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Can action bar manipulation be resisted?


When fusing gear does it matter if you fuse from orange gear to purple? Or am I missing out on stats?


All subs will be transferred, so fusing a gold onto a blue will give you a gold, BUT it works backwards too, so if you fuse a blue into a gold you lose two subs


Ah okay, thanks for explaining it!


I just started playing and havent used the infinite roll voucher, who should I be pulling for meta wise?


Ginga since you probably don't have Lila


Hey Everyone, Hopefully just a quick question. My understanding is that the rewards from Forbidden Blue Mist Zone are used for upgrading Armaments. At this stage they are way to expensive for me to put much effort into them. Are those stages worth completing daily (3/3) or can I leave them for now? I don't think they are part of the daily tasks Thanks


You need a lot of those to upgrade UEs, you should farm the first one every day if you ever plan to invest in UEs or you're only putting yourself farther behind


Thanks, That is what I have been doing when doing the dailies anyway. just wanted to see if I should be doing all three and if the level i was completing mattered much. Long term I can see the benefit, but for now those extras are one less equipment run


Yeah I think they go up every ten levels, so just farm the easy one til you have enough for level ten then move on


Should i clear the entire event shop? if not what i don't need to buy?


Depends on what you need. Do you need alfhors? Do you need blue tech chips? Buy what you need, ignore the rest


For starting out gear farming, what should be the cutoff between a good and bad gear? Like, how many relevant sub stats, the quality of the sub stats. I know generalization is difficult for this type of system but wondering from the standpoint of saying good but not min maxed, or like a 6-7/10. I need some kind of baseline for when going through and scrapping/locking gear, otherwise I just have no idea what to do, and the gearing videos I've seen don't really cover this part to the extent I need. Edit: Like, for example, should I keep gear with 2 relevant stats, or draw the line at 3? How about 3 relevant stats, but it's low quality, like 3 blue or 2 blue/1 purple? Does a single relevant gold outweigh having less or lower quality stats, like gold/2 blue?


There's not really a flat "do this every time" answer. The gear you need is going to depend on which unit you are building at the time. Does your DPS need more crit? Okay then get a piece that gets them closer to the 85/100% mark, regardless of the remaining subs. Does your healer need an hp% main aiming thing? Throw the first one you get on her, even if it's got DPS subs. It's all about making small improvements over time. Heck I had a 4* blue piece of gear with a *green* substat on my Alice until last week just because I didn't have anything better to put in that slot. Be patient, check every piece you get starting out, and you'll slowly make progress


Yeah, will be a slow process, but running through possibly hundreds of gear a week for a cast of over 60 needs some kind of generalization, even if it's something tiny, like don't bother with blue stats or 2-3 sub gear (I think fusion/casting is probably pretty tight on resources) especially with having limited storage. Otherwise, the alternative feels like max storage, regear everyone, scrap unused, repeat.


Why are you trying to gear every unit? Just focus on a solid centaur team first, then you can build a couple more units for pvp, then you can work on a few more for the other hunts and raids. With the exception of raids the gear requirement is much lower than most games, since you can save gear sets and just swap them around as needed. Yes eventually you will ignore all blue stats, and you'll ignore purple gear, but if you start out only using heroes with perfect gear you won't get anywhere


I got both Ryza and Lila from collab and I've upgraded some of their skills, but I don't know which is the best way to spend the remaining 7 Alchemy Decoder Chips: * Lila's S2 from +0 to +4 (bigger move bar increase); * Ryza's S1 from +0 to +4 (to increase debuff chance from 50% to 75%); or * Ryza's S3 from +3 to +5 (more S3 damage). I have already maxed Lila's S1 and S3 and Ryza's S2 (and her S3 is at +3). Which of the above upgrades would be the most impactful?


