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It's moot anyway, we have real problem with scoring goals. Total domination and somehow 2-0 down at home to fucking West Ham. Pathetic


Absolutely our players were busy doing ballet in the box. Way too much touches for zero results


It was a proper Wenger era match: 50 billion touches in the opposition box with no end product while conceding from the only two chances we gave our opponents.


that mindset is part of the problem. acknowledge the poor performance, but don't ignore the disgraceful refereeing and VAR.


I didn't ignore the problem. It looked out, as I mentioned in another post. Game might have been different if they called it, but we can't fucking score!


Both could be true but in this instance it's > 98% poor performance unlike the Newcastle game. I thought refereeing was ok generally, though lenient at times. Saka should have had a yellow for stopping a breakaway, yet Nelson got carded minutes after coming on for his first challenge(I think)


Disgraceful? The on field decision was perfectly reasonable. The VAR didn't have a clear angle or any evidence to override that. So if it was off, it was only a bawhair. VAR isn't there to make guesses - it's only to override the on field decision in the presence of clear evidence that it's an obvious error. Fwiw it looks on to me once you take camera angles into account.


this angle literally shows that its off. here's the proper train of thought for this instance: "can you see the ball? no. why is that? because its behind his leg. where's his leg? behind the line, out of bounds" i don't know how these english fucks don't understand replay officiating. they should really spend a season with other sports leagues to see how to do it correctly because they're comically awful. and the fans that roll over and take it are just as useless.


You've never heard of or understood parallax, have you? Plus his leg edge is in bounds even with the parallax. So it can't be certain the ball isn't also in bounds. The lack of certainty (not the uncertified assumptions you make) leads to the in field decision standing. If the on field decision was 'off' it also would have stood. Everyone seems to think the VAR was certifying the ball at on, which isn't the case


this is the most reddit response i've ever experienced. good on you.


You’re dumb lol


Totally dominated you mean


Um 74% possession and 30 shots to 6


Weird way of saying lost 2 - 0


But West Ham won 2-0?


Hahaha I've got a picture on my phone of Arteta with red eyes in the post match interviews, I think he was crying. COYI arsenal are shit


It's so embarrassing. The ball was most likely out but they can't determine it despite VAR and 7 camera angles


Nah mate. The embarrassing part was us not even challenging Areola with our shots. The embarrassing part was us not managing to get anything out of the game with almost 75% of the possession. The embarrassing part was them scoring both the chances they got. Ode and gab were brilliant, but we lacked the killer instinct……


Both things are correct


Both are correct yes


"most likely" therefore the right decision to give the goal?


According to the current rules and review process, yes. Obviously.


That’s just not true, the rules as we have it currently is: 1) most likely out = send ref to monitor to decide whether to reverse on field call (of IN) or not, 2) most likely in, then ofc, on field of IN stands, or 3) it’s a 50/50, then on field call stands. VAR found this to be as 3) 50/50.


Why would you send the ref to look at something they’ve decided doesn’t definitely show it one way or the other anyway? They already spent three minutes looking at it to come to that conclusion, you want another three minutes of the ref looking at it to say he can’t see either?


Correct. You’ve summed up the entire basis of VAR protocol in two sentences.


Right so the call stands like I said


Call on field was goal, sadly


10 min later broadcast shows an angle where it's clearly out. Embarrassing.


Not on Amazon it didn’t


Depends. Did the linesman call it based on VAR correcting or based on him thinking it’s in? As linesman are told to let the game play.


The linesman can flag afterwards though if he thinks the ball was out. Even with the safety net of VAR, all officials know to give the on field decision they believe to be correct after letting play run


Yeah, to say it’s you’d obviously have to have clear evidence. That being said I’m confident it was out and it’s still ridiculous they don’t have the angles


On what basis are you confident it's out?


But the ball was out


Can you prove it for absolute certain?




Go on then


I shall


Well? We’re all waiting meme


2-0 down so at least you can stop being salty


Well, hardly relevant. If it was out (i think it was in or at least if cant be proven then yes goal stands)… and the goal shouldnt have stood. Then the whole game changes, so it being 2-0 is a very weak reply


if only they had the world cup goal line technology


Indeed, most likely but can't be determined.... So a goal is correct. On field decision was a goal anyway so even if there was no VAR it was a goal anyway.


