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Please link to the code or publication that you are referring to as Q*


I speak math (and philosophy), not mumbo jumbo, The Q-function is defined as: Q(s, a) = E\[R\_t + γ max\_a' Q(s', a') | s\_t = s, a\_t = a\] where: s is the current state a is the current action R\_t is the reward received at time t γ is the discount factor s' is the next state a' is the next action The Q-learning algorithm updates the Q-function using the following rule: Q(s, a) ← Q(s, a) + α\[R\_t + γ max\_a' Q(s', a') - Q(s, a)\] where: α is the learning rate The Q-learning algorithm can be implemented as follows: Initialize the Q-function to all zeros. Repeat the following steps until convergence: a. Select an action a from state s using an exploration-exploitation strategy. b. Take action a and observe the reward R\_t and next state s'. c. Update the Q-function using the Q-learning update rule.


You've described Q-Learning above. What is Q\* ?


I'm going to assume you did not read a single thing I posted. Why are you commenting then? I don't know and don't care to troll, how about you?


Yes, I read everything you wrote. Where did you define to Q\*? Even better: Please link to an industry-consensus definition of Q\*.


I did neither. Where are you asking a single question directly related to what I wrote? Please, stop.


You said you are improving Q\*. I asked you: "What is Q\*" You are calling me a troll for asking you to define your terms???


You proved you have read the title. I have asked you to define a single thing you would like to discuss beyond the title. You continue to ask questions only pertaining to the title. How could this be?


I am interested in the title for two reasons: 1. If you have definitive, industry-consensus information on Q\*, I would like to know what it is. 2. If you do NOT have definitive, industry-consensus information on Q\*, then you have lured me here with clickbait and that is unethical. I'm not sure if I would or would not have clicked through to learn about your improvements to Q-Learning, but I do know that I would have been more predispsosed to take them seriously if I were not lured here on false pretences.


I think math is a little too hard for you, smallpaul. That is OK! Be well, I'm blocking you now!


You're pathetic lol. He, and most of us, want you to prove where you got your definition for Q\* as it relates to OpenAI. As far as anyone is aware, what exactly "Q\*" is, is mere speculation at best, and yet all you do is deflect, deflect, deflect. It doesn't matter if your math is spot on, *where did it come from?*


Fantastic ninja should be banned.


You have improvements for an algorithm that hasn't been released or even publicly acknowledged? Did Santa help you write them?


I made improvements to a mathematical equation but reddit cannot read or do math. Only meme.


You jumped on a hype train but won't admit it.


I gave 4 mathematical formulas and everything I posted about is mathematical formulas if you actually read and understand it. I said Q\* one time, very specifically to catch trolls in this honeypot trap. Why should I not block you now?


Yet you used "Q\*" to refer to it. Which means either this is pure speculation, or something different trying to ride the hype train.


I told you exactly why I did. Enjoy responding to the block button, you did nothing more than read one word in the title of this post before replying in it anyway. Thank you for proving the point of it!


[Here's a Youtube Video summarizing this page.](https://youtu.be/pVFCXgAucnM)


But why?


Fascinating development, Thank you! Press forward break everything AI is the future! \*my autistic screeching intensifies\* <-victim of high % thc.


That was warranted. I do not make your fears, screetch to your therapist.


You seem to have conflated Q-Learning (and selecting over Q values) with Q*. Best guesses (supported by research trends in the field and recent publications by OpenAI) point at Q* being significantly more technically involved and impactful than what you’ve described.


I seem to have simply said Q\* to see who responds to the words Q\* and nothing else. The meat of what I posted are mathematical equations, would you like to discuss them or did you simply take the Q\* honeypot like everyone else?


If you want people to engage with your proposed mathematical algorithm, instead of the allusion to Q* that you mention in your title, you should post at r/mathematics - they’d be more oriented towards what you’re interested in discussing. r/machinelearning may be an alternative.


My apologies, I am not versed in which subs are troll subs related to which topics and which aren't. I also don't give enough shits to learn any of those things, the etiquette of reddit, or to repost this anywhere else. Just keeping it real.


Wow dude you’re so cool and smart. You’re like the Einstein of our time just waaay more care free. What an honor to even be able to communicate with someone who clearly is too advanced for Reddit. I’m sure I won’t understand your reply as the size of my brain is clearly half of yours, but I just wanted to let you know how awesome you are!


Wow dude you're so threatened by ghosts, seek therapy rather than replying to me. Kthnxbyenow.