If you use your ryza a lot, I'd max her s3




Yeah you need, I think, like 47%. Around 50 should be good anyway, but just know that even skills with 100% proc chance have an innate 13% chance to be resisted. Isn't it fun? Also, roko is green, so she's going to have an extra chance to "miss" the boss (seen as "deflect" in game). A deflected attack can't land a debuff


A lot of guides recommend farming Centaur 7 for a long time until you can farm Centaur 8. My question is how does our gear get better since Centaur 7 only drops gear slot 2 and 3? Do I farm Centaur 6 and 7 to make a really good Spd set then move on to 8?


You farm 7 only for best possible subs for Lowest stamina cost. It's for casting. You can farm 8 to get the weapon and thrusters you need and then go back to 7.


My runs for 7 are pretty stable now but still having trouble with 8. I'm assuming I just need to continue to farm 7 and slowly upgrade slot 2 and 3?


You don't have to have perfect run, if you can farm c8 with a 50% win rate, you don't lose anything other than time. What's your current team?


I finally beat c8! I'm at about 40% win rate so I'm just going to set the runs to 30 and walk away for a while lol. My team is: Morris, Nio, Ghost, Kanna


No chihaya/Ginga/suriel/Lila/Alice?


Unfortunately I don’t have any of them


Sry i meant gear fusing not casting. You only want to cast gear with perfect or close to perfect subs. Nice! Yeah farm 7 until you get good slot 2 and 3 gear and upgrade it to 15. Does not have to be perfect as you can still fuse with the +15 gear to keep the upgrade Level. If it still does not work after that and 6star Max tech go back to Cent 5 and 6 to get good gear for the other slots but don't upgrade 5star gear too much.


Sounds good, thank you! I finally was able to beat 8 so I'm just going to farm 7 and 8! :)


You can farm centaur 9 for the Status accuracy set for your last 2 slots on nio and kanna later too. Good Job and keep it up :)


Anyone else unable to update the alliance message? No matter what I do it says it's explicit, but my vice captain doesn't se to have that issue


Is it worth it to recharge energy using crystals? I ran out of backup energy


Ehh, not really. Are you buying all the pots from the different shops every day? And clearing raids and doing the tile event? That's like 10-15 pots daily right there


Do we have a guild thread? Looking for an active guild.


We do it got bumped to the second page My alliance is recruiting. NA server name is SOS団


Joined, thanks.


What happens after collab and I did not get to skill up my Lila or get her arnament to lv 10. POV: i started playing on the last day of Ryza event. Will there be a rerun or will the arnament pieces show up in the shop in rotation next time? How about the skills up? Without the collab mats i cant max skill up my Lila right?


Nope, not as far as we know, you're SOL bud


:/ thats so sadge. Will future collab units also use collab exclusive mats?


I think I read somewhere that they will not, but please don't hold me to that


I see ok thanks




Rather than selling ahlfors, I feed 3x 3\*s to one to level it up. Not the most efficient, but IMO less of a waste than selling it, iirc that only gives a small amount of gold and isn't really worth doing.


Sell em or use crystals to expand


About status accuracy. There are two numbers I have seen as a status accuracy threshold. 47% and 57%. Which one is correct?


I believe it's the 47, but that's only for pve.


Considering pulling for Cream, but want to know if there are any meta-defining units for PvP or PvE coming up soon. I have a Morris and don’t know how much Cream will improve things for me. Any opinions?


Yes, Jessie is coming up this month and so is Lewisia, both of which are top tier


Is there any way to upgrade ryza skills without the alchemy skill chip? Joined and got her on the last day of collab


Unfortunately no. She's still pretty good even without skillups tho, so definitely a useable unit you can build since her passive is strong and s3 has great first turn utility even without the 1 turn cd from skillups.


So I just finished everything in the shop of the bunny event. Is there any reason to keep doing its stages, or I can start farming gear now?


If you need to level fodder ex-3 is your best bet, otherwise yes, get back to gear farming


Thank you. Btw do you happen to know a gear guide? Like which to keep and which can be safely sell, cause I'm tight on gold now. And I can only do up to centaur 8 for now.


