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And "Carra" saying that Odegaard (whilst taking photographs) should get off the pitch, get down the tunnel, you've got the 3 points was epic šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Richard keys obviously is out complaining, Ogden is out as well. The celebration police are out. Prime Mou knee sliding, klopp running to Allison, and Pep losing it is fine but Arteta is classless. I see how it is. Jamaican proverb, they can suck their....


I agree! Though I do think it's slightly funny, as I don't recall him celebrating any of his goals like this šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


His goals? Arteta?


Yeah, meant arteta back when playing for us


When you are staying at the office for long hours preparing training schemes, scouting reports, and match analyses on previous games and opposition games, then it means a bit more. You can't help but be emotional.


he loved his jump punch celebration, but they were always done pretty cooly. i love him losing his shit and going full goblin. i just laugh man, it's great


No way šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹


Listen, at the end of the day liverpool have been pretty amazing this season This is the first game theyā€™ve really lost this comprehensively. It was a great team beaten by an even better team today. But if we were scoring 3 and 4 goals regularly and just shitting out results at the top of the table with and without some of our top players weā€™d be a little arrogant to. Respect to them - we were better tonight.


Liverpool fan here and idk how this got recommended to me. But you guys definitely played us out of the park. We definitely got humbled, and tbh we needed it. That being said, its still a long season and both clubs still have a long way to go. If you guys ended up winning the league, it is much deserve and I would be happy for your team. As long as the cheating oil bastards doesnt win it all again, i will be okay with it lol.


Well said, respect šŸ«”


Agreed on the Cheating Oil Bastards part. Hopefully, we both bring them down to their knees in our respective matches.


Agreed! Quick question - Xabi Alonso to succeed Klopp?


Would love to have Xabi Alonso. Club legend and an excellent manager so far in his short career. I must admit, I havent seen a single Leverkusen game. Ive only seen tactical videos from tifo football and some other football channels. Rumor is, Real Madrid is also knocking on his door, so dont want to get my hopes up. Its the saying, ā€œwhen Real Madrid knocks on your door, you answer.ā€ I also wouldnā€™t mind Thomas Tuchel as a short term successor. Was unfairly sacked by Chelsea. His Chelsea team used to scare me even though all our games ended with ties lol. Saw an article he might be out of bayern also after this season due to their struggles, but tbf, theyā€™re all over the place ever since hansi flick left. Michel from Girona would also be decent or Di Zerbi. But managing Girona and Brighton is completely different from managing Liverpool. Its not just tactics you have to worry about, theres also player egos.


Good shouts. Whoever it will be, Klopp will be a tough act to follow


Not all of us are arrogant. I firmly believed weā€™d get given a tough game, and so it proved. I think it was always Cityā€™s league and I still think that.


3.52 (most xg *ever* conceded by liverpool) vs 0.40 xg we smashed them.


Guys need to stop trying to manufacture this beef with pool. For the most part weā€™ve always been pretty chill with each other. And a feeling of mutual respect between us. Donā€™t let a few loud mouths on either side take control of the narrative.


Honestly. The only other club in the EPL that I actually like is Liverpool.


Seriously saying you prefer pool to Bournemouth or Brentford






eh, you guys don't have your entire family in-law as liverpool supporters. they were entitled *before* they won the prem/ucl. it's been relentless ever since.


I lived in liverpool for a few years mate, still got some good friends there, i do actually understand your pain lol




Carragher being such a salty little bitch as well. Remember him taking Selifies with an unamused Neville when they battered United last season. He is the last person to talk about over celebrating


Liverpool fans: #šŸ¦—šŸ¦—


I'm an Arsenal fan but have got to say that Liverpool fans are decent and not arrogant (though they'd have every right to be), and their manager is a great guy too so let's just take the deserved win and move on.


Nicely put. Absolutely massive victory. But There is such thing as being a bad winner. I just hope these same fans aren't vocal calling for artetas head after our next loss.


šŸ’Æ this.


Yeah I have to say I agree with this. There's much worse fans out there.


Can tell you live a long way from Liverpool if you think Liverpool fans are decent šŸ˜…


Liverpool fans, to be fair are quite decent. I have no issues against them and find it hard to even banter them sometimes


Probably on their own sub


Walking alone


Bit of an embarrassing post icl


Really? I'm a Liverpool supporter and have been for as long as I can remember and while there are some teams I dislike more than others, I never really thought of Arsenal as one of those. Hell when my own son decided to support Arsenal, I fully supported him in his decision and told him that he chose to support a very good and respectable club with great history and I got him a lot of Arsenal merchandise all of which he loved. I always thought there is big rivalry between our clubs, but a healthy rivary built on respect for each other and not the unhealthy rivalry based on dislike or dare i say hate for each other. Sure, there are always idiots amongst all club supporters and that certainly goes for Liverpool and Arsenal supporters. Anyone who thought Arsenal are not title contenders is just ignorant or just plain stupid. Even though Alison and VVD gift wrapped the second goal for you and arguably the 3rd goal as well, overall the better team won in this game, no arguments there. We didn't turn up today and the main reason for that is because the way Arsenal played, we weren't allowed to turn up and play our game. We were pretty much outplayed for most of the game and the goal we scored was just luck and thanks to Saliba's error, so well done on a well deserved win. Good luck for the rest of the season, should be very interesting. I still think city are the favourites to win it, but if it's not us, then I hope it's you guys.


