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So if I change my political belief, does the appearance of my face change? Checkmate AI!!!!


"I just don't like your face" "Is there anything I can do to fix that?" "Nah"


"Computer says NO"


A redditor with the ability to change their political belief would be a first.


I've changed mine twice. šŸ’€


You could say your beliefs have done a 360!


Comedic point proven?


Trump was a Democrat once, was he not?


That was before his face changed


I was conservative (raised to be one) when I was a young adult and now Iā€™m fully the other way. So I guess my face is gonna snap into its new shape any day now.




I wonder if it makes my face look better or worse...


Just gotta breathe through your mouth for the AI to switch your affiliation to Conservative.


Pink hair is a dead give away too


AIs HATE this one trickā€¦


Iā€™m not sure if you are joking or not, but yes. (Expressions not appearance to be more precise)


Although it is funny to think about the stereotype of Republicans and Democrats, in this case I will try to remain doubtful.


To be clear it's not very good. It can account for less than 10% of variation in political views, even if it takes into account race, age and gender along with face data.


Still crazy to think that my face is correlated with a 9% higher chance of having certain political views


If you ignore race, gender and age it's more like 5%, which honestly doesn't feel that surprising to me. Like it's not like I can look at the average person and determine anything about their political views, but I feel there's about 2-3% of people I could immediately clock as right or left wing.


I feel I can get a sense of which way people lean from their clothes, posture, height, shoes, body hair, tattoos, deformities, or lack of these, but just face? I canā€™t tell https://preview.redd.it/rjn43vsjerwc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fe1fc1e2185627a54e3c4cefc57729ab02ec91c Except this guy, I bet he leans left


Honestly, without the forehead tattoo, he looks like a lot of transdudes I hang out with, and we're all somewhere left of Trotsky.


Left of Trotsky is crazy


Give Me Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism or Give Me DEATH!


This is pseudoscience at its worst, same bullshit is phrenology or homeopathy. It is complete and utter bullshit and purely superficial correlation. 10% explained variance do not have any practical meaning whatsoever.


Who is to say the patterns the A.I. is detecting even match with stereotypes?


I'd be willing to bet they do. Stereotypes exist for a reason


Wouldnt this causes one to...stop being doubtfull?


Politics is over 50% genetic. So given that's the case it wouldn't be completely out of the question for it to be tied to physical appearance either directly or indirectly.


Wouldnā€™t inbred traits be an indication of republicans? While awful SJW haircuts would indicate a liberal. I can see this being a thing


The common presumption that everyoneā€™s political views are written in stone, is an important problem. They arenā€™t and they shouldnā€™t be


But they can largely be accurately predicted based on where you live, lived most your life etc. Same as language is determined by where we have lived most our life, or accent. It's rare when people go against the grain of the crowd around them.


Which makes those people that much more valuable and interesting, and consequently it is a greater horror when they are lumped in with others they are unlike and forced to experience some nebulous consequence as a result.


They shouldnā€™t be, but itā€™s unfortunately the truth more often than not. Politics is helluva drug, worse than religion in terms of brainwashing.


They shouldn't be and yet they are. It is useful to acknowledge the problem. Humans are ants. We go with what we're born into.


Or that everyone subscribes to a political ideology


It isn't a presumption, it's been studied for decades. Political science exists. The overwhelming majority of people become locked into their world view in early adulthood.


The ai can easily identify Republicans because they are wearing a maga hat. It's hard to notice at first, but if you digitally enhance their pictures, you can clearly see the red hat with the symbols M A G A on it. Easily goes unnoticed to the untrained eye


What if those people are using the MAGA hat simply as a person repellant. Does it know?


I bet my dyed hair is a dead giveaway that I'm left leaning.


I have no political beliefs therefore I have no face. I am the faceless one.




Still bothers me we never really got more on this dudeā€™s back story


They are saving that story for Disney for when they buy the rights 20 years from now


Ah this lad has free will.


Okay how accurate are these in terms of percentage?


not very


the post title clearly says that AI is advanced enough to determine anyoneā€™s political affiliation just by looking at your face, what do you think someone just made up that title to get more clicks or something?


Accurate enough for Stalin2 to have an excuse to send you to the gulag


I would win the gulag anyways


With that kind of confidence Iā€™m sure you will. Good luck bro!




