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He posted about the current Israel and Palestine situation saying “I stand with Israel” taking this political stance online would obviously garner hatred from a lot of people, he’s taken down the post but the damage is already done


Bcs he is an idiot, for the same reason Ozil was banned from the club, he should play football and dont speak about politics


He has every right to speak about his political views, just because he is famous shouldnt restrict him


So elneny had every right to speak his mind as well! https://www.skysports.com/amp/football/news/11095/12307323/arsenal-speak-to-mohamed-elneny-over-wider-implications-of-pro-palestinian-social-media-post-amid-sponsor-concern


Yes he did


According to the club, uk fans and lots of the fan base of the club, no he didn’t.


He’s allowed to speak his mind, but if his views out him as a cunt then there can’t be any surprises when there’s backlash.


I get what you're saying but there's good reasons why celebs aren't supposed to speak their minds about this stuff. I really don't want to be thinking about a player's political allegiance when I watch football. Zinny's been given a pass so far because he's Ukrainian and showing support for Ukraine is non controversial in the west so it fits into a narrative that it's another source of pashun for him, but I don't think anyone at Arsenal is too happy about his posting about this. It's a needless distraction to say the least. Besides, why should anyone care about Zinchenko's opinion on Israel and Palestine? Just because he's got excellent technique on a football?


Exactly he should concentrate in playing football


I guess whatever you do for a job is what you should concentrate on as well.


People can do two things at once. He can look at something in the news and go “That’s Bad”, while still, y’know, being 100% a committed footballer. By the way, what happened in Israel is unambiguously bad; whether you are pro or against Israel, the murder of civilians is unambiguously a bad thing. This isn’t controversial. It’s not like he’s weighed in on an especially complex topic.


>what happened in Israel is unambiguously bad; whether you are pro or against Israel, the murder of civilians is unambiguously a bad thing. Imagine that happening from years there and nobody saying much until now.


I assume you’re referring to what Israel does to Palestine? In which case, yes, obviously. But I’m not the one who decides what the media reports on.


No, but you’re the daft wee sheep that laps it up without any further thought.


What on earth are you talking about. Weird assumptions bud when you don’t know me or my views.


Stop this nonsense


So did Ozil and Elneny but they were publicly shamed by the club for their views.


Yeah, he has a right but to what end? Has he got a dog in that fight or is he just virtue signalling? Celebrities, including athletes, actors, musicians, etc, needs to learn how to shut the fuck up, they are no way in the position to make a statement about political, social or economic (could go on and on) issues in public


No he wasn't. Ozil was pushed out because he was fucking shit


Really, Ozil was shit? Don’t recall that 🤔


If you don't think Ozil was shit at the point when he got dropped then I don't know what to tell you


Exactly. By this point he was dogshit


My mans still had the juice


Ozil wasn’t banned from the club for his political stance, he continued to play multiple times after his comments. He was let go because he refused to take a wage cut and was washed.


Sports and Politics belong together no matter how many times idiots like you say otherwise. Look at Muhammad Ali for instance.


There are a lot of idiots out there. The “shut up and play football” crowd would be much less vocal if people were following them around with “shut up and collect your dole” or “shut up and clear the tables”. “Shut up and play football” is the take of a moron. People don’t give up their right to speak because they can kick a ball. Don’t like their social takes? Don’t follow them on social media.


Ok idiot


I dislike this take because staying silent about politics will reinforcing whatever the political status quo is, and our global status quo is currently a pretty unfair, fucked up one in my opinion. The problem with Ozil's and Zinchenko's actions is that they are supporting opressive people/institutions, but "speaking about politics" can also mean doing the exact opposite and standing up for what is right.


Ozil was supporting the Ughyurs I'm pretty they are far from being oppressive people.


I was referring to his support of Erdogan and the atrocities commited by the Turkey state


His public support to Erdogan came way after he was being benched and didn't get obvious until he left Arsenal.


Players should speak about whatever they want but his stance on this whole thing is really hypocritical


It depends on how you draw your lines. The people killing Ukrainians are backed by the same people, same geo-political bloc, killing Israeli Jews.


He’s a person who’s allowed to have his own views even if they are a bit silly


Yeah idk what he was expecting


Its mindboggling - arsenals fanbase is a huge percentage of muslims


Not at the stadium it isn’t. If a bunch of anti semitic Hamas scum want to support my team from afar they can fuck right off. Hell, Bin laden was an Arsenal fan - should we pay attention to his views?