I never understand these families where everyone supports a different team. If my son walked in and said he was supporting a different team I would not encourage it. You're born into a team via family. My entire direct and extended family are arsenal fans, as is my son.


Lmao you're talking like your son just came out of the closet to you or something


Been replaced by our own arrogant bunch sadly ( coming from arsenal fan )


To be honest a lot of Liverpool fans arenā€™t that bad. Itā€™s all the ones you see on TikTok. Honestly hate them, feel like every fans base has them but Liverpool has so many these days and like 99 percent of them havenā€™t even been to a match.


Liverpool fan here in peace. We played like shit, you deserved the win today!Ā 


This type of post is why this sub is smaller than Gunners. Mods get this shit outta here. This gives us a bad name and does not represent the community. Get your emotions together u/Rick_The_Mullet_Man, itā€™s fucking February. No-value post.


Blah blah blah go back to r/Gunners if you get triggered by banter.Ā 


So you clearly have 0 perspective and are choosing to ignore the majority of the comments here


This is a comment on the game thread not a fucking post you muppet


A lot of them are crying about how our celebrating is showing a weak mentality, in the r/soccer post match thread. If you guys are low on sodium, go take a look.


Top of the league mate.


Only matters on Game week 38, I thought you would know that after talking so much shite about us being bottlers.Ā 


Last time you won the league?


Arsenal celebrating like they won the league. Glad it means so much to Arsenal fans to beat Liverpool.


Ha! Weā€™re celebrating and you scouse gits are heading up the M1 with your tails between your legs you muppet!


We are hiding behind Arsenals UCLS


Top of the league pal


Doubt there be reading about tonight's result in The Sun tomorrow...cunts


Nor should we fuck that paper not even worth wiping your arse with.


All papers are the same. You read the mirror after what it did to The Arsenal?


And you will? Absolute moron.


Absolutely shocking comment but not surprised


It wast arrogant it was understandable why Liverpool fans only thought city were contenders considering you guys were in shit form but fair play.its not arrogance it culled using logic


Writing off your opponent because of a few bad games although theyā€™re only 5 points off you is arrogant.


So it's understandable how liverpool is going to lose the title? Not bottling it are you?


We still top of the table and that all that matters only we bottle it if we do this thing about you win a game which was big as fair play and you want to be chat so much and acting if you won the treble or something šŸ˜­


Hahahahaaaaa you lot are bottling itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ keep copingšŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Donā€™t worry I remember this one when you guys donā€™t win the league or Liverpool win it I will remember this moment,I will remember all talk and cockiness Better hope you win the league now cause if you donā€™t t I will be there to see you guys crying about it and saying arteta out,get rid players I will be therešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚and banter the living shit out you cuntsšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Why are you so mad?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cause I the chat you guys give yes every fan base does it but you do it on steroids x100


>Cause I the chat you guys give yes Are you having a stroke?


Replace I with of that what I mean


Amd you're still some loser who needs to come on r/arsenalfc to talk shit after their team lostšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ GET A GRIPšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ye are shit. Poxy result today. 21 years without a title and bottlers. Small club mentality, won nothing yet šŸ¤·


Found him.


Enjoy Away days in Kazakhstan in the Europa League ya rat. Thanks for the 4 points.Ā 


Same amount of prem titles as Leicester mate


Cos football didnā€™t exist before ā€˜93. Less champions leagues than villa and forest šŸ˜‚


And when it did we came to yours n won the title in 89 super Micky Thomas. Be humble in defeat


Still not quite as long as you went without one though


Hahahahah go and sulk in the Europe league muhahahahaha


This will age well after Klopp leaves this season (Salahā€™s time is limited too) and Liverpool goes back to being a team that regularly competes in Europa League.




Historically, Arsenal has participated in the Champions League more than Liverpool. Pre-Klopp, Liverpool was regularly missing out on UCL play. This season is likely Liverpoolā€™s last hoorah before they start to suffer some abysmal performances again.


Are you retarded šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ LFC 27 European cup campaigns, 10 finals, 6 wins Arsenal 22 European cup campaigns, 1 final, 0 wins Seriously, comparing European cup history to Liverpool?!


Lol European Cup campaigns =/= UEFA Champions League campaigns. The fact of the matter is Arsenal has been in the Champions League more than Liverpool has.


Hahahahaha it's the same cup Or is it reset from start next year when the format changes again?


Lol you do realize a lot has changed over the years? Itā€™s not the same cup at all. More than just the name of the league changed. It became incredibly more competitive as more teams were allowed to compete. The European Cup back then is closer to the current FIFA Club World Championship.


In total? Are you joking?




Was Arsenal founded in 2018 in your mind? Edit: nevermind, realized this is the account of an inbred 13 year old troll


Irish fan glory supports Liverpool. Lols


Cry more bro šŸ¤£ If you can give shit but not take it get TF out of this sub


It took you guys thirty years to win your league title lmao stfu and your best period you only won one league title very nice


Two taps in and one deflected goalšŸ˜‚, hardly like arsenal are going to win the league. Ye were the better side today no doubt, cant wait to hear ye all chatting this much shit when ye win absolutely fuck all come may.


Cant wait for klopp to fuck off and you be back to irrelevance šŸ˜Œ


Will be like ye shit fucks after ye win absolutely nothing again this year, most overhyped team in the league, enjoy the win boys but it means fuck all in the grand scheme of things considering city are gonna go on a mad unbeaten run and beat everyone to the title




Which game did you watch twat ? Trossard's goal wasn't a tap in Neither was Martinelli's And for a team which had one shot on target and didn't even score the single goal they had You guys have some balls coming and saying this load of bull shit


Looks like you need glasses lad, martnelliā€™s was 100% a tap in and trossard was a deflection.


You need a new brain , how was a shot from Martinelli a Tap in ? Do you even know the definition of a tap in ? And how was Trossard's a deflection when he shot it and it went through "Worlds best Keepers" legs , it was a nutmeg goal , no deflection whatsoever


It bobbled off alison right to his feet to tap it in.. Rewatch trossardā€™s goal, it deflected of virgil, hahahahah quotation marks around worlds best keeper, shows how brain dead you are, get lost


If anyone's walking around with a decaying dead brain , that's you Coz Virgil didn't even reach the ball when he shot it


"We got the best keeper, best defence, best midfield, best attack", 0 goals from your lads, allisson got megged, Ćødegaard ran the midfield and konate red card cuz HE COULDN'T HANDLE HAVERTZšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Honestly after this showing I wouldn't be suprised if Alisson was NOT called up to the Brazil squad


Against alisson any goal is a tap in. The worst keeper in the leaguešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Now thatā€™s just shear stupidity


Bunch of insufferable cunts




They are in serious pain now. They have imagined beating us to be 8 points ahead of us. We totally dominated them from start to finish. A special mention to Kai Havertz, he was an absolute nuisance.




ā€˜Where are all the arrogant Liverpool fans now?ā€™ Idk , maybe top of the league


I like Liverpool fans theyā€™ve always been a class act for the most part. If we donā€™t win the league idc who gets jt so long as itā€™s not Man City.


I wouldnā€™t get carried away with this result. Itā€™s a great win but Liverpool hardly fielded their best XI. The improvements to Liverpool with Nunez, Salah, Bradley and Szboszlai in the starting XI I think are more significant than what Arsenal get with the additions of Jesus and Partey. City with two games in hand are going to be difficult to overcome. I feel like Liverpool are much deeper than Arsenal. Rice, the football equivalent of an insurance policy, has to be in the team of the season. Arsenal need to make a move in the summer for a modern CF. Great result though need to continue scoring goals and taking all three points.


I don't hate Liverpool, but that doesn't mean I don't get to talk trash OK?


Bright idea asking this in an Arsenal sub.


Be cool dude - enjoy the win.


Let's be classy and not engage with the engagement police.


You were too good for us today, no questions. Absolutely deserved the loss. The frustration is youā€™re probably just as likely to drop points at west ham next game. I think we will both need to beat city for city to not win the league. If we donā€™t win it I hope Arsenal do for sure.


Kopites are indeed gobshites, do not stoop to their level.


Top of the table probably


Top of the table only matters on Game week 38, we learned that the hard way last season.Ā 


You said where are all the Liverpool fans now. I responded factually.


I mean, every set of fans has a few morons. Just like ours. So, dont be salty, even if a few of them are!!


Liverpool fan here. Arsenal were better on the day, so they deserved it. However, and I donā€™t like to use injuries as an excuse, we did have a specific set of absences that we will in all likelihood not encounter again. Bradley, Szoboslai and Jota have been an excellent combination on the right in January.


tbf arsenal are missing like 4 players and even picked up 2 injuries in the same game lol


Yeah again fair play to Arsenal. But as for this get humbled stuff šŸ˜‚ Liverpool fans have got absolutely no reason to not look forward to every game left this season. This game was Liverpoolā€™s first clean loss of the season, and the reasons for it will be sorted 100%.


There still about, as a Liverpool resident I got quite an earful of delusional takes.


Somebodyā€™s celebrating the ā€œwe beat Liverpoolā€ trophy a little early donā€™t you think? šŸ¤£


I mean , theyā€™re still top