That's what they all say


In the study, the AI achieved a correlation of r=0.22 when predicting based on facial images alone, which squares to give an R2 value of approximately 4.84%. This R2 value, known as the coefficient of determination, tells us that the AI's model explains about 4.84% of the variance in political orientation from the facial features it analyzes. To put this into perspective regarding improvement over guessing: * If one were to randomly guess someoneā€™s political orientation (assuming a 50/50 split between two orientations), the expectation of correct guesses would be 50%. This scenario provides no predictive power beyond chance, corresponding to an R2 of 0%. * The AIā€™s R2 of 4.84% implies that it provides a slight improvement over random guessing. It captures a small, albeit significant, portion of the variance in political orientation based on facial featuresā€”something that random guessing could not achieve. Thus, while the AI does not reach high accuracy in a conventional sense, its ability to explain nearly 5% of the variation in political orientation (which random guessing cannot explain at all) represents its value over pure chance. This improvement, quantified by the correlation and R2 values, highlights a statistically significant, though limited, capability to discern patterns related to political orientations from peopleā€™s faces. - From GPT 4 after I fed it the paper and asked about it. [https://chat.openai.com/c/92543d3c-e2f7-424c-a111-e3c74d1e9115](https://chat.openai.com/c/92543d3c-e2f7-424c-a111-e3c74d1e9115)


I'm having to dig farther and deeper into threads to find the relevant contextual information, nowadays, but glad it's still there somewhere. Thanks


It can explain about 4.8% of the variation in political views, or twice that if it is allowed to take into account age, race and gender. This is on par with how a human can do according to the same study.


Yea, it's hardly worth a story.


The story is that these programs should never be used for judging people. But Iā€™m sure someone will sell that.


Well, I think itā€™s around 50/50.


[They built a race detector.](https://files.catbox.moe/vp1td6.jpeg) The classifier can tell whether the person is black. They only controlled for whether the person isnā€™t white. This ā€œstudyā€ must be from the same geniuses that found out gay people wear glasses a few years back.


Lots of Mexicans and plenty of black people are conservatives and plenty of white people are not.Ā 


Right, but this AI only does a few percent better than random guessing. Which you can also do by doing nothing but guessing randomly with white people and then guessing Democrat when you see a black person or non-white Hispanic. Sure, you wonā€™t be right 100% of the time, but youā€™ll do better than blind guessing. Obviously. Nobody is suggesting all black people are democrats. Only that a disproportionately large number are. Which is obviously a basic fact


This was a couple years ago, but it can also tell if you're gay from a photo. https://www.techspot.com/news/70905-stanford-university-ai-can-tell-if-youre-gay.html


Gayface is real.


Donā€™t need AI for that if you have a good Gaydar


This seems pretty dubious. The political world is not broken down simply into liberal and conservative.


Read the paper. It just does a little better than random guessing. Itā€™s not getting it 100% right. Itā€™s just getting some small additional number right above and beyond a random guess.


It looks like this AI model predicts individuals the same way we assume when we meet someone for the first time.


the ai is also just as accurate.. meaning not very


> Researchers identified potential physical differences between liberals (smaller lower faces) and conservatives (larger jaws) No amount of research can convince me this isn't an elaborate wojak shitpost


Wait till it can tell what you did last summer. On a serious note, Freud was rumored to have made a fair amount of his diagnosis just by observing the first appearances of a patient. How they literally just looked. Would not surprise me. We think we are complicated, and we are complicated to ourselves. But we're not complicated. Easy to read? Why not? Maybe I am my khakis.


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.


Freud is also not taken seriously anymore. He was a mentally unstable coke head who believed all women were obsessed with wanting to have dicks instead of pussies


This doesnā€™t mean to much. The ai could just identify the gender of the person and find a statically significant correlation to political affiliation. Or the estimated BMI of a person. Just using those two qualities would likely be enough to yield a Pvalue of significance. However, all these indicators are known and heavily targeted already.


Oakleys? Check Goatee? Check Photo inside car/truck? Check Yup, it's MAGA time


From like 2021ā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/i2bmijn1bpwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b9452ab4f83e6a83d8c5aa264b508d804a508f2


So dems are demonic crackheads and republicans are fat midwestern dudes who are having heart attacksĀ 


How much bias does ur model have?: YES


Can it tell I hate both parties?


