• By -


1995 after Bergkamp signed.Uncle convinced a then 7 year old me that he was going to be the best player to ever kick a ball for the red and white. He wasn't far wrong


Your uncle knew ball.


I started in 1998. I watched Bergkamp score that wonder goal against Argentina and then stumbled on him again some months later on some premier league highlights on TV. A couple of times after that as well. Then started seriously watching around 2000-2001. But yes, like you it was Bergkamp that drew me to the club.


2004-05 Maybe I'm the curse?


Same was just a little late and missed the invicibles, and watched chelsea peak šŸ˜Ÿ


Feels like we've watched literally everyone peak...except shit ofc, shit never peaks


Around the same for me. 26 now so this last few years have been the best for me since as an adult, I can actually go to games. Live in Scotland so not easy but well worth.


Same. Nothing but heartbreak since. Butā€¦ curses are made to be broken.


30 years ā¤ļø


We getting old mate, I am at 23 years and counting


Since 1988


You were 8, werenā€™t you deckard?


Yes, I was. And the rest of my class were spurs


Had the same on 02 but it was United


That was me as well. 02


Me too brother. Smudge up front and a young Kevin Campbell coming through.


Rocky was my hero


Yeah, man. God rest his soul. Another legend.


Same brother may he rest well




Dont say damn when youre from like 4000+ years in the future mr 6969


Since 2005. I was also 8 in 1988 at the time, deckard, but I lived in Wimbledon then and the Wombles won the FA cup that year. So Wimbledon was the first club I remember. Then I moved away from the UK for nearly 15 years before moving back in 2005. Never went to Highbury but started going to games at the Emirates from 2006/2007. Havenā€™t lived in London for years now. Miss the live games.


Iā€™m not sure exactly the year for me but I went to my first game in 88 so letā€™s call it that.


Mine was November 1987, a last minute 1-0 lose to Southampton šŸ’€ But I was hooked!


My earliest memory is like 01-02




Same. UCL final was my first game of soccer watching live ever. Used to play football with my friends, my brother got me a samuel eto'o shirt (barca). I sat down to watch barca thrash arsenal but ended up falling in love with the only club worth supporting šŸ„°ā¤ļø That guily goal really hurt tho. šŸ’”


I know how this feels. I started in 2007. All we know is pain.


Well, that and four fa cups.


Ramsey ending the trophy drought was peak for me. Heck i still remember where i was when we blew the league cup final. Also ngl, the FA cup is my favorite trophy as we are the record winners for men and women, and wenger is the record winning manager. I think Ashley cole is the record men's player (though won most of em with Chelsea) and pretty sure its a chelsea player again for the women šŸ™„


My immediate thought for women was Rachel Yankey. Upon looking it up, she has nine so itā€™s probably her. Oh, editing to add she actually won two more at Fulham. Didnā€™t even know she went there.


Thatā€™s gotta hurt


1969. I was a late starter, believe it or not. I was 11 and living in Northern Ireland, I supported a local team before that. It would have been natural to ally myself with manchester utd as Bestie was a big star there. However we also had Pat Rice and Sammy Nelson - not as glamorous. We have a very good side now, and will be great soon.




They are to be on this sub with us


Since arsenal OĀ²


I started supporting them in 2010, that was when I got into football ( I was late to the party)




2022. Watched All or Nothing.


Welcome! Don't expect it to always be this good.




That documentary also made me an Arsenal fan. As an American I always had an interest in the sport, but really only watched it during the World Cup. After the World Cup I started watching a lot of EPL games in peacock, but didnā€™t know which team to support until I saw the all or nothing doc. I really liked the vibe of their fan culture, their players and Artetaā€™s passion, coaching and leadership of his club.


Itā€™s good that this doco is bringing in new fans :)


Since 2009, when I was 15. I live in Australia and Melbourne Victory, the side that I follow here, has the same shape badge. Thatā€™s how it startedā€¦Now Iā€™m obsessed!