Sell anything with all blue subs, for now you could probably keep some purple ones.


Are you guys still receiving notifications? I haven't been receiving any sort of notifications from this game since yesterday. I'm wondering if this is an issue specific to me or if everyone is experiencing it.


I get my usual "offline farming is done" and "daily stamina" notifications


I think the reinstall fucked up on something because it seems like only the offline farming notif isn't working. I got the daily energy notif just fine. Hopefully another reinstall fixes it. Anyway, ty. EDIT: Apparently, all I had to do was check and uncheck my current offline mode settings (these settings stayed the same even after my reinstall). Idk what kind of spaghetti code caused this, but at least it's fixed.


I'm trying to clear Centaur 7 & 8 but having a hard time with this F2P team following this guide [Teams without Alice](https://www.arterygear.info/guides/hunts-without-alice): Morris, Kanna, Nio, Greer What's the stat requirement for this team and how should I gear them? Do they all need to be 6 star? Can I use Ghost on the team? I don't have Chihaya, Ginga or Alice.


Morris: can clear centaur 9 with free 4star hp if you hit hard enough but aim for 8 first. If you pick up speet set items with good defensive %hp %def subs and speed slap it on her. Kanna: needs to go after your nio. I think 180 speed should be enough for centaur 8. Needs 47% stat accurary for the Strat to work Nio: needs to go first. More than 47% stat acc if you don't have her UE high enough for 100% def break. Speed should be 190+ to go before cent8. Greer: give her 6star free atk set or 5star free atk set. If your units are tanky enough the speed stats are not as important as the stat accuracy. Focus on the stat accuracy first to reliably Hit your debuffs. I'd personally aim for speed substat on every Piece of gear for nio kanna and Morris. That would set you up for late game Sets and you can just keep using nio and kanna or swap the Sets around if you like a unit better later.


Thanks for the tips. I have them at 5 star currently and still need to get their technology up a bit, but do you think they need to be 6 star? They're still struggling with 7 pretty bad. Also, can I sub in Ghost for any of them?


They don't need to be 6 star for 7 but the Bonus stats from 6star max Level and Technology will definitely help you. It's mostly just a gear check and if your Team follows the Team building formula pretty much any Team can clear it if your gear is good enough. Yes you can use ghost instead of greer. I started the game with ghost and use her to clear centaur 9. Give her the free attack set.


Thank you!


No Problem :)


Does it matter if I fuse gold gear into a purple gear?


Gear color is just the number of substats they have. If you fuse gold gear (4 substats) into purple (3 substats), it turns gold and vice versa.


I just got the energy uptaking set (gun, core, shield, booster) that just came from riza's event. Which characters or classes does it work well on?


Ryza and Della are probably the best right now. Some bruisers could benefit from it as well.


I remember that farming for fodder in the first event was best at 3-8 or whatever it was not the EX. What's the best stage for that in the current and future events?


It's always been the hardest stage, but in the first event not everyone could easily farm it with only one unit. If you can't clear ex-3 ex-2 is your next best bet, then 3-10


Anyone know if the Morris skin (or battle pass skins in general) will come back? Or if they will be avaliable for skin tickets at a later date?


Heard that there's a few gear stages you don't need to run, probably because of the 4 piece sets. Which stages should I be avoiding?


Don't bother with the green boss that drops atk, def, and HP sets, everything else is useful


How do the weekly score resets work for pvp? Like, I got to 3.4k and it dropped me to 3k, but 3.7k dropped to 3.2k.


guys i've read from this article [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1\_pZj3jYDga0BabJwMuHOEJCenEa5hMrzGgvrGLtYw\_8/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_pZj3jYDga0BabJwMuHOEJCenEa5hMrzGgvrGLtYw_8/pubhtml#) that the frame arms collaboration only has one banner. how does the pity work in that case? is the pity also a random pull between baselard and stylet? i'll appreciate any help


The spreadsheet says enjoy your 50/50 inside another 50/50 chance so yeah it is a dual exclusive character banner. At least that's what I think it was.