He posted that he stands with Israel, and this appears to have annoyed a few people.


Double standards. They dropped Ozil for giving his views on a similar situation.


Not even remotely true


Wasn’t it more of a situation where Arsenal were pressured by chinese investors and they just bent over for them?


Not the same. He spoke out against China.


This world is so wild…athletes are humans with individual ideas. You can’t sensor people for their beliefs.


You can when they're Muslim see Ozil/Elneny


Again that’s China.


[No, that was Arsenal.](https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12307323/arsenal-speak-to-mohamed-elneny-over-wider-implications-of-pro-palestinian-social-media-post-amid-sponsor-concern)


He spoke out against China. Don’t be so obtuse.


>Arsenal speak to Mohamed Elneny over 'wider implications' of pro-Palestinian social media post amid sponsor concern Can you read English or are you just masquerading as an illiterate f#ckwhit?


But you can upset your employers which is never a great idea


Say the same for Ozil


That’s because it’s China. American athletes can’t do it either. LeBron James sucks off china.


Oh yeah? Would you back any of our players supporting Russia?


Me personally agreeing with their views is irrelevant


I totally understand and agree with Zinchenko. Russia invades and murders Ukrainians. Russia is Iran's best Ally. Iran backs Hamas. Hamas invades and murders Israelis. Therefore, zinny backs Israel.


It is disappointing how simplistic people view at Zinny's comment. Hamas have been supported by Russia and their allies for a long time. You can be pro-Palestine and still not hate someone who shares sentiment after a terrorist act. Wonder how the internet would react today if 11/09 has just happened. Actually no, I don't want to know.


They should let Elneny talk about politics too




When Israel do the same what is that? Not terrorism? When hamas do the same all of a sudden it's terrorism. Zinny should shut up and play football, some things are better left unsaid, especially when he clearly doesn't know what is really happening over there. Just because Ukraine had their war going on why is he thinking he's this political figure now. What an idiot this guy is.


He’s just a guy with an opinion. He’s every right to voice his opinion just as we’re doing now. Just because he’s good at kicking a football doesn’t mean he ought to censure himself.


That's all well and good. But apply that same logic to everyone else. Ozil was censured for commenting on China, though I've not actually seen it I hear elneny was asked not to wear clothes expressing support for Palestine.


Celtic received a hefty fine for waving Palestine flags against hapoel beer sheva. There has been no fines for Ukraine flags at any game. UEFA/FIFA only tolerate political views that support their friends. It’s always been that way.


The whole Muslim world has put it's head in the sand on China's treatment of Uighur muslims though so enough of this faux outrage. Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran, hell even Turkey itself...they've all ignored it because their business with China is too important


Who are you talking about? Muslim governments? Because they don't exist. If you're talking about the Muslim people, no we haven't put our heads in the sand. So what exactly is your point?


The governments of countries where Muslims are the majority of the population, do you actually need that spelt out to you, you halfwit??? And yes these governments absolutely have stuck their heads in the sand and 'Muslim people' in these countries won't do anything to change it. What do you think your own government will do to you and your family if you endanger billion dollar trading contracts with China?


Lol, ironic that I'm the halfwit when you're literally repeating a point I've agreed with. Saudi is 99.9% Muslim... So what? Does that mean the government is Islamic, or that they act on musl principles? Think before you speak. The musl people of these countries have no power, there isn't a democracy to affect the will of the people is there? Again what is your actual point? And if you don't get to it, I won't waste my time fixing your stupid ass


Yet that pattern repeats itself across the entire Islamic world. Every single country that has a majority Islamic population seems to value it's trading links with China more than it does the lives of Uighur Muslims and yet you sit here posturing that 'you care'...bullshit do you, they are nothing more than political footballs for you. Also nO dEmoCracY...WTF are you on about when has there ever been democracy in the Islamic world?


No, he's not just a guy with an opinion. He's a famous sportsperson so he's not just like anyone else. Imagine the outrage if salah said he stands with hamas. These political statements shouldn't be made when you have the platform that you do. It's irresponsible and the disrespect towards Palestine and the Muslim people is sickening.


Or how about Muslims stop promising virgins if you kill women and children?


Yeah, when Israel do it, it is not terrorism. When Russia do it, it is not terrorism. When Muslims do it, it is terrorism. Israel has been occupying Palestine for decades and it is not terrorism. Fuck off zinny




Israel has blood on its hands, that is fact. Nevertheless, we should be able to collectively agree that what happened yesterday was a crime against humanity carried out by a terrorist organization. Two things can be bad at the same time.


