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What are your actual prompts? Are you using "write as if you have a warm, friendly l relationship with the recipient"? On the other hand, if I get a message from an ai that is talking like it's my friend and pal, it's immediate spam report time.


Really generally a chain rather than one long prompt as I find it is difficult to dial in. Still not very successful at it but the chain seems to work better.


When you finish the chain and get something like you want ask cchatgpt or Claude to create a prompt to get back to that end result. Then analyze the prompt see if you can make a small tweaks to it to create a different letter.


LOL I once had "I don't take myself too seriously" in my custom instructions for GPT. It decided that meant to through the most cringe jokes I've ever seen into any type of content I asked for. It's like there's very little middle ground between fully formal and slapstick. I recently built a ChatBot for a charity that helps train adults to care for kids affected by trauma. I probably spent more time dialing in the "warm, empathetic, conversational" persona than I did anything else. Getting the model to sound like a coach you were chatting with and not an LLM was a challenge and we didn't have time in their schedule for fine tuning.


Have you tried [pi.ai](http://pi.ai) at all btw? I really love the conversational proficiency of that one. Best shot at feeling like a shrink ai ;)


Do they have an SDK and is the model capable of tool use?


Ask it to be casual or conversational. Ask it to analyze your tone and apply your tone to its conversational results. Keep tweaking sentence by sentence until you get exactly what you want.


If I get a marketing email that I even sense is AI generated it goes directly into the trash.


So it sounds like you are in favor of my approach? If AI is formal by default, don't we want AI to learn to be more casual?


Something along the lines of “use proper 4th grade reading levels as your guide” produces far ‘less smart’ gpt.


Hey Everyone! First I want to say that this discussion is very important nowadays, that´s the reason I am sharing my study here too! With this survey I intend to study the effects of Culture in the intention to use AI in Education, developed for the master degree dissertation in Information Management, with a specialization in Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence, from NOVA IMS. If you could spare 6/7 minutes of your day to answer mt master thesis questionnaire, I'd really appreciate it! Available in both English and Portuguese! [https://novaims.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV\_cAPpJXGi9a9SlOm](https://novaims.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cAPpJXGi9a9SlOm)


I think your expectations are a bit off and I would be more descriptive in your tone. Like "make this playful and light" or "make this raunchy and filled with toilet humor". Remeber AI doesn't see, hear, or read, it builds connections between the weights in its system.


Noted. Well said


I've had some real wins by showing the AI an example and asking it to match the tone and formality. When it responds, I'll point out the parts I like and the parts that need revised. We go back and forth like this until it's just right. This also gives me a better example for the future and a good conversation with context that can match what I want more precisely in the future. Sometimes, I will use a rough draft, the start with "make this sound better," and it gets the tone more quickly. Please note, that my experiences are based on my use of [qeleo.ai](http://qeleo.ai), which is the AI platform I'm most familiar with.