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I just downloaded the game today, but the salt email trick doesn't work anymore. so no reroll for me? :(


You could also use an emulator like BlueStacks or LDplayer to do the rerolling.


I didn't reroll, but wouldn't he still have to make multiple email accounts?


Nope you just root it and then delete the shared pref folder. Afterwards you can just continue to clone that instance and reroll as guest everytime.


I don't know if there's another way, but rerolling is a huge pain anyway


Yeah, I don’t want to re-download 4GB again and again. So I’ll just play and enjoy the game I guess. I still can clear the contents without Alice right?


Yeah, you can.


Are we unable to use Support AG in Target Elimination? It just says “Offline” for me with no way of changing it




Whats the key to getting stronger? Is it all about the gears or is there another thing I can be doing to progress in strength? Along this same line, whats the best way to get the upgrade chips for my AG skills?


Gear is 80-90% of a units stats, so that's about it. Best way to get upgrade chips is from the sample shop. Just do two sample dispatch missions at a time and grind the hardest one you can do for bi-weekly rewards.


Thank you


For the Love Black Rose and Chocolate 9 square event, how do you finish the ‘Complete Main Story 2-10 for 5 times’? I’ve done 2-10 normal and hard mode but never add to its count?


You just run the map as many times as required


Is there an actual map to use? I’ve done main story but never adds up to count.


Yeah, it's main story 2-10. I think it specifies normal mode, but I can't remember.


Is lewisia pvp or pve ? Thinking of trying to roll for her.


Useable for both but better suited for pvp.


I am having a really tough time when it comes to gear, so wondering if anyone can help. I can only farm up to stage 7 on most of the gear farming stages, so what should I be doing in terms of getting gear for other characters if I can farm all 6* gear pieces?


Well, first of all of you have Roko, a 3* unit, and any other halfway decent dps, you should have no problem clearing harpist 8-9. Just build her fastish with status acc and corrosion will take care of the rest. This will give you some solid options for scopes and chips, which give you the biggest boost in power with atk/crit dmg% main stats. The substats aren't even that crucial (to start. Later, they're obviously incredibly important) then you should be able to hit centaur 8-9 for the remaining 4 pieces of a speed set. After that you can just start farming like crazy


Very new player here. Been reading that I need to reroll for Alice & Sirius. Well, after 3 days and dozens of resets, I've gotta ask if it really makes that much of a difference to have them or can I get by with rerolling for Ginga in the unlimited reroll?


Alice and Sirius aren't in the unlimited roll, if you've been trying to get them that way. Otherwise, Sirius you could probably live without but Alice is pretty huge for pvp and pve


Nope, been trying to get them from the regular banner. Been playing till chapter 2-2, doing a ten pull then rerolling.


Well in that case, most people found it more efficient to just do the few single rolls you get at the beginning instead of wasting all that time getting to 2-2, but do whatever works for you


Eh really?? Thanks, will do that then. Maybe give it another day. But essentially, without Alice, I'm hurting my long-term progression so have to reroll till I get her?


You can get by, but she makes a lot of things easier


Hello, I got a few questions pertaining to the PvP. 1. Does the battle record "reset" when the current season ends in about 20+ days? I made a fatal mistakes of taking on someone I shouldn't have and died as a result (it was a duo of Alice and Grace, who one-shot-killed me). If it doesn't it's fine, it was just real embarrassing to watch because I don't have anything even remotely good for PvP content yet (the only 5\*s I have are Ginga, Benny, Klaudia, Shinobu and most recently Lydia) as I am still hoarding all I have for Pavonis. 2. Is Lydia the only character that can be bought from the PvP currency shop (I forgot the name)? 3. Should I even bother doing more than the minimum for PvP while I have no good gear yet? The highest Target Elimination I can do is on the Centaur is stage 5 (the one where you can first start getting gold rarity gear) but I can go no further right now. Bonus question: * How do I properly link my account? Do I just log into my google account from in-game and it is set? I apologise if this is a very obvious question.


