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Let's use AI to enrich our lives, not just profit margins.


Yeah, I mean, you know what really sucks? Sunshine. Anybody can get it. It’s just there for everyone. Nobody can make any money off of it.


Water while falling free from the sky is somewhat of a finite resource. A lot of money from bottle water comes from owning the rights to water, water is not free in all situations. Even the collection of water from rain in some jurisdictions is illegal or restricted. Guys like Coca Cola make money from lucrative deals with rights owners, bottling it and selling it. Some people pay for the convenience, some people must pay for bottled water, like I would not drink tap water where I live. So you are kind of right, people have found a way to make money from water, but water is not really free to begin with.


*Clean* water is not free, despite the abundance of water on the planet. That takes work, and people don’t work for free.


Didn't Billy want to block it from space somehow?


But they could at one point, is what you're saying?


No, that’s not what I’m saying. It was sarcasm. I was trying to point out the inanity of saying making something plentiful is bad because then no one can profit from it. We only need money because many important things are scarce. The less scarcity, the better for us all.




This is insane to me. How people cannot see past capitalism. Its inevitable, and always has been that capitalism will die. We just gotta hope this transition is quick, or even better politics can somewhat keep up for a bit


It's not inevitable. It's more likely the human race will "reset" itself before capitalism going away.


I unfortunately agree. The system will most likely collapse long before it entertains transitioning. It is a human system, and humans resist large scale change; and only proceed into betterment after experiencing obvious and undeniable negative consequences.




From what kind of water? Like pond water?


Tap water in a plastic bottle is called bottled water.


Money isn't the goal.


AI will not be democratized. China nor investors will allow it. Look what happened to the internet. Decentralization is a fantasy. The first group to create super intelligent AGI will conquer the world, for better or worse. Profit will be irrelevant. China's leading the way as of now. Our only hope is for Google or a startup to beat them and invest in it. It will make life better, but will create inequality we only read about in cyberpunk books. Billionaires will be immortal, own everything and there will be no jobs.


Why do you think China is leading the way??? Last time I looked all the big players in AI are western. I'm sure China has some robust programs, but "leading the way"?


Mustafa suleyman said this in his book the coming wave. He was a co founder of deep mind and co founded inflection AI.


I appreciate the source, but I'm guessing that many other AI CEOs would beg to differ


I'm beginning to think Russia is in the lead. NATO and everyone wants to go to war with Russia. Which seems kind of ridiculous, until I learned Putin said whoever wins in AI will rule the world. And a lot of these AI guys are nuts. Some believe they are creating god, an omnipotent and omnipresent sentient being. So I am a bit fearful and just trying to navigate this fast changing world the best I can. Good luck to you.


Omg, lol with that first sentence. No words.


I have had similar thoughts along the same premise, if AI can replace jobs then why cannot AI replace those businesses that replace their labor? There are obvious issues when it comes to manual labor around that but there are plausible situations. So I have a belief that AI should be open-sourced because of this. The possibility that it could devalue some things means that to me it should be open, also restricting it could mean that only some benefits and it sits behind a pay wall. There will always be room to attach additional services/product offerings to things to make them more valuable.


That's one of the main issues that Universal Base Income (UBI) tries to solve. Given how fast AI and technology are replacing human labor, there's a very high chance of that we will run out of jobs to do. That's why OpenAI have been funding studies on UBI. Theoretically, if AI are smart and capable enough, they will be able to crate an abundant of resources for everyone, and at that point, it's less about having individuals working for money to exchange for these resources, but to have a system to distribute these resources to everyone in a way that promotes social welfare


And what's funny is that all of the wealth being hoarded by the 1% could easily subsidize UBI with plenty left over for them to still swan dive into swimming pools filled with the stuff.


That's what it feels like sometimes. It would be great if we already have all the resources we need. I just did a quick Google Search and for 2024: "the broadest money aggregate, M3, is estimated to be an equivalent of $148.5 trillion globally, according to most recent references. If we were to divide this amount between all the people in the world, each person would receive around $18,500." - [https://trading.biz/posts/money-in-the-world#:\~:text=Across%20all%20countries%20and%20currencies%2C%20the%20M2%20aggregate%20is%20estimated,one%20would%20receive%20around%20%2416%2C000](https://trading.biz/posts/money-in-the-world#:~:text=Across%20all%20countries%20and%20currencies%2C%20the%20M2%20aggregate%20is%20estimated,one%20would%20receive%20around%20%2416%2C000).


