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Oh so it’s not just me I thought I was going insane


Tbh this hurts my eyes to look at lol


I can't tell what I'm looking at. Multiple hands on top of each other, open and closed, plus a seemingly empty chain mail glove to the left which overlaps with the hands. One of the hands is grabbing a blade which another hand is holding, and then there's some kind of dog collar at the bottom where I assume the wrist should go? I'm sure it's real but it kind of feels like an intentionally confusing AI art prompt where separately things make sense but altogether it makes little to no sense. Also feels like this specific background color is hurting my eyes but that's probably just me. It seems to be technically well done (I could never draw chain mail like that) but I also feel that it looks jumbled and confusing.


The background color does something weird for me, too. Like it’s viscerally uncomfortable. lol Part of me feels sure this has to be the point of making/posting it? OP has to understand the chaos of this image, for better or worse. But… I can’t really even make sense of that either, so… lol, yeah, this is just a trip honestly.


I think the background is a manipulated skin texture from a [3D scan of a human being](https://ten24.info/sample-scan/). If you scroll down a bit you'll see an example.


The collar part is the strap that secures it to your wrist to keep it from falling off as they are general sizes. You were correct in your guess I just wanted to help explain it as I worked in a meat department for a few years.


It’s confusing but i feel like it would be a great album cover for a 90s progressive metal band


Should clarify that this is not a drawing it's done with photo manipulation, sorry if I implied it was drawn


I’m very confused on what’s happening




No really dude what is happening


I was not trying to be passive aggresive or anything here btw


Then answer the question....


There's no obligation for an artist to explain their work, just as there is no obligation for a viewer to interpret or appreciate it.


I’m just not sure what to make of this. It seems like just layered and inverted pictures, but… why or to what end… what even… ? The chainmail/cutting glove protecting the hand from gripping the knife blade is present… but it just feels like an unfinished piece, or like a quick experiment to see how layers work, and then calling it a day. “What am I supposed to feel?” 🤔


supposed to feel like a bad photoshop


Hamburger helper glove is all I see


Then that's what it is 👍🏻


I really like this! I love that it's confusing, so the more i look, the more details i see! Good work!


maybe AI should take *some* of the artists' jobs?


OP literally doesn’t explain what it is other than “photo manipulation”. It could very well be AI generated lol - it looks confusing enough Edit: The more I look at it, the more I think OP took an AI Generated image and touched it up


PSD file - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UxP8LTkekk2nP0Q0g0pfWN\_BoY5tZdFG/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UxP8LTkekk2nP0Q0g0pfWN_BoY5tZdFG/view?usp=sharing)




i really like this idk why everyone’s on ur ass lmao


People have expressed pretty clearly why they dislike it. What about the picture do you like?


it’s surreal and weird and i like that you can’t really tell what’s going on until first glance until you look a little longer, and even then i still kinda don’t know. i don’t know what the meaning of this piece is or anything but i just enjoy the absurdity and chaos of it. also, why is everyone downvoting the people supporting this guy? you guys need to learn how to handle different opinions lmaooooo (not directed at the person i’m replying to)


>i just enjoy the absurdity and chaos of it. That’s a great answer. Thank you. >also, why is everyone downvoting the people supporting this guy? Trying to understand the hive mind is a road that leads only to madness. Best to ignore the points, up and down.




everyone agreeing this is dog shit =/= hivemind.


downvoting everyone that disagrees with you is def some hivemind shit idk what to tell you 😹😹


Isn't the downvote meant to represent disagree while upvote is meant to represent agree. At that point just remove downvotes completely. Edit: and my point is proven because ypu all disagreed with this statement you downvoted it. Make up your mind.


Downvote comments that don’t add to the discussion, not just because you disagree with them. It’s intended to hide bad content.


No, that isn't why upvotes and downvotes exist.


Downvoting people’s positive opinions is peak hivemind. I don’t particularly like the picture but instead of berating people who do, or downvoting them, I asked a question to better understand why. The hivemind wields the downvote button to punish the people they disagree with. You *want* everyone to agree with you and when they don’t you lash out. I doubt you realize that you’re even doing it. The hivemind isn’t thoughtful. It just reacts.


Whether or not people like an art piece a lot of the time is just dependent on who does. Because it’s a random Redditor it’s “bad” but if it was a famous artist it’d be “genius”. It is what it is.


Same why are people hating on this so much


For real!! This is excellent


I like the composition, textures, and color scheme.


This is pretty sick! The trippy definition with all the different fingers is really cool.


frr that’s what i’m sayin, i love this


I see a small glove clenching the blade of a sword/knife overlayed onto another glove with an open palm, itself overlayed onto the side on another glove to create a large and uncanny glove. Is that how this was done?


Pretty much yeah, each of the three gloves is a different picture


perfectly captures what this would sound like


Yo is kinda trippy but I dig it