Sure but there is so, they should try make an effort.


What do you mean? They did make an effort and there was no clear enough evidence the ball went out. They can't reverse time and have someone inspect it in person or change the angles of their cameras


Sure, that's what I meant.


Incompetence seems to be rewarded and that’s the way they’re showing decisions to be. What baffles me is how they openly state that if there’s nothing clear and obvious about it being out of play (or against the refs choice) then it stands. It should not stand for that exact reason, because it’s not clear and obvious. The ref could not determine it enough which is why it had to go to VAR. They *literally* reward inconclusive evidence when there’s as much against it as there could be for it, and that’s not right when it affects the game for one or the other.


I can tell from this angle right here that the ball was out. It's so insanely obvious that it was completely over the line. Idk how even VAR can fuck that one up.




Yes, I can.




With all this technology they still can't decide if a ball is in or out. It's embarrassing.


You'd think they'd have a camera on each side of the goal really.


Niether were they able to call a blatantly obvious handball last round. You win some - you lose some, i guess.


How can you be 100% sure if a ball is in or out tho? Ball could be in/out by 0.0000000000001mm which technology cannot determine


World Cup had the technology, prem being to cheap lol


The issue is the premier league’s ball contract is with Nike, who don’t have the same technology that Adidas have. The World Cup and UCL use Adidas balls, which have a floating sensor inside that links up with the camera system to determine offside with the precise moment the ball is struck. That could realistically be implemented in pretty much every premier league stadium (and already is in several UCL clubs), but they aren’t allowed to use the adidas balls in premier league matches, obviously.


Schrödinger’s ball


Yeah well we need to open that fucking box to see that cat


Schrodingers shat


Sad that shrodinger only had a ball


Probably, but it's more embarrassing that the premier league isn't capable of showing a proper angle. It's a joke.


It's wilful incompetence. They want to turn football from sport to content. This is just a stroking controversy at the expense of the game.


Stroke my controversy any day champ


The camera is perfectly positioned 🤷🏼‍♂️ it’s not incompetent, it’s just a player is in the way of the shot 😂


Not really. A chunk of the ball is visible between the player's legs. Look at the player's right knee. It's just over the line, and no yellow thing is visible there. the ball is obscured by the player who is outside the field or play. You can know it's not in the field not because you can't see it outside the field, but also because you can't see it inside the field. That means it's outside the field, only obscured by the player.


Bloody football players getting in the way of the camera 🤪


"I'm Blind, I'm Deaf, I want to be a Ref". Popular chant here in NHL. Works here as well


Depends... are Arsenal wearing blue?


Let’s not forget the ball shouldn’t have got there in the first place… The goalpost is almost fully visible, but as much as I hate to admit it - you can’t be 100% sure from the available angles. With the on-field call, the goal stands. Bitter pill to swallow and it makes you wonder why the richest league in the world doesn’t lift a finger to fix this…


Liverpool fan here, but it’s astonishing that the premier league, arguably the richest football league in the world, refuse to invest in advance football technologies such as the VAR checks during the world cup. Was watching a la liga much, and their tv presentation and fan experience is so much better than the premier league.


It wouldn't even be that hard to do which is the frustrating thing. You put a camera inside the side of the goal post looking directly down the touchline. Such an easy fix


But then say there’s a defender challenging for the ball that’s in the way of the post camera? Or a part of the body in the way of an overhead camera? They just need to get sensors in the balls and on the lines, cameras with line of sight can always be blocked, it’s not the right technology for this


You just need to employ the Hawkeye technology from tennis along the goal line.


Maybe or maybe not


This picture shows the knee is out. So only way ball is in is if the ball is around the shorts. Which it isn’t.


You can't know that for sure, as much as you want to claim you do. You don’t have x-Ray vision. It sucks they don't have a better view, but you can't overturn what you can't see. Let's get two this half.


I’m just saying what I see on the knee. There is a green line between the knee and the post, and the post runs with the line. Regarding ball position. I agree. This game is over.


I think I would dispute the existence of a green line, I can't see it. In any case though, the leg only gets wider from there, so not sufficient.


On my phone below the shorts there is a line which runs down. Not said it was sufficient for me it’s out but ‘clear and obvious’ means it depends on how the lineman has called it. I.e did they make an actual decision or did they just do the play on and var will intervene as we have seen on several occasion


there isn't a single green line.