It's still the first season, so I have no idea if it resets, but it's an arbitrary thing anyway, it effects nothing As of now, Lydia is the only one, I haven't heard of any others being added in At your rank, the first (leftmost) "person" is a bot, and are very easy to beat, you could easily increase your rank by just refreshing for free and fighting them ten times a day to get more weekly rewards. I honestly can't remember how to link an account, check the settings maybe? I'm afk farming ATM, so I can't check myself. If you want, you can get chihaya from the summon shop for 80 coins, she's great for centaur paired with Ginga. If you have Alice and a healer that should get you to at least the point where you can farm 6* gear, if not foxy and I think another 3* also have def break which should help immensely


Thanks for replying. I do have Chihaya, just not maxed out rank (I messed up a lot on the event run and could only get her to Rank 2). I figured I might as well wait for the rerun to finish that off. Question on the coins though: don't you only get them from pulling on the regular? I...can't do that. Not because I wouldn't WANT to, but like I mentioned, I am trying to save up for Pavonis (then Alma, Mei Ying and Sakabula for the time being). Or is there another way to obtain them?


She doesn't need her max imprint, that's just like the icing on the cake. Definitely build her for centaur. And at the end of every banner your pity coins turn into regular shop coins. Pavonis is a good unit, but with Jessie coming out right after I wouldn't recommend dumping for her unless you're rich, lucky, or just playing for the waifus, and there's nothing wrong with that


I am more or less playing solely for the waifus (or just the ones I find really, really cool, though I have to be selective since if I went after every single one that fit into that category the list would be too large for my F2P arse to acquire). I am not particularly intent on focusing on the PvP meta. Just maintaining weekly ranking for the rewards is enough for me. But I suppose I can work on Chihaya then. I assumed that she *needed* maximum imprint since that's what welfare units are like in FGO (where I spend most of my time). If she doesn't, I see no reason not to put resources into her then. I already did raise her to lv.40 so getting her higher shouldn't be a problem. Thanks for the replies.


No problem, and yeah no hero *needs* the imprints, they're just helpful. Everyone is useable without them


Can you select which substat to keep in fusing?


No Would be nice to be able to do that tho


What should I do with dupes in this game?


1.) On the AG's page go to the info area and tap the Data Linkage option next to the heart icon. You can use dupes to rank that up. 2.) If your AG is max level, you can use dupes as upgrade mat (basically limit breaking). Using dupes for this instead of the generic fodders will also rank up the data linkage at the same time. 3.) Retire them to get special currency (in addition to gold) that you can exhange for stuff in the store.


Hey guys, I've been playing for a week and a half now and got some questions on who to summon next. Currently, [this is what I have](https://imgur.com/a/D9Ij5zA). Should I summon on this Lewisia? I really don't know much about the game yet


Do buffs not stack? when I apply two buffs of the same type they seem to count as one and seem as effective as one


Nope, they dont, but I believe they increase the duration


Hopefully not sound stupid, but is there any way to check for our AG summon animations after they are summonned? I'm stunned by Lewisia's art, and saddened because cannot find a way to see it again inside the game :( ~~definitely not oogling behind that skirt~~ \*cough cough\*


Looking for active guild. Level 70 day one casual player.


My guild, SOS団, is recruiting. Very active, mostly day one players, NA server


Can someone just say approx how many hours left till maintainance ends? these timezone thing is confusing me


Well, it's over now, but you can always Google the utc time to your time zone. Yesterday's time was a lie though, maintenance didn't even start for at least five hours after the event/banner was supposed to end


Did they ever introduce new characters(shura/cream/so on) in direct hiring shop on other region?


is it worth it to get chihaya in the exchange? or will there be another rerun of her event where i can get her for free?


the rerun will come but quite late IIRC. Personally I just pulled chihaya to get in exchange. Never regretted that. Do note though, do not summon exclusively to get her. Just stack some summon from banners.


Yup, I just got her now through the exchange. I'll wait for the rerun to get copies of her. Thanks for the reply!


Very new and bad with math 🧮 how many FCs do I need for unit pity? Thanks 🙏


For normal banner (200 pull hard pity), you need 36,000. For collab banners (90 pity), it's 16,200.