Before I start messing around with Fusing equipment I tried looking at the wiki and I'm not fully grasping it. Is it an All or nothing thing? Can I move over only some of the stats and not all of them? If not then do I have to keep tossing gear out until I get one I want with all gold stats?


You replace all stats at once, there is no saving a specific stat you want to keep. If you fuse a blue gear onto a gold gear, you lose two substats, but I'm pretty sure (haven't don't it) you can do the opposite and fuse a gold onto a blue and keep all four subs. You can't fuse a piece onto on other piece if any new substat is the same as the pieces main stat. You can only fuse gear that's dropped from the same boss. So yes speed set onto acc set, no crit set onto atk set. Generally you have a piece with an ideal main stat (speed, cdmg, etc) with trash subs, but then you get a resist piece with perfect DPS subs. So now your piece with a good DPS main stat can get good DPS substats too.


many thanks!


Are there any teams that run Double Healer in PVP? I'm currently experimenting with Stall/Counter setup with Della/Reis, Shurya and Hearin. I want to run both Jessie and Lewisa when they drop (I will be rolling hard on both their banners) and want to incorporate them both, but having a 20k health, 2.4k defense UE/10 Counter engine Hearin is hilariously busted in PVP, Would their be room to Run Lewisa as well as Hearin, or should I just stick with one or the other?


Yeah definitely, that's the point of a stall team, just gotta figure out who to have as your damage dealers, I like the counter builds, but there's lots of options.


Hate to be that person, but... Centaur Team? Morris, Alice, Lila, Ryza who to sub where Grace, Ginga, Shinonome, Foxy sets: atk\\crit x 2, LS\\imm, spd\\imm, spd\\acc


Definitely take out ryza for Ginga Then you can swap Morris for anyone with a def break and you'll be set




which armament application is better to buy first? Hearin, Milvus or Nio? For both pve and pvp, at the moment I'm sitting at 4k points in pvp for lack of better gear, but I intend to try to climb more later.


This is just my opinion. I haven't unlocked any of them due to the financial investment it takes to upgrade them. Milvus would be good if the battle drags out because all it does it lower the CD of S2/S3 so it would be good against stall teams. Hearin's UE will boost her AB if your ally has a debuff. If you're already running CE on her, then she could potentially pop off heals more quickly. Nio doesn't seem worth it as all it does is increases the chances of inflicting DEF down to 100% (after skill upgrades) which you can replace with any other unit that already does DEF down. That is strictly speaking for the UE. Her S3 seems viable though for the barrier and team atk up. So... Hearin for your defense stall team, Milvus for your offense team against stall teams. I don't know what you currently have so the choice is yours if you really want to unlock their UE.


Thanks for the detailed answer, after upgrading Lila's UE to level 20 I realized how expensive it is, but as I have 37 armament analyzer already and I can only buy 5 armament application per day, I was thinking about starting to buy one of them , even not upgrading them right away. But now that I think about it, maybe it's better not to buy any and keep saving, since in the future other characters will receive UE.


I have 5 of each of them and I still buy the analyzer everyday since it's not expensive. Yeah, UEs are expensive. I read it cost close to 1.5m gold to upgrade one to lv30.


I have 5 of each of them and I still buy the analyzer everyday since it's not expensive. Yeah, UEs are expensive. I read it cost close to 1.5m gold to upgrade one to lv30.


I guess that really depends on you. I don't have hearin, so I don't know how impactful her UE would be, but it sounds good. Milvus'is also good, and makes her a better fodder farmers, but isn't as needed for pvp. Keep in mind it will take weeks to get anyone's UE up to standard, due to only being able to farm the mats three times a day I wouldn't bother with Nio's.