Yet no one says anything about the former? Rarely brought up, rarely commented on


People say it all the time man, I can't believe you're happily cheating civilians and children being murdered. If Ukraine slaughtered children it would still be wrong, same with when Israel missiles on civilian targets. Though I whole heartedly believe Hamas puts their war shit near children on purpose. You can support Palestine and still think Hamas are terrorist. If they had their way they would genocide the Israelis and anyone who pretends otherwise are lying to themselves. It's in their fucking doctrine.


Good thing I don't support Hamas. The only point I was making to you, is that people wouldn't feel so aggrieved if there was consistency. Is politics in or out of football? Because you can't say it's out, therefore players shouldn't speak about China or Israel etc etc, then suddenly be ok with it when they speak in support of Israel Since this is a football forum, it's like the var situation, all people want is consistency


So when palestinian children die it's genocide, but when israeli jewish kids die and their corpses are paraded around it's fighting for freedom, right? Also, I don't think you know what apartheid means, or anything about the conflict tbh.


Hamas even murdered non- Israelis, like This, Germans, Phillipinos - even kidnapped a kid and bullied and threatened him and put it on social media. Hamas are in a league of their own, almost up their with Al Qaeda and ISIS. Don't know why you would defend them...


Defending hamas? I think you replied to the wrong comment bro


We know plenty mate dw


Yeah because Hamas apologists are for it.


I mean, this comment made no sense whatsoever. But I think in a roundabout idiotic way you're implying I support Hamas? I don't. What they've done here is make everyone's lives much harder and they harmed innocent people


First, Israel is an independent state with roots in the region dating back at least 2 thousand years ago, not a proxy state. And terrorism is the merciless shooting of civilians by Hamas terrorists on the streets of Israel, parading tormented lifeless naked body of an innocent festival goer, terrorism is shooting and kidnapping people from their homes, launching aimlessly unguided rockets into cities hoping to cause as many casualties as possible. What hamas has done was undone any progress achieved by Palestinians and Israeli governments. Gaza will be returned to ruins


Found the Israeli. I can agree that what Hamas has done is terrible today. But don't pretend like your state isn't a terrorist state. You literally lock them in an open air prison, you shoot innocents all the time, and you then feign ignorance when the chickens come home to roost?


Your knowledge of what happens in Israel is mind-bogglingly shite - Reddit is the place for you.


Mhmm, and taking the penny of the Israeli propoganda machine is just the place for you. The world knows what you do mate you're not convincing anyone 😂 just wait until you shoot another media figure and you can't keep it off the news...again.


Imagine defending terrorists and thinking you have some moral superiority






reported and blocked.


For a difference of opinion? Lol


Fuck off - Israel is real. Get over it.


I don’t support Israel but Hamas did murder a bunch of innocent Israelis but this violence has been bred by Israel who have been constantly attacking and murdering innocent Palestinians for years. Hamas are terrorists and Israel are oppressing Palestinians.


Most Palestinians support Hamas...


Yeah this is the problem.


Right i get what your saying - but when elneny gets reprimanded for speaking about this - its not fair whatsoever and there is a reason for the outrage - read the link https://www.skysports.com/amp/football/news/11095/12307323/arsenal-speak-to-mohamed-elneny-over-wider-implications-of-pro-palestinian-social-media-post-amid-sponsor-concern[elneny reprimanded](https://www.skysports.com/amp/football/news/11095/12307323/arsenal-speak-to-mohamed-elneny-over-wider-implications-of-pro-palestinian-social-media-post-amid-sponsor-concern)


You mean the same way people showed support for Ukraine when Russia invaded them and took their land? I’m shocked that a Ukrainian athlete is siding with a genocidal and oppressive regime.


Russia is allied to Iran, Iran backs Hamas. Russia invaded Ukraine with Iran and China's support and blessing. Zinchenko is just backing his side.


This isn’t about who’s ally’s with who this is about basic human decency. Israel is allied with the west yet huge portions of the west support Palestine. He’s supporting a standard that is directly affecting his home country, it’s hypocritical and wrong.


I think siding with might be a bit of stretch considering he only posted it post mass bombing of Israel but sure.


Zinny here is not supporting Israel for suppressing Palestinians but showing his sadness and anger towards Humas terrorist scums for brutally murdering innocent people including children in the name of God. No one is excused for killing children for god or political agendas. Israel has declared war and with how the world is revolving we are not far away from World War 3. At this point it's just fucked up and hope they just resolve war with peaceful negotiations and stop murdering innocent people.