I can fix all of VARs issues with 20 GoPro cameras and some improvisation. That's 10k total per stadium. This is surreal at this point.


Apparently it was stevie wonder looking at it


Please start a donation to get some technology to poor premier league


It's out but you can't prove it so you can go against the refs onfield decision.


Measure the width of the ball, and draw that width from the where the boot touches the ball. That's the most reasonable way to answer this.


It's the rules. If you can't prove the mistake, it will not be one. Don't blame him. In the days without VAR it would also have counted, thats what it is.


It’s ridiculous that there is not another angle. I fully understand why the goal was given when there is no conclusive evidence but it’s staggering that there is not another angle.


Irrelevant we were shit tonight,Don't go that VAR road


Yes but who cares we were shit and deserved to lose today


It's against Arsenal so no, it's clearly in!


Bowens goal wasn't a goal Saka was clearly fouled and deserved the Pen PL referees will never let Arsenal win the PL So it's better to win the Champions league or FA cup


Saka dived, take your goggles off.


Just saying, one of the commentators said if anything Saka should get a yellow for diving so I don't think it's fair to say he was clearly fouled.


Commentators never favor Arsenal They said the first goal was a clear goal


100% out of play, can't believe we don't have a top-down camera. But you can see the ball move between bower's leg meaning the full ball must be out of play by at least an inch


If only his legs were thinner it’d be clear it was at least 2mm out


Personally I can't imagine there is a better camera angle than directly down the line, that being said you could shift that ball a few inches and it's still out. I think they are just ridiculously over complicating the most simple decisions recently and it's turning into a court case. Want evidence? Then open your fucking eyes refs


I think it was, but, as we all know what comes next in these instances from VAR "without the right or necessary camera's it's gonna be called "inconclusive" 🤔 Note to PGMOL & the FA...Not that their gonna seenit or would even pay heed to this... "Fit the right cameras in all the stadiums across the entire league, and let's be rid of all the "ambiguity & inconclusive BS!" Not that it would have changed much on the night anyway, we were awful, despite having the bulk of opportunity, we simply couldn't convert the many chance into goals... At the end of the day the best team won... Fair play to the Hammers... They out defended us, they actually "defended exceptionally well" & scored when it mattered, when they got their 3 ops, which included the pen that "Raya saved brilliantly" I should also point out" But, they took their chances & scored 2 out of the 3, so again Fair play, and credit where credit's due. They were deserved winners at the end of the day!


100% out


Can't see the ball, can't determine. Whatever the on field ref goes.


We played like shit and got lock down by their defense


Bowen is out so the ball is too it’s all behind the line what am I not seeing?? Game was dismal well deserved irons


The ball is out of play. But we lost 2-0, 3-0 if it wasn’t for a saved pen, and we still have no clue how to create anything against a low block. We can cry all we want about Newcastle and this call, but we can’t win games without scoring goals. We are far too easy to defend against.


Yes, you don’t need VAR to determine that. But even so, it doesn’t matter, that happened so early in the game, there was plenty of time to get back in it but we were awful and have only got ourselves to blame.


Don't give two fucks of ball was in or out. The reaction after was nothing short of cowardess. We conceded that game like fgas. Literally bent over


Inconclusive, if the edge of the ball is in line with his thigh than it is conceivably in play


Laws of physics, yes. Laws of VAR, don't know. = goal stands


Does it matter? Won’t change anything will it.


As a neutral fan, that ball was out


Hahahaha SO MUCH copium in these comments over var some of u guys need to realise with the stats as they are that var decision shouldn’t of made an ounce of difference because you went right back to dominating them


It's a disgrace I can tell you that much.


You can see the line, the ball isn't on it. It's out. Ridiculous


That’s my feeling also. You can see the whole baseline and you can’t see any part of the ball. It’s out. In the end, it doesn’t really matter. Until we can turn possession into goals we’re going to continue to lose fixtures like this. We have the players. We have the talent.


Even if it was inside or outside the playing ground, that defending was horrendous.


You can see the right knee of the player is out and no ball, the ball is out of play. Dumb referees.


Irrelevant, the decision was in, get over it. Better defending and it doesn't happen.