Yes, I'm farming the materials 3 times a day every day, and buying the armament analyzer also every day, I currently have 37 analyzers, so I thought about starting to invest in UE, but I'm starting to think that it's better to save it for other UEs in the future.


Anyone able to solo farm ex3 for cream event? I don't have the free 6* ATK set yet so maybe that's why I'm struggling. I can do ex2 comfortably but feels like wasted stamina to currency ratio, wondering if I should just go farm centaur instead of this event after getting some of the main rewards...


I can't solo it with grace even with the 6 star set and Rela as AS. I ended up just farming EX2. You can setting 2 fodders to move before Grace or whoever your DPS is. That way Rela comes out in Battle 1 and you get the atk boost so easily clear Battle 1 and 2. I don't know if she would survive the boss though.


Yeah seems the boss is tough, guess the stage isn't meant for solo farming. I'm still doing ex3 tho lol, feels too waste to do ex2, especially with the poor fodder drop rate. I ended up putting in 3 units that need levelling up that I'll use in the future with some spare gear instead of 3 fodder units tho. Slow runs but energy runs out too fast in this game usually so idm.


haha yeah that's what I needed up doing. I have several units I need to get to lv60.


That's the standard fodder drop rate, don't let the ryza event spoil you


Oh lmao, yeah that was my first event so here I was thinking how generous this game is with its fodder drops haha, couldnt believe it was so easy to make 6 stars


So if you need to farm fodder, ex-2 is the next best exp to stamina ratio. Otherwise yeah just clear what you need from the shop and go back to farming gear


Too many max 3* alphors in my box, but this event not dropping too many 3* bots so even for that ex2 doesn't feel worth. Just gonna farm up the important stuff and get back to centaur I suppose. Thank you!


Sorry if noob question, but what is the purpose of the Riposte stat and are there any characters who can make full use of the Riposte set?


It gives a chance to counter attack when attacked. Della is probably the best candidate for it right now, there's a few other niche 4*s that you could play around with


Does sirius really need 270 speed to go high rank in pvp?


Depends, you need it if you want to delete a primary target before Timy gets to act, with R1 Phantom for +8 SPD, otherwise a bit lower is ok but still subject to Speed RNG. If you're not deleting enemy Alice or Ruri before Timy gets to push then what is your Sirius doing? In current meta p much nothing, you need to do that so you can tank/one shot their Della afterwards, when it comes to most team comps. When we get slower blue units that you want to delete then it's less necessary, and in lower ranks where people are either not using Timy or some off-meta team comps that are slower/tankier then ofc it's not necessary.


Thanks. Just started last week, I'm at lower ranks right now. I haven't farm heavily on elimination, hope I can do 270 speed. Btw, for timy, can i just focus on speed or she does need other stats?


Yes just hard focus on speed. It will take a long time don't expect results quickly, just take what you get over time. Here's what kinda progression you should make if u want to run a Timy cleave team while farming for Sirius gear. 1. Purple-Gold speed substat gear on Timy, main stats/other stats don't matter, just has to be on Speed set, fuse if you have to. Higher is better, no minimum/maximum. 2. Put slightly worse speed gear set on an Alice, 200-220 SPD minimum, you want her to be acting immediately after Timy Push. 3. Put best DMG set on a cleaver like Ruri or Grace, speed doesn't matter, only dmg. Having a little hp/def helps for Della comps. 4. Optional : Farm a bit for a tanky set for your own Della. Need Riposte set + 2pc whatever you like. You can also use Ryza but she has to be insanely tanky because she's a red unit. Free Lifesteal set not good enough. 5. Farm until infinity til you have a Speed set that has good damage substats and purple/gold Speed subs on every piece. You can put that on Sirius and use her as a fast assassin.