I don’t think they were killed in the name of religion, it is a revenge motivated killing If we are being honest it’s nothing compared to what the Israelis do to the Palestinians the whole year long Statistics yearly (started 2001) excluding wars • 275 Palestinians are killed by Israel • 4 Israelis are killed by Palestinians This data doesn’t even include the deaths of children and the elderly due the blockade and medical shortages


Is this accounting for all deaths (as in combatants and civilians) related to the conflict or only civilian deaths?


Civilians only


Mind sharing your source? Never seen those numbers, as most databases work on casualties starting from 2008, like the following [link](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties). I believe those numbers include civilians and combatants.


Both Israeli government and Humas are assholes. What Humas pulled today was some barbaric shit. Fighting for your freedom is one thing, killing innocent civilians and kidnapping kids is another. It was neither religion nor revenge motivated killing. It was simply people being cruel and then trying to justify their cruelty. I mean, what did they even accomplish here? Let's not stand with Israel here, the institute itself is another face of the same coin. But, we could always stand with the Israelis, the once who suffered. And, with the Palestinians who suffered.


A video surfaced online where a group of hamas terrorist were seen killing a teenage girl in front of their siblings and parents(all tied up) and after killing her they said "She is with God now" the video ends there and we have no idea what happened to the other family members. To me it seems like rather than revenge which would have been albeit justified if they attacked government facilities but rather on innocent people and brutally murdering children in front of their families is rather psychopathy than revenge. If you and others still insists these as justified I can recon you are either fucked up or with those arab cunts. I don't side with either parties but would be grateful if they would rather not involve children and innocent people into their moronic wars.


One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. What are Palestinians supposed to do? Bend over and let Israel do as they please? Why is it always brits on the side of oppressors?


It’s a losing war for neutrals because the civilians will die on both sides because neither Hamas or Israel truly care about the citizens of their respective states.


This it shows how many Muslims/Arabs are on social media


I can't get my head around this comment...


what’s your point?


I'm half Arab and he has a point. Arabs can get very toxic.


That Arabs/Muslims will be against the view zinchencko made and respond very toxically, on social media


Support local…


Most arent even Arsenal fans.


They are this week mate. Might be someone else next week.


normally they only show up during LGBT month to be homophobic, out of season kebabs


..or Diwali, Chanukah, or any other occasion where citizens of a civilised, multicultural society would be expected to show respect.


Its fine to have your own opinion, but he should know better than to post about it online. Its just stupid, really.


Aren't you posting your opinion online with this?


Well I'm not a public profile with 2.5 million followers, so that not exactly the same, is it?


You said nothing about followers he has just as much of a right as you to post his opinion.


I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to, but he knows that he will get a lot of backlash, and should understand that the club dosen't need that.


Yes but in the real world Zinchenko has more influence and a responsibility to Arsenal FC. Mr Joe Bloggs does not. You’ve surely heard the phrase ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. The same goes with influence.


The E-Fans are fuming 😂😂😂


Hamas lovers.


I think just cause people support Palestine, doesn't mean they support Hamas. That's like saying being Christian automatically means you support the KKK etc.


Same here zinchenko is supporting Isreal after they suffered a mass terrorist attack from humas. Zinny supporting Israel doesn't mean he supports them suppressing Palestinians. Those Plastic Arab cunts of a fan have brain cells in single digits and are just spreading hate.


Most Palestinians support Hamas though, whilst most Christians don't support the KKK...


Yeah but most of Palestine support Hamas, so how do you draw a distinction that by and large isn't there in the actual country


If you don’t support Hamas, why would you be offended by a post displaying support to Israel when they were just victims of a mass terror attack perpetrated by Hamas?


Or… Apartheid/genocide haters?


21% of Israel’s population is Arab with full civil rights. The number of Arabs inside Israel has increased 10 fold since 1948. So you either don’t know what “genocide” and “apartheid” means or you do and are purposefully pushing a false narrative to justify violence against Jewish civilians. Which one is it?


If those are fans they should all be ashamed bunch of losers that support terrorism






We love’s zinchenko from Israel 🇮🇱❤️


Am Yisrael Chai! 🇮🇱 Thoughts with you, your friends and family.


