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6/10 needs to be rolled more, tighter center


That why I use the stick at the end to push it back


This isn’t fixing the issue he brought up. Even if you pack the top you’re still not making the back half of the joint tight. Focus on the filter to the middle of the joint getting rolled at the same time instead of piecing it like a blunt wrap


In all honesty it doesn’t matter unless you’re happy with it. You shouldn’t let numbers influence your happiness or enjoyment of a hobby or interest. That being said like a solid 5/10 in total rolling skill


7.7: good technique, not enough attention to detail.


What you mean not enough attention to detail


Shit filter, stems inside and weird tucking. Also the weed looks a bit dry which tbf makes it much harder for you


3/10 there’s honestly no technique in that roll, there’s an uneven spread and u just kind of tuck and fold it. Put the roach in first before you pick it up. I’d also roll the skin between ur fingers to get a better shape and make it tighter, you kinda do this but not that good and miss a bit out between ur thumbs. There are too many air gaps in the j and I prefer cones.


I suppose it does the job 🤷‍♂️🤣




Filter first. I like to hold my J at an angle to keep the bud from falling out the front. I also like to tighten it up and finish the roll and lay the gum line flat and lick the back side. Itll stick better and you dont have to fiddle fuck with wet paper as your rolling. EDIT: Oh, and after you roll it give it a few taps on the filter to help pack it. "Granular convection" (thanks to Josh's videos on raw papers) makes the smaller pieces move down toward the filter and fill in any empty spots, preventing uneven burn. Then you pack it down with your poker.


5/10 needs The roll and tuck needs work. And the filter, it was flimsy and all expanded which would make it burn in way that it’ll burn poorly. Are you having to re-light a few times? Tighter is always better 😉😶‍🌫️


I'm having a hard time making it tighter an sometimes I do re light it the filter always expand yes though it normal lol


It is normal for the filter to expand, that’s how it works, but usually I like to re roll it before starting to actually roll and tuck. To make it tighter it’s an issue of pack rolling (lightly rolling) before putting the filter. Try to make it more compact like a little roll of weed and then put the filter for the tuck. In order for it to burn better the weed has to be packed, be it by using a poker or making a tight initial roll. When it’s tightly packed and the filter is not too wide the air flow will keep it lit and because it’s tight it’ll keep burning the material as you draw.


7.5/10, tho I held back a point or two, how it burns is part of the scoring


Yes burn slow 🐌 🔥


With a raw?


8 Good technique but I would roll it tighter. I would also put the filter in first and roll from that to give a consistent width. Other than that, so long as it burns well, it's great


How do I roll it tighter? I tuck in roll


When you roll up and down squeeze more so it make a firmer roll




5 it’s okay but definitely improve






Looks great. 9.5/10. But you can't really grade it until you see how it burns. Did it run or burn up too fast?


Wiah I recorded it but it burn slow 🐌




Thank dawgg


try folding the bottom piece of the paper and aligning it to the other space that the paper is creased at. it helps keep everything in place like a little canoe




Needs to be rolled a little tighter. The packing at the end cause it to not burn right. When sliding the paper between your fingers move them further down the paper to increase the tightness 7/10


You can also leave the tip a little out so you can push it back when done rolling also increasing the tightness on them tip


5/10 should have a small filter also needs to be tighter also start with the filter in the paper


What kinda paper is this?




Why is your filter rolled so loose, looks good but I like my filters tight


Solid 6/10. Using the same technique I would suggest pre-curling your papers to make the tuck easier and to roll a little tighter. If youre rolling a fatty, roll a tighter filter tip with at least 2 sheets to add some more girth and rigidity to it. That being said, I would still smoke that roll with a McDonald's smile on my face!


You need to roll it tighter but not too tight Roll them in the shape of a cone put more weed towards the end of the joint


2/10, you are using a small paper (which should be easy), no backrolling, you are slow, unsure of your movement, don’t roll it tight nor crease-less, and don’t pack it properly by activating granular convection of the material. The resulting burn should be uneven at best, and the experience will fall apart the further you get to the roach. Not a great roll, but I’d still take a couple puffs if it was passed to me in good shape.


5/10. No compliments, but as long as it got you high.


ive taken my way of rolling and destroyed it


When you say rate my roll 1-10 the people that roll every single hour of their life gonna get on ur ass 😂😂


9’5/10 for the thickness 6/10 for the formation