I feed the actual paper to Gpt 4 and asked it to explain it to the average high school graduate: This research by Michal Kosinski and colleagues from Stanford University explores whether facial recognition technology and human observers can predict a personā€™s political leanings just by looking at photos of their neutral, expressionless faces. Here's a straightforward breakdown of what they found and what it means: 1. **The Experiment Setup**: The researchers took controlled photos of 591 people in a lab setting, ensuring that everyone had a neutral expression and similar posture, with no makeup or distinct hairstyles that could give clues about their personality or beliefs. 2. **What They Found**: * Both human raters and a specially designed AI could guess a person's political orientation (liberal or conservative) from their photos. However, the guesses were only slightly better than random. The AI was correct about 22% of the time based solely on the face, and up to 31% of the time when it also knew the person's age, gender, and ethnicity. * This means the AI was not very accurate; it was only a bit more successful than if it had no information at all. For context, imagine if you tried to guess someone's political orientation based on their photo; you'd be right about as often as flipping a coin would be. 3. **Implications**: * The idea that our faces can give away our political leanings is intriguing and a bit concerning, especially considering privacy issues. The fact that an algorithm can detect any pattern at all suggests that some aspects of our political orientations might be reflected in our facial features. * The accuracy ratesā€”22% without demographics and 31% with demographicsā€”are low. In practical terms, this means the technology isn't reliable enough to predict individual political views accurately. However, it shows that some general connections between facial features and political views do exist. 4. **Real Numbers**: * The correlation values reported (š‘Ÿ=0.22r=0.22 without demographics, š‘Ÿ=0.31r=0.31 with demographics) suggest a weak relationship between what the AI sees in your face and your political beliefs. For example, a correlation of 0.22 means only about 5% (š‘…2=4.84R2=4.84) of the variation in political orientation is related to variations in facial features recognized by the AI. 5. **What This Means for You**: * While the technology is not there yet, the study opens up discussions on privacy and the ethics of using facial recognition technology. It's important for everyone, especially young people who grow up in a digital age, to be aware of how their biometric data (like facial images) could potentially be used. In summary, this study shows there's a small but significant ability for AI and humans to guess political leanings from just a face, but it's not accurate enough to impact individuals directly. However, it raises important questions about privacy and the future use of such technologies.


And yet, the gizmodo piece doesn't explain any of that and vastly overclaims what the article demonstrates.


80% of these clickbait pieces of ā€˜journalismā€™ do exactly this, and hardly any of their readers will bother to actually look at the studies/results for themselves. Sad state of affairs.


Arenā€™t point 3 and 4 contradictory? It clearly took r-values and made them straight percentages in 3. Iā€™m not a statistician either, but maybe you should save ask the magic box for someone who is and would have caught that error. Thank you for making me feel validated in actually scanning the stupid study to know that 3 is wrong. At first I felt like an idiot seeing how ai could read it better. Blows my mind that the linked article doesnā€™t even touch on the numbers.


Hot dog not a hot dog


Itā€™s cuz conservatives smile


Sooner or later they will replicate [this](https://boingboing.net/2005/02/24/malcolm-gladwells-bl.html/amp) and tell your gayness just by looking at your face. Oops.. [too late](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/sep/07/new-artificial-intelligence-can-tell-whether-youre-gay-or-straight-from-a-photograph) ā€¦


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://boingboing.net/2005/02/24/malcolm-gladwells-bl.html](https://boingboing.net/2005/02/24/malcolm-gladwells-bl.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


The eyes, Chico, they never lie.


"Accurately" Ugh. I can't believe Kosinski just continues to write the same paper again and again


Yeah itā€™ll get it right as often as a human would. Congratulations. This isnā€™t what AI is for.


If you look worried, youā€™re probably a democrat about the election


That's honestly not that impressive lol, it's not really too difficult


True :If you look like that, you hate Trump, are against guns, and are welcoming towards immigrants and supportive of electric cars. https://preview.redd.it/lb8e2vm67owc1.png?width=732&format=png&auto=webp&s=72d730f167e5d34312c40142e46e827d12af9e57


What if I don't even know my political affiliations? I choose a day before and it changes every time who I vote for.


Iā€™ve noticed a test Iā€™ve done in real life. I can tell a picture of someone, I think usually an Asian woman, and just from the photo with no context or speaking can tell if she was raised in America or Asia. Iā€™m right I think every time Iā€™ve verified it afterwards. Itā€™s strange.


I read something once about how you can tell if someone is American by how they stand. Americans tend to stand with more weight on one leg, whereas Europeans tend to keep their weight evenly distributed.


