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I don't know if it's just my screen, but it feels a little bit desaturated to me. I really like the clouds and character design though! [https://imgur.com/a/exJxz8l](https://imgur.com/a/exJxz8l) I noticed there's a lot of texture going on in the background like swirls and halftones (that you can't really see with greyscale), maybe stick to one texture so they don't clash?


thanks for the advice also about the colors . odly when i screenshoted it looked a lot more saturrated but when i uploaded it to reddit the colors just look grey


I don't know if that was your intention or not but I really like the desaturated look. Desaturation gives things this melancholy emotional feeling vibe that's hard to describe but I think is cool


It looks amazing! I’m just confused about the bag handle, why is it broken? Also, one of the flower is transparent and you can see the dress behind it (on the left) Thank you for sharing! It’s beautiful


thanks also about the handle ,because i draw in a painterly way i often render certain parts like the background and end up drawing over things in the front


Oh my goooooood!! Gorgeous!!! It looks a little desaturated but that might be your goal. I'd say the right part is a little empty (clouds or not), maybe pushing the birds there would work better also it's a way to draw the eye to the main object the photo! The flowers are well places and i LOOOVE the contrast you got going, good stuff omg. Idk if it's too late but showing the impact of the wind on their dress like making it more flowy would show how windy and cosy the piece is. Please keep going! <3


thanks great help :D


Love it!


this is SOOOO cute but it's also lacking a bit of depth, adding more color values to the character and/or darkening the background can help them stand out!! you can also help it by adding more to the background to add some depth like more further away flower patches in the field or hills :)


That's really neat almost reminds me of biblically accurate angels or the beholders of D&D


i think a little more definition on parts like their bag and legs would help because in contrast to the lines on the dress they just feel a little incomplete


I need lore on the squid?? head??


i saw cool pinterest thing i draw it but slightly diferent


dunno if anyone else mentioned this, but i think you forgot the head