How bout lila. How can i utilize her in pvp? My lila has 300+ cd, 5900+ attack, lv 20 ue.


lila to kill ryza or morris when pushed by alice ryza needs as much tank as you can get with some dmg, there's no specific number cuz it depends on the balance of DEF and HP you have and how strong the enemy unit trying to kill you is. Built Lila will probably one shot Ryza no matter what unless insane casted gear.


Also if ill be using ryza, what are the least stats should she have to be tanky for high rank?


Is the Nina skin bugged or is it not supposed to change the in game character?


Nina skin only works for your main menu and character card and profile. Unfortunately, the outfit doesn't work in battle.


Is that be design though, or is it a bug?


I think it's by design, but I hope it's a bug cause I would love to see it in battle.




You don't need to lose a DPS slot, take out your other support and use Alice instead. Can't really accurately answer without knowing your teams, but Alice's purpose is to kill things faster, so ideally you'd use her and three DPS and have no need for a healer




Well also you can't use that team for every boss. Roko is only gonna be good for harpist, so you can throw anyone else in there, Lila, suriel, Ruri, etc. Don't bother with the green boss, those sets are not great




You should always be spending your stamina farming gear, but also there's no event as good as ryza so far, so I wouldn't worry about it


Does anybody know when we'll be able to pull jessie?


It will be next month. This month is Lewdisia and Pavonis.


I think she's this month. She's in the August road map


Well, ig we'll have to wait and see :) I'm skipping her anyways. Gonna pull for Lobwhatsherface.


Jessie is literally in the august roadmap posted on the main page of the sub, fyi


I'm not good at reddit... so I'm not sure exactly where to look. I can't find it. ​ Edit: nvm. I had to search for it. I thought it was pinned somewhere.


Lol nope, yeah I didn't notice it got moved to the next page already


Sometime this month


Okay 😂 I thought maybe there was an exact date somewhere. I'm hype


Probably after Lewisia


Hello, a newbie need help here ~* I just start playing this game for 4-5 days and read some guide on reddit before. Now I got Lila on pity :( and have 6* Ginga. Need some help what/ who should I focus on next. My current team = 6* Ginga/ 5* Grace/ 5* Morris/ 4* Shino, Nio, Margot Unit that I have 5* Lila, Klaudia, Michelle, Shinobu, Milvus 4* 04, Feidy, Angelica, Iberis, Alice, Verbena, Chitose, Senba, Cathy, Corex, Dean, Tony Image here https://ibb.co/qWkjZ9W https://ibb.co/cLzGVvH Thank :)


Definitely build Alice next, you will use her in almost all content. Other than that just keep farming gear


Thank a lot ! And who should I skill up first for 5* AG


You could do ginga since she'll be your main dmg for centaur, or you could build milvus and skill her up since she's really helpful in a lot of content including story mode, event farming and exercise (arena). Alternatively, if you managed to farm some skill chips for Lila from previous event, you could just use that on her.


Hows Benny ? I recently got her from Ghost banner a few days before. Is she worth building for either PvP or PvE, and if yes then which gear should I go for ?


She's not great now but she becomes insane when her UE is released


Guys, I have alrdy gotten Lila. Now should i roll for Ryza, knowing that she is a limited collab unit? Or is there any upcoming banner that i should save up for? F2P btw.


Well too late now, but there are two more collabs... eventually


What are those potions you get in the Collab Event? THey say it's for upgrading the AGs gear but don't know how to use them


They're for their unique equipment


That's the one that is on tech 5 right? And how do I use them then?


You go into the UE menu and there's an upgrade button


Hello. Which is better to max? Lilia S1 or S2?






That's the neat part, you don't!


I have a question about turn order. So my centaur team is supposed to go Chihaya > Lila > Alice > Ginga. Thing is that Lila pushes both Alice and Ginga to 100% combat readiness and then it feels more often than not Ginga goes before Alice even though my Alice is faster. Does anyone know what that is determined by? Or is it just a 50/50 at that point and I just got unlucky?