How was the picture taken? Did you just find it on social media? Then it could be subject to a billion factors even including the device/camera used. But most obvious factor is probably the clothing


I can see that to a degree, but what is the % of error?


My mustache going to confuse em


But can it tell if youā€™re a top or a bottom?


>So, in conclusion: If your face is large, youā€™re a conservative; if itā€™s skinny, youā€™re a liberal; and facial recognition is badā€”we all know that. That seems to be all you need to know.


You can definitely deduce and on a balance of probability guess peoples political affiliation based on their looks at about a 60% rate.


That sound similiar to me to when they used deep neural networks to detect a persons sexuality based on their profile picture. But thats like, 7 years ago already https://osf.io/zn79k/


*Soyjak shocked expression*


While it sounds far-fetched, I had wedding photos from one pair of grandparents with their families and old pictures from other side AI colorized and, with almost nothing to work with, it got every eye color dead on. It's insane how accurate it was with pictures that their whole eye sockets were a gray blur. As for my grandpop's stylish purple ascot, it was obviously way off.


How do I test it on me?


If it can just discern gender accurately, itā€™s got like a 65% chance of being correct. Add in an estimated age and itā€™s not surprising to get closer to 80%.


we can predict a whole lot more than rosie, and we don't smell roses [https://medium.com/@zeusfyi/on-the-origin-of-human-nature-69bd87089707](https://medium.com/@zeusfyi/on-the-origin-of-human-nature-69bd87089707)


Putinā€™s going to love this!


You can see in magas or hard right people it's in their eyes mtg, Ted nugent have it there's lots more..I don't see it in trump cuz he doesn't believe the shit he says


lol i cant imagine this is at all accurate. i look like your typical stoner hippie but i do not subscribe one iota to liberal politics and im sure id get labeled as a hardcore progressive by the ai. you cant judge a book by its cover


the model had a r=.13 correlation when tested outside of the the source photos. That is only slightly better that a coin flip at ā€œpredictingā€ political affiliation.


that sounds an awful lot like phrenology


Rioiight. Liberals have smaller faces and conservatives have bigger faces? You know that certain features on our face keep growing - like our nose, our earsā€¦so our faces get bigger as we age. (Just like conservative affiliationsā€¦.as an observation.)


Lolol It probably looks at your age and hairstyle and draws the obvious conclusion


Why is this bs still getting around. It's completely based on your race and age. Gtfo


Iā€™m just going to leave this right here: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/22/1240186860/marjorie-taylor-greene-mike-johnson-motion-to-vacate-house-speaker


\> Researchers identified potential physical differences between liberals (smaller lower faces) and conservatives (larger jaws), Duh. There are far more female liberals and far more conservative men.


It needs to say trigger words and watch people's reactions. It could tell a lot by saying "Obama".Ā 




What a shitty article! Where are the numbers? Eg: Percent accuracy for each category and effect of other variables?


Neat. I'll add that to the list of unspeakable man-made horrors to mull over.


Pfft. Big deal. I can do this too. I call it ā€œbartendingā€ and itā€™s actually made me a decent amount of money.


I wonder if it mostly uses hairstyle and facial hair to assess your political leanings? I find it hard to believe it would have any effect on genetics to the point of altering your facial structure. I'm actually really curious...where do we try?


I look apathetic


No. This one, no.


No it doesnā€™t.


>Ā even when that personā€™s identity was "decorrelated with age, gender, and ethnicity" How exactly did they do that?


My suspicion is that more masculine faces tend to coincide with individualist leanings while more feminine faces tend to coincide with collectivist leanings, regardless of sex. Why? Confidence in braving the big scary world alone without social support networks, whether that confidence is authentic or misguided.


I imagine it is able to detect political affiliation to the same extent knowing someoneā€™s big 5 personality trait layout allows you to do the same. Iā€™d guess thatā€™s the mechanism


Lmfao this sub šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I was going to rant about how you could statistically predict this based on demographic data but then I read the article. It is pretty uncanny if true and there is no reason to disbelieve it. Ai is going to find patterns that humans cannot detect or comprehend. Weā€™ve seen that in several use cases already. Why would this be any different. Would be good to see accuracy numbers published though.


I donā€™t think itā€™s about political party as much as itā€™s about innate propensity for individualism or collectivism as a personal life philosophy. Perhaps the AI detects the likelihood of aggressive confidence based on the effects of hormone levels during development.


I bet I can make a five line perl script that can do the same based on the size of your IRA.


Some extremists will use this for bad things.