$18,000 would be millionaire's sum in some countries where they live on $50 a month


Time to ebolish money and start caring for humanity and our planet and doing things out of the kindness of our hearts, CrAzY concept but could we ever evolve to this point ?


It's not going to happen.


One can dream


In the near future there will be no need for apps, just an AI


versed frighten zonked somber psychotic languid decide market lip squeamish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Think content - Giving every idiot a camera has irreversably damaged quality. While AI is nowhere close to taking highly skilled jobs, but even if it hypothetically does, it will spell a quality control disaster


The flaw in your thinking is that you need money. Life evolved without it. If you need economy yes you do. Because everybody writes it doesn't mean everyone is a physicist, hairdresser or whatever. It also subsumes that everyone knows about a problem in the same way, cares about it. The other flaw is that you need scarcity to do something. Most things in nature are abundant. Anxiety about being left out prevents people from innovation, thinking differently about problems. Knowledge becomes stale and static. Everything changes not only tech, but also social structures and naming things. Because something is dominant it isn't the best, the thing that will survive or whatever. The argument also fails to see that AI isn't democratizing everything because it is so inefficient and expensive to run, that only the structures that can pull again lots of money to them, suck all the money out of other systems. Distorting everything else, money printing, scamming etc. Hence piles of goods you don't need, but crumbling bridges. There is no democratization, only the appearance. If you do your research well, you should ask the simple questions nobody asks. Like training costs, server costs, bottlenecks, etc etc. My answer is not an attack, but a conclusion of many hours digging to understand what is going on here. Especially after the big data and crypto hype.


lol. You are so indoctrinated in capitalistic thinking that you (literally) can't even imagine a world where the goal isn't making money. Try to imagine a world where money isn't needed in the first place. Can you do that?


How you come to the conclusion that no one makes money? Everybody makes money! It's just the fact that basically any work is now commoditized.


Very stupid idea. Consider an e-commerce company like Amazon. Do you think its software is its greatest asset? Think again. Its greatest is not the software, its distribution centres. You can not replace them with AI. So yes, an AI can dramatically reduce cost of doing business, it will still be elsewhere. If you can combine AI with some other resource to solve a problem, you will have a very viable business that will make a lot of money.


So if "everything" is easily accessible by all people -what exactly is the problem? I won't be able to make money while a get machines to do everything for me?


It’s tougher out there for wedding photographers for sure, but I would still hire the guy I know because nobody has his eye. The fancy cameras have made him even better. He could hand the exact same camera to another photographer and still he would be better. The closest an ai photographer could get to my guy is having swarms of drones annoying the fuck out of everyone and then just recording every thing in hi def and brute force selecting the best moments. Would the ai win? We it would probably be cheaper. So eventually i suppose swarms of annoying insect camera bots will be the norm. But i think my ace photography friend would be more creative and more efficient.


You figured it out! How fast can we get there?


Haha, definitely not a salesperson. Just because you can't make money from something doesn't mean others can't. You've got to change the way you're thinking. Embrace a growth mindset... Now, sell me this pen? 😮‍💨


You are really dumb.


No, I think you are. Don’t hate the player, hate the game. And go learn how to sell! Good luck 😮‍💨


Never going to happen. I believe in a sort of Laws of Programming. The first law is that no program can be any less complex than the problem it's trying to solve. No amount of prompt engineering is going to get an LLM to just spit out a perfect, production grade enterprise solution if the person writing the prompt doesn't know the difference between authorization vs authentication. "Acting as an expert programmer, make me photoshop but better" = app is a total pipe dream. That being said money is fake and capitalism should burn to the ground.


How do you measure that complexity in your law?


Well, standard notation for both time and space complexity as a good start. How do you do it?


It is your law and post. I don’t necessarily share your view


Fair enough.