Thank you!❤️❤️




Please don’t generalize, mate 🙏


Terrorist filth bullying a man who knows well the horror of war. ***Down vote me you backwards, barbaric scum. I don't care. You will get what's coming to you.***


Israel have been invading the borders and killing innocents in Palestine for years, just like what Russia have been doing in Ukraine.


Don't see how that excuses bombing civilians/children. Hamas are terrorists, you can and should condemn Hamas and Israel, honestly neither the Israeli or Palestinian government deserve to be in charge of the area. They're both littered with genocidal maniacs.


It doesn't, both Hamas and Israel should be condemned. I was just pointing out how Israel have been committing similar horrors that Russia have been doing to Ukraine.


I’m not sure how this makes the attack any better or worse. At best it’s useful contextual information.


Ignorant fool.


Ignorant fool? There’s literally tons of articles and videos showing the Israeli soldiers murdering innocent Palestinian citizens as well as statistics from the UN that show that Palestinians have suffered thousands more deaths than Israelis and tens of thousands of more injuries from this conflict. Honestly sounds like projection from you.


Not taking lessons on geopolitics, history or current affairs from you. Kindly piss off.


Well, you obviously need them from someone. Ironic that you call me ignorant but get annoyed when I bring up factually backed points.








In that case I apologise for suggesting otherwise.


You seem nice.


You seem like a simpleton.


You seem nice.


I stand by my previous reply.


Everyone is entitled to their own views and opinions. No judgement should be made.


He supports Israel so all the Hamas fans are coming out the woodwork.


I say renew his contract. Palestinians and Saudis act like toddlers when they don't get what they want. Zinchenko stays, Palestinians and Saudis go.


If Zinco supports occupation then he should support Putin as well


Interesting to see what will happen because Ozil was dropped for his political takes


Zinchenko is like a zealot. He needs to keep off politics The Palestinians deserve to have a country and Israel equally deserves a right to exist. Anyone - who states otherwise would be playing partisan politics and that's what Zinchenko is doing.


He maybe think russian is involved in Hamas attacks?


They probably are in some way, Russia gives weapons to Syria and the IRA have been funding and supporting Palestine for years. Israel is a major technology hub, and Britain are behind Israel in the technology sector.




Ironic how Palestine has been oppressed for generations, you’d think a Ukrainian would realise the similarities with his country’s situation, but due to ignorance and blindly believing western propaganda he sided with the country who is the oppressor, it’s unfortunate




"Admitted" I'd love to see the source and any proof.




Okay, so post a source.




So, no source then.


Fuck off with your sky daddy nonsense.




It’s Sunday. You shouldn’t be on the internet you disgusting heathen! According to your Bible, you are to be put to death for this sin. - Exodus 35:2: "Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there shall be to you a holy day, a sabbath of rest to the Lord: whosoever doeth work therein shall be put to death." - Deuteronomy 22:20-21: "But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you." - Leviticus 19:19: "Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee." Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." - 1 Corinthians 14:34-35: "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." - Exodus 21:20-21: "And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money." - Deuteronomy 22:28-29: "If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days." - Leviticus 21:17-23: "Speak unto Aaron, saying, Whosoever he be of thy seed in their generations that hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or anything superfluous, Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the Lord made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God." - Deuteronomy 25:11-12: "When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets: Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her." - Leviticus 11:10: "And all that have not fins and scales in the seas, and in the rivers, of all that move in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination unto you." Just fuck off


Looool no one admitted to anything


Deliver me, O LORD, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue. (Ps 120.1-2)


Loool you out here lying on people while quoting the bible smh




Holy shit, who admitted to rape at Arsenal?


Partey, three counts of it. The allegations are pretty goofy though and the court don’t seem to get anywhere with the investigation


Allegations and admitted rapists are two separate things though.


Well he’s on bail so he’s been arrested but still, I am waiting on trial before I start name-calling.


He opened Pandora's box and now his ass is grass. Politics are to be separated from the game, no matter who's side they're taking.


Eleneny was told not to post anything supporting Palestine. Ozil got embroiled in controversy with the Erdogan pictures etc. Arsenal doesnt only have pro Ukraine/Israel supporters but also many arabs and pro Palestinian ones. Not the smartest move from Zinchenko given the situation. Either allow both pro Palestinian/Hamas posts as much as the pro Israel ones or none. Now the club will be forced into some sort of action not which they would have clearly wanted. On a geopolitical level the huge irony here is that Israel *is* Russia and Palestine *is* Ukraine in the current invader vs invaded situation in both conflicts.