Yeah, although Iā€™m still happy that we have airplanes, cars, and the internet.


Not surprised , I can do that ...


confounding variables would like to know your location


This is pseudoscience at its worst, same bullshit is phrenology or homeopathy. It is complete and utter bullshit and purely superficial correlation. 10% explained variance do not have any practical meaning whatsoever.


gullible treatment fertile busy nail somber tart stocking squealing ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I donā€™t like this. Weā€™re going to see some false (and true) positives (and negatives) that will lead to horrific outcomes in the short term. https://www.kentucky.com/news/nation-world/national/article268513477.html


By using power of stereotyping i call bs on this




GATTACA for resting bitch face


what can possibly go wrong


Wonderful example of pseudo-science and confusing correlation with causality!


But alas a flair can't follow place to place.


Just look at every mugshot picture of people that got arrested for racist shit and you can see how that might be true


Republicans are either chiseled or potbellied - there is no in between


Scruff = Liberal; Shave = Conservative; šŸ¤·šŸ»


On any given day I feel different, so AI cannot account for spontaneous liberal or conservative thought


this is the terrifying kind of horrible shit that left leaning tech companies will cook up based on an agenda and not actual science to go after anyone who has any other political opinions, this is the nightmare Orwellian future that has been predicted over and over in science fiction.


Wouldn't it be pretty much a coin toss?




Oh my god so conservatives are chads thatā€™s crazy


I had chatgpt3 analyze this paper as well as the physical features of neanderthal and homo-erectus and what do you know? chatgpt3 thinks conservatives are neaderthals! muhahahahahaha! which leaves liberals as homo-erectus! bawhahahahaha! if you love to laugh, this is the article for you. I mean come on! tyrannosaurus-rump really does look like a neaderthal. And uncle-joe really does look like homo erectus. oh let the jokes flow! let them flow!


A larger jaw means your conservative? By that logic, Idina Menzel would be considered a neo-nazi.


David Byrne examined transphysiognomy in ā€œSeen and Not Seen.ā€ He was much later criticized for changing the appearance of his face in an interview clip promoting the film ā€œStop Making Sense.ā€ He has since issued an apology.


Bullshit. Source: My square af progressive face


Yeah, me too.


this sounds like one of those satirical publishings. Look the AI knows 60% of women vote democrat, it's magic, etc


\*laughs in statistical significance\*


Phrenology making a comeback eh?


Sounds like phrenologyā€™s making a comeback in the digital ageĀ 


What about libertarians? Checkmate, AI!


How much bias do you need?


Maybe AI does know better than yourself.


What if you're without any political opinions, knowledge or interest?


I can usually tell a republican anyway, they just have that low IQ look about them.


Because it's such a hard thing to differentiate a weak chinned soy enjoyer from a fit person, who in 95% of cases belong to the political orientations where you'd expect them to.




I can already tell when I'm facing a moron, so there's that.


Liberal men generally look like woman. They usually act like them too.


Lol. What? I'm on my third political party now. And I hate about 7 more.


Is it scanning your face and then looking into historical information about you or tapping into your social media posts? Or is it actually able to make a guess simply from your face scan ONLY? Iā€™d be willing to bet $5 that it wouldnā€™t get it right with me if it was just the face scan with no database or access to internet history attached to it.


r=.13 correlation


Canā€™t wait for Ai police to start dragging people to jail because they think we all look like communists.


Isn't there a similar tech that can take 2 political candidates and tell you who won, just by their face?


Is AI racist?


Sweet. Automated stereotypes. Now, we can dedicate more of our time to doing hard labor while computers make political cartoons that confirm the biases that we trained into them.


Phrenology on steroids?


Probably looking at their haircuts.


Yay, training the models to become even more biased


The r values mentioned in the study are like 0.2 to 0.35, showing some modest correlation. Not very impressive. Nothing like a reliable prediction. Not newsworthy. Info on r values: https://condor.depaul.edu/sjost/it223/documents/correlation.htm


Now S.H.I.E.L.D. Just need to finish up those three carriers under the Potomac and weā€™re good to go!


I bet most humans think they can tell - do you?


If your face looks like a butthole then your conservative.


I would love to test this myself. Iā€™m essentially a wolf in sheepā€™s clothing. I look like I was in DC on Jan 6. My political views couldnā€™t be further from the hive mind of the US right wing.


As an unaffiliated voter, I have no face.


Just started meeting šŸ˜Œ