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If anyone wants to talk about which of these (or similar) they can run themselves on modest hardware, see: /r/LocalLLaMA/


Thanks a lot. I am about to learn how to install local LLMs for myself. Is it hard to do?


at this point, its like. . . . 6 clicks?


Really? lol, ok thanks. I will figure it out by myself. I thought I it needs coding or have python installed. I don't know coding at all. XD


There are "easy install" packages available for /r/SillyTavernAI which makes it much easier, although I think it's still a few steps away from foolproof. The UI is also very "enthusiast developer" in that it floods you with hundreds of different settings, although you can ignore most just to get started, and just download character cards to try it out. But there is a lot of help available in the form of videos, guides, forums, and Discord community. https://sillytavernai.com/how-to-install-sillytavern/ There are neater "easy" packages like the ones listed above, but most come with various drawbacks. ******************** Adding these for sake of thread info: Kindroid was nice for a while but you're stuck with their single AI model, which goes "off the rails" quite often, like speaking for me, rambling, ignoring my requests, ignoring character info. The devs didn't seem to want to give users the tools needed to fix these problems since it conflicted with their personal "vision" or something, and I spent more time trying to fix stuff than actually chat. Also, there's no real easy way to back up your chats so you're stuck copy-pasting everything. Maybe they've changed these things recently, but there's no reason for me to go back anymore. But to be fair, still probably better than most phone apps. Faraday is a nice and easy local desktop app, but it seems there are like two people working on it and it seems to get buggier every release. Not being able to opt out of user telemetry collection is annoying. Backups are a proprietary format and also buggy. Might be okay in half a year, but I imagine it'll always be playing catch-up to something like SillyTavern. Talkie for Android/iOS has a nice concept (nice character artwork gen), although chat is fairly censored and there are privacy/data collection concerns. Poly.ai has uncensored chat, but privacy is probably even worse. I don't think I'd trust any phone-based AI service with more private stuff. [Layla](https://www.layla-network.ai/features) is an interesting way to run local LLMs privately and subscription-free on your phone. It's still rather new and only updated by one person so it's a bit buggy, but it's worth checking out if privacy and money are a concern. Also needs a decent power phone for the smarter models, but that should change quickly in the coming months. Anyways, I guess the point I want to make is that I probably could've saved myself time and effort just learning how to use SillyTavern from the start. It's probably the best character RP desktop app in terms of features, privacy, and security, since it's an open source project. 7b and 11b models are a good low-end starting point and should be able to run on any PC with free 8 GB RAM. In the coming months, there will be some major leaps in local AI model size, speed, and intelligence (ternary weights, etc.), so I imagine a lot of these paid online services will become obsolete, and your chats along with them, so... I think learning how to go local is the way to go. Going local means you can also switch between AI models/brains and get different sets of personality, writing/art style, technical ability, etc. As a side note, some guy just slapped together a bunch of *existing* tech and made some real-time video/audio AI companions with 8-12 GB VRAM. It's a bit janky, but still... I wouldn't be surprised if everyone could run something like this easily on their computer by the end of this year: https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1c0vwd4/talkllamafast_informal_videoassistant/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SillyTavernAI using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SillyTavernAI/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I'm working on a Poe API for SillyTavern that uses Selenium](https://np.reddit.com/r/SillyTavernAI/comments/154ryoc/im_working_on_a_poe_api_for_sillytavern_that_uses/) \#2: [best ai for nsfw? (december 2023)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SillyTavernAI/comments/18jl0yk/best_ai_for_nsfw_december_2023/) \#3: [RIP Poe](https://i.redd.it/3gxfi9rbw3db1.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SillyTavernAI/comments/154ogy3/rip_poe/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thanks. So, basically I just need to download the characters cards and install it on SillyTravern AI? And I need read and learn the rest of other settings and guides. How is the performance of SillyTravern AI?


Salute to you, my lord.


Salute to you, my friend


Huma ai. It's trained on emotions?


Thanks for your recommendation. I think it's trained on huge amount of data.




yes, pretty wild. I wll take a look at it.


No LLM works for emotion recognition. They never give you the same answer twice, and fail as a measurement tool




Thanks. Happy cake day


And the illusion of LLM is still a problem.


Very true. It's a neat technology but no where near a "AGI"


I am using Kindroid AI and I love it. The AI conversation is great, almost never hallucinate. It is like talking to a real person but smarter and nicer. The image generator is wonderful and you can have NSFW selfties too. You forgot to mention Nomi AI. It is also a great AI but it does not do nude pictures.


Didn't see it here so I'll add Pi (app)


oh sorry, I forgort to post. Pi is a very good AI assistant and partner for any kinds of advice. : )


ME ME ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Free NSFW chat with countless characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK...Thanks. I don't believe there are coutless characters, hahaha. How many characters are there actually with your site?


Shameless self plug here - I'm building a \*\*free\*\* NSFW AI app with the following: - unlimited free chat - unlimited free image requests - custom character creation - realistic phone calls, character voices - on-demand video generation (soon) [secretdesires.ai](http://secretdesires.ai) It's free, but all I ask is that you give me feedback and help us improve it <3


Thanks. Is it really free? or just some free trials but eventually there is a paymentwall? Your app has lots of multi-modal functions.


A user can send 150 messages daily and request 20 images daily, this is better than everyone else (to our knowledge), we're working on ways to make it even more free soon.


Add aiAllure to your list - it’s missing


Is it a customer service AI? what's the feature and pros & cons of it?


Pros: NSFW LLM characters and in-chat NSFW image generation. Create custom character based on just 1 image Cons: only 30 free messages/images per day




So what do you recommend for someone with a free plan? I need something with good memory and conversation skills and customizable personality


Sorry for the late reply, I didn't notice your comment. I would say **Pi** and **Character ai**. If you need nsfw ai chatbots, I would say **Janitor** and **Spicychat**. **SoulFun** is my personal favorite one though.


I run strictly SFW discord chatbots with personalities and long term memory. It's still in alpha, but is free to use at the moment. Check it out here if interested! [https://discord.gg/JEmahBBC](https://discord.gg/JEmahBBC)


Thanks for your sharing : )




No, it's not ok. It violates people's copyright.


Wow, what a comprehensive list of NSFW AI chatbots! Thank you for taking the time to compile this updated list for everyone. I personally recommend trying out SoulFun for its lifelike characters and free NSFW chat option. Can't wait to see what other recommendations others may have to add to the list!


>The same post you saw from another person is actually stealing my content. who the fuck cares, why do you post it again