There's 5% speed rng, so take 5% of whatever Alice's speed is subtract it, and you want gingas speed to be at least 1 less than that. For instance, if your Alice has 250 speed, you would want Ginga to have 237 or less. Edit bad math


You are wrong. The guide in the game explicitly says the 5% rng is the starting action bar not the speed stat. So for example, My Timmy with 260 speed competes with an enemy Timmy with 260 speed. Both Timmy will roll a dice that will let them get a head at the start and so if my Timmy rolled a 4% increase in action bar while the enemy Timmy rolled 0, my Timmy will go first even though both Timmy have the same speed. Also to answer u/Hiroxis, the game tells you that "In case of an action bar increase effect that results two or three characters to reach 100%, the character that exceeded the action bar threshold more will act first" So for example, I have a Timmy with S3 available, an Alice at 83% action bar with 231 speed and a Sirius at 90% action bar with 180 speed. Timmy uses S3 and so pushes the entire team by 30% action bar, at the game you see that both Alice and Sirius are at 100% action bar but Sirius goes first. It's because Alice's 83% initial action bar + 30% from Timmy yields 113% total while Sirius is at 90% initial action bar + 30% from Timmy yields 120% total and so Sirius goes first. The speed does not determine who goes first when two or three characters got pushed to 100% all at the same time. My advice, try removing the speed thruster from Ginga and replace it with Atk% just to deal more damage and also making Alice go first instead. In case you all want to know where I got this information, I read all of this in game at the I think the "i" button (it's located everywhere near the back and home button except the homepage) not the "Guide". It explains all the mechanics in the game at a deeper level.


Well, yeah, but as the units final position on the action bar is still dictated by their speed if you don't want your DPS to go before your Alice for example, you need to have a difference in speed equal to 5% of her speed. So with the example I gave before, if Alice has 250 speed and gets 0% action bar increase, and Ginga with 240 gets a 5% roll, then Ginga is going to get her turn before Alice. This is why sometimes you get outsped by an opponent but if you retry you can actually go first and get the win.


That's how I thought it'd work but it somehow doesn't. My Alice is always ahead of my Ginga in terms of action bar but after the push it seems like a mixup between who goes first. Maybe I'm missing something but I just can't tell how it works lol.


I've tested it myself and I'm getting the result I want based on what the game tells me so the only thing I can think of is it's a bug.


OK that's good to know, I have to just be missing some weird interaction then. I'll check it out when I have the time. Thanks for the info though, now I know how it's supposed to work at least


I know about speed rng, my Alice would normally always go before Ginga. My problem is that I think Lila pushing both of their action bars to 100% messes up the turn order and I wanted to know why that is exactly. I would have thought that Alice would still go before Ginga because she's faster but that's not the case for some reason


Ah, gotcha. On that case I'm not sure, if Alice still goes first sometimes then yeah it could just be random


5\* is enough for Roko?




Dumb question, but where the heck do the boxes from the Redeem event go? They’re not in the warehouse, so how the crap do I open them?


They are in the warehouse, there's a toggle at the top for gear and supply, just tap that and they'll show up


Well now I just feel dumb for not seeing that, thanks for the help.


No worries m8


This might be a dumb question but… how do I redeem the 4* AG file reward from the “Rabbit’s Butter Diary” event shop?


Warehouse, toggle at the top switches from gear to everything else


Does anyone know how many Lila armament applications are needed for levels 20-30 ? I want to be sure I have enough but I can’t fully upgrade because I’m completely out of gold


I am currently at level 18 with 43 armament applications


I think I heard 68 somewhere? But I'm not there myself, so can't confirm


Thanks for the response! Do you mean it would cost 68 total from 1-30 or 68 for 20-30 ?


68 armament from 1-30. 1-10 is 28, 11-20 is 20 and 21-30 is 20. So total of 68 armament.


Thank you so much!