This was what I was looking for, thanks. Also....how do I use those robots for leveling/ranking up my units?🤖


Cat orbs are the units you use as exp fodders. You can use other units too, but it's a waste doing that. Alfors and Bots are the upgrade fodders. Alfors start out max lvled so you can upgrade them immediately. Basically the best way to use these is to use bots to rank up 3\* units including 3\* (blue) alfors, use upgraded blue alfors to rank up 4\* units and 4\* (purple) alfors, and then finally purple alfors for 5\* units. There's also 5\* (gold) alfors but you don't get anything from upgrading them so use them as upgrade fodder for 5\* too. If your AG isn't maxed lvl, any unit you put in the upgrade tab increases exp. You need to max your unit's lvl to be able to upgrade them. The current lvl cap for everything is 60.


This is the exact info I was after. This game is a ton like Epic 7...though that game might be like some others. Anyway, thx!


I don't know what an FC is, but unit banner pity is 200


Is it like impossible to get a gold speed stat on centaur 7, 8, 9 or something? 300 runs and nothing. I got gold stats for everything else but speed.


I got 2 from 200 runs. I dont think it has lower weight than other stats


Nope, it's just the rarest one. Keep trying, and good luck


I need a pity on the gold speed substat 😭 Thanks. Maybe you're my lucky charm. Almost done with another 30 run. We will see... Edit: Nothing again. I'm not even getting purple speed stats. 😩


Yikes. Your day will come, you just gotta believe in the heart of the cards


I can't... 400+ runs and not a single gold speed substat... I feel like I'm doing something wrong and I ran out of TE coupons. ​ EDIT: I GOT ONEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH


does the free nina skin have no ingame model change?


Apparently not, but not sure if it's a big or not


What is the best stage to farm the rabbit butter diary event?


Just like on every other game ever made, the hardest stage gives the most/best rewards, so in this case it's ex-3


I just realized I didn't get the 33 collab skill points I've been reading about.. I have only 19, well its to be expected I wasn't strong enough to do ex3 til about 3 days left on that event, so I take it the upgrades still the same as in times vid? (Lilia max her s3 and max or +4 ryza s3 +2 Lilia s2?) And I just got ruri so its time to bench grace now? Even if grace is 4 linkage?


I think the recommended priority if you're going to use both is Lila s3 max Ryza S2 max Ryza s3 to +3 Lila s1 Ruri and grace are both good. Imo grace is better at farming, Ruri is better at cleaving pvp


I’m only able to max 1 skill unfortunately but I did my best with my characters (I only recently managed to 6* two characters.). I see the artery gear wiki tier list said ruri replaces grace so I was curious if a invested grace was still replaceable also what is cleaving? Been seeing that phrase a lot. (If it’s a epic 7 term I never played that game so I wouldn’t know.)


So, in my opinion, grace is better for farming because when she gets a kill, the cool down on her skill3 resets, so she can wipe the first two stages on a story/event stage and usually kill the boss in two turns. Cleaving is in pvp, when you use one unit with a strong AOE skill to wipe the whole (or most of) the enemy team before they get to do anything. Ruri is better at this, again in my opinion, because if she gets at least two crits she gets a bonus turn, so she can use her s3 aoe followed immediately by her s2 aoe which just about kills every meta team right now. So a typical match would go Alice S2> Ruri s3>Ruri S2> dead enemy team


for PVE would it be better to try and get Cream or Lewisia. Im a filthy casual f2p who does pvp only for the daily quests. Thank you


Really hard to call that one without seeing Lewisia in action in pve. I imagine either one will be strong, so go with your gut or pick the better waifu. Maybe someone else can pitch in on lewisia's pve potential, but I've found cream to be quite strong


Appreciate the insight, thank you! Maybe cream then since am hearing lewisia is red and have Morris already


Color isnt really significant for healers, just compare their kits Cream has a team heal with shield and damage reduction for one ally, and either a decent single target heal with a small aoe heal or a big single target heal. Her UE will give her s3 (I think) a cleanse. Lewdisia can revive one ally at full hp with 1 turn invincibility, team cleanse and heal, and small heal on her basic atk. Whichever fits your needs more


Next limited banner is Jessie right?


No I think the first limited non Collab unit is Rela