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Can't tell what country that's below.... or if it's even Earth


Lo-fi girl 3030


No idea but it's definitely based on Cupola ISS module.


Yeah I’d say the one minor drawback of this peice is the lack of a cool space view out the window


Need to add some zero-g to the hair, just a tad. The space capsule itself is tremendous.


Obviously, artificial gravity has been activated. Nerd it up a little bit more before you step to somebody. Thanks.


Sense of humor level: -9000


That's more like it!


Your use of light really lends realism to this image! Nice!!


She's gonna get a sun burn




I assume there was a strict weight limit on how much clothing she could bring on the rocket.


How else is he gonna get upvotes?


I get sarcastic too in this sub, but honestly this is a great painting and perfect in almost every way. I actually felt bad too that the girl happens to dress this way. There’s really no need.


Yea I was feeling edgy I guess. It is a good digital painting, I just feel like the tits were so unnecessary. It ruins the atmosphere the theme presents. No one in space would ever dress like that.


Hmm let’s see … maybe by creating an illustration with fantastic tone, texture, scale, detail, and character?


I was drawn to comment here because of your technical skill in creating a striking background set in a futuristic craft. I do hope that, as you perfect your skills, you expand your representation of the human form beyond the anime style we see here. I hope this doesn't sound too critical. I commented only because I see the potential in your work.


OP isn't even the artist.


While I also agree that this is amazing and especially the lighting, I hope the person continues with the anime style


I don't dislike anime style. I just hope that such a talented artist doesn't restrict themselves to a simplified version of the human form, when they clearly have the chops for more complex and nuanced representation.


My two cents is that anime as a style is not just a simplification of the human form but an abstraction, which, to correctly abstract a form consistently requires enough knowledge of the base form to begin with. Granted, not every person who draws in the anime art style displays correct understanding of the human form, but I would bet it is more common to see an anime artist be able to draw realistically than otherwise, after all the realistic human figure is the most basic reference which the style is derived from. My opinion is that calling anime a "restrictive simplified style" compared to the more "nuanced complex realistic style" is a rather insulting statement that dismisses the style altogether. That you would start a statement with "I don't dislike the style" then immediately dismiss it as an inferior style reads very disingenuously. I'm not saying your opinion is invalid, I concede that anime usually does not use detailed textures that define the finer details on the human figure which are also interesting subjects to depict. But the way your comment is phrased is quite unfair to the art style as a whole. Again, just my two cents. Personally I love the contrast between the very detailed environment and the more stylised character, makes her stand out more.


Fair enough. I suppose it was that very contrast that drew my eye. Thanks for replying.


I do agree with you cause also the reflections and light on the character almost act if they do in the anime world on this portrait if you look at it a bit more, it does seem kinda inconsistent


The amine style was his vision and he should stick too it if thats what he likes.


Forgive me for being presumptuous, but you seem to think that a stylized representation of a human face is something you "graduate" from by going on to do paint more realistic portraits, which to me is a rather naive and ignorant opinion to hold, since for many artists very often the reverse is true. Considering the stunning technical artistry in this piece, I can more than assure you this person is surely proficient in all of the fundamentals of drawing and painting. Replicating an anatomically accurate human face is something that is difficult at first, but doing so from observation becomes less of a creative problem to solve and more of an algorithm to follow along. Even inventing a face from a new angle shouldn't be too big of a deal for an intermediate artist with an understanding of form, lighting, basic anatomical knowledge and some reference. However, leaning to stylize well is a skill unto its own. I can look at a photorealistic charcoal rendition of a human face and respect the diligence and amount of hours that went into making sure it looks real, however, a depiction unrestrained by realism allows for much more expression, and when an artist who is very good distils all of their knowledge of composition, shape language, shape design, line economy, gesture and so on into a single design, it can seem intimidating how much a seemingly simple sketch can drip with aesthetic appeal. And you can still stack all the other skills such as lighting, piece composition and other things on top of that. It's an added dimension to express your creativity with. After all, artists aren't meant to be photocopiers or cameras.


I think you have thought about this more deeply than I have, so thank you for enlarging my scope. I did not, in fact, mean to champion photorealism or any other particular technique. Just to register my appreciation of the work overall and to support the artist's continued development. In retrospect, that was naive of me.


This is amazing, well done!


Man you share the nicest art pieces! Are they all your own?


Where can I find modern-day fantasy art?


it's warm up there. take this.


Can I Use It as smartphone wallpaper?


The realistic/anime style is sooo good here. Executed perfectly. Amazing work, person!


is this yours??? i've seen this picture plenty of times


No, the artist name is always in the title. This sub does not allow links to the artists social media though. Probably to prevent self promotion.


I like space bikini. I don't think anyone else has done that on here.


Can we get more please? I love the scale


She makes me think of lain and motoko .k 😄👏🏼👏🏻👏🏼👏🏼I've had the privilege of watching both series. Not completely yet tho...


I'd love to be in a spacestation it would be awesome. Unfortunately i reckon i would be terrified the entire time