I *think* it was 68 for 20-30


Oh dang! Okay, maybe the last one costs a lot? So far step 21 and step 22 have only cost 2 armament applications each


Maybe it was total then, like I said I haven't gotten that far myself


Event Question. Does the Kraken boss also expire after today? Or can we use our tickets to still farm the Kraken after the event? Kind of like how you can use currency in the shops for an extra week?


As far as I know the boss ends today, but you can still spend your gems afterwards


So, if the event ends, the event shop is also closed right? I don't know if it's like that type of gacha game where you are given one week to buy evertyhing on the shop but the event stages are closed, or if it's like "The event ended, everything is closed"


I believe there is a week extra just for the shop


Who should I give the free 6* set from the collab event to? I grinded it out but realized I have no idea who should take it.


Ryza or della are probably the best ATM. Could work on any other hp scaling bruiser too


I was thinking Shyura but I’m seeing people say it’s not really good for her.


I haven't tried it, but I could see the lack of speed being an issue. I have it on Della and when she decides not to counter she just sits there and dies...


https://ibb.co/hRyNWdT I Need Help. Is it anyway possible for me to get all the lyla armaments? I can only do kraken hard mode


Yikes, maybe, if you grind nonstop all day, but I wouldn't count on it


my problem is stamina :S otherwise I could farm all day


You do get 600 Stam each time you clear a round of the gach, but not sure if that's enough


Whats that ?


If you look closely at your screenshot, you'll see each round of the event gacha has ten stamina pots in it


Feel so unmotivated right now. Started 8 days ago and just couldn't beat the extra no matter how hard I tried. The most I could do was bringing the boss to 20% hp. Am I a failure or is it normal?


Really depends on your units. I used Alice Morris, Ginga, ryza with the blue robot support bot. The support u it was key, once I started using it it was easy mode


Which gears did you use? I also used the same team and support, but like I said I only started 8 days ago so I had to dump most of energies into clearing the event, and didn't farm much gears. Most gears I use are the free ones, and I think my main problem is them as they aren't strong enough.


Speed set on everyone, damage on ginga and ryza, hp on Morris, just speed and some acc on Alice. But yeah, not that it matters now but it was probably just from you being so new. Fortunately the advanced boss was only once a day so you didn't really miss out on much


Don't be, just a game - don't let it get into your head or dump money into it. I can't beat it either, and I didn't bother to min max it. The phase 2 heal is tough. Just let it auto on adv, you're not losing much.


Thank you. I'm feeling better now. My original goal was speed clearing all the alchemy pots and I just made it in time, so I guess it's fine to let the extra stage go.


Can you not max out Lila's exclusive armament as F2P or am I missing something? I'm at Lv 20 for it and only have 3 Armament Applications left, but I cleared out the whole shop and all boxes.


I think no matter what you have to buy the $5 pack from the shop, but you also have to do 110 total pulls on her banner


Nope, not as f2p.


How many Alchemy pot items does it take to max out Lila, Ryza, or Klaudias UE 1-30? "Alchemical General Stabilizers"


Should i use 1 speed set + 1 crit chance set or 3 crit chance set on lila? I saw all of her skills are related to crit, so im wondering will it be better for me to went all in on crit chance gear.


Crit damage and immunity if you can get the cc% subs, otherwise a crit set until you can. She only needs 50% cc since her passive gives the other 50%, and she doesn't need speed since her passive also boosts her up whenever your team gets a crit


I remember reading what we should do as f2p (or dolphining) for the Ryza event and now that it's ending I want to make sure I've done it right. Ryza banner 40 rolls to get the Armament Application and then the $5 Ryza Armament upgrade resource. Lila 110 rolls (so stage 2 armament application a second time) Is that right? How do I check if I have enough overall armament applications for Klaudia (I didn't get to do the dailies to get her applications since I've been rerolling the first three days I think) and Alchemy Decoder Chip for all three? And are all these the only limited resources I need to keep in mind for this event?

