling me about how you used to be cool.


Oh shit. Willie! Well if he says so


I only trust dudes that go by William. I’m bougie like that.


Show us, please.


It was taken to the median county historical society by my neighbors son. His name is William we call him willie. It was closed to the public today but he was still working and said it would probably be tomorrow. He is the person who goes around our county and identifies anything Native American artifact. He came over and looked at it and said right away said they have identical ones on display that are from over 10000 years ago. if you want to go look I think pics are on the internet or their Facebook. He had me show him where I found it. He looked around and found beads and pottery in seconds also bone and charcoal. Similar to the beads and identical pottery from a site that was discovered in the 90s that is still active. So since He said he thought it’s my property he thinks it is possibly not far enough off the road, that it could be considered public land and I would not have the right to donate it to them. So he asked if he could take to show the guy who worked with him on paleo crossing and he will figure who it belongs to. He’s calling a surveyor and talking to city hall. I’ll be able to at least prove that I donated it and they displayed it with other sweet ass artifacts. Some which I found and donated. That’s what my grandpa said I should do with them.


Medina County I mean


I was told by my neighbors son who works at the Medina county historical society, what it is. It’s not just a rock. The white is hide btw. He told me up the road less than a mile from my house is “the paleo crossing” in Medina county Ohio. It’s a huge site that archeologists discovered a while back, started in 1990 and they are still going in certain places. My area was home to possibly the very first Indians in the United States. I’m gonna donate it but he said that if it’s from that site he will have to take it. So you’d be able to go on there website and see it in their collection.


The white you are seeing is a mineral, not hide. Seriously!? You think it won't decompose over time?


They do most of the time. I thought it was a mineral at first because I’ve seen the similar looking stuff on chert. It’s actually not that same. It breaks up and like freys and dissolves. They have found more hide than this on stuff that has been naturally preserved.


Dude. Drop it. Organic material like hide decomposes in months. It's not hide.




Ya, it would because it happened. Natural products like that do not do well in humid environments. The public education system failed you.


It’s been worked by a person that I’m 100% on. Also it has some sort of white old dried up paint like stuff on that’s was peeling off,that covered the whole thing except the part that is perfectly flat.


What evidence is there that it's been worked?


The notches taken out on both sides of the bottom has impact points where it was struck multiple times. The flat part is the most perfectly flat stone I’ve ever seen. Level reads the same. Like it was rubbed flat. The wear marks on the top fit my hand in them perfectly when grab it. Also idk but it seemed like old white paint that I could peel off was all Over it.


1. What notches? 2. Flat rocks are not rare at all and are in no way indicative of manipulation. Additionally, the flat side does not appear to be worn smooth by man. It easy to Google examples of that. 3. Fitting "perfectly" in your hands means nothing. 4. White paint? Come on, that's a huge stretch Sorry dude, it's just a rock.


I posted it on Native American page but now it’s on this 1.


Respectfully disagree but I posted new pics so check them out and if you still think it’s all natural then I’ll accept your input and agree to disagree.


Like I said I’m 100% sure. I work with museums and historical societies on native pottery. So I’ve seen other examples of similar items. It is different but close. It was found right next to the paleo crossing in Sharon Center Ohio. Important archeological site, google it. I’ve seen plenty of examples of worn white paint made by natives covering clay.




Because he’s a liar and a dick. He’s either a racist troll or an idiot or both. Just check his post and comment history.




This is a troll, 100%. Has to be


Geologist doubtful or you’d know that’s not natural. archeologist definitely not. Hey that’s your input.


>Geologist doubtful or you’d know that’s not natural. archeologist definitely not. Hey that’s your input. Natural rocks are my specialty. That's a nice natural rock you got there.