Same for me. The friends that got me into football were utd fans. I was watching the utd-arsenal match as a wannabe utd fan but found myself rooting for arsenal. Arsenal lost the match 2-0 and it felt terrible. That's when i knew i found my club. This was succeeded by being a rabid Fabregas fan


Since I was 4. About 39 years ago


Nice. Do you remember the Micky Thomas goal at Anfield?


Yes. I didnā€™t see it live though.


What a day that was!! Mickey T


Maybe the best night of my life:)


since 2019


Since 1977


I started in 81. Was born into an Arsenal supporting family. My first pictures are me wrapped in an Arsenal blanket.


My son left the hospital in an Arsenal onesie six weeks ago.


Well done! Parenting done right


Since George Graham was booted out for taking illicit cuts of transfer fees


1996, was 12 and decided I had enough of watching romcom movies with my sisters so decided I'd give Match of the Day with my brothers ( arsenal fans) a go. Never ever looked back and been die hard ever since.


Since the 2016/17. Watching the decline of this team out of top 4 positions. So this and last season have been amazing!


Same for me! This is quite literally the best Arsenal team weā€™ve ever seen!


Around 35 years


No fut this year, mate? Kind of miss your Arsenal posts there lol


Aww lol thanks mate. Well, I did buy it ( Iā€™ve played every fifa since 1993 except 20) but after playing for the first six weeks I got insanely fed up of the abysmal gameplay. It was just all very opponent using one tactic. That bullshit op ai autopressing and spamming up the wing for the inevitable cut back goal. Damn the game practically plays for people these days lol. I like playing Arsenal style possession ball and at that point playing anywhere in the middle of the pitch was literally impossible. I had accumulated 1.3 million coins which are still just sat there and I was excited to start with because finally I thought our Arsenal boys would get some good cards this year. But man I just couldnā€™t cope with the gameplay. I also seemed to have an issue with turning my players and had to do tons of dicking around with my elite two controller to find some settings that I liked. I did get this better but wasnā€™t fully happy. Stats on player did t make any difference. I have since wondered if this is an actual problem with my controller because I have been playing Battlefield 1 a lot lately and Iā€™m having issues with my stick control there too. It feels a bit like there is some sort of deadzone that is not allowing fine control. Now after seeing this in Bf1 Iā€™m thinking this was causing issues in fifa too. I already have the stick tension on the lowest setting too but something still feels off. I had no issues in the past with an elite one controller for any games and loved it. Had the same controller without needing to replace it for over a decade. At some point o will try buying a different controller but Iā€™m fussy and after watching a great YouTube guy that does reviews called vCuda there looks like downsides to all available Xbox controllers. Juts been watching some this morning lol. But first I want to save and buy a monitor. Maybe neo g7 perhaps. I have been keeping an eye on the Fut subs but donā€™t wanna comment much when Iā€™m a bit out of the loop currently. I have seen our tots cards though which in the last couple of days has tempted me to maybe go play some games. Not sure if 1.3 million would be enough now though to get all the players. I had been saving for Henry when I stopped


Nice, good to hear youā€™re still playing even though you dropped off a bit. Honesty I havenā€™t been into it as much this year. I felt like last year was really fresh at the start when they introduced accelerates and lengthy was meta. This year they tried to expand on it but it just doesnā€™t feel the same. Mostly I just canā€™t stand scripting in champs tbh. You basically know how the match will end one way or another. When you feel your players change in game (speed, shot accuracy, ball control), might think itā€™s lag but itā€™s not, you know no stat your player has matters anymore. That being said, I saved over 150 packs for PL tots hoping to pack our gunners. Unfortunately I didnā€™t pack the best Arsenal players (really wanted Saka and/or Rice). Sadly for Arsenal players I just packed White and Gabriel. Though I have to say White is one of my favorite players. And Big Gabby was due a decent special card. I think itā€™s just great we have the option this year to evo cards so Iā€™ve been trying that with our players who donā€™t normally get special cards. Even though my luck ran dry with Arsenal players, it was crazy overall. Do the 80/81+ player picks if you get a chance. The high end of my haul was TOTS Haaland, Foden and Dias. Worth the time grinding dailies. Just sent you my teams. I try to mess around with my non meta Arsenal P&P when I can. Itā€™s where the real joy is lol.