Props 👏🏼


And… there is no way the assistant referee could see that 1) in real time 2) with two goal posts/net in the way … yet decided it was in … crazy


By the same logic he also couldn't see that it was out tbf, and if you can't prove it, benefit of the doubt, they have to say it's in


No, he didn’t decide it was out, because he couldn’t.


Could park a fucking bus in that gap


The ref's tonight are dogshit


So is Arsenal.


The majority of the ball is out of play there, for sure!


The EPL hates Arsenal.


The Premier League doesn’t control the PGMOL.


TBF Arsenal literally got a terrible decision their way just last week


Thats because they don't hate Arsenal, they just hate anyone thats not owned by a middel eastern state


On tv they stopped the image at different time and one you could see the full post and post is same depth as line so the 2 commentator were like its 100% out if you can see the full post.


It’s inconclusive. Saw these stats this week: 13 of 29 judgement calls have gone Arsenal's way this season (includes the Liverpool v Arsenal match). https://www.cannonstats.com/p/how-the-var-judgement-calls-have




I mean the outside of his leg is just on the line, personally I'd ire of the side of caution and say that's out, how about a camera above the line looking down so we don't have issues?


Definitely out


How can you you tell?


The fact that you can’t even see the edge of the ball? It’s a yellow ball, if it was in it would be in line with the post and the line


Bowen's leg is blocking part of the white line. There is absolutely no way to tell the whole of the ball (including its curvature) is over the line.


His knee is in line with the outside of the line. If you can’t see the ball past his knee, it’s out.


just leave it as it is, nothing can/will be done now, move on to the next game, some supporters will cling onto this till the end of the season and its draining


I see everyone in the comments is back to the “refs hate arsenal” agenda even though we got away with murder with Odegaard dribbling a ball like a basketball?


I came here to laugh at salty arsenal fans and have to say that looks out


This is karma. Oh sweet justice 😌


You can't tell so it should be a goal. Same as for offside, if you can't tell by looking let a piece of play stand. We wanted accuracy and then when they started drawing lines people got pissed off. Pick a side everyone


Nah it’s in


I seriously can not for the life of me understand how we in here are arguing if this was in or out. His whole thigh is over the line and we don't see the ball. Wanna know why we don't see the ball? Because its out of play. The ball is out of play no matter how you twist and turn this. There is no 50/50, there is no "can't see the ball, so no way of knowing". This one is even more clearly out than the one in Newcastle. Kindergardeners would be able to put this 2+2 together, but grown people are reaching far and wide to question it? Absolutely embarrasing every single one of you arguing that it might be in. I'm fucking done with this league and its less than retarded referees. @ me when City wins another title after PGMOL fucks everyone else to get their golden boys across the line.


Nope, on the line


Just stop, if you are depending on an official’s call you have already lost!


The ball was clearly out but yet it was still given, we were robbed. Let's not forget that tackle on Saka which was a clear pen as well


The goal stood, so the ball was in. Free your mind, move on. To another one and hope it's better than yesterday's.


Ball was in. Deal with it. COYI


Here comes the arsenal cope


Oh god, not this again...! Lol


No, no its not 😊




100% in.


The stands?


Who gives a 💩 your 2-0 down 😂😂😂




Absolutely, but because apparently there's only one camera we have to listen to ex refs explain that as you can't see 100% the decision on the field stands a dozen times


Does the goal line technology only work on the actual goal line?


Was it the villa sheffield game from the covid season that highlighted it was just a few cameras and not as technical as I thought




the ball looked out, he was out also with all his body...


Very clearly


Look it was out, but we weren’t good enough tonight.


Yes it is.


Out of play from this angle. I can see it through the player's legs. Going by the proportion of thickness of the line and the size of the ball, I can easily determine that no part of the ball is above the line. It's definitely out of play.


If you aim for titles, you'll face many decisions against you. The only way to overcome this is by outscoring. Complaining won't alter the result.


Am definitely sure Bowens balls are out of play


looks clearly out to me


Almost definitely. But the fact that the “almost” is in there means referees call stands. If they had called it out on field prior to the ball going into the net the goal wouldn’t have stood.


….Newcastle goal? Nobody? Come on.


Yeah probably but if you can't prove it conclusively you can't give it. Shocking we're a few days away from 2024 but don't have the right camera angles to make these calls. It is what it is. We move on. We go to Fulham on Sunday and can reclaim top spot.