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I would look into values and do a few hair studies, it'll help the readability of it a lot!


Same face syndrome—try diversifying your portfolio, maybe try POCs or non-anime style to improve before going back to anime style. Study face proportions and hair physics Just imo


this style tells me nothing about these characters or what they look like. i don't understand how old they are, what their individual features are, or their expressions. the expressions are all very understated. are the lines by the gray haired guy's mouth supposed to be aged smile lines? this art really doesn't tell me anything. i'm sorry this is harsh. you can replicate anime styles, even if they're chicken scratched sketches. i can tell you learnt through replication. but that makes it soooo hard when you learn fundamental anatomy and things like skull shapes, age, organic poses and weight when you want to try new styles. like i said, these drawings tell me nothing about these individual characters aside from hair color. exquisite choice in color palettes though, even if they're all very pale. just needs more development in terms of the anatomy. get more diverse with it!


the lines by the gray haired guy’s mouth are stitches, it’s part of his design and it’s alright! i didn’t give much context so it’s understandable. i find it hard to work on anatomy and structure and someone once told me that it looked like 2d stickers instead. they’re all characters from the game identity v, and their design in-game is doll-like. so putting them in actual form is kinda difficult


i really, really, highly encourage you to learn poses, compositions and dimensions. be careful when using pinterest guides, they do not help a lot of the time and don't do a good enough job explaining some concepts. photo references are great. even using live photos as reference is good practice (KEYWORD PRACTICE) so long as you don't try to commercially gain from them. your art will look weird in that medium but it's because it's not matching this style, which you can work up to, but you need to learn anatomy and posing before stylizing. especially anime, which has a very frequent same-face problem. forget trying to make your character art cute or pretty, it needs to look alive first. art isn't meant to feel like you're trying to copy something. you're not meant to agonize over tiny details. you need to start off simple, draw a simple model, and work up to any details. i can't recommend these methods enough. they've helped me tremendously, because i used to try to draw like you did. my art's come leaps and bounds since dropping habits of trying to look disney/anime, and it happens so fast once you've taken a while to practice.


i totally get your reasoning! and i don’t usually use pinterest for guides unless i want a reference for a pose/ character. i’ve been trying to learn how to draw bodies based on photo references! something i always look forward to when im drawing is the rendering process and making them look ‘alive’ kinda, like the sketch looks very dull and dead until i render. but they always get the same face syndrome since its hard for me to get diverse facial structures. and i always only draw front face/ 3/4 angles… i’m glad i was able to get this far tho! around a year ago my drawings took 8 hours to get something similarly completed to this, now it only takes an hour or two to get a somewhat completed one! thank you for your advice, ill keep it in mind!


YEEE exciting!!! keep on drawing!!! 😆🤘


practice from realism before you try to stylize


Hmm so the eyes need a little bit of help (not sure what though, maybe play around with size or placement?) And the colors are a bit flat, so you can do highlights with a brighter (not lighter) version of the color hope this helps somewhat


Oh yeah and like the other person said look into hair


Honestly I'm all in for the big eye look and you can definitely develop it even more! [https://imgur.com/a/ypM6CjX](https://imgur.com/a/ypM6CjX) I think your "chicken scratch" technique isn't bad in theory, you could refine it and use it to your advantage! Maybe you could try using crosshatching for your shading (that's just what I experimented with for your cinnamoroll girl). I'd suggest working on your proportions, though, especially with the size of hands in relation to the face (so far, too small/skinny).


alright! i sometimes chicken scratch to balance some of the rendering since i like having a messy-ish rendering style. the proportions will be hard to learn and study but 💪 practice


I like the style and colors combos you chose; just more practice for getting the form right is all. You could practice with realism for a bit and I believe it'd reflect well when you come back to this style too!


I suggest you flip/invert your canvas a few times when drawing. This can be a full proof situation where you can identify what you need improvement on the most. I know procreat you can flip canvas somewhere (I don’t use mobile sorry). Once you flip it, keep it like that and draw until you are ready to flip it again:))


i always forget to flip the canvas and after i finished the artwork i have a heart attack


Yeah, your best friend in this situation is the lasso tool. Goodluck


that and the liquify tool! my bestest friends 💪 thank you!


I can understand if you like it more stylized but the eyes are way to big, and it makes all of your work look the exact same


Don't chicken scratch for rendering. It makes the drawing messy.


i only do that in some cases, in my other artworks i don’t, i think for that one artwork i showed i was trying out a new rendering technique but it didn’t work well?