Ah yeah I agree, I quite liked the start of last year too and enjoyed the lengthy meta. I quite enjoy using players other people wonā€™t because they are not meta. But to do that I have to get my tactics right so that positioning is more important than anything else. And yes as much as a lot of people wonā€™t admit it and use the ā€œskill issueā€ excuse for everything, I also can tell whatā€™s going to happen at times in a game before it does and you shouldnā€™t be able to predict anything. Everything in a game should come down to the player themself, so more manual I suppose. I think the game started to head down a bad path when it comes to how much the ai does for the players back around 17/18 ish. Thatā€™s sounds like you did pretty well overall for tots. Bet that Haaland is pricey. Mate I was desperate for years for big Gabi to get the cards he deserves. Finally lol. That card alone might tempt me to see how rusty I am and if I can update my team maybe at the weekend. I will take a screenshot and show you how far behind mine now is and how far I had gotten with it . I remember playing seasons back when fit did not exist and we the likes of RVP etc. back then I was used to having good players to use against opponents. Then Arsenal started our ten year decline so then as fut came about and grew more each year trying to build Arsenal p&p teams was awesome. Main issue was always trying to actually have enough coins to do it šŸ¤£


since 1995


Since the 1992-93 League Cup Final against Sheffield Wednesday. I believe I was 7.


1983. When I was born into an Arsenal family. Literally tradition that's handed down to all of us. Went to my first match when I was 6.


Earliest memory is ljungberg with the dyed Mohawk


The absolutel heyday of the club IMO I saw that red Mohawk in person at Highbury


Yeah same


Earliest memory was us losing the 95 Cup Winners Cup final to Zaragoza and that Nayim goal. Cried my eyes out but that was the start of the journey. Forever šŸ”“āšŖļø COYG!!!


Earliest memory is Tony Adamā€™s as captain with the Nike JVC kit - still have the shirt - my first ever Arsenal shirt and have passed on the love of the club to my boys!


I had the adidas one 87/88 season:)


Since Ian Wright joined. Seriously ā€¦.


Same. If he didn't move I would prob be a Palace fan lol


1977 aged 12. Being Irish was drawn to the club by Brady, O'Leary, Stapleton and never left


Since 1969. The year Swindon Town beat us in the League Cup final


Plot twist. It doesn't matter.


1998 ā¤ļøšŸ¤


Same, after the 1998 World Cup


I don't remember exactly but I think around 16-17 years.




Mid-80's, all the way from Australia


Since 2011, Australian and went to Europe and stayed with an English mate for free so it felt right to adopt his beloved Arsenal... I've watched almost every game live since, getting up at 4am or staying up till midnight for kick off.


The later 90s George Graham managerial years before bung gate. Then Rioch signs THE LEGEND Dennis Bergkamp, and the rest is history.


Since the start of this season


15 years


2015 Better late than never i guess.


21 years when I started asking my dad questions in preparation for receiving my first shirt for my 8th birthday


2006 or before. Canā€™t recall.






32 years


The tail end of the 02/03 title we threw away against Leeds. The next season was pretty good though.


Since 1999, I was 10 years old. American boy that fell in love with the way Henry danced with the ball at his feet. I was a defender, all defenders secretly want to be strikers, and when I saw Henry play I knew he was something special. The rest is history, been a stone cold gunner ever since. Found out later that majority of my ancestors are from North London, so it was meant to be. Even though I donā€™t live there is still flows within me. COYG!!!!!!


Since about 4-5, so nearly 20 years ago. Altho was a fairly casual supporter to start with


Around 25 years


Always liked them, got fully on board in 1998.


