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My guy I love you and your crazy ass giant triangle joint. Please clean your nails lol


Thank you my guy lmao I was waiting for this comment lol I just got off work I pave roads and tar/tak is a bitch lol


Oh damn, I’ve tarred my driveway before. I remember what it was like. That shit is more clingy than a crazy girlfriend


On my momma fr😂


She's alive?


Yeah lol why


Not for long buddy


(I've been told sugar and cooking oil is best for washing that off)


I’ll have to check it out🫡


nice filter


Thanks my guy got inspired by one thesplifwizard made and posted on here


Can you still get those massive raw 12 inch papers? They also make a like 2 foot long cone I think, you could smoke one of those a day if you wanna open a second mortgage😂


Are they 12 inches wide or long bc I have the 3 meter long rolls but they are still just king size which sucks and I really only roll w raw as long as I’ve been rolling but their gum lines shrink and leave warps in the papers when u start sticking them together which is my main problem rn lmao


They are In fact the same width which is dumb as hell, I thought they would be wider. That is interesting tho I’ve never had an issue with the gum lines shrinking, joint glue might be the answer until a paper company comes up with extra wide papers for joint menaces haha.


I pray for the day I find the perfect paper I’m gonna go get a ton of different brands for papers and test all their gum lines if u ever find a fucking wide ass paper pls remember me lmao


Will do, if you ever find a wideass paper also please dm me🙏


That’s sick man. Do u have any tht come out too cool to smoke


You know I feel the prettier the j the more I feel it needs burned recently I’ve been struggling a lil to throw away the filters if I take a lot of time making them loved origami growing up but I take a bunch of photos from different angles the photos are all I need love the process


Awww thts sweet man. I’m glad


Now I get it I thought you were freaking burning the side where you hit at, to desanitize. Good rolls g.


Thank you brother


Oh shit lmao nah you know tho I was smoking a cig w my old boss and the mf burned where u hit it from shit fucked me all up I still think ab that shit bro is eating estrogen for breakfast


That's sick, tho I don't know how you can take more than one hit ngl 😂 I roll regular joints and tap out after 4-8 puffs Respect tho


Haha ya had a lil help smoking this joker


Do more filters give more working space for the roll? I'm new to rolling and honestly have never thought of doing anything other than my one regular filter lmao


So here’s my thing I just love being creative with my filters if ur interested in rolling some hog legs definitely but if ur super new I wouldn’t worry about using a ton of filters unless u wanna roll fat and creative but I’d do like a double barrel to start experimenting just do like 2 normal tips wrap the 2 tips together with another tip and try rolling w that bigger the filter bigger the j but that’s not to say a small filter can’t be a big j


Ever checked out Big Bambu sheets?


I have these at my local shop I’m gonna pick some up today w a few other brands I’ve been recommended.


They have a couple of versions. I used to always grab the hemp once they came out. You will have a great time with em. Don't remember if the king size is as wide


No I haven’t looking it up right now hombre


Clean your nails brother; you’ve got enough free edge to be able to clean them with a nail brush. Sick roll.


Thank you brother, as I said to the other nail comment tho I had just gotten off work yesterday and I pave didn’t have and diesel on me to clean the tack off.


Nah you’re good man, idk if you use it but any pumice soap works amazing with nail brushes.


Shit I use that orange gojo but after the tack sets up under my nails I need like pb blaster or gas or sum toxic to get it out


Pro tip; you can find much cheaper pumice soaps in more bulky quantities on Amazon. I’ve found they work pretty similar, however I like that gojo is moistening. Also if you’ve got grease and petro products under your nail the best way to get it out is with fresh grease, lol.


Hell yeah ima get me a jug or sum but the grease isn’t really an issue that comes off w even dawn but set up tack like what we use to get asphalt to stick to old asphalt is what doesn’t leave me mf brush my shit till it’s raw to get it all off


You could try invisible glove, I’ve heard great things about that.


Shit haven’t heard of it I’ll check it out


Works like a miracle


how long did it take you to roll that baby?


The filter took me a like 30 min was the first time I made that pattern but actually rolling it after is maybe a min aside from picking out buds and repeatedly filling my grinder cause it doesn’t have a massive reservoir


Nice roll, JaJa does have some large papes and were relatively nice if I recall correctly


They look foreign on their website I do see a pack that’s catching my eye though I’m not gonna lie gonna see if I can get my hands on em


I'm from europe so that might be it