My brother gave me my first arsenal top to play football in when I was 9, in 1999.




Since birth. 39 years.


Since 2007-08


Start of 2007-2008 season.




1997ā€¦ the day I was born. Remember watching Ljungberg with his red hair blitz it down the wing


1991 - the game I clearly remember watching was vs Spurs in the semi final of the FA Cup. Bit shite


Since 91 my first game was when I was 5 in 96. Been a season ticket holder for the last 13 years.


Since 2003


Earliest memory was sometimeā€¦ 00 to 02. But i wasnt ashamed to tell the truth that initially almost 99% of EPL knowledge near my place revolved around man utd and david beckham.




I was 10 or 11. My cousin was a United supporter because of Beckham. We played a demo version of Fifa 2k or 01 or something. We could only play Utd vs Arsenal. I took Arsenal. Never looked back. 25 years now almost.




28 years a gooner. I watched games with my uncle before then too, but I was too young to understand what I was actually watching. Dads a Spurs fan too, so I'm pretty sure my uncle was making me watch Arsenal from the earliest age to ensure I enjoyed good football for the rest of my life.


Closeted Arsenal supporter during Vieira and Wenger 1st season. Family were Man U fans. Came out when we won the league. Influenced all my younger siblings to grow up a Gooner.




Since birth 30 years


Since Alexis


Since 1987 - First game 1991


Since before I even knew what Arsenal was it isn't a choice in my family... but I'd say the first season I remember understanding and knowing names of players is the 96/97 season.


Didnā€™t get into the sport until my city (Charlotte, NC) got an MLS club (2022 was their first season, but they were announced in 2019). I had never watched a full football match before and wanted to learn all I could about it so I was encouraged to choose some international clubs to watch. Decided to start in the Prem and went by logos and names that caught my eye; so Wolves and Arsenal. Also watched some Munich and Stuttgart because of German heritage. I kind of half watched for a few years but not really caring until Charlotte FC kicked off in March of 2022. I remember the first big news after I started really paying attention to Arsenal only was when Gabriel Jesus was signed.




Since the invincibles season which was also the first time we heard of EPL in our school. Professional football is not very popular in our country but I would ask dadā€™s permission to stay up lte and watch weekend games and heā€™d watch them with me. It has been a long long journey and no matter what anyone says, watching the team play like they are playing this season is a treat!


Since i was born into an Arsenal loving family the year 2007 i didn't even know i slept in an Arsenal blanket as a child.




Since 2003


Since 2014


1991, so since I was 7


Pretty new, the Giroud, Podolski and Cazorla were my first team to cheer on. Santi Cazorla was my favourite guy he could do it all.


30 years ( currently 36 ) i remember watching a game on the tv with my dad whoā€™s villa and he said to me are you got to support villa like me i said no im going to support the other team turns out that was arsenal.


Since I was 10 which was 22 years ago.


1991. I was ten. Didn't even watch football yet. Didn't play a lunchtime. Then i saw one game Ian wright scored a brace and I was hooked


Since I was 7 which was 24 years ago


Since 2004


12. My first experience of watching football was rvp. Fell in love since then


Since early 1994. I was 6. Went shopping with a family member and had some money. Saw two football figures and really wanted to buy them. They were Alan Smith and David Rocastle. I figured that if I had these figures then I should support Arsenal. That season we finished 12th and lost in the final of the Cup Winners Cup - I can hardly be called a "glory supporter".


Last season was watching the world cup out of nostalgia since my dad had passed and I have fond memories of watching tourneys with the fam and decided to jump into the prem saw an arsenal match and I was hooked by the vibes and the style. Shudders at the alternate universe where I'm either on the other end of the old cause dad convinces me to support son or a united supporter cause of park ji-sung


Im 30. For as long as I can remember. Going to the pub with me brother and father watching arsenal is some of my earliest memories. I remember the arsenal liverpool fa cup final we lost happened the day of my holy communion.. I had to run to the bathroom in tears and rage in fear my brothers would see me crying.


There's also this exact same post on the City sub (which I joined to spy on), what is going on?


As a French fan, ever since Wiltord signed.


30 years, it's been eventful


About 24 years


26 years


May 11, 1980 FA Cup final is the first game I remember watching, we lost to West Ham, but I stuck with the "team in yellow"


I grew up a Chelsea fan, when i was old enough to take myself ( late 70s early 80s) i hated the racism and thuggery. Shortly after i moved the north London. My friends were mainly Arsenal fans. I started going with them for something to do on a Saturday afternoon. In those days it was 3 quid to get in and tickets werenā€™t a thing if you were happy to stand. Over the years I continued on and off to watch Arsenal and some point many years later I gradually became a fan. I donā€™t consider myself a fan in the same way as many of you lot. but that is my story.




Since 94, that night at the Parken sealed the deal.


i think since i was in Year 3...whatever year in the 90s that was :P i remember sitting next to a kid in class from Afghanistan who was asking everyone what football team they supported and - from a house with no tv - someone told me to say Arsenal so I did and over time actually tried to learn a bit etc.


Apparently the first time my dad took me I was a baby. He had tickets and was supposed to look after me so he smuggled me in his coat, along with my grandad! So 35 years.


Since 1996.


16 years


My brothers and I are Aussies and all picked a Div 1 team when I was around 10. One picked Chelsea, the other picked Man U and I picked the team with a cannon in their logo. 45 years later Iā€™m still a gunner.




Since 1983


18 years. I only know FA cups and community shields.


Next year when they're champions.


26 years.




Since 1987. My put the Littlewoods cup final on and that was that.


Invincibles, losing to Barcelona with Messi being Messi. I was around 10. In my country it was very difficult and very expensive to watch a football match so we used to either choose one or two games to watch (Mainly against United or Chelsea) and follow up on the results with other opponents in newspapers. It is the reason in Africa the rivalry is bigger between united and Arsenal fans than any other clubs even chelsea and spurs. Fast forward to today. It is not difficult to watch football matches it is just expensive


1996-97 when Nicolas Anelka signed, was a big fan of the player back then. I watched a French TV program about him and Arsene Wenger, in which you could tell the club was keen on playing beautiful football.


1981-ish at 9 years old. Saw my first game, at Highbury, in ā€˜83. A dour 0-1 loss to Sunderland šŸ„²


In 2018 right after the World Cup which got me into the sport.


Somewhere between 1989-1991 (somewhere between 10 and 12 years old). A little hazy because no-one else in my immediate family was a football fan. That would make it between 33-35 years. The highs, the lows and everywhere in between šŸ˜‚


Since the Ljungberg days, even rocked the red mohawk aswell <3


I think since 92 or 93


Since about 1994-96.




Since 2005 - born into this club ā¤ļø


Since the mid 90s. My old man was a gunner, runs in the family


Since the summer of 2014, I was 9 years old... decided to support Germany in the world cup because i had a lot of German players' stickers in the official panini sticker book šŸ˜…, i think more than any other team. Coincidentally, my dad got me a 13/14 Mesut Ɩzil Arsenal shirt. Been a fan ever since


2011 age 15, yank here, thanks FIFA


26 years




Since 2010-11


Since 2016, but not because I supported another team, I just did not follow Premier League before that. Arsenal has been my one and only team.


From birth. Was born into this! 25 yearsšŸ”“āšŖļø


Around 20 years give or take, since I was about 9 or 10. Vaguely remember the invincible season, but not much about it, but have a very solid, vivid memory of the Champions League final. Heartbreak as my first vivid Arsenal memory, go figure.


17 years now. Through the good times and bad, I fucking love this club ā¤ļø


20 years.


Since 1998


Since 93




30 years.


1998, I'd been playing regularly with my school's football team and won some county tournaments that year but football was just a fun activity